HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-17, Page 1• • ,t. $3OOAYeaIInAdvance.$iO0 Extra •TO USA, Kinto$$, Scouts Form .Two Troops; 'Hold 141'447:];'N'To.:YLIZt,,,,, show, Removal': ClOt—Snowb�lied To - • ‘Fatiler . Staggering Figure During Past Winter. • :the.S.eafOrth, Lion§ CIrttb, to • -4? • , ' • . • : • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APAIL, 17,, 1963 Single Copy 10c Benefit Dance Named 1st Queen Scout • 1st Kinfoss Boy cout, Group l• • • So • that country • • 'be sent to -India, where they set.ve a valuable purpose in ¶the relief of eye troubles in The new Scut Leac.lersof the rst•, Kinloss Boy Scout Gym') were invested last week when' Dlstrict Cominissioner • • Archie • Gowarilock attended • the Scout meeting •for •• the special cere- mony The new Scout:Master of the •North Troop, Frank Colvirell, re -affirmed : his Scout Promise, along with tErneSt Ackert. who witllI15e an 'assistant to Smith.. ' •, Troep. ,Assi-stants Currie Colwell and Donald. Geddes were offic- iajIy invested by the 'District.. Commissioner. • • • • :•ADIUPs'..11tove . • .The Cub Packwere. guests Of the Scouti as well, and the Coming Up ceremony was con- ducted for Allan 'Nicholson, Pat Passmore, Donald Moffat and John • Ackert Who entered . the Scout Trop Aitl Soul- ofthese- lads were Sixers in the Pack • so promotions will be , in order. for the CUP Pack. •-.• ' Ken Roulstxin .and • David Rho:: • dy ..received their Leaping' Well badges whiChthey can always • wear at 'Scouts signifyingthey had beep...two, Star Cubs.: • Some of the motherS of • the Auxiliary 'Serveci_Lthi _e_gr-oup -..---doughnuts7' and hot chOcolat , .and aft ,vamoosed to see th felt ,of the .hockey .garrie. • Father and on .Banquet': Last .week the much. post- poned :Father and Son Banquet 'was held. The Ladies A -1130i nary served 127. Fathers and Sons' .a turkey supper rn their fine tra- ditional nianner Martin Benedict •The Troop Leader,. was chairman for ••the after. dinner toast Allan Colwell toasted' the Fathers and. his father, 'Albert replied for the Dads. ' . , • • After the tables were cleared. QXOup Committee Charman, Or- Vilile 'took over as ' gram chairman' and the rest of the' evening was spent in good laugh's at the skits put On.11:+ST the Cubs and., "Scouts. -The mailers all came up from their .dinner duties and each received:a daf Jodil :rpm her •son. as a• thank You•Ifor.the supper. • • Gets, Que•en's Seeut Badge: District GomniisSioner • Archie •Gowanlock spoke briefly , and as a :highlight:Of the eVening,preL' sented Martin /Benedict with his Queens ..Scout Badge. All of the 1St- Kinlosi Group are ,proud' to have their firSt Queen's Scent.and 'they are haP- PY-Lfor---Mart in•-•,who—has—werkecl- hard and succeSsfully. for .this honour,. He will be presented with .his Certificate. at the. Salt-. geeri District Spring meeting on April 244th at . Walkerton. . Fire Benefit Dance On •Monday : Of :this week the Scout,:Troop :held a, benefit dance for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy. -who-7,1ost-theirhome by -fire, In .siteof :ring seeding dp'era- ions , there w.as. . good crowd, and everyone enjoyed the.musie, by the volunteer 'local musicians w'ho turned. ,Out in full ..force. An:extra special' treat Were the' songs 'by' their neighbour, Erxile King. , , , • .• . The :Scout Troop woudd like to thank. alt1 who Ihelped 'make this evening . a ..`suecess„. They. know that Mr and Ms Percy share ..•.with them in extending theiethanks to their good. neigh- . bOiTir7ind friends.. The LtUcknow.: and' Dittric;t . Lions are assisting 'the Sea - forth Club in this project, and anyone -intill:is •,,,c,orri- Triunity who has a 'contribil- • tion to make, rney leave • them at The Sentinel Office:. few' years ago the local . .Chtb staged their OWn • earn, paign when hundreds of pairs of +glasses 'were tUrried in. • '.: • • In ' the 'meantime there must behundredsof pair more. that have: been replac- ed and are "lying about" arid of .no further use. Gath- .e:r. them, •up and leave 'them at The Sentinel .or with ariy 'Lions meniber. " °April quickly rernoved almost the fast 'es of ai . unusually seVere winter, 'snow wise,but, for milticipal, councils it brought final iguree Of. snow •Coritro1. eosts, 'which reached rather, stag. gering, Sums, • Now that its just l'water down' ' the .drain," Township Councils find that their road budgets for the current ,year are 'badly . • One bright spot .in the pie - titre, iS. that Hon. C. S. Mac - Naughton, of Exeter, 'in his ne.v role as minister of highways has recogniked• the municipalities road program Proiblems, and higher ,,provincial subsidies are in the offing, • •„:, • . . • . • • • • • Organize 4-H Clubs 'Next Week • . 4-H, Club organization meet ings. are now being conducted, and representatives 'of sthe Huron County. Agricultural ,office, will • 'be in LucknoW, on Wednesday • evening of next week,. April • ,,,•,24th, for this purpose, • ' 4-H Clubs have.beceme•impan: tiarafeatures of .fall fars, and . • the activities are..Cli'maxed with , 2 aalideVemerit day at the Fair Thisyear the ki.tieknow Agri- cultural Society 'will sponsor a . ;Calf Club and • Tracton 'Club if •the 'interest warrants, •and the Dungannon. Agricultural Society l Will sponsor a 'Calf Cub as • . • , • • US- .Thes'e Clubs' be' • organized at ,the LI.Kkno'w joint meeting • .• pext; Week.: #‘ . • ,,=1* • • p• Nonagenarian In Good Health .,1V1, •Gordon, a native of St Helens, who is now in the Mid -nineties, is still :enjoying reasonably 'good' health, andre- tains a •ken interest in the coin- Munity where hp was born,' He is a son of 'the lath Mr, and Mrs. John Gordon of St, Helens: His son-in-law, P. "0, Ripley of Ottawa, wrote a note for br. 'Gordon, in, sending' his', Sentinel renewal, • • Dr: Gordon, doesn't do much ,writing :now but his -mind is Clear', and .while his eye- sight is failing some he still ertjoyS reading, and visits from friends. . St. Helens friends, whO: called On .nitti th the tall, were arriazed, at Dr: dordOn's keenness, arid good health, and he' still enjoys • a game of euchre, • • • • • • • • • -.GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE. WEJ.:14 ATTENDED ' Easter services fn. community 'churches were attended by large congregations:. " ,1 On .Friday .afternoon. a Gabel Friday service was held at St.. Peter's .Anglican ..Church, which' was well filled with parishioners .froin the four changes, and' mem- bers •of Other congregatio.ns in the contrntinity. ' ' • 'The, service was conducted by Rev. J. R. King, assisted by Rev. H. W, Strapp and Rev. Rod MacLeod. • , • ' . IsU-o -4o -ont . . . Research ,Associate Mr. and MrS. Gary *Suter of Toronto' spent the. Easter week- end With 'Mrs. Harold Treleaven. Recently Gary received his Mas- ter of Applied Seience in Struct- ural .Engineering*.from the Unl- versi•ti of ,Toranito, •and is lurr- a research aSsociate at the Uni- versity • • • • • DHS Principal as Resigned , Highest Ever • In adjacent rural , . ties, '..snow control costs during the • 1962-63 winter -.were • the, highest . eVer .experiencecl. . . In the four townships of Ash- `. Huron, .Kinloss and West' Wawanosh theyaggregated over ' $90,000. . • Ashfield and Huron Township, bordering Lake Huron, were bit the^heaviest ..of the four,anc. are somewhat +larger as well.. Ashfield. costs ran to about' $35,000,-. exceeding the year's estimated mainterance,. budget. The:cost was Whoa three times as.hgh is the nominal costs ov- er the Oast six years, ,with the exception.,of the winter Of -1958- 59 which' at $20,000 set a record,' high which stood until this rwin- • In' Huron TWR. the overall cost • • was about $30,000, wdthin.. $9,000 o the total earmarked ifor main- tenance this year. and .over half of the total road budget of s�ne $57,000. • • „ • In West Wawanosh sri,crir costs totalled over $12,000, which 'wag' half of the total road expendi- ture last year, . ; • This year's road iby-daw has been set at • $28,000., the '• higihest that-:theDepartntent approve for . subsidy. PaYments. • : Supplementary by-laws • can • ,and May be, .considered by .all fl•ninitipalitie.s. This is. standard • proceilute,/should the road Work program. warrant addedexpen7 ditu.res. . • .• The LUanow . District High School Board has received -the 'resignation .Of Mr. Brian B. Hewlett,' principal of L.D.H.S. for the past two years. Mrliowlett's resignation; effective at the end of the presentiterrn; wasreceiv- ed °On TlitOsclay. He has accepted a iprincipal- ship-at-.dravenhuitt , • Mr. Howlett carne from: Dray- ton to Lucknow, succeeding Mr. D. G Kirk; Who ..Was principal, here for qineyear following the, retirement: of Mr. P W Hoag. . • Two Staff VaCanCies T.he Board has at 'present two staff vacancies to 'be filled, as well as acquiring a prancipal Leaving are Edward Dzierzek the commercial teacher and Mr. Har,ry ,Lee, the .17rencli, 'teacher. It is understood that last. year's French teacher, Mr Frank Des- jariaiS is -considering , returning here. Commercial teachers are !very .scarce and this .vacancy may be .difficult lb THITASI)AY IS BOY SCOUT PAPER \DA • This '1‘,h.ursday afternodn, the Lucia -few Boy- Scouts lvi411 hold a waste paper collection in/ Luck - now and Dungannon: . Have your paper and maga- zines boxed or tied and •at' the curb, or :if you wish this. .ser - rice done for 'you; Phone Scout- master George, Whitby. Rural residents May leave pa- per at iDonald• ,MaCkinnon's barn ' up, until ThurSday,.. Rural residents 1M the-Dung•annon area, can 'take' their paper into. Dun- gannon on: Thursday afternoon to "catchthe truck." , *Mile .-Pungannon. Fair Officers ,Dungannon • Agrictiltdral So- ciety:. held their annual meeting pn Wednesday evening, with a good attendance. * 'Stan IVIeGrattOn seted.ai chair . . . rlhp .election, of the f1:> LionsH.Take, Charge. '1.an for'itotficers:"„ ". : • ,„ Gorden Saunders; • Pres:, :Harold • The Lucknow:•& District Lions, Club • to take charge 'of Red Cross' Supplie.swhich are .avail- able locally for ,use by ;residents of. • this Cornrnunity, in cases of need or erriergencies. 1 . These . supplies had, been ad -- ministered by the Lkicknow and , District Branch of the Red: 'Cross, which ceased to 'operate :at the •end 61 the year': • -- At; .the, 7 Lions 'ineeting-,last .week•„it was. agreed that the assyrne charge of • these ' supplie$.. /and a 'Committee for Vhs ptirpose will 'be named at an Executive Meeting of the -Club. Reference •was made;to • the condition of The Lions signs. at the Vilflag,e appreaChes, and .these re to •receive attention. • Bob Finlay gave a report of the }pe carnival which costume wise was very strecessful. Never regarded as a money niaker, re - 'fell a little short of. pay- ing , expenses, according to the. financial 'report •giyen by Jack VICDoriagh, Gordon V'isher reported `' that the t;iter Seat catripaign Nas 'progressing !very well. • , Adams,; First -Vice, -.Chester.' Fin- Second,Vice,• Rpderick Me - Kenzie. -• . • Director's! Donald 5VIcKeniie, Harvey Culbert, .Rcs's EedY, Al- lan Reed, Nelson Culbert,- Stan McGratton, Dick Park; Wilbur •BroWn,' Hugh 13ennett, Theodore Redincind, Ross, Henry, Gordon' SmYth.• • • . ' Associate Lady Directors: Mrs. Chester, Finnigan; Mrs. Donald McKenzie;:Mrs.•Ress Henry, Mrs. Russel ;Brindley, T, M. Durnin; Au- ditors, W. A. Stewart,. K. Dawson; Calf Club leader, RoSs.. Eedy, • • Cord Saunders,president, for ,the past two years, reviewed the Succe881111 .fair held last's fall. He thanked all .+Who had help- ed during ,his time as president. He*espectally 'menticined the work done ib y the lady directors to build up the indoor work, and wished; the society co.ntinued succesS, • '” • • The fair' lbook' was discussed 'and changes Made. 4 . A 'drive was suggested to se.. cure ^.M.Ore Associate Direotort. The tair is to be held this year o' Fri1ay, OctOber 4th." . • Mr. and Mrs.- Jelle .• de 'Jong, Township, Wish to, an- nOitnce the enga,gernent. of 'their. daughter,' Johanna; to Mr. Will- i* George. Searle of Kincar- dine, son of Mr. and Mrs Chas, ..Searle of Kincardine, . the 'Marriage • to take, place .•.on Friday, May 3rd, at •seven -thirty o'clock at Luckriow Christian Reformed Church. . Still Receiving. °nations For Easter Seal •Fund • Donations to the 'Easter Seal, Furid for 'Crippled Children from LUcknoW and District, were .slightly over 4ihe $.700 mark. at the first of the week: • A list of donors appeared in last ;week's Sentinel and a sup- plementary , dist • isbeing pub- lished :this week; The . project is sponsored in this „fear.= uribty by the Lucknow and District Lions ClUb.' The $700 . already receiVed is still shortof last year's mark. Dona tions ,contiriue to be received and if you ..,have overlooked m,aking yoqr contribution, the 'Lions C1413, remindS you ;it will still. be ,very wedcnie •• If you did not, get an Easter Seal letter' or if you find it more coriVenientto make a 'Personal donation, you nray leave it with Gordon •Fi.sher, treasurer of the fuod, or any member of the Lions Club,. Donations to date have been i•receiVecl from abOul 300 persons,‘ representing about one.,thnid the nurnber of itters sent out. • + I "SnoWcoats in Kinloss ship. •,totalled .over: $14,000 ,dur- ing ,the , past 'winter, 'Which figure - represents almost half 'oif •,„jJi $30,00,0 budget for this' year. • And there's 'nothing fo show ifor , it all .On. the •credit, side of., • ". I the '.ledger; ' • ' On the debit side, over . and above snow costs, are broken fences,•.and lower sschooI.grants, based on... per • student day at:- tendance, which was affected by , storm ' conditions, and snOlw.b19eic- ed roads. , • • " , . • • ' . • . • •. Sand-110st Paint •: • • • ,s • Off .United Church Work is. underway it 'present'. in sanciblaging the eXte-ior Of,. Lucknow United Church, tb- renil.:(Ve the red ;paint which r has been scaling rather badly. , • The work .wilil,restore' the: ori- ginal, white brick surface, Which will ;be "pointed"/ where, ne•ces sally' arid the surface water,* ,preafed. The .painting of the windows 'will complete the ex terior renovation, the estimated Cost of the 'entire .project in, the • . neighborhood of $3,000: The interior Of the church un- derwent. an extensive iendvation. program prior to.,the Centennial: of the congregation, 'which was • " marked last year. , . ••0 It was then Considered that the exterior work,' Would soon have to be •undertaken. The project Was approved at •the • meeting of ,the •Gfficial Board on Wednesday e,a'n,ing of last week, and work as immediately commenced. It - 'is expected the, Sandblasting pointing will take about', ten * days, Tlitt work is lbeinrs done by a Waterloo firm. The °hilt ch. was originally • ., painted about 35 yeariago. The, • work was* approved in' 1927, The !building wax spray Tainted some years later, . Expert' advice was .to the ef- fect that a. satisfactory painting job could not be done in the present condition of the brick- work t .a,ncl, thus it Was decided to sandblast- the •building. re- turning the i?rioieto their natweal, / color„, 0