HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-10, Page 71111E1.24.reS - • Y, APRIL! 10, 1963 1 \ Presbyteriao, ' The April Meeting Of tile. Wo. t, menes IVIissionary Society was -beta on Tuesday, April 2nd, Mrs, Clarke Finlayson Presided. The scripture. was read responsively'ii f011owed 'by .prayer by Mrs. C, • -.Pinlayson, Miss Mazy McLeod gave the Bible '.Study in the !al); sense of Mrs. 'Claire Agnew, • .BusinesS (was discussed :and. the, ladies were reminded of the. Ev• - ening Easter Thankoffering to be held. April 16th. Prayer 'was gi-, even by Mrs, C. Cook. The • sign Study was taken .by'Mrs, Philip Stewart,. Mrs NI, Hender- son gave an Easter Prayer,and the roll' tall was .answered •by repeating an. Easter verse,- After a .report from •thvisit•ing corn-. mittee,,., the meeting. cioSed With • • lryrnn .192 and prayer by. Mrs, • Jamieson. Inirnediately 'following; :the Mission Band* ancl•their •Mo, tthers were entertained obythe, • Society and. the Children carried out, •an . •inleresting Iprpgrarrinie under: the leadership' c•f Mrs Lit 1 M i fr• • • THE vocKnow sarramt tfuamow. maim°• refereneeS..,tO, the .B...VbIe. • .L4601i. viras. serVed, . . St, Marys C.W.L. Thirteen members .4,t-trof Marys LueknoW„ ',joined with members of 'St. Augustine C.'W,L. for the 'annual April .Meeting. .Father Malak opened The meeting • with the League praye' 'and Mrs. J, L, presided for the ',business section. •Further Plans were made for the 80th Anniversary of ,the St. Augustine Church to. be......irield May .th. Dates • of the Retreats for 1963 were read The 43rd annual Dioce.sah con- ventien will he held May 13th 'and 14th at Assuiniation Univer- sity, Windier. A. quilt for the Red Cross was quilted by sever- al of the „members at 'the home of Mrs, G., Tueker. •Ele.ction, of the 'new executivethen took Place,With Mrs. J, L, MacMillan, past president; Mrs, 'Jas. O'Don-. nell, president; Mrs, Norman Sie- grist lst tvice-pre.s.; Mrs. Pete MacDonald,. secretarry-treasur. Fathe_r • .Malak .all present to. the • Rectdry for,. a Polish Smong.a.sbordlunch which .Was a surprise treat for. them, A social hour closed the Meeting. lican Church ente:rtained . the. • children .1rvith drawings and theft. ?our .sos,erip.tfob ,,,Renewed? • : • kATERIALS FROM FRANCE TO. ADORN SA.NCTUARIT •The annual 'meeting of the °C,W,L. of " St. Augustine was held in the Parish, Hall ori °April 2nd with •the • ladies of the C•W•L, Of Liteknow being invited guests. The election of officers for the League Year 1063-04 was ;herd and the following are the neW exeoutive: -President, Mrs. GusRedmond; vice-rpres.,: Mrs, Cyril Boyle; See;-itreas„' Mrs. Gordon Foran,At the May Meet- ing .the executive with. Father Malak will -apPoint conveners 'Father Malak discussed with 'both eouncilSr.., the plans .and pre- • parations that are in tprogress for the May 5th celebration of • the 00th ,anniversary Of the church, with the Parish ttaking Part in a smOrgasbord dinner to •be held in •the shall followed by .a draw ' and raffle_ Irish • linen and velvet Material from France • were donated bY the C,W.L. to 'adorn •the 'sanctuary' • and chufch Members Were ask- .' ed to collect used nylon's 'and •Eleave them at .St• • Augustine' Store' where they Will be sent to Toronto and' then shipped .tei Korea where they • in' turn twill be 're -made • into a valtiabje • pioduct, The next meeting will be May 7th. Father ,Malak elos-: Led the Meeting after • Which...he InVited the ladies to a Buffet style meal' iri the church rectory,. ' . • . Bruce U.C.W. Mark First Anniversary. • More than 225 Wdmengathereci • . St. • John's eroti:-.1: ureh, Chestley, to mark the, firSt Versary of . the 'Brnce Prestbyter-, •United. Church Worripn. The: ,grou.p was representative of the. rnany oliurclieS w.hichl• dot.. Bruce county', from. ,Teberrnory , ' Mrs.. Ernest '.Fox; President- of -.the Bruce •Presby 1,;erial UCW presided: • Mrs.:: Harold Thacker, •KintarL diri,00ld of the Year in review, she said:it been .a year C'01 oiganizatior,•and'•the .forthcom- . ing .:interest is the .total MIS.S.10I1 • Reports , Were given by Mrs. L. IA/liners 'correspondina see, itetary„ Mrs. :H. A. Street, ',gave: the treasurer's .• report • and the %financial state-. • ..merit Was re.a& bY W.•Fai Ripley. Mrs.. P. •Cilialmers, • frit:yin :the 'Hamilton. Conference presided for the election' of of • peers ca:sPresented by. Mrs... Alex -Iteard'mithe' nomin- ,• ating catrimittee. For sound' COrreetty • NILIPAENTS unsel and a fair price ori Et 'monument esigned froth quality material, • rely •ort ?AGE' SEYEN. • . - ••-• , . . ETON-. 'MEMORIALS • Pat: 0110, prop,. . Established Over Sixty Years,. Walkerton Phone 638 -iv: ontatio a T r Electrocuted • (CULROSS CORNERS), • • Mr, and Mrs. Ezra • StanieiY. sPent 1ast TueSdaY; in *Toronto, • Ian., McPherson had three cow S electroCuted: Tuesday, at noon,,"..Thie ,hydrO InspectOrs found the 'tronble. had...been' caused by.,• •a bare 'wire. •• 'The Scoutand cub Father & ,Son •Banquet ...which had been postponed in ,the winter,due tto rweath•er and road Conditions, was. •held • .in the Helyrood .0n Friday evening. • Do.Ug . Stanley ..1.10,s accepted a position. ,with .the Teeswater; Creatmery, Tees.water...' • The Browns were on the -shelf all last week with. the "flu," and . Mrs; Art Hedgins spent ' an . ,evening 'recently witth Mr. and. Mrs John McInnes. • ' ' 1Viiiss El.d a • '1•Mailil, London, ..•: was a Week -end visitor at her home here.. Thursd peht. 1VIrley‘ . ....1V1r., • and' Wall ventrig (With, 1VI.r... and. Mrs, • rt Hodgins. .• Mrs; TonStewart. and « Harold attended a birthday • supper at .ot Mr. and Mr.s. Ron - ad' ,StantleS..,, Kinross, in honour: • their grandchildren,. GeOrge and ,Shirley Stanley. ..t • Mr; and' 1VIr.s. Gary EdwarcksH, Sarnia, 'and Mr, Ronald' Parker, .GtielPh.• Sipe:nit the week-end..With Mr. and Mrs:: ve.rett 'Parker •& faiiiily.. •• ,. • ./.: « Inapection was madefor sthiljes .and buttons done UP rbefere the siker§ collected Fairy Gold in their pouches. • , • Each six was given a paper eye and-, sent outdoors to take a walk and list, the' 'different. signs of spring in evidence. Skipping w.as :practised and , several 'girls' met.; their Golden. • Bat, requirements. The senior group reviewed semaphore ndoors Tawny 'Owl' condUtt- ed a smelling game before pow- - In 'Pow -Wow Elizabeth Rit- chie was presented with an . award for .Obtaining the 'highest • number a. points during the past. • three. months. Elizabet1.1 had 43 .points out of a, possible. 44. 'The pack salute, was given 1, in, her hohour. ..Good turns .practised - in 'the past. week were related before the meeting closed. ' With the• . Squeeze., a song and prayer.; rownie..News: 2yui PACK 'BROWNIES Elizabeth' Ritchie' • was Toad- stool Fairy at Tuesday's:Brownie meeting '7 lideh opened With • a • HERBERT '.B. WOODS DIED AT DA:YTONA• BEACH . . „ Dr Herbert B. Woods,: 86, thed ,at his 'Shame, 441 •Zelda Blvd., Daytona Beach :Wednes- day March 20th. He was near Goderich and ' •practiced „ rnedieine in Detroit for 46 years' before .retiring' .arid niovirig to ' Daytona Beach nine years, 'ago.• He Is survived by his Wife Zoe; :one son, Dr. Robert Weods; one daughter, Mrs, Norman •J.. Cummings, seven grAndchildren. . and' one great .grandehild, all of i•Detroit. Private serviceswere at ' the: residence and a Memorial • Service in •Holy. Trinity by the: .Sea • Episoopal, tChurch. Burial will b in • Detroit. • The late •MrS,:Harry of LucknOw •was •a sister of Dr,. Weods. • Mrs.• .W; Krug reported- for' •, the literature- and !program goail-: matee.. A treport of The .',Observ- • • ,er,'.and 'how it .carrObe'liitilized'in ;. . , • • , , . :UCW • meetings waS.given by • Combmeyour home7growp:grains • • ., Mrs.. Lot Culbert,. Ripley... The • ••« theme of the fit ,annual meet - with .• ." in g Wai Reaching 'Otit, • ,: N •'Officers :elected' ter •193 .are resident, . E. Fox ; Ches- ...vice-presidents, Mrs: •W.• Grant, ga. 3, Paisley, •Mrs. N. Belfry, WeAketion, .Mrs. H. B. Cheshire, Wiartdri, Mrs, ,o, Me - Charles MR. .3, •Lucknow; •Cor- responding Seciretaryi: Mrs. J. L. Miller, Port . Elgin; Recording Secretary( Mrs. .1111,aekr, Kin- cardine; TreaSurer, tD!Itt`S.. H. A. Street, <incard'ine « Christian Citizenship' and Social Aetion, Mrs,...W.- Miller, Tara; Co-opera- bbriStian Education and Missionary ' Education, Mro.' • S. Ellis, Southambtoni, Finahee, Mrs.' W, Farrell, R.R. • 2, Ripley, Leadership pevelopment, Mrs. A. Reoch, Port,. Elgin; Nanind tion.s, • Mrs—Alex Heard:'R.R., 1, Port ntginf Organization and Premet•lori,, Mrs.. a. Courtney. R.R. 1, rlip;cy, CommUnity •FriencIship• ' and • J.:. CHICK'.CONCENTRATE.,:: the fraA mixwiththe meat meal b4s-fij Recipe for any chick's favorite menu own home-grown: grains fresh -Mixed with National Chick Mix Concentrate. It's rich ii. meat meal protein,.. SO, it forms a perfect balancewith „ the vegetable'nutrknts you supply!. . . ' , • • 'Whether yon.have your own grains o, We Supplk thein, vve can custom NOW the finest frosh-mil you can buy right here at`the nutie' • using National Cericertratei of cburse, ' . PS: Ask us about National -2O% Chick Starter Crum: cithei plain; or medicated!. ; • . • *A P.R...00110T • ACAISIADIANI.INDUSTRIES LIMITft • FINLAYSO1 LOC • • • • 6Vfurniture, wood trim Or waits • Rich hand -rubbed look' • 40 -Smart decorator cOori" 41. Wears long, waghes,wei!' Special Sale - 1 SANIFIAT Best quality paint wick- range ;Of colors ' Visiting.. Mrs, It. Elliott, p ; Rileyrth ' I . . f •Literature and Program. Mi4s; NV, •buy'one quart and get one quart free A. Krug, Chesley; Periodicals„ ' ' , , , . .. „ ,,....,* . • ' • ' ., ' Mrs,- V , J. , Hui -iter, LuckrioW, ' • . .. '' , . ..• An In Memoriam Service Avasa/ . . ..GoOd. to, the exte4 of present stock conduc,ted by Mrs. NorMan Bel.- ',' . . ,•. • ' , • ' t ' • .. WILLIAM NIURDIE . . fry,•! Walkerton:in Inemol*y of .1and SON the 44 tmembers who have died since The inooptiori last year of tbo . truce Presbyttriall UCW. A , Lutikrtow ' ' : Phone 284906 • .. , . . , • ,boolit- of Golden iViernorde was , g,totii Paper. Collectiono Thursday, April 18 h ... , • dedfca•ted, 'to thit Purpose" *by Mrs. O. LuOicliow! •