HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-17, Page 9WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17`, ^+1963. • TATE OCKNOW SENTINEL!, LveTc Pot 00.41111100.00000000.900.0.4000009.09.0o000.00.11/011411.01 1 COMING SOON to „ • LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP• :SPRING SAVINGS SALE • Freezers., Batteries, . Tires, Refrigerators, Gar ber Grass Seed Seeders; Garden Tillers, Cement' Mixers, .Lawn: Chairs, :Fara- Wagons MANY, . MANY,. MANY. MORE VALUES •. •• • . • PI LCHALSH' • • • We are sorry Ito report -that •Mrs. Van Leer Veen is a' patient • in Kineardine Hospital. • Mr. Herb Ensign •h'as. ' been • •under the Doctors care shaving contracted the flu. ' • • Mr. A1bei* Campbe11 is • thel`p- • • ing out._twith seedinig operations ' : at Oliver Barkwells. . - i••. • . Spending the holiday week end with! Mr. 'and Mrs •Oliver Mc^Charles and John were Mr. and Mrs:. Allan MoCh+arles ` of Toronto' 'and Mr, • •and Mrs. Doon old McCharles "arid • Scott ,of Brantford.: Lochalsh school has ,-been sold. • ' to the Department of Highways. • Mr. an'd Mrs.. Rowland: Grant. ' of : Godericth ;are spending •sarr;e•. • •time at ` the ' .home of' Mr. and • ! • . • Mrs. Geonge M4nerief.. • : The. Ripley and District Horti • culttural . Society met On Monday • •>. afternoon at • •the home of.? Mrs. Davrd, Elphick;• i;• • Holiday. -visitors .with Mr. Dan: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••i••••••••••••••••••••?' MacDonald Were Sally and Lou- ise ,MacDonald, of Wintdsor. Be On. The Lookout For'This Sale LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP E!NICSS Miss Betty Ilaaniiton, Mrs G. Han ilton'' +and. Donald •Hamilton, motored, to •Thessalon;; on Mon- day.. D�onnald tha.Y finished this 4= month course and wil• now +work for a rnoruth at the -Departrnent of ,4 ands-:_and__,.Forests. 'at . T.hes Sidon • Mrs. Wm. •MacKenzie •' of. . To=.. ronnto, .is'' visiting at the •,h3m.es of, Mr. and Mrs Fra and . Mrs. Tom MacKenzie.M•r., and. Mrs, Allan MacLean & Calvert. Townson of. Western I family .of, Coldingwood,. University is Spending a study -1 Mr.. Ray' MaoKenziie of Toron-, •:week with Mr, 'and Mrs. 'Irk ' to +visited: with Mr. •and Mrss." Dickie and .family. ,°H':nry'MacKenzie ;for the 'week- 1VIr. 'and •Mrs'.. Clair '•MJa.Doug- a �d. . all and, Anna and Isabel, Welsh Com+m�union-•services :(were• ;held of^.Owen." Sound• visited -Friday ;on ,Sunday morning. at Ashfield with Mr and :Mrs. Lloyd. Mac- = Prestbyteriari Church. • Dougall and- Grace:- : • ONTAtIQ PAGE NINE 400. SION • NOW OU' GET • Y •. • ° .•• • • • ••• - e' •h• e• • • • �. , , • • • •:• • with " • • CO OP Sunglow Furnace aFueI Oil • Co -Op Sunglow Fuel Oil Service Now ,Includes •• FREE summer clean out and inspection. • ' FREE emergency burner service • FREE heating season oil burner' check-up. ' • ,• • We hope you have enjoyed Co -Op Service in the past •• • and will, continue with Co -Op Sunglow : Fuel 'Oil • a• Iu�s free Co -O rnr Service ' :. ' p Frank and •lVtr, MacLean �' arid. Mrs. ]fan (. • Visiting • for ,the ' ihalidtays 'were ..� . ,'• ' *: • i • -•must also .be, good to know; that 'along with good• • ?• product — good 'service and Free '.Burner Service ' !' 41 `Co -Op.. also. 'brings . you, the ' .opportunity • to build....: 2. ownership' in' your own Petroleum . Business. Mr: Vlaeinnon ' of Chicago was an. Easter visitor with 'qrs. Denver . Diek•ie Comrnenced work' in the, EngineeringDe- partment of Dominion Rtoad rMac+hinery Co. of: GoFderi�ch on. 1 Monday: Ai1l'an Gnatham has been' build- ing arr addition` lto his broiler • Mrs. •Donald' MacIntyre ' Was, supply ;teaching •last week for 'Mrs. Nancy ;MaeInityre (Who was ill With the: measles. Mrs. Ira Dickie' su;p+p�lied 'for Mr.' Bushell ;on Wednesday as ,he ;;w.as ill with •the'' . .. -ip ' is _ . _ p " t� " that • Ownershi is the : Co -O PL`U FACTOR" , • one else can offer, eio r a. • • • tUtKNOWO.DISTRICT CO-OP .. W itl l'iam ...MacIn tyre. ii••-iouuI S•••••••i•!•••eieeee'•o••••••••••••i•-•n• • i.' •' •• • neer specific c ' need. . • • your Now more than ever •- the C•O-OP, 4Tig . Bonus, Hay and ogrant takes.the.guesswork Pasture Pr out . •of selecting seed - mixtures for higher Yields; -hence higher arm'profits. How? Simply by taking advantage of our new prescription mix seed service. And its ' so convenient 'too .•., right in your own area! a a. visit to your CO-OP and, discuss Here'show it works Biu ,stpay. , particular seed requirements with its Soil. and Crop Spe- your req 9 c>!alfst. Based on Department of ,Agriculture recommendations,. high quality name -variety seeds will be accurately 'blended in our NEW. SEED MIXER' These specific mixtures will allow . . for maximumyields of the hay and !u , . pasture required in YOUR ;livestock. program. • CO+V'p t, CO-OP BIG BONUS NAY i PAST)Rt PR06RAMMt Our objective is to make you more successful •;, orbidRoads de - u as Dumping: April Meeting of West Or: Wawanosh Township. Council: was held. •on; April 9th,' 1903. 'Ali members ‘.:present. r Council; 'was 'informed of the two qday' school for Road' .Sup erintenden,ts . in Toronto, in May. CouncLI.splanned 'to make their an.n',ua1 "tour ..of township roads. On Tuesday, A.pri•1 •.1.6fh, nexit It twas pointed; out: to Council that the 1963 rate for our ,town ship yin. regards to Gt d.erich District High School; would. be 18. mills. •A !letter, from. Lueknow•' Fire Department .regarding .the . spur- . chase of ' 200 feet. .of 'one inch hose Was •.orderetd ,filed. Three: gravel tenders wer , • opened and read ,'but .none ac cepted at' this time. ' By-la'w No.. 5, 1963 •was read a", 'third .time .and. •finally''passed on a , nio.tion, by Couns Smyth, ',and' Jefferson... This iby-,law pro- •hi+bits the idepbsiting 'of:. any re- fuse or ' rubbish , on township r oTawnshi,p. 'Count it estimat ed that the costs.' of snow plowing; and. other ',Winter control meas.' ures' .for the, past winter may .exceed $12,000.00. 'This : nlay , re-. ! salt in ':the' ,probable curtailment of.. :the `sumtrner .roads (program._ • The road acctaun•tswere passed for .. (payment' .on a motion ,by Ct uns, . Dturnin'" land McPhee. The following general accounts were ordered Paid on a 'motion i Ib'y Co•uns. Jefferson •a,ntd +McPkhee. Village of ' Lucknow, fire call to Carrick's; $75.00; James A. Howes, O.L,'S.,' . Engineer's fees, . Nivins Municipal. 0. Drain, 300,00;.' Alex Nivins, !assistance 1 on. Nivins Drain; 5.00; ..Maitland, $1 •"ValleyC'onser'vation 'Aithhority, .1963 levy,, 332.73; K„K, Dawson,.' 'welfare aeCount, 30.05; 1. •aT'. K•ilpatriok, Wingh+aznT,_ fidelity: 'b'ond; Twp. Treas+ulrer, 15.00;. R. T. '':C ilp+atx ick, Wingham, f idetlity bo.n�d, Wt\. Inspector, 15.00; Halls Food Market, welfare :accoun:t, *Road Accounts- Lor'n3e Ivers, salary, $&2:00;. .Leslie. ;Schultz; salttinig' and Sanding, 10.00;: Noor- man .McDon+ald, 'operating, • snow plow, 248.00; ' Russel :Phillips, p- eratir g wing, 185.30; In Oil Ltd., •fu'el and. tax, '334.90;'Grant Chisholm, .n rotor•. oil and 0t�ax,••, 20.88; D•ai�ly :Commercial News, g.ra4,e1, tender • advt., 14.70; Don -i. Road ,M•arhy.., Co. : Ltd.,',; grader: .repairs, .9;52; Dave 1'VleClinchy, plowing snow With truck, 192..00. 0Councfl adjourned •'to : meet' in the • evening of May', .14th; 1963. 2nd Pack Brownies .Ruth . Brooks' was Fairy ,.Queen- When 'the • 2rid Pack Brownies me•t •on Tuesday. Garnes'opened the meeting in;'' eluding a . !Dutton contest '•whhc1t formed the :pack. in' pairs' to pla ,•.'. ".Strut Miss SuSie," Inspection ' was • made for 'F•atiiry Gold. •and .the 'girls ; )Pere u.pgeed.. • to remem ber •,ttheir money ' each; *eek.•.i ' -The entire work' period was John :F: •Foran ; Twp.Clerk, .i spent :in :h�an�cdiiwaft' when :every . cm -Made -an:E'aster card SIGNS FOR SALE—"No .Tres- passing "For. t Sale"'. and "For. Rent'''. signs available at 'The. Lucknow Sentinel, -Phone- 35: • SAVE ,TIME AID.. EXPENSE Have buyers "coming to Use Sentine "Want Ads. pr. you.". In ,:pow -wow • the .gr1a ,were (told there would be no meeting +next week' in taster 'holidaiys. Lynda: Hamilton received' :,'the, S:quee:e: and thy,,rneeti�ng 'closd with. prayer. I'S Your ' Suobscription' : '•Renewed?, iii • •. rtiii rere Is A ��a-op Near You Wherever you may be there's a com- plete stock 0.' of CO-OP ,FERTILIZERS near- by. ear by. CO-OPS are located throughout Ontario to give you ' .the. fastest delivery or pickup available. Because many farmersm" did not take advantage of'"early purchase" fertilizer. savings, they will alt , be buying, at .the same time. To beat this rush look to ' your CO-OP. It's fully stockedwith a complete line of .',fertilizers ready for shipping.. Immediate pick ti lip or delivery . of any quantity, to . meet your specific needs. CO-OP FERTILIZER.. ' •' is under constant "Quality Control" through all phases , of manufacturing. The result: you. get a 'bigger' value , a better fertilizer. •b Ltcknow Phone 5 2812-1 2 Scout Ftaper, ;Collection, Thursday, April 18