HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-24, Page 1014. PAGES ' ' • Kairshea Vt.L Elects. Oflic.ers tic ear Of Public Service Reviews 'receipts of' $721,00; expeniitures of 632 OQ, with a balance of $89.00. The auditors report was. given • ;by Mrs. Currie Colwell,. who had ibeenassisted by Mrs, (By Mrs. Harvey Houston) Roabert -Gilchrist,, Mrs. Gordomx, Wall was hostess Activity was reported, Ib all dor the ,annual 'meeting 'el the Standing,Committee Conveners; Kairshea Women's Institute at Mrs, , Eldon . Welsh, 'Mrs. Harry the hall. Mrs, •Farish Moffat„ the Levis, Mrs. James Burt, Mrs. President, ,presided,. -assisted 'they Gib Hamilton, Mrs. Lloyd Mac- the Sec.-Treas.,' Mrs. Ira Dickie; Dougall.. The Sunshine .report by Mrs. Alex MacLeod read tih (Mrs Harold %amplbel•1, reported. scripture. The roll • call was pay-. Sending sY+rn'path ' and get well Y a anent of 'Ifees„ and 23 rnemlbers cards' to a goodly nMumber rr joined,. During the business .per throughout the year.' loll . a number of mernbers ex- Mrs. Harvey. Houston ,present pressed their, desire : to go to ed the Public Relations Officer a,ielph. `on the 20th• • of; Jiine to report, From the ' donation rem. aneet the' +president of the Asso- ' port Amin ' Wei. projects, $2:5.00. elated 'Countrywomen, ' of the to the International Scholarship, World, Mrs. '•Geerdo van. Beek- 'F,W.LO., $30.00. was, contributed +hofif, of Holland. ,to. the Officer Conference pool Mrs. Hapvey Houston, leader sing fee to be held at Guelph. in atf the;.Gard+en Club, assisted b June .so the Sec.-Treas. may. at Mrs. Ira , D; rkie r Y , eparted 14. tend this , worthwhile meeting.: anerrnbers taking .,the lstyear $25.00' was used this year Garden 'Club Thn r first ' meet • ponsorin4 4-H clubs Each, year ing, was held on Wednesday, a. $50.00 scholarship s 1t, :arded April . 17th, Eileen Burt ;.and to the • girl` With hi+`st stand Grace a MacDougall,. (who had been. ing ' in Home Economy es at ,bhe the delegates 'to the Bruce Cou'n Lucknow• and -. District High y Folk 'School reported 'a anost School,' interesting ' and profitable ,time The revenue is chiefly from Members 'were reminded--, to our Calico.: Ball and .th'e St,• Are: take two pies to the 'Calico Ball. drew's Ball;, The , Instit _ u••te• was The annual reports were receiv- pleased to +be able. to .'turn: over ed, Mrs. Ira Deckle :presented, ,to the• Artificial Ice r .1`00:00 from the treasurer's• statement with` a. special,dance; 'The 'members. r LUclavow sErrrllv'EL, Luc NOW. oNARio 'r !.u..:■•auuaa■11 a■•■•u: mu aa..'..■ ■. e. I , ' ROOFING and SIDING.E. Thaf Lasts and Protects "• .. . • WE RECOMM• END-.• R1BBE� ROOFING • GIVES A C0117PI.ETELY.. WEATHERPROOF JOB is :m •�. " LVANJZED. ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ALSO 1 x 4" STRAPPING on i' ` SPIRAL /LEAD HEAD ' NAILS` rk We ' Will 'Gladly . ` Give You A Free Estimate. Either For ..The : Roofing. Alone, Or For The ` Job Complete. • • canvassedfor the Bed Cross. The grand total fon many educa- tional projects was $214.96, During the program 'Mrs.. Alex MacLeod gave a' reading, Miss Graee MecDoegal a, piano Selec- tion and Miss Eileen Burt an .ac=' Gordian number,. which 'were all much ehj oyed, As • a ,follow up of a course in copper tooling the fall, Mrs Donald . MacKinnon. was •+in charge of classes when the ladies ,wished to do. more copper ;tooling, As an expres- sion of • ,ap'preciation • from ,this group, Mrs, Allister Hughes •.pre- sented Mrs; MacKinnon with a gift, Mrs. Houston presented a gift to. 'Mee. Farish Moffat, the retiring president, who has wbeen. living in Wir +gharn for , some, time. Mrs, 'Wm;, Haiden:by • gave. The courtesy remarks, ' Mrs, Cliff Roulston, a past president 'of the branch, presided 'foe the eleotiora .,and conducted the ,installation of Officers..' Mrs. .Harry . Lavis presented the slate of officers which was. accepted: President, Mrs. .Frank Mac,Ken ie, 1st Vice -Pres.;: Mrs. Ted .Coliyer;: N2nd Vice -Pres., • Mrs.. Lloyd •MacDqu. gal; . Sec.-Treas., Mrs; Ira Dickie;' Assist. Sec., Mrs. ,Evan Keith; District. Direc- tor, 'Mrs. (Farish 'Moffat; Alter- nate District Director, Mrs.: Don-- ald+MacKinnon; P•ubl'i,c.Relations Officer,, :Mrs. Cliff Roulston;, Auditors, Mrs. • Currie Colwell, Mrs. '• Robert Gilchrist; Curator• of Tweedsxnuir History; Mrs. Al- lister: Hughes; . Pianist, Mrs. Har•- vey, Houston,' .' Assist. ' Pianist, Mrs. Virden Mowbray. ; 'Institute Directors, Mrs. ..Har-, vey :Houston, Mrs. Fred Gilchrist,. Mrs. .William Haldenby,. Mrs:. Currie '.Colwell; Sunshine ' .Com rnPittee, Mrs. Virden Mowbray, Mrs.' Harold ' Campbell. Standing Committee ; •Conveners. Agricu1- ture and - Canadian ; Industries,:. Mrs. Eldon Welsh; Historical Re-. search and Current Events, Mrs. Harry Levis; Home Economics and•' Health, -.Mrs. James ' Burt; Resolutions; Mrs:. Gib Hamiltar ; ,Citizenship; and .Education,. Mrs. 'Lloyd 'MacDougall.Cultural Acti- vities, Mrs. Gordon Wall.. Because '`WFSTEEL" i Sheets. Give A Fulf i... 314, 2, inch •Coverage ■ You Can Actually :. Save One "Square Or More ■ On A Large,. Barn. Lengths Ing Stock 6 ft :to 2 f t.. 'Available Lengths ,Up :To •30 ft. ■ 11 '. -■ • ■ . a •• •a ■ .• a ■ :■ • ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ •a▪ ` ■ •.. .■ •■ ■ . • ■ ■ • . �•i1 a. fresh Cement In Stock NO 'OBLIGATION • ■ ■ ■ PSBURGH.PAINTS Canada -Wide' PAINT SALE Save up to $3.35 per gallon Number One Inside Paint 1 ».. ,. 111 44,4P4•01,44,0:41,00~#41N114.444,400.0.04440"04Vd4,04.004t4N004'####.`01 ■ Oh 11 WOO' Henderson Lumber. Ltd." Lucknow 1 .•' % • Phone 528`, 18� ... . • Agricultural Society Minstrel Show, Wednesday, May 1 a • " iii■aa■■ossa a■■aa■■Iia■ains aeaaismanainsim iaNeaaei Bain. l.Mac ono d: Died_Suddeniy Death. came.suddenly to: James 'Rijn 'Macdonald :on 'Friday, April 19th, at . his 'farm' 'home: in .Ash_. field. Township. Mr. Macdonald had returned: to :the' fare a ;feiw 'days previously, with his . sen- in-law, on-in :law, .Geoffrey Lund-GTeigen, who was studying for his final: examinations in theology.: Mr.. , .Macdonald suffered s heart attack: ,while at. the farm; and :passed away very' suddenly:. He :'had suffered other seizures during the • ,past year •but •had been 'in fair health the !past few months Which ..he ''spent in. God- erieh: Bain 'was 'born at, ,Kintail 73 years ago; on, October' 13th, 1889, the second; son of 'Donald (Dan) • ,and .Elizabeth Macdonald, and with the exception of five' years in Sarnia, spent ,his 'life in 'bhe Kintail .comm -unity, In 1923 :he .married Martha Longley, at ' Battle Greek, .Michirgen., Mrs. Macdona•id died in • 1950• • He is survived (by ;three daugh- ters .Betty, Mrs. Nelson 'Dorsch; of .New Hamburg; Flora. Edna, Mrs. 'Ross 'Thompson of Tillson- burg and Jean Anne;•, Mrs.. Geo- ffrey Lund Teigen• of Waterloo; eight :grardchil•dren and • one r ' Bride Honored At PreN uptial Everts Miss • Jessie McCharles, .,bride= elect,, • *'ell •know,,n, in. the Luck - now district, was honored with: a personal shower . at the. 'home of Bette' MacLeod. A 'number of the guests presented readings & conducted „interesting ;'contests' to' the 'entertainment of all,. Jessie graciously expressed, her' thanks for the unusual shower• and the ,rnany beautiful gifts; She invited all ',present ,to vistit' 'her in her new home • at, Tiverton. A .eemm•unjty shower for J'es- sie iMoCharles,,•+bide elect, was ',held in • Knox Chueel) activity centre at Ripley, on, Tuesday af- ternoon of . last Week, The .caps- city •;of, .building was taxed to the limit, 'testifying' to the 'high esteem . in •twwhicti Jessie is held Eby • everyone. Mrs.' 'Donnie Mc Donald was chairlady : for the varied musical ' .program. Mrs• WED IV'F�, .DAY, A4PRLL• ;*4, l Walter Culbert read the addre Jessie 'had lots of assistan from the younger irneMbers of t crowd in opening :her. igits,' 't names were read 'by Mrs, Isdl Gaunt,. Mrs, -Peggy Icehar1 and 'Mrs, McDonald,' The community . giftinelud a coffee table, large plate gio Mirror, electric teakettle, sc< ter rug, and cornflower ,crysl cream and .sugar on •tray al vase, The. individual gifts 'we far too, numerous to list; . Jes said she, was overvy.helnied un,wbl'e;to adequately eopress.h thanks and hoped everyo. .would • understand. Many of those -,present accef 'ed her invitation' to sed trousseau 'and gifts on : displ; at' Mrs, R. . (McTavish'$, Mi Noreen: M'eOharies and Mrs, ':Is bel. Gaunt did the honours ,thei A word. of praise ,,must .'tie sa for . the girls` who Served,' tl lunch so 'well and without mi hap in 'spite of the . extreme crowded. 'conditions. too•••••••••••••(•u••i••••••••i.ia••e•••a••••.••i CREST * HARDWAR • •, •. • • ••i . •., Our Greatest � Event Ye5ir•Of•The i' •. •. • • •• • • • Y will be 'receiving one of..:our' sale bills :.in • the mail listing `dozens ' and dozens : ofbargains you • cannot affordto miss. • Here's ,a. few • • FARM CREST ' 'WHEELBARROW • For horde, garden,..or. farm. i FERTILIZER SPREADER • i. 16" and 20" • GOLF SET, Wright and Ditson Tru-Flite .'<. $38.88. • Seven . pieces, ..a ` $49.95 value. JUBILEE -4 -CYCLE -POWER MOW ER_ .. $59.95 • : 20",. a real buy ZENITH ,4 • CYCLE POWER MOWER 66.95 • • 20",:': a deluxe model • ROTARY TILLER NORTHERNKING :.. .;: $99.95 • Vertical: model • • ROTARY TILLER, ZENITH :'VERTICAL ; ` $142.95 .' . • Heavy duty • • LAWN FENCE $1.59 value ' for99c • Folding green- all. metal •: SIX .FOOT ,ROSE 'TRELLIS , : • • LEtSIAL FRIDAY it..'SATURDAY • -and ALL NEXT WEEK 11.49 5.88. and $7788 • • $1.33 • • 'CORONADO . FREEZER $214.$9•: I, ••• 15 . cubic foot • CORONA'DOVAfCUUM •CLEANER: $49..$5• , .' Low ' priced • REFRIGERATOR -FREEZER,. Coronado . $259.95: CORONADO 'WASHER495 -1 • With pump and timer, i 1 • • 0 :. Biggest VOlties Ever • .. •'•'. GARDEN TOOLS, BARBECUES, BICYCLE '.i, ' • CHILDREN'S GYM SETS, . BALL,AND FISHING ' • EQUIPMENT' • i `sister,:Miss Annie May Mac- s donald of Hamilton.: ; ' • ' ; i iii •• The funeral service,,was ,held Monday .iin the, Johnstone Fu'n-, • eral Horne', Lucknow; with in- termerit :.in Kintail cemetery, Pallbearers werdeBruce MacDon- ald,. Bob Simpson, David iMac- Donald, Finlay ,11/lacDonald, Dr. George Elliott, and Earl ' Howes Bain was• a' ';friendly man who will Abe. missed +by a wide..circle of friends. Possessed of a eJ ` tentive ..memory;• he vas • a source of information, not only of happenings of his own life time, but also those of .the,,pre--- ceeding generation, ' He Was predeceased 'brother Harry Macdonald, ' Is Your Subscription Renewed? Dont Miss the' Agricultural Society Minstrel Show on 1 s May lst. Tickets available at Lucknow stores and i •"•rural' stores in the district or from Agricultural Society..a •`. gr i 2 directors:• • V • o e IT'S YOUR' CREST .HARDWARE FOR. SPRING w i • . •• 41 4 Webster I.MacKinnon .43 • ,YOUR LOCAL CREST HARDWARE, z o • ' Lknow N Lucknow Phone 5' 2�8.i300.6' . 4: Agricultural' S`May.1 •' ociety Minstrel Show� Wednesday, �Malr •4• ••••••••••••••••••••••■00 •.••••a••oaa.l•a .,