HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-24, Page 2t.
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To /l.ga in-S'porror
Minor Bali
The ques on . of Minor 'iball
*as briefly discussed at the
bions, meeting on Monday. The.
Club, approved .,of . •.sponsoring
the same ,teams as' Mast year, .and,
left the matter .with the Sports
'committee •
The • Club was asked ,by..the
Agricultural Society- ' if they
would consider sponsoring the
tractor club : at • the Mair' and this
was referred .,to the Agricultural
Mrs. Jack Ir.in favored with
• violin selections, accorn+panied 'kw
der mother, Mrs , Allan: Reed..
Mrs. Lloyd Ashton 'acted ''as
;pianist in the 'absence of Mrs'.
'Ross Cummings. •
Harvey Webster, introduced as'
,his • guest, •. Clarence Bell . of
• Cleveland. •
Fred. Pierce •awon. thelucky tic-
ket pyrize...
The Club• decided not to offer
any financial assistance in''aend
ng he, Atwood -l. uekno v Band
to the Cornwall 'convention. next
;month,' but rather lite plan to `go
"all •out" ; •,for the convention at
Kitchener next year.
McKIM' — At .the • Wingham and
• District Hosipital on ;Monday,.
April .15th, . to Dr.: and Mrs.. , Jack
MoKira,of •Lucknow, a daughter,
Lori ;'Margaret.
•1vic1N TIS •In Wingham; Gen -
a1 Hospital on Sunday, • April
21st, to Mr: and . Mrs. Dan
Innis: of H.R. .1, • • Holyrood, a
•a'sister for Bobby &
HH!ALDENBY M•r,: and Mrs,
Glen Haldeniby .are happy oto
.pounce the ' • arrival of their:
• . 'daurghter; Lea . Anne :Christine in
Wingham General .Hospital ''arts
Aril 1,Oth,'The first granddaugh-
ter .tor Mr. and Mrs. A. Percy:
'NICH+OLSQN • At: Wingham
General Hospital, ' on Thursday,
April llth, 19163, to Mr.. and Mts.
Kenneth 'Nicholson, Lu. ckrow a
daughter. • �^
'• Gt•$SON-At Whigham ,General
• Hospital, .on ` : Monday, Aipril`"15th,
•1963,' to Mr, and Mrs: William
.Gibson, Lucknow, a daughter.,
Kintail'.t institute
Names Offices_•
'The annual meeting of Einr
tail. Institute was 'held, in: ,the
Comjmunity•;Hall. Mrs. Bob. Par-
rish took the chair in the 'ab-
sence of the •president, Mrs.
George 1Vloncrief. The ' roll call
was answered with payment 'ot
fees and•. why I" joined .the Insti-
• Reports of all standing coni-
amittees were. given. The secre-
tary-, gave- .the financial report..
Mrs. Dave MacMurchy was ap-•
pointed delegate to 'the District
Annual, Jane •1Moncrief favoured
with, a piano solo.,
Mrs, Dave MacDonald gave the
current 'events, The. ,nominating
committee ibrotight in the 'slate"
of officers:
President, Mrs, Geo, M-oncrief;:
st Vice, Mrs: Bert Alton; 2nd.
Vice,` ;Mrs.. •• Bob Farrish; Secy.
Treas., Mrs. 1tay. Dalton; District
•Director, Mrs. Stewart MacLen
nan Auditors, Mrs; Bila Mac-
Donald,. Mrs. ,'Bill ••Johnston::'
Jimmy Ainsley ' `of Taranto
'spent the. • Easter holidays With;
his grandparents, Mr. .and Mrs.
Frank Maac•.Lennan::.
Mrs; Elizabeth,- Cook returned.
home .from Winghar ... hospital
''but ;Mrs. William Ross • .is still'
'a patient .in. Wingham Hospital,
• •.Thursday evening :Was - the
annual ":family night" at Ash-
field '•Presbyterian Church,., The.
C:G.1.T,, �C,.O.C.:c+hildren and ,ah•
other groupspresented numbers
on the Lunch was serv-
ed 'by the "'W:M.S. +members' and
a social evening enjoyed 'by all.
- Akr Parney of .Ridgetown vis-
ited Mr.: and Mrs Lorne Luther
Miss :Margaret MaeLeod of,'T o
ronto. spent ,the. week'. at her
home here;' . •.
. Miss Audrey'. Ross of London.
visited at; cher ha,. a here ' `tduririg
..the past• Week 'an visited wiiith.
her•amothet in Wingh ' �ospitah
• Congratulations: are in order' to
Mr. Herib Ensign who celebrated
his SOth ''birthday on ,Monday:
Herib ' still 'farms • and ` is ;busy,
preparing for the spring seeding.
Lasting Beauty ' . . Inside and Outside
• Goes on -quickly with brush, roller or spray,
: :Painting tools clean in soapy. water
• Dries dust -free' in one. hour
• Resists acid, grease,. oil and gasoline.
Perfect for
. • Patio
Garage M
p'. Lound '
• Breezeway
''' Porch
Special` Scale
Beat 'quality paint
,; •
wide ' range 'of colors
Buy one quart sand get one quart free
Good to the extent of present stock
Lucknow Phone 528-2906,
Agricultural Society Minstrel Show, Wednesday, May 1
Eh.. t. 4-11 Club (tficers .
The first 4-H Meeting was held
in ,the Kinlough School,One
election of officers resulted as.
follows: President,. Sharon Stan-
ley;. Vice :President, Joan Percy;
Secretary, • Eleanor Hodgins;
Press. Reporter, Gertrude .Van
;Beers. The President ,opened „the
meeting 'with the 4-H +pledge,
There are thirteen members and.
the .leaders are 'Mrs; Alex 'Percy,
and ' her assistant, 'Mrs. Harold
Halderiby. ,Everybody 'ans'wered
the rollcall which was, "Why I
Plan. to Grow a Garden." The.
'next .roll: call will be`'"How My
Garden _ Grows, The nextmeet-
ing' will ibe. May: 13,th;' at . 7:30
in the KinlowghSchool and, the
members are: to consider names
for (the club.
Mr., and' -Mrs; ''Roy .'S:hneller
and Jimmy visited on Sunday
;with Mr.,. and Mrs, Elgitt Hogg
and Sandra at Wingham: Betty
Sc•hneller who has 'been holiday-
"Wig there returned .horne.
.� Mr, and' • Mrs. William Lloyd
of •London, Mrs. • Ivan. Loyd,. Bil-
ly, ,Mary and Blake o1 Kinear-
dine visited on; Sunday witch ' Ed-
na. and: May Boyle.
114'rs William Cox has ' iljeen_
spending awhile with. Mr. and
Mrs. John "Scott and :boys' at.
Mr. and Mrs: Harold T-ialden
by and family, ,Mr. and Mrs Wal
.ter tBrecltles and boys visited on
Sundaywith Mr. arid Mrs.. Ar-
thur Breckles ;who returned . tins
week after spending the winter
' Florida '
Congratulations • to •IMr. and
Mrs. Dan McInnes on the birth.
of '.a daughter on Sunday, April
On Monday evening the Boy 21st at Wingham :Hosipital.
Scouts sponsored a dance `in the On Monday, Apri1,15th `,t' ie ,,%a
.Holyrood iHa11 to help 1V Lr, and. mi.ly of Mr. and :Mrs; : Malcolm
Mrs..A1e5c ',Percy, ;who • lost their Lane held '•a surprise party to
home . by fire a 'few' weeks .ago.mark • their, 40th wedding . onn'i
Local talent swppled the . music versary; Mr, and • Mrs•, Everett
for 'dancing and they were pre- Lane and. 'family ' of :Chatham,
sented with a generous gift of Mr: „and Mrs, Campbell Brown
money: :and family' .of. Watford and Mr.'
.'Miss Joyce, Allen of . ListowelJohn Lane .of Port Elgin were
Spent the holidays with, "Mr. & all 'present for the occasion.
Mrs:. Russell Hewitt. Mics T. W. 'Colwell attended:
Mr. Felson ''Websier of Wind a .family ,dinner as the' home of
sor 'wines' a recent ''visitor with
Mr. and Mrs, Walter' Forster on
Mr J, '1Z,, Lane, Mr.' and +Mrs . Sunday . with ;26; members •pre-
The . Anglican Service . was ta-
ken, toy Mr, Eldon Cooper on
Sunday• • last, 'owing ' to ,the 111-
ness of the Revs Canon R. W.•
was given by • ;Mrs. Bert Nichol- IN 'TORONTO', •TlUESDAht
Son. Mrs. Stump :was as • the, guest
spe:afer and r .talk on . The death. of•Jack Garniss oc-
:based hhe
the, whole church life, :: which curred• in , Toronto late Tuesday
consisted of 1Pray..er, Learning, afternoon • a • few hours.' after
Work ' and Graving with Member-, taking 'ill that morning., tie' was:
Stewardship sand.,. Partici- 76.•
nation. She associated, these Mr, •'Garniss will be` : remezn.
things With the, work which`:she tiered as having been employed
and her, IhuShand had 'done. for here as a butcher for some
over 3p' years' a mission at time, leaving Lucknow in 1936.
White ,Fish` .Falls''. Mrs. James •` 'Following ',service in 'Tonto,:
Hodgins' . ':expressed ' thanks to the remains. will be brought to
Mrs. Stunifor ...the ;very' ,fine the Currie •.Funeral }lamein
ge she had ; given: ; •Mrs, Wingham on Thursday, 'where`
Bert Nicholson:. 'also :expressed service' will-'. be :,held 'on • Friday
thanks from the Evening Work at '^2:00 ,p m. ' •Interment will .be
ers who were ;guests.' `pother tak-. in ::Brandon ,Cemetery at Bel-
ing ,part :in 'the ,pregram were grave
J.. W•Colwell,•.Mrs. ,Russell
Hewitt, • Mrs. Midford Wall The Is Your Subscription Renewed.?`:
Frank ';Maulden and Keith..
The W,A: met on Tuesday at,
the home. of Mrs. Russell Hewitt..
The vice-president, Mrs; Jim
Smith was • in the 'chair.,Mrs.
Tom Hodgins read . the scripture;
which was followed. ; by the
'prayers.,The Easter meditation
rne,e.ting 'Was . closed with : a ':pray- . •
er for the. sick and the WA: :Lit-
•any; Mrs. Tomb •Hodgins gave the
• courtesy :remarks and a ;delicious
lunch wvas served !!
Mrs William E: 1•taldenby, I
wihohas been' a patient in, Wing
ham • Hospital. for over five
weeks returned home on Friday..
Mr: Ralph' I-laldenby of 'Port
Credit spent 'the holidays with,
his ';parents,' Mr,.. .arid Mrs. Wm..
E. Haldenby. ^:
Mts. Glen , Haldeniby, (nee Erl-
rna Jean Percy), and 'baby daugh-
. returned , hbrne.: from Wing-
ham Hospital:.
Mrs: Clare .:Sparling And
-of Walkerton" visited oniday
.with Mr.. and •Mrs.' George, Hal
Congratlations to Mr,',Nand
Mrs: Lloyd Hush :(nee Alice H. al
denby). on the birth of a 'son al
Kincardine Hospital. ori Monday.
Mr, and Mrs., T.' • Miller all
Pe.tawavya, • • .Mrs: Habkirk and,
,girls of Aylmer, 'Mrs.' Campbell,
and .:twins 'Of .` "Kincardine and'
Mary Anne and .;Bob .McEwan
of Westford, visited with Mrs,
John 'Bushell •
Mrs, 'John Bushhell, ,Mr. and.
Mrs. Don . Bushell ,and ,• ,family,
Visited ori Sunday with Mr.'' &
Mrs. Herman Fisher
and family
at ' BenmIller,
Misses Margaret and Marilyn
Bushell• . were recentvisitors
with their grandmother, Mrs.•
John Bushell,
Mics. Marjorie Armstrong and
Mrs. Shillington• of. • Brantford,
Janet and Shirley Bushell vis-
ited during the week`s„with Mr.
and Mrs. James M. Hodgins.
Brian ' and Joan Percy visited'
with M'r. and .r:VMrs. Morley Bush-
ell and _family,'
A family. gathering was, held
on Sunday before Mr. ,and Mrs.
George Haldenby leave, for their
surnmer work with, the Standard
Paving. Comupany. • • They, will
leave . for Ottawa on :Thursday.
THE L10N is the King of :Beast'
and stalks his prey with little
fear of Attack'from. Other.,animals:
But. when old age coniesthe
lion falters. He is, King. of
Beasts no longer. The other
animaislose their fear of him
and ties is attacked and destroyed.:
fortunately men -and : women, uniiks
the, lien, can have a happy old age—
. if they.prepare for it. The best way. to
prepare: .for it. financially; 'is through, a
Sun. Life retirement.income •lic Let
me tell you how.
B:R,• `2,
Ktn h a
sham 7
V., •
You may already be a winner, In the C4 -L Paints "Master
'piece' Lucky'Number Contest1 Your number is in the April
issue ot;the Reader's Di/poise bring In your copy and chick
thi number against our master 1 st of sinners. If you don't'
have a copy:of the DIg.sto come in anyway'' and find out .
how hi yet your ".Masterpieces' 'booklet and a :chance at
$30,000 '1n prim. Hurry.
Wallpaper Decort(tjng Supplies - - C -I- Pain
Lucknow Phone 528-3434
Agricultural Society Minstrel Show;` Wednesday; May.