HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-24, Page 5..a
1,,V7,.DIYI7SDAY, APRIL 24, 1963. TH•
gis•••••1•■A■r■1A•••••••••iw■■■••■ill■■■•••®•A•••/! 4 '
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CULROSSCORNERS_Tha. •• aMonday; Arilh•
e,-Saewar fleceve
trr^•ord: last`week plat 'Martin •Nel
adn. had passed away at . Engle
Congratulatiops . •to •.1VIr. . a'nd> :hart. Ile was a,. 'freq-u;ent visito'.�I
l �`�.
• Mrs:, Z,oyd. Husk l n, ee F1l:c;e .Hal:- ;at " S:tewarts� and well known �to, l
..denby),; Kinloss, or •the' 'birth 'of: man.' : in the;ommurtity,
a' son. `in Kincardan-llospital on,'•, . Y •'•
• • • • Jackie a'nd;J•immy':Hanna pent,
" the school. ••h•oliday .week with
their aunt and. 'uncle, Mr. •'and•
'Mrs.. M, 'Belli T9ronto. •
Hackett's U.C.W. .Thankoffering'
"Lovest Thou Me" was; the
theme 'of the Easter Thankaffer
ing held at Hacketts United
Church on April 18 with ladies
present 4.fr9ni Lucknow, • St; Hel-
ens, Dungannon,. Zion and
Slakes. The president, Mrs. Alex
Hackett announced the opening.
exercises followed Iby a fitting'
Easter selection 'by the Craigs of
Auburn. Mrs. Ken .Alton, read the
first scripturefrom Romans ..10,•
and. Mrs.Cliff Menary :read '• the,
second +from -John 21,. ?follawed-;
with prayer .iby Mrs. Ken 'Alton,
The.'offering. twas °,received .and
words 'of. .'welcome expressed..
Mrs. ''Bert Alton lel in prayer.
'Rev. Kaiser introduced .the -guest
speaker, 'Miss Jean Bridgeman,
missionary on furlouigh •from
Indore, Central. India, +wto 'tea-
ches in the .Girls' Christian High
School, IShe chose as ;her theme
"The Challenge of India" •ex-
plaining .clearly ,.the great ipav
erty of most of .the people living
in mud huts; the difficulties. of
the - caste -system; the obstacles
of their work with th„ many +dif-
ferent religions. •ancultures,..
but `,still the '• •great.:•reward of
'knowing that , soaneone . !will . be.
won for Christ. She' asked -'only
for our. Prayers to take `'back
with.•her. 'The Craigs favoured
with their' second selection.: Mrs.
Bert• • Alt.on thanked her -for such'
an informative talk .Rev. Kaiser
closed the meeting with. the ;bene-
diction ' and, a social • half-hour
Was '.enjoy.ed, •
. ..
On 'Monday' evening the Kin -
.loss BbyScouts•: held a, success-
ful Benefit Dance in ,Holyrood
Hall in' aid of !:Mr: and .Mrs, Alex
!Percy "who lost their home• • :by
fire. • •
..Miss ,Sharon Stanley `spent East.
u eek. in Tbront.o with Mr',' and
Ars. Dan ;Tollefson.
Miss :Ellen McBri-de, „ Cooks=
Ville,/ Spent. a.'couple of clays last'.
week. with Mrs. 'Fr -ink :Brawn
and Reg,
Mr..' and "Mrs: :Gerald Stewart
arid: Mr, and Mrs.: Gordon Mc-.
W�hinney.and. Donna, Kinc,arthne
..were Sunday visitors :°with• Mr.
and Mrs.. Tom Stewart., and:+boys.
.Mrs. Frank Brawn and Reg'
visited-• .Sunday evening ..witll
'Mr. "and Mrs'. Harvey,' Niehblson
arid family,` • Bervie. •..
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President of••Harnitton Conference.
'Addressed. Easter Thankofferirig
An -Easter • Thankoffering' ser-
vice •wa5 held in. Lucknow Unit-
ed Church ori Tuesday evening,
April 16•th.' This service Was re
garded. as a spial . occasion and
eight °'neighbouring societies;' in-
c1+u'din Whitec'hurc'h, Sr. Helens,
Blakes • Hacketts, . Zion, Ripley,,
Olivet rid Pine •Riiver> were in-
vited ' to attend, Mrs.' H. Strapp
and Mrs. A. A.E. '1VIcKim :Were • the
wel;ccfine committee, Mrs.: Phis..
Webster and MT's. W. B: Ander-
son 'were' in charge of registra
.t'ion and Mrs. G. •Saunde .•s', Mrs.'
H Treleaven, Mrs A: McNay &
Mrs; W; Henderson did the ..ush.-
•ering..,•Th:e president, Mrs Keri
Cameron, . opene'd the meeting"
With words-•• of , welcome .., to.''all
,present. : • The • devotions• .• were
,conducted ;by Mrs. -C.' Thompson
and Mrs;;E. Hall, the theme be,''
ing the awakening of Spring.'
The :hymn ."God: Calling .Yet",
sung '+by•'Mrs. i . Ackert, Mrs. J.
MacTavish, Mrs'.. H .Webster,
Mrs, C. Crawford; Mrs, E. Lewis;
:Mrs. • G -'M,acDiarniid, . Mrs. H.
Houston. arid Mrs J. • Hall • was
much: enjoyed. Mrs.• J. V. Joynt.
introduced the .guest. speaker,
;AP's.. • P. 'Chalmers. ••. ,of Niagara
Falls, President of Hamilton
Conference United •Oltiu•bch. Wom-
:en;' Mrs. Joynt referred to• Mrs:
Chalmers as a .,davg titer. of the
parsonage •and lady of mariy•
•fine : talents. .. ,.
• Mrs, Chalmers used the Poem'
"The Calf, ..,Path," - .to illustrate
our inclination to ,follow . did
ways' and so get into a ,deep rut'
but the new `ULiC:W. organiza-
tion is a ;break -away to change
and- advancement .Tri :. chinch
wgrk. In 1936 •the first Woman
was admitted in .the United
•Church Ministry' in: Canada.
Now there are 35 'ordained' •two,
men Ministers.' Women " are now
eligiibletor every. court " of the.
church. Today•'there is :'opened
up for Women; a +pat'h of unl•iini-
ited service .with ' the chief aim
tc • do the . will of God 'and speak
the word . Mrs. V. Hunter thank-
ed .the• speaker for her very fine
address.• ,This was. followed by.
beautiful violin selections: by
,MrS. J. Irwin of ;,Belfast aecom-
panied by . Mrs, G. 1Vlontgomery,.
Following , the program a sacial.
hour was : enjoyed in the SLinY
day School roonn-- where the
Social 'functions' , committee as,
sistecV by tmem,bers of Group 4
served a, dainty, lunch, The sup-
ply committee tinder direction.
of Mrs. 'McKim had 'a very fine.
display orf sewing,• knitted arti-
cles, quilts and toys made' and
donated by the irrienibers „of the
units for 'relief work.
At Luncheon ...
Mrs,'P. ,Guest Chainiers, ' Niagara
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•Falls, •wasguest of honour at a Joy •--=` J '"standing., for Jesus, O
noon luncheon` given .Iby:. Mrs •• K:. for . Others and • Y.' for 'yourself
Cameron ' prior to .h departure, Mrs., N•ornian Taylor . thanked •
. .on, Wednesday A p r.il .. : ix Mr MacArthur for �her'firie mes=
y,. p � � s . c
teen 'memibers of U.C.WW:" Exeou- 'sage !&••she•iwaspresented +with. a
, e . l �_'`' i t . . rw d ' a .e,
live :were', gu s�ts also. X01 0� . gift, Mrs: Maude She oo gave,
ing • the deaiciOus buffet meal an the, Offertory; .prayer. rMrs.' Pol-
•opportunity was • given -,to • chat lock gave 4reading "Make .Me
. With. Mrs. Chalmers :and' .ask . 'Kind.". The meeting ' closed with
questions aibou,t the organization an 'Easter .hyrrrn and .prayer .`:by
on. which :Mrs:. ,Ohalmers. has/ a . Mrs: ,Pollock. A' ,delicious, lunch
fund ofpractical knowledge: was served by: the. lunch conn-
While , in Lucknow, Mr. .and niittee,
Mrs. Chalmers ' were.. . overnight
guests of Rev:. H. W. :and ‘Mrs.
' Strapp i
ucknow Presbyterian
W.M.S: ' Easter ., Thankoffering
Mei n1 ers, of the _'WAVl.S. and
Evening •Auxiliary joined. for'the
Easter T•hankoffer.ing ' held in
the Church on Tuesday .evening,
A,pril.. 16.th.. .Mrs jack ' Pollock;
.the Prsident.' of the ;EEening'
Auxiliary ,was in the: chair. The
meeting opened 4with. an Easter
:poem enti led "Only' Borrowed".
recited by 'Miss Gladys, MacDon-
•ald Mrs.: Otto Petersen +gave.the
Scripture ' `',reading. :The :Bible
Study, • ,an Easter Message;, was'
given by Mrs.. Rod. MacLeod fol-
lowed with 'prayer
ollowed;.with,'prayer by Mrs. 'Jack
MacDonald. 'Mrs. ' Pollock • intro-
duced -the guest ;sspeaker, Miss
Lily MacArthur of ' • ,Goderich, a
former 'Dean of • Ewart • College
Deaconess Training • .School :of
Toronto, Miss, '.1VlacArt?hu•r : gave.
a very' interesting ' and inspira-
tional talk dealing 'with the; three
great festivals of the year, •Chris,.
tunas, Easter and Thanksgiving.
1 The true Meaning of Easter', .is.,
Bridal Shower
Meld At Hacketts
.A. tbridal shoower was' held, at
Hackett's United Church - ' on •
Wednesday ..,evening iri `honour
of B.et•ty .Alton ','by • Belfast School
Section and Ha.eketil.• ladies.
'The -basement was • decorated
witch pink and white 'streamers
and. •.pink bells.. 'The- ]bride -.to -be,
was escorted to her chair by ,Ther
sister Marjorie. Alton 'of_zWinig
ham, •while Mrs: Blake. :Alton..
played l "fere •Comes the Bride:''
Mrs. Ken Alton ,fav:ored with a
solo; and . `Mrs. Bert Alton gave
a ';humorous'. reading. IVlrs.. Jim •
Nelson and Mrs. Lorne Hackett
conducted contest$. "Best Wishes"
were read, ' to • Betty by Mrs
Chester 'Hackett 'and two cous-
ins of the bride, Mary Ann Al-
ton, and Nancy .Ritchie, pulled a
decorated wagon full of gifts to. * _
cher. Betty graciousl•y thanked• ev,
eryone and invited them 'to see
her .trouseau. A. social hour. was .
then :enjoyed: .
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