HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-24, Page 1die
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► Tear In Advance.
1.00 Extra To U.S.A.
• Single Copy lOc 12 Pages
Cin os Townsl Youthh
p Ifllured. In
TractorAccident i . On Monday Evening
• Bob • an'butt, 15,Year-old son' of Bob enough to drag . ". him
of Percy Garbutt and the late clear Be was limp and ibiue,
Mrs, Garbutt, 'had a • narrow 'es-- .d their, first" im res cion -
p s. 'was
cape from being •fatally injured that he 'was -dead. Mr..; and Mrs.
when ". the tractor . flipped over Dawson rushed, the `unconscious
• on ;him, ';horn about 6 30 o'clock' Mon- lad to Lucknow, He
Was taken
day evening
•• to Winghamhospital and..froxn•.
The accident happened ;on the ,there to London.A7 • •
Second Concession of Kinloss,. in He suffered, a broken. leg and
• front of ' the farm of Huntley ipossible ;chest and other .inter-
in.ter-. • Dawson. Only the :fact that, Mr. nal injuries. No ..definite report.
and Mrs. Dawson's. • 7year-old was available at 'press time on
son Addinsaw the accident Tuesday;
• 'happen; saved the : youth's ' .life. Father In Hospital
The'�tractor turned over with` ''Mr, •G"arbutt is .a ,patient in
`its wheels in the 'air, With. the Westminster ,hospital,
s at lain Bob' in the 'London
seat pining g b soft sod *here he `'recently. underwent
;'on the. roadside,' Addin ran to surgery. Bob 'has been doing the
the' tractor, Saw' Ale Plight Bob chores at home and at times
was ui,•'and ran for help,: . 'helping Lawrence MacLeod. An
' Mr :and Mrs.; .;Dawson were older'. `brother, Bill, is )working
immediately available,.' . They
hooked a Chain to, the wheel of The. Garbutt farm is the for-
the Gailbutt tractor. and .:.with merilliam
W , MacDonald farm
their tractor eased' the :weight off . in Kinloss Township:
• DettOs:„. t..:Arena Rehoimpon-,..,Progrom
Out ane :Lions:
A proposed arena renovation'
tan was explained in• some' de
to the Lucknow : and District;_
Lions 'Club on 'Monday evening
by Lion George Joynt; reeve. of
• the municipality.
Architects. (plans: for ,a new
structure°;at the 'west end of the"present' building andchanges
(proposed ,for the east.end"of, the
build2rig, 1: where hockey and'
skating rooms are :now located,
.were available for : viewing and
.:For ,soave iatirne, arena renov:a•
Meeting,: Monday;
'winteractivities in comfort.
At .the east end,., the ,present
rooms would be 'i:ernoved, and a
'ground ` level centre entrance
provided'. for/ vehicle accommo-
dation when . necessary, ,.This
would.be flanked with fire proof
bleacher.: seating, ::under` ;,which
would be storage space, -and, exit
doors -at.: both the north and
south on the east: end
The. new,:structu•re would Cost
about: $55,000 and the :east end
renovations about $6,000. The
project Would, ' if undertaken, be
tion. Chas )beer held :in atbeyance done under• the Winter Works
untilafter.' installation of arti-, program, and the Comunity
ficial .ice, 'Mr. Joynt' said. Halls' Act, thus .'providing, grants
Operated; At Profit which . 'would reduce the cost to
'The., ' arena paid its way this about $30,000. Allowirrg another
-months per-, 5 000'' for: aintin , and Contin g-.
• winter over a five o p ... $ ,.. painting !;
i d of operation with .:with•: artificial .enc,ies 'the _ overall : cost :locally
e' . would be about ', 35 000. On: ` a
Tce:: • There .: was no:cost cost to the'$. ,.
Mr. "Joynt: said he 'forsees a
good future for the building, &
a nervy structure .at the west; end.
Would : provide,:• facilities for year
round: use of thea:arena The Lions
Club ,plan to lay :a permanent
floor ;•
The' present 'entrance at •the
east end `of • the 'building border
ling the road,,'and atabusy' inter-
section, ProVides
nter-section,provides ' traffic "conger
tion . and a :highway hazard • to
youngsters in particular,
Thewest end plan, )wouid'make
this . `•themain:. entrance, . The
Hgys uld b 1 ed
r lova ditch • wo: '
in and .a:spaciousbard .top,park-
100' ,)ing area provided. %
in Embodied lin :the building to
Ion ` , tie in•;with the present arena
structure, Would be changing
rooms, hockey rooms, showers,
rest., room facilities,, Office space`
The .structure )wouldbe of•split;
level 'design with.'a 28 by 32 foot.
auditorium With' • plate glass'
front 'overlooking: the ice sur-:
face. FromFrani here,. ivIr.: Joynt..ad
ded, senior- citizens could view
20 -year •debenture, lt�r. . Joynt
submiated an estimated annual
Cost: of • about .$2,900 ': to $3,Q00.
He felt ' that "the larger ' por-
tion of this.: •'can be made,
'throtigh,:iprofitable operations of
the building on'a 12 months bas-
is, )which would alleviate; the
taxpayer of %Aiture burden. `..n
this respect,
Mr. ' Joynt viewed this , as'
samethiitg else the village, would
have to 'offer :as, an :indication o£
progress and. an incentive . 'to
industry'' looking :'for industrial
MacDonald, 'son Of Mr,
John 1VI l ,
and Mrs. Pete MacDonald of
Ashfield,. has completed a three
months course at'' G•uel.sk• in'
d •has`. ass�d s
Dairy S�cience, .an ,p _ ... _
John has accepted a position
as assistant fbutterrnaker' at the
Tara ,branch of .the. United Dairy
and'' Poultry Co-operative; .
The ''Sentinel mailing' list "
was revised on Thursday, +&
if, you 'have paid ,your sulb
scription since ,the.. first- of
the .Year, the addoress' label
date• .should carry the new
expiry .date,.
"63" indicates., the stiibscrip-
,tion is (paid , until the, end of
the year, Subscriptions eX--
)piring, other than : ata ' the
year's end,, carry the • month ..
Of ex+pi•ry '
If' your subscription is, d'ue'
for renewal please attend to
this, promuptly to save .the
:time and expense of billing. ••
'If ;by chance., there's still
a "62" figure on the label,
your' subscription is Tin ar
rears and should be attended
f'to promptly.,,, to assure, con
tinuance oil the ipaper.
'The .Kairshea Women's Insti-
tute _annuaL.Calico 'Ball- ,was held
on .'Friday , •in the Legion Hall,
It 'was .well patronized,. and
,Many .attractive •.dresses made
the:•.,.task of judges 'not an easy
,one. Theywere' Mrs, John Wise,
+lVtrs. 'E. MacPherson, . and Mrs.
Harold-' Black all of Clinton.
Awards were as` follows: Home
sewn, Helen Campbell, Annette
Dickson; ready 'made, Patricia
Thompson, Mrs. Bob"McIntosh;
'4=H. Homemaking Glass;. ' Daren
Carruthers • Anne •;Ritchie • Halls'
Red and White special fir• High
school students, Betsy,.. Lie' d r-
Son, Carla, . Rieglirig..
Received " Churcl
At •the ,Sacra: ent' of o -
.6 n� �.•, C m7nun
ion service in the United Church:.
on Sunday (morning, eight young
people were received by.• Rev.
,H:.''W:. Strappinto church mem-
bership by' profession of faith,
•' They were, -Lloya':Reed•, Janice'
Brooks, Donald ;And'rew, • Doug.;
las Campbell, RoHa1lamBar- .
bars Cameron, Laurine • tM'arri-, •
son and : Wallace Houston
'Mem'bershn+p' certificates were;
presented by, Wilfred ' Drennan)
clerk of .:session •
Also the Fifollowing. were 're-
ceived by. transfer of member -
Ship; ip, :Mrs. George Reed from St.
Catharines, Mr. and Mrs G.
Guikerria from Olivet and -Mrs..
8 ' B. •Stothers• •, from Goderich..
project dor•Senior
d.Al lions Mee#ing
Low ' Cost R 'Housing
Citizens js�` Expai :ine
$4,000 or a land value egwty
of this, amount is all that would
+be required financially in order
to. -have an 11-lunit ,Senfbr Citi
'tens Apartment )Building erect
ed in Lucknow. •
Thee (project' was explained at
the Monday night meeting of the
Lucknow. and ' District Lions
Club' `by Mr. Art Haas of" the.
United Co-operativres of Ontario
:The Project 'known as Twin
Pines Apartments:' is srponsored
by the United -CO -operatives of
-Ontario, in conjunction with 'in-
terested individuals, fraternal or
Church; .group, Legion .{branches,
service .clubsand municipalities.
It is a• non-profit organization
with the sole.purpose sof meeting
the increasing need for respect-
able, low-cost:' apartments .for
many elder citizens; •
M•r, .Hass, was introduced by
Lion (Fred Pierce - Manager of
Lu know Di an ct Co-opera-
tive, ked ,by Lion4
William Wharry; • Manager of
Silverwood Dairies, Lucknow:`
• Under .National Horsing"
Mr. Haas • exrplained that. Tin
Pines:.; Apartments,, •designed.:.for
'communities under 10,000 pop-
ulation, are a. 'partnership 'ar-
rangement between •' ' Federal
Provincial and..Municipal bodies,
as provided .for )under Section 16.'
of' the National Housing Act
Overall cost of • the 11 -unlit
apartment• building would be in
the neighborhood or $74;000,
with 90% of the cost; .financed:
federally/' .b
b Central
and "Housing, 'Corporation.
Gordon Fisher, treasurer; of
the,. Easter Seal' fund for Crip-
pled Children, reported at the
�}ons meeting on ` 'Monday, that
donations to
date stood at '$1.00,,
very ' close to ..last• year's figure.
This.'total represents over .350
individual. donation's.. The 'fund
Is. still open, ° and the :names of,
further ,donors .Will' be .puiblicly,
acknowledged at a later date.
Loththh Barn'. Razed By � fire On:
F!hfl.LO5tdHome At New Years
Fire . a ain struck on theEldon 'of Lochalsh 'on Highway• 86. On
g ,. y�,
a returningall their belongings •were des
MM . noon hour. Eldon was . t ail afternoon• fire
to. Ripley where he new lives, troyed.in a e Y
... s on a cold and stormy day,
after doing• the 'morning chorea, , le
0 • :. i moke which ' handicapped the Ripley
( when riez Z�+bouts .�notioed s
i _ .Fire Department. •.
M ., coming; Pram the !barn, An alarin
are; The MacLennan ' family were
� , 'was, .in and . Eldon r hiells store at Amberley at
✓ , turned to the ;farm to the at Last. sum,n5er.
e barn in flames: Several men of the time.
had •:a section of the Art Courtney
M • � the commuriity entered the barn ha r moved to. his :Ash,fiel�d
a at- buildiril, . +mri'ave
a and (brought ,to safety the r remodelled hf a
✓ tle, .+pigs. arid'. a •porgy, 'It was 'farm,. and T
three months d�wellit9g.:
only a little over thre , na' •
• . 1VIr: and Mrs. MacLen n
MacLennan farm ori Friday a,t December 30th their home and
0 ago that Mr, and Mrs. 1VtacLer' n Rod age -8 years
W , .)ted two childre ,
Hari lost their newly .renovated
and Sha°wn,'••about 7 months of
r Norrie,
The ilVlacLennan farm is .w,est ager
KEdrosky � �Bar�et
Kedrosky — •Barger
Mrs.. Frank. Kedrosky of. Ren-
wishes to announce. the ;en-
n-ga emen•t of her 'daughter, Joan
Teresa, to Flight Lieutenant Jas,
H. Barger, R.C:A,F. Station, Up-
lands;'son' of Mr. and Mrs, How-
ard F. ,Barger, The marriage will
take iplace .on Saturday, May. 25
in St: Francis Xavier.' Church,
MacNay: -- Johnstone'
Mr: and Mrs: Th mas John-'
stone. of London, announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Arlene Elizabeth, to Mr. Ken.,
neth •Ramsay 'MacNay, son of
Mr. and Mrs. ` Alexa•der x'olrriie
.MacNay of Lucknow. The mar-
riage will take place on Satur-
day, • May 16th, 11063 at 7:30
in the Anglican Church o,f the
Redeemer, tendon.,
Generally speaking it has been
a ` long . time since the ',people' "of
this community. have had. the
opportunity • to, see . a Minstrel
You can 'see a "good one ' at
the L•ucknow District.High School
auditorium on ' Wednesday. Of.
neXt . week.. It. will' be, staged by
Kinsmen and Kinettes of ' Kin--
cardine, with the jokes adapted
for a ,Lucknow audience.
• The Show, is sponsored by the
Lucknow Agricultural Society,
and 'besides a night of good eii-
tertainment; you'll be :giving the
Fall Fair'. a financial boost.
• Nears .Centennial
The Agricultural Society is,
within a 'couple,. of years of:,
reaching its centennial' ariniver Ch001•
saryi • At that time the Society
will qualify for a sizeable pro-
o' e e
Caledonian ;Park entrance. *' The addition- to the Lucknow
District High school is "now" com-
Dayligl t•� Saving Time will
go ' Arita' effect locallythis
week -end. The official :hourr
for. advancing • the clocks. one :
hour ,. is 2:00 . a.m': :Sunday,
morning, .so:.don't forget: to
turn . them. on •when retiring
Saturday ".night if 'you wish
to be at :church on. time
• D:S.T.: Will continue until
• October: 27th when' you.. cap
'catch up en'that hour's sleep,
you'll loose this ` week end
• A. `rule of thumb for re-
mein•bering is "Spring ;for-
ward, Fall back.".'
Fair Board Brings
In Minstrel Show
'Half, of. the ' remaining , 10%.
would be a straight . grant" of:
$4;000 by the . Qntario.' Depart...'
nient,' of : Welfare, and • the re
raining $4,000 would'tbe put up
locally by .the municipality. or
In case of a site (being made
available, the land val.ie might.
offset any cash Outlay locally.
A tax agreement is. necessary
on the Part of the municipaliti
so !that. -:rental . charges :;remain„
fixed,, .
• •CIVIHC financing • covers a
period .of, - 45 years,' , at whxc�h.
time the :+building becomes the,
property of the • municipality,
Provision is made tor upkeep
over the• • years, so, that it ..will
be in good repair. ,
Twin Pines Apartments Ltd..
build, own and operate thea
apartments, consisting: 'of seven
single 'units,•:and•; 4 double. units;, '
Single --applicants m must "be " at.
least '60 • years'o age, and at
least, one of any` couple of that
age 'This age group represents:
8:9• of ' the ipopu'lation and will:
iv 1960' have •increased to 21%.•
;o$• the :population. •
'• Monthlyrental for single units '.
. .. g
would be between $42 'and, $45
and ' for'. double • ' suites, • :.$52
;$55 •
Suites are heated and. ;:are
equipped With stove : ;and frig:
They are self-contained units,,
with automatic washers and aryl'
ers the 'only utility shared by
the tenants.. . Janitor. , .,service as
provided .at' this rental, includ-
ing grass Cutting and snow shoe=
Need Is .Determined
Applicants ' 'far these suites
must be physically and (;mentally:
able -to provide their own care:
Their source of income `Must be ".
•'not less, than: $800 or : more ' than
•2000 :for . sing lepeople; and '•'a
minimum � and .,maximum for
couples of .•$900 ,and, .$2,500..
Applicants are: approved ,by a.
local' 'screening committee .com-
:prised ;of a'representative of the:
municipal council, ,the sponsor-.
in�g ,.orgarization and.the ,min-
isterial association:
Exploratory' Meeting
Mr '''Haas pointed out that
Monday ":night's meeting was ,
purely an e,ploratory meeting•.
Procedure to pursue, the project.
is an official invitation to . do':
so, • proof of need by a survey
to ,find 16`.ar 18. 'interested ' peo-
ple, • roval of the site,., $4,000
p � -approval
contribution' or: land -equity to •
that •amount, or.:' a ` coni)binatiori
of ';both, . and. a • �m�andatory tax
agreement: •
Opening . At Wingham
Twin Pines -Apartments. will'
be officia1l h
Y .:opened ri;ti' .Win�gham . •.
in �mid tMay. It is, located at the
boivAirvg '• •green site near • the;
Town • Park on land provided by
the town .as their share of the.
equity. .. •
•The' Kinsmen ,are sponsors of
the project, undertaken tiwow
years ago, ;
Mr, • Haas• ,pointed out that it
takes about. two: years from: the
time .. of Undertaking the ' project
until the apartments are, avail:-
able for occupancy,
vineial •grant' ,for the purpose of 'IS
building memorial .gate's at the'
The Society wishes to increase.
its • financial resources before'
this time and rent Wednesday
evening's. proceeds 'will help in
this, But your presence 'is
required, The...High School audi-
torium shoirl•d. be packed...•
Advance..:aale tickets are avail-
able in several stores in the•
village and country. and /a't Rip-
ley' as well as from ,directors
of the Society. A limited num,.
:her of ,tickets will be sold if the
advance sale. dictates,,: .
pleted and about read • for oc-
cupancy, In fact the cafeteria" is
in use. The auditorium had pre- •
viously been used for cafeteria'
A few final details . have to ' o
‘be attended to ;before the ar..
chitect Officially "turns over" the
addition ' to the .Board; r
The Board currently has'. ap-
plications tender consideration
for •
a . prindipai,. a French teacher
an' commercial teacher,