HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-17, Page 12• PAGIS TWELVE .
!S ofDciSiOn.
OW Face New P.
Bye Ray A:ngytle•)
Special "to The Lucknow 'Sentinel
- he •d'iiplomat whom • they said
mwouldl never .make . a politician
tocik over as Prime Minister of
Canada this. week ,facing "sixty
days sofdecision" • in which . to
chart, a new course forthe ,coun-
try's goverhmnent.'
Lester Bowles Pearson, 65,
: ^
One-time semi -pro• ,baseball play
\professor and; diplonnat, be-
came. Prime Minister ,after sev-
eral days of. suspense following
thee° elect,jon owhile outgoing
John G, . Diefenibaker Waited fon
the armed forces' vote to be
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,Mx Pearson. got the news at
his Ottawa home, Storn'away,
'during the Easter week -enol, in
the form of .a telegram from Mr.
Diefernbaker.. The Liberal deader
immediately .set -to work tom
ipleting his, c'a'binet • choices and
establishing (priorities for legis-
lation ,to • ego before •the new
Parliament in May. • •
During the • campaign, " Mr.
Pearson had promised the count-
try • "sixty days of . decision" and
intimates skid the new PM was.-
idetenrriinedl to. xri:ake the 'next
.parliamentary session, one of the
ibusiest in the country's history.
The armed fortes' Vote snatch=
ed away two seats from 'the Pro-'
gressilve Conservatives, including.
that of Mines Min'ister Paul. Mar-
tineau .in , Quebec (seventh ealbi.
'nest minister to .fall), andincreas-,
:ed Litberal strength' to 130 seats
in ;the. 265 -seat Rotuse . of . Com=
mons. Although' it was short. of ..•
a clear Majority,'a statement of.
support by six Quebec Social
Creditors (even, though two Later.
retpudiatedx. it) ..matde 'it tcentain,
Mr. Pearson would' be . able to.
st mvive '
.any want -of -Confidence
motions., in ,the Caunanons.
Long Term • •
Fanatl 'standings • (barring 're-
count ,upsets) left ,The Conserva
sties with' ;,94 seats, . •Social Credit
'With, 24 and. the New -Democratic
party with. 17.
• Political . observers:' see a long
tenni ,for Mr. 'Pearson's minority`
government, perhaps ;even . a . full
five . years. The public'. is so. fed
up 'with • elections ,no party.. will:
dare bring one on very soon:
•T,he. normal ,four -:year :term. • of
government would put the 'next
federal''. election in 1967; when
the country wild be • \preoccupied
with Canada's' centennial' • cele-
tbratibrs. Nfr, Pearson , would.
doubtless like to preside- over,
those' :festivities as . PM,. and: the
might, thus be expected `,,to ego.: the
full. five years. to 1968 +unless ' he
felt she::. cold.. ,win ; a �, clear ma-
jority 'earlier, say -it- :17960
•The ichange- over on.: Parlia-
ment Hill ilius ibri>!gs' to an en,d.
\bhe six-year. Diefertlbaker era,
which shepolitical 'historians
may some. day'view 'as the Most
amazing an '.,the Countryt ,history.
• c 11wo of the: three parliamentary
t`ermis in • that' • six .. year periodsarty :Mr Diefenibaker 'at thehelm
of minority .governments, ...the.
Third' as ...leader of the. biggest
inajority (208 seats), ever to ,rule
the country:'
Mr. Pearson plans an allout
assautlt -: on What ,he views to be
the •country's,majoreconomic . &
social. ills. •
First, ,he . plana' • an early ,trip
,to London for tasks With Prime
Minister MacMillan on, ways ' to
iriprove trade' ,between the two
cou'n'tries. ;A'f'ter That, he'i•1 go to
Washington to confer with Pres.
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ident Kennedy as the apostle; of
a ne'..• era of friendship ,between
Canada and the U.S.
In *the Meantime, .his. key cab-
inet aides will '''have 'been put-
ting together crash . 'legislation
for the May 'session of Parlia
,men\, No, 1 an the, government's.
work .list: a June (budget, .that
,will. contain tax deals to• Spur,
industry into trimming.. the ria-`
tion's seven per cent uneMploy-
men\ rate.
The Liberals . v=ill also bring
Town a Municipal .development:.
and loan/ ,fund1. • to finance:, coin-..,
m:unity• 'projects across Canada.
*There'll also be a •new depart-
anent. °of industry,, a national de
veloprnent " • corporation, to'. help
finance, .new businesses • and a
national economic council. •
It is . also ,possible the.. newi'
Parliament . will be asked to ap
.prove $10 'month, increases' .in
the ', old age ,pension, •to . !boost
family allowance, payments : to
age 18, and to• approve a .distinc-
L stinc-tive• Canadian "flag and Co. Canada
• as the national anthem.
• In all :of ,these''ineasures, Mr.
Pearson can : e opect a...almost 'Un- :
anirnaus support ,frorn. a U panties.
In addition., . Mr, Pearson, naw
seems .determined to go ahead:
with his, coonsnifimerut its : arm
,bhe , Oomarc missiles wrLth nu
•elear warheads. In this, 'he will
not get the, support ,of either
the NDP or. of Quebec's S,ocred::`
MP's... He •
• Tory 1p
However;: it now • see is• . evi-
dent'that a, rnuimiber..of Conserva
hives, !led by ex -defence minister
Douglas :,Harkness. :from Calgary;
Will ,stitppart the Liberals' on . a
nuclear vote thus ensuring Mr:
Pearson of a ,majority:'
the.: future of the ;Progressjve
Co•nserVative ,party is now the
biggest question. , .in. Canada'.s
political' ipuzzle. ibox.
Observers. expect Mr.. Diefen
,baker: to ,give a• .good aceount Of -
himself as Opposition leader in:
the next Parliament, but : they
do no,t expect •he twill•• ever 'again
lead ,the :PC'sin an. .e1ee.tion
Has ;age `alone. is againsthirer, +&
the ,,:results of the ',last tvtia'"'elec-
,tions 'show tthhatt big. pity ..winters
twill..' never . again support ':h. .
Re, tLstribtutni.on 'before ' the . ,next
• election rw.i.11 • give- the city, a
' :stronger voice in future pari ia._
inents., * ;
Except • • for a smattering , • of
''Support in the Maritimes, Con-
servative •s'trength nciw rests al-
atnost. exclusively'with rural On,/
tario and ';bhe Prairies. While the
,PC's have a • historic base -in On
tar.io,. their recent prairie :sub-:
port ,has Come. only .from , Mr:.
Dtefeabaker's own personal .fol-
lowing. and •.frorn :his ,govern.
ment's achievements in . western
agriculture, - eyspec•ially, grain'
Sales, 'to 'China. If ',the. Liberals
are ' able' . tokeep the ' ,western
farmers • prosperous, and Mr. •
.Diefenbaker •retires, : prairie vo-
ters dray then , .no •lofager . have
any • reason to ,plump for PC
candidates. As matters. : now,
stand, Manitoba Premier., Duff'
Roblin (who • tis fluently bilin-
',gual) rannks as •\the indust ely.
successor Ito Mr. Dieifernlyaker.
• The elevation -'results now seen
in •,perspective swggest the Somal
Credit. party is a srpent forte in
Freneh.' Canada- This . coul:d en-
courage a \move toward some •
kind •:of. a !Socia;l' Credit Conner-
vative, imerger, •
The New Democrats; although
they will ultimately decide 'how.
long! .Mr: • Pearson remains • in.
power; face • an ;aptpar.ently
gloomy future, %laving •tbeeh .un_
,able to :supplant' ,either of tale,
did. line parties, will they .re,
Math only a \protest group, or
will they •comeback. 'yin. the • next
election in a • final' do-or-die at- • ,•
tempt? . '
These ' questions w•i11 orgy be
answered • by the Litbeeral , peri•
formarice of the riekt few years.
:If the Liberals are able to. !deliv-
er the kind of ,government Can-
' adiaxts yearn for .— s'ocia'l ,pro--'
egress; • full employrmernt, a, useful
role in World aff airs, and an end
to the divisions lbetw.een city Si
country, ' ng1iah and: 'renohr nom-.
•then a ,gra'teful' nation will. no'
'doubt give Mr. Pearson gvh:at,
ever he asks for, d"
If the Liberals cannot, the
Search for ,p xlrbiea►l. leadership in
Canada ,will go ort: ,
The s.moo