HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-17, Page 24
WEDNESDAY,. I:'4, 1fi
"The Sepoy, Town" the Huron -Bruce Boundary
Authorized as 'second class .mail,'Post Office Department, Ottawa
Established. 1873 --Published ,tach Wednesday. Afternoon
Member, of the C.W.N;A. and the' O.W.N.A. •
Subscription Rate, $8 ot: a year, in advance .:•--- to 'the UT.S.A.,, $4,00,
L., CarPbeil Thompson and Donald. C, . Thompson; •Publishers:
WEDNESDAY, "APRIL 1 7, 1963„
Guest Editorial)
Now that the captains and the kings
have departed and left us with the . sober
fact of a new, government seems a, good'.
time to assess just what we may .expect.
come -to. aim for . assistance and advice.
largely .because of his .political connection.
There are many .who .will tell you: that
whether 'it: was six o'clock in the morn-
or midnight he would .drop his ,.own.
,' work to .do a favour, and' since memory
from,. it. And, because hindsight is alwa rs isa- fickle thing and favours oftimes
his . re
the '.rid-
as been
a credit to the riding . of Bruce asa cit.
• '' izen.. We believe that . he can and will. `
bring honour 'and' distinction' to ' the rid.
ing as . 'our elected public . servant.. < '
cheaper than foresight, . ' perhaps . we, • can • 'quickly forgotten, - criticism dur'n
afforda few comments on ' what ljtrought cent campaign • at times rea
us to ` our present '.position. iculous . stage.
First. of all, .let us with one hand sa-
' ' We believe that John.. Eon
Jute. ',the new Liberals:. government and ° With
the other agmonislr " it against any of the
' '.
Jf. excesses and•'stupidities which ledtothe.,
downfall of . its predecessor.
The biggest lesson which: we hope
the Canadian '
electorate learned from. the '
chaos of the past year° is that. Canada can WHO PAYS?
do ithou linter parties.. The ': spectacle In fining ' a Tillsonburg area man fora.
of • our national destiny:". being held . in, the unlawfully . drawing ' unemployment .insur
sical hands of, a:;minorit• because the ance, Magistrate : R. G. `Groom, is quoted
two :;old parties 'were so evenly matched as, ':saying, "I will not be lenient with
is nothing short ofdisgusting.
dis stip Aesophad / the fine because " the . money' involved was
fables that the electorate would do well
to . re -read:
Canada w reand ros ered . as a
g prospered
two party country. ; There is nothing in:
our recent experience to .indicate that the
:old two :party . system is not the beast for
us all.
.coming out • of the pockets' ;of ; ; the .people
who were truly, unemployed." The -Mag-
istrate musthave his metaphors rrtixed,
'-lf he was among the_ employer-employee
groups, who weekly share equally' in
these. cdhtribu ns . with em lo'�'ers ° havifig
� P Y_ g
to • make the deductions ; and . remittances
tttally, .'he .would,;know
ise pockets much. of
this ` fund is . directly corning. • . . •
There •was' talk of the fund soon.•be-
in bankru t. �;It •mi� gght be:a ood idea if: it
�. • g •.
were .allowed.. to . dr Y : u P `briefl and ,them
, Y •
be re -organized ' on a basis of benefits
only to ',those who' are legitimately laid
off and ' cannot 'obtain . work.'
It would, we ')magrne, be amazing.
how' many so • calked unemployed ,Would
not go hungry, nor.,their families,. if they •
were on 'their. own tot ' awhile. : '
'In :our Tiund s 'eye .. we can . see:. Sir-= - re ularly ' and pu
John A MacDonald: and Sir Wilfrid Laur= very ' well. from' w
ier in some elysian valhalla shaking hands
and agreeing that .the Wheel' has . come' full:' .'
,cycle and „that. Canada, under the time:...
proven two party system, can forge ahead
again to her ' rightful` place in ' the " sun.
You have the puck, Mike. .Now let's
you stick handle! .
(The Kincardine News). .
Now.' that the , matter: • has • been ` de-
cidecr the citizensof the riding of Bruce
can settle. back and:; give their undivided
support to the Man ::thr;• have 'elected in
a• democratic way. We sincerely :,.believe
that John .Loney. 'will .:prove to' be : a
credit. to. the 'Bruce. and,'with .experience,
has the capabilities'' of reaching even grea_
er heights. than that . of . the rank and file
• members .Of the House. of Commons
During the campaign, we • hesitated to
go into"one of• the details we, .knew about
the .life of John Loney, which culminated
with his' election on ; Monday night.: . ,
. It was • back *hen;he 'was, a young-
ster of.sixteen.. that''he told us ,of his in=
terest ` in •politics and, his. desire ' to 'learn
all he .could . about the various parties;'.
laws-• of our country. where 'politics ,were
concerned 'and 'of .political history of Can-
ada. o
+ At the time . his 'interest' was only,
taken seriously to the extent .we, ,made it
possible for him` to make the proper . con-
• tacts fiFom which. he could obtain books
and ' information. to. satisfy his . desires.
Frankly we looked .`upon his ' request at
the time as a passing fancy which .' might,.
' hi' a month or.• so, • be easily diverted to
some other channel for ' such is youth:-
However,'. rather than lessen: • his interest,
it. increased over the years- and, he satis-
• fled his' own mind that'the 'Conservative
way' of thinking was the one , which he
chose to follow. ' ' •
Nineteen years have elapsed and John
Loney. is still studying, and storing all the
knowledge of government . which he' can.
'A. fewyears ago he took. courses in ..pub-
lic , speaking to. better : equip him for a
job which he hoped, some day'. he might
file in the riding of Bruce.
Those who can look. upon hint with':
out .,prejudice: are 'amazed at his mastery
of presentation when he has the opportun_-
its• of , addressing , the pixblk.. ' .
If John Loney' has any great' ,fault `.
it hat' been' sacrificing` his own business
and "interests to serve :others who have
Rather :than: all"this.;political` by-play
about •unemployment,:'it would be refresh-
ing; to hear some of the leaders .advocate •
"cleaning- up" the Act to provide only
for' those' honestly. unable to find a: job.
That, of course, would not lie politically
expedient, and . so. this welfare .: measure
t= contuwes_._to.-foster-- eheming and inertia,
justified by. the view that` "if so and so'•
gets it,:. why. shouldn't: L"
(Exeter .:Times -Advocate)
It's often' . difficult, ' for some strange
reason, for municipal . representatives to
.explain what- happened at the conventions
..theyattend'' this time of year.
Councillors come back from the good
roads, the rural 'municipalities', mayors,'
and . reeves',: dog -catchers' andfenceview-
ers' sessions • in Toronto (usually) with
four stock. ' comments -
(a) Oh, . y, es,. it was a good con-
vention' :this • year. Wouldrrt have, missed
it for., anything," • (Very enthusiastically).
(b) „Well . er . ah: , no,..
there really wasn't anything
Y ., Y gin particular
for our municipality, • but 0. . er . lot
of good general stuff, you know
some dandy speakers . . here' let . me
look" at the prog am, ' (looks in coat poc-
ket) .. , . oh, I left it home in my other
coat. '. :. but most of the, speakers.were
g d , y good, ood.'',
(Slight y . less
enthusiastic) .
() .Joe willgive y
ou a *report
on '
,the late, late show at the
Lichee ' Gardens
and Sam will report on . -the , late
evening and sports 'sessions." (Pointed.
'laughter) Sarkand loe, to the 'disappoint-
ment, of all, "never' do give such reports.
(d) Here s my expense account."
(conventioneers sheepishly passes . it on to
clerk,' who hides it quickly; under other
accounts) ,
Chorus the rest, of council: "That'
one r bill we won't pay this' month. Ha
ha," But they always do,
KRAGT' , ,At 'the Wingharrz;
General' Hospital on Saturday,
A.pri1 lath, 1,983',, 'to Mr. and:
Mrs, Hex*Kragt, 'lt,R. 2,, Tees-
water, a • son, a brother dor: Fern,
Henry; .Ingrid and Simon.
McDONAGH i i inspiration
Copper ' Hospital, on Tuesday,,
April. 16,th,• 1903, to Mr.' and
Mrs. Chuck •MdDona(gh; San Pe,
dro Trailer Park,' ' Mammoutih'
Arizona, 'a daiughter. •
Shower :Held
For Bride Elect
Miss Betty Alton was guest of
•honour at a rxiiseellaneous 'show'-
er at vsihh•tch relatiivees riumibering
asbout 'forty •'were in attendance.
The gathering *as. held at . the
home sof • Mrs. 'Leori+ard. Ritchie
of I,i ucknow, wiho was assisted;. by
Mrs. Blake Alton.' .
T�y •
aunts of the br deede
The living room .. was decorat
ed 'witih White. sand pink stream-
ers and.. " wedding • ibehls,• : and'a
ecorate�d umbrella.
• An 'interestin program in.
eluded readings ; by Mrs. �Goklen.
Johnston, Mrs. Dorothy McLeod,
Mrs. ' Lorne Hackett and Mrs.
'Bert Alton. aryx1 a couipleof con-
tests conducted . Jby Mrs. Gordon
Finnigan. • •
Mrs.•.' Leonard •Ritchie read''.
after . 'which Elizabeth and •' Nan-
cy Ritchie, Mary, Ann Alton .and
Joanne: Ri(tehie • carried, in de
corated baskets. 'of :presents.
Betty was assisted in 'opening
her gifts by her sister, Miss
Marjorie .Alton, 'and by. • Mrs.
Ray Pennington. The . +bride;(to-be
expressed her thanks to ulna and
invited, 'thein to see cher trou's:-
Shower At Zion
A : m'iscellaneous .. shower was
held. for Betty . Al:ton -on: Satur-
day,' April 13•tl at the h.orne of
Marlene . Hunter at Zion. Her
' girl . friends (who attended Spent
an ' 'enjoyable'. . social' afternoon.
Mrs. Ray 1Pennington' assisted
Betty in :,open !ing her gifts. Betty.
graciously thanked• her fried
and h"dstess' • -
. A dainty lunch: was sera
after which, those present 'Vi
invited. in to see ;her (trousse
Offer- 'Students
EditoraI. Award:
Senior ; tihigihschools atwdents'.
J4, Western • Onrtario. count;
shave once again • been. Invited
apply' for the annual newspar
edi'tori'al award offend iby LC
don Free 'Press .Pri axing Caa
parry Limited;
Thus will be .the fourth ye
in Which the .award, tenable
the ' University of . Western• .00
tariio, has been Riven,
The award is -.open to all. gra
13 students nu!ho ,meet uo;iiversi
entrance requirements, who has
spent at least . 'three "of. Ih(
thigh .school years . in Wedged
Ontario, .and + 1 o have demo
strated ' a 'iLi've'ly .interest.
An award' provides each w
ner $250 ,for, :each year at un
versity..and a minimum of $1,01
'eavh . 'sui m .er 4, for on -.thuja
training;' The Eree Press 'wi
also give priority'.consideratk
to any successful ,candidate upc
graduation, for any 1011 -time jc
opportunities: available. =
Asim of. the •awards is to inter
est secondary, school students I
career opportunities . offered'
newspaper editorial, departmenrl
an , 'to 'al. • • interest • *.'stu enrts 1
(both educational: 'and on4he-jo
tr+a i.ning..
'They can be held by studeni
taking journalism,"..general art
Or other . degree courses.. r�
Brochures, • �deicri(bi g. tb
award, �q�ualifications tanrd; respor
sibilities, ' have ..been sent to a ig
school ;principals 'in . rMiddlese,
Elgin, (Kent, Lai *beton,. Essen
Norfolk, Brant,. Bruce, . Oxford
Perth; pre&,, H+wron, Waterl• C, 4
Applications should .be: in' the
form ' :cif., a .typewritten letter
,forwarded .'.not' later than Jun
1st .to the. ipersonnel •Setvices,'de
•partment; : London Free . Pres,
Pri ('tiring ` .Company l'.'rri!ited,'..Lon
don: Selection will !be Made be
for Septemb' r
Thee ..death of Mrs. Frederic
Culbert of. Walton 000urred •ir
Wingham hospital,. on ' .Tuesday.
April: pth, tin her 73rd. year.
She. washe' former Ethel
Miyra • Barbour, sister .df . Mrs,
Ben. McClenaghari . of White,
eliurch' `and of Ellwood .Barbour
of West Wa�wa.nosh • and Jaimes
Barbour of • •London:
The funeral service 'i was ,held
at the Johnstone. Funeral Home,
Ludk+now, on Friday, :April 12th,
with..interme' t in Greenhill cern-
/Surviving _besides• her husband
are three .• sons' Llewellyn of
Stratford; iMe1v 11e •o,f Goderich,
Clifford. Of Georgetown. and ''a
daugh•ter.,... Mrs Robert •Megic•oll
(Effie) :of Moncton,' N.B. There
are six •grandchi•ldren . and ' three
• great , grandchildren, "
The fireproof construction. of nes J. W ,Blass
, Ida
O,G. C•
'4 .
the: ••Lireknow (Furniture . ,Factory,
and quick action "(by the 'Fire
Department,saved .the building
from •destructionrherr'fire broke'
out in the , engine +roorrl in the
early hours: of the morning. The.
fire wasdiscovered by A. ',M.!
"Granny,' 'A.itdhason` and Horace
Aitchison 'raced up•?tihe street to
sound the ala nm."
Several hundred people at -
'tended the "At Home" given by.
Mr. and Mrs, T. F. Cain at the
Cain ,House, `and ' enjoyed ,ithe
privilege of seeing through, what
• is• "now genes ally known to be
one of the finest hotels in West
ern .Ontari i outside the cities,"
George,. Matheson received • a
grant of . $166 from the Canadian.
Government -for services; Tender-
ed ,during the Fenian .raids.
,,,At S.S. No, :8 I'(inioss, "Grace
Reid. was teaching the following
pupils; M. McGregor, L .:Mean-.
.1�cr►4.44 ., �... .� .
McDonald, ,N. Harkness, E. Tay -
tor, G.. Moffat, J. McInnes, E.
MacDonald;,.. P. Taylo'r,,
.fin, I:.Maffat, E. Orr, G. .Tiffin.,,
M. Moffat, A.. Armstrong, T,
McRu.riney, A. Taylor, Eva- lyfor-:
rison1VI; • R.cBu'rMorriney,sFo,n,GollB. •(•lanknes,
. " ;
Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Todd Of
St. Helens observed . their gol-"
den wedding anniversary.
Ashfield (pioneer: Patrick'.
:Clare, died at the age of 86.
'Municipal appointments were
J,' E. Agnew, clerk and treasurer
at a salary 'of . $200; 'W. J. Lyons,
assessor,. $+50; Steel:Hunter, wat-
erworks engineer, $40. and free
(house; R�i• Cameron, constable,
$225 .and uniform.•
'• The Lochalh ' correspondent
reported the 'tile factory 'w•a+s a
busy/ place with (twenty' Men in
the pit and ten teams hauling
yards of gravel daily.