HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-17, Page 153'
There are •two • • times durin'
., .g
the' year ,to, saw a new dawn, one
jukt ,as, ' soon , as the soil is
"workable •in• .the spring,, and' the'
other 'the fou' week `period start-
ing' aproxi . tely the 15th of
Awgust; •
There's' 'no 'd aunt that •''late
.summer and ;corky fall ' planning
+is, xhe: most sutab4P,time, as this
.is a period when there .are .,few
;f any 'rv'iolenl ups and downs in
•-temperatuze., . i't's also .the. time
.of year when 'Mother Nature
sows ' !her .grasses .and you never
go 'far wrong when 'you imitate.
her . rnethads;
it's, not always possible, 'though
to. watt until ',fall :to' .sow a new
lawn,' I'sn thinking 4p.artieularly
•of. . ;Vhe. young couples just mo-.
ing into a' new 'home , this Spring;
'and having, one • or More. small
children.: For . 'them there is
si•niply no nivny •of waiting.. until
' .August•, to Iget, 'thirlawn under
,Fortunately, a spring sowing
• can .be. ' 'very 'successful,.' .,provi•d=
ing you get it 'done in the, •three
• week period . after the . soil.; ;,b.e-
Comes workable. • In• most areas:
of .Southern Ontario this would:
?probably he , the last ''Week in.
:Aipi it ,or , the first ,two 'weeks' of
"May. ' Naturally,' this • will vary
: Nath the • season , and where yOu.
First.. thing ab do :.i§ to ' level•
'` the soil .avid •,make 'sure the •lawn• ;
slopes ' ,gently: away • .from
:.house'. on., ail• sides. If .you' • have'
.it• sloping. tow,aros, the • house'
`you will discover.., to,.y.our dismay,
that at certain times df the year,
a. sm'al'l lake .w L1 'develop right.
next to "the :foundation' wa111, and
no '.Power 'on :earth .will : be''•ahl;e
. to •, :prevent i•t ..from:: •flew. rrir
through foundation w'a11s,.
Bu,tlding experts,.'will: tell you
: that .one• ''of. the ..biggest 's&urces
.'o •m
- oisture doming :through
:'basement' .walls'' ]s the eater that,
;`accumulates:alon side'.•the•found
ation.• !wal'Don'•t :mound up.. the
earth; around ,the' 'house' in ter -
'races „.Wh.ich. ..merely ',push the .
'hawse . up intothe air and pre—
re •
vett it from iblen.ding. softly 44.0
the..'sur rounnd.;ng • landscape: Such •
terraces; ••particitla;ily : in'•small
gardens,. suibstaiitially.' reduce the
size : of the •.lawn ''an.d '..require
much more xnai•n:tenanc61.' •
In cases where . considerable
-levelling is n'eeded,. you twill
need• ,to' push '.the'. existing ',top.
soil' to 'one. side and level, :rtbe
,si. bsoil•,first. Then •the good top
.soil is put .back. into. place. •
For ' soils ..that. are poor ;you
*bu'ld need to, •apply '10 bushels,
of • the •humus anal four pounds
of ..a ,coni,plete. ,fertilizer per • 100
square 'feet of ' lawn • area. Lf'
your, 'soil was ":originally' farm.
. land or. used for a ;maticet 'gar
den,. • you Would; 1pr..bably:• only
need, to apply six, ,bushels of the
h'urntis per 1:00 square feet. '
,'For sariall lawn areas the Sert
.'ilizer and, the lh•uxm'us can be
Scattered over . the, soil , and ,
thoroughly .mixed. w'i'th 'i t by
use of a spade or :ShovelFor.
larger lawn 'areas the ,most satis-
,factory plan of all is ,to use rd-.
Mary' 'tillage •' ecjtaiipment, ,S:uc:hh
tillers, can either be rentedor,4
you• will be able to employ the
services of a , man who, does
ctustorn rotary tilling.
:Two or ' three , trips 'over the
'prospective 'la'wp area with •ia•
rotary ;tiller "will' thoroughly
fnix the soil, • h'umus and, fertil-
•icer together and. will leave t}e
soil in 'a very fine' 'conddtion;
ideal ' for" sowing,' seed. S'i nee
the: rotary tilling leaves the soil
in a 'rather 'puffed •up condition.
You will need to rake the lawn
,• .two, or ,three •tj'f res• • befor'e it is
• ready ;for sowing, • .
Tt i's' a• 'recognized fact' that
'42't when; grasses. are ,gl'owri •in m.ix-
ture' instead ' of 'in pure , iai ds,
disease is. •not as likely to Spread
from. iplan..'' to dant, : ,t" inkction
does 0 u,. on*1y pant of the turf
in a ,mixed lawn will go downs,
leaving:: other varieties tokeep
out weeds. ,
These' -are : the .reasons. most
turf;' specMi'alists now ".recornmend
using a rrixtu•re,•'insxead of Apure
stands 'of any one variety, ' no.
matter how good that • 'variety
may be, Fortunately.. during • the
past decade, several . improved
Varieties..of . •bLuegrasses. a have
ibeen. introduced,' ••ea•oh• • selected
because' ,it . was outstanding in
•one of more 'qualities.. •
The:cost of seeding' .the laniwn
is, .actually less• for • a quality
mixture than for a ibargain .var- church. •
iety. , . He" spoke' •On his latest ,book
"The .. Donnellys , Must . Die,"
w• •;ich• took 'himyears to. corn
pile and which he. aslant• is the
only, a4then:tic history of the
Donnell. family and their mut
der, ; �Fe,b..; 4th,: 1880; The.' feud
W is 'ledup ..'to. .the . murder,
began years before in Ireland ding the week w`th Mr. , and
between the'Black-feet and .the Mrs, 'Victor Gawley.
White Boys, • "The Donnellys''. • Mrs, Don Dore, J msny,'• Cathy,
he said, :'-tiwere'�blamed for man Vickie: and Frankie Spent Easter
atrocities' of which they were in- with Mr:: and Mrs, Wil�liarn . Wood,
nocent", Bgfore beginning his . Port '• Severn. • •
book ,he was 'warned not to wriite • 'Mr:.andel Mrs. "Bi'll Bert, Mr•
Orlo :Miller To
Be Ordained
Orlo .Miller, 'author of. "The
Donredlys Must Die" was guest
speaker. atthe . open meeting of:
the Lucan Holme ' .:and School,
l Associ'ation recently.
. Mr, Miller has been, a; free
lance writer for newspapers,.
magazines;; radio and. TV °since.
1932, .He 'as a Member of sev
eral historical 1branehes and is
interested in:. adult' ' education 8
the .Anglican' church.. He ' won,
seven awards from the Institute
for Ed'tzcation at the Ohio. State
University :and' six awards for
the CBC school broadcasts..
He. ;has.. 'Written- Hfive ';book's,.
several one -act plays and acted.
in 40 plays, 4the' last .being ' the
prizewinning ~"One Way Pendu-
lum." In May •he :will he •ordain-
ed as a •xninister •in the Angdilcan
it, that •it: was 'better to :let, dead
dogs lie, 'abut he wrote it. •
As. the°Donnelly farm was, 'On-
ly 'a. ,fe'w Miles north-east of Lu -
can, Mr. M'vller's .talk was of
particular. interest �to• all present.
Mr, Miller .is • a cousin of
Frank Miller of Langs�ide.
''Mr. and .Mrs.' Wilfred . Tra :er
and family, Mis's ' Rosalyn Swann
df .London, Misses Ellen :and • !Eu-
nice 'Stanley of Windsor' visited
Mrs. .Helen Swann,
• Mrs; iFrank Dore, ;Nancy, Ron:
ne ' 'and, .Dianne were. Sunday
dinner guests . of Mr.. 'and Mrs.
Lawrence Fry, • .
Miss. Rosalyn ,..Swann, - Miss'
Mary •Anne' M•GCosh; Miss Eileen
Collins: and Mr, ,Don A11en, Mr,,
Roy' .Collins were Sunday guests
of Mr., and Mrs. Don Chadbourne;
Allan.. Traher is spending the.
week with his grandfather M r.
Milton Stanley., • •
•Mr, and 'Mrs. Lloyd McClure.
and `Lawrence of Paisley t
h Friday Witlh Mr, and.• Mrs 'Gor
don:: IVIacDonaLd. •
•Bervre United C'hure:h' Women
.�r, ' Y Y Unit 2. met at Mrs. Charles Le-
ar Grine The
dame: As.,Bufter•
.Huron n..
( ,County Federation Of
Agriculture News)
Hog • Market Situation'
The •' Board of Directors of • ,the
Ontario Hog. Producer's' Associa-
tion met on March 29th.. The el-
ection ; of officers' resulted in
Huctiwt=h, wicepresident, J.Boyn-
ton , . aappointed. secr'et'arym
=aria ,■
h' h Miss Marlene Gawley: is srpen-
1■■i■■ / Nos:Beni:■nn.■■■■i■■■ ■i nA ara■t■■n nnia. ■
and Mrs Howard Thompson, were
visitors with. ;Miss :Margaret. Tio-
Miss Katherine •Godfrey waq, a.
guest of. Mss Marlene: Gawley,
Mrs Don Dore ' and fam,by,,
Mrs, ayide pore and boys, Mary
Helen MacDonald' ••visited' MTS.
Frank Dore. •
The Garden Club, first meetinig .
was at Mrs. Edlburt . 'Bushell's
on, Monday, April 15 at 2. o''clook.
Leaders are Mrs, ' Edbuxt 'Bushell
and Mrs. George . Harkness, Orf -
Edens: 'president, 'Ka'therine Bush-
.e1,1;* Vice, Gladys Gawley; $cess; ,�:
•Helen mararlan. Other members: •
are ,Ann. MacKay, , Mrs.. Gordon'
MacDonald, Valerie Gillies, Aida.,
Harkness, Susan Farrell.. Next
rneeti g will the fat Mrs. Gordon.,
onalds. on June 8th 'at 2.
ock. Seed. and booklets ere`-
tributed. The :clufb•called .them-
selves "The..�Purple Grove Han-,
dy .doers,,
Jdmrrxy • Boyeo, ` Miss , Eileen
Collins ,and Mr.', Don Allen : of
Goderioh spent the week -end
with' Mr. and Mrs.. ''Russell: .Col-
:Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon .Mac-
Donald and • Mary Helen, Mr.
Kenny 1ViacDonalkl; Mr. Mac Mac-
Donald .were 'Sunday,• guest's of
Mr.�'. and MTS, • Thomas Mac•Don
al .
Mr.. , George 'Thompson, Mr.
and 'Mrs. ?Jude'.aDore, ,Mr. and
1VIrs • Harvie mhonipson, Don,.
Bob, .:Joan .and, ,Wray • were Sun-
day .; guests of Mrs. Frank. Dore
and family,.
Ben .;:Steers; asPresident; Howard ,■
Theorganization meeting . of a; •.
Ontario'. Producers' Market- !
•]•ngp Board :was .held in Toronto • ■
on A;pril..3'rd .Lance ' Di/c.kieson .`.
'was''e]eeted chairman, Clare. Cur- 'a
-vice • chairman and the exe-
cutive committee. as elected,. tb
gethe'r; with' chairman 'were. Eld,
•.red Aiken, Ben` Steers and John.
Barnett. ' Jas;: .Boynton . was; re-
appointed, secretary -manager &•'
' R. Kohler was r.e=:appointed
general 'manager of ' •,the• Sales
171vi ion,
Hog prices have dropped.• seri
ously: 'as :most farmers •shipping.'
hogs know ` all ' too !well:. •Ios.
Shipped 'in the. -first week of
April : amounted to 54,231 bogs.'
and an expected 56,60:0'.h'ogs::for
the, Week' of April 8th to • 1.ith.
' • Margarine. Coloring
..The provincial governrnent"a
has .announced that it :Will in: ,■:
tr oduce legislation ' after ' The w.:
Easter recess to , permit margar-
• n e, to he colored, •. 'but• not the ' •
color cif butter, According t'o''our
ihforrhation: • the legislation, if in
passed. will be -similar to that in • ■
Manitoba and 'Nova Scotia •which' •
reserves`' the lighter . shades of :u .
yellow 'for !butter Margarine in=' ,.
ter ests are •applying •pressure .by•
,letter's•, wires and . telephone to. ,
have ' all •color ;'restrictions" • re-. ■
moved. • , ,
The' 'Minister.' of Agriculture &•' .0
the . Government, •willbe ' in a ..
'much stronger .position if' the has . ■
literally •hundreds. of •'letters '•ak,
,ing that margarine he not allow=,
ed the •same color. as 'butter, Flan,
to see , your ,member again ,before •U
the • legislatitre ':convenes . after•
Easter and •• get every' one ,you
can` to write to the Minister of
Agriculture, . t'he'• 'Hon.. W. -.A,
;Stewart, 'Pari an`ier t B'u:ilding's;
Toronto,` asking ,,that margarine,
be 'not ,allowed ,to use the same
color as butter,
Poultry Market .Report; . '•
During the first twelve weeks ■
of 1903, 62 •million,° ;pounds of
e,hicken, were processed .in re-
gistered poultry iprocessing
Plants. This represents a 9.8 per
cunt inc'r'ease over the 56• it�ill'ion
pounds of chicken processed .dui- ''ii
•the: , first ,twelve 'weeks. of
"1982, " • •
1'o date, in t963, there .have ' ..
■ •
,k�cxen ' no 1n5peoted , exports of ■
poultry but imports of chicken
have' amounted to 613 thousand
pounds compared. with; 'the ',218
€hoiisana pounds ' irriported by
thr tirtie last year, Ihiports• •of
Chicken parts {have amounted to
889 thortsarr:d ,iiounds ,compared
S36 ;thousrrtd "irl'' the same ' • •
ie Q
I!tiV!' is .
your helps we can:.
give ;evert more.
Surat �4rea ,Canvass
n :tuc�now District:;
•r •
Residents of West . VVawanash T�WnSbip
Students of Wingharn.: District High, School l will '.shortly 'be call-
'ing on you' in support of . the Cancer Society. Your support will
be appreciated. If you are missed your donation will be, ac-
ce d 'by DeWitt IVliller, . Wiin
pghans,. • local chairman.
Residents of Ashfield: Township
Canvassers in 'Ashfield are being "organized , by .Bert`. Crawfor"d
and Donald MacKenzie and may have already " called on you.
If you have been overlooked, these two"gentylemen ' will accept
your donations.
Help Pushy Huron Ccunty 'Oyer"
.h it
■ ■.
■ ..
. ■
■ .
er'iud of lttsi. year, OIis amnaSaaussainnasssnasisn■i iiiuiaOoonoomoa+s soamos000 Mpltifle'ir tomo■obilisarr
" vM pjH t.
� W