HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-27, Page 15• hu K IoW ' ,a1t. , ; hUCJ NOW;,.•ONTARLO ,' haM■0•0.It,44r11M41tr1*••g!!••11•r�rrn�nr��rr��M!>As- ■ GIANT - Dungcinnon .111.ear A• Died In tea ... i t r r; r, • la r o011111111INII 11 III M' At `Tie isxt • BELGRAVE FORESTER'S Hr ... �,Suturday. ■ Afternoon, March- 36th ir A Irl •r r la At 1,30 p.m. , Sharp• T iw r. in �•lar � .,.'•,1500..-DOWN,IN. • BUYS ANY:: MEI CH4 ND1SE •ATTHE SALE P :.• r. ■ . Yes That's Right -- An, Auction Sale'Vere You. 1 ✓ . Can Buy At 15% Down ' Of Fula' Bid,. '.1 r y a • . • sOB ■ ■ ..AUCTIONEERHENRY will; 'sell,' .without reserve; '■ a large -selection of ■' Finance Com pany Repossessions: r 'BankruptSto ks and Bailiff Seitures;: Wand .'. Personal r.• 1 'Consignment consisting.•of' •Modern .Household • Furn- • i i.ture • Televisions Sets' and :Appliantes.. • i LFQRLSAM-P- E= --H1 W=fi FFER -O -Sz4 C-a-rge= - selection of slightly used• television sets: 2 refrigerators, .r ■. 2 Washers, a• large chest freezer, washer ''and'.:dryer, ■.. • 2 electric ranges, acombination radio and ' record player, N. ■ BOB HENRY; WILL ALSO OFFER FOR, SALE "a ■ 1. large, selection ,of .BRAND NEW FURNITURE. con, : • ;sisting of 2 complete Walnut, bed.roo.m suites, 4 •39U'. • ' ■-• Continental,` beds ';with ;headboards, 2'. 54full : size ■ N•: mattresses„ • 2 foam' cushioned chesterfield'' suites, 2 , r■r • davenport suites that Make •into. a • bed 60 •bass. c1ord '•. ■ organ., 9 :pc., ." 7 , pc , anal ` pc:.; coppertone: dinette 1 suites;. step'. and coffeetables; damps,, hos'tess..•chairs; . st desk.;. hi, -chair,. ' gossip ' 'bench,,• 'step stool,,.' and .many.. • other items too 'numerous :to •mention ■. ■ 'i Don't Miss. This 'Outstanding. Auction ,Sale • At --- ■ s The Belgrave :' Forester's •Hall i. OF UNIQUE E • PRIZES ■ A ■ Four Canali�a is willav■ �'•nlort nLt to0 o aa.,:Tirne � • Aid .Plage o u Bemiem�er shepp y a . -- ' ELGRAV'E ONTARIO. FORESTER'S HALL � 8 , � ONTARIO' . a. SATURDAY,' MARCH .30th`' . •At 1.30 Sharp. •. After a .lengthy. 'illness death came peacefully• to Mrs. Alex- ander Pen'tiand at Pinecrest Ma- nor Nursing • Home in Luekno'w on Fri•d•ay, M•areh . 2nd in •'heir 90th .year.. Mrs, Pentland Was the, fawner AdaB,arb$ra Augustine daugh- ter of 13gnjam'in Augustine .sand Sarah , Morningstar, < natives. ,o f. Wainfleet In.. Welland cfun� y. 'Mrs Pentland Was 'born at Ark ona i'n L.atnbiton 'C&tiity on •Feb- ruary 12th,.• .1$7.4. ' in 190$, . the was • married' at Dungannon to .Alexander Penttland' and . they ti resided • on .,the farm.' ,•north of. 1 Dungannon gall theit. married life.. Mr..Pentland •died .in 1934. • ., Mrs. Pentland was. a 1•ady of sterling qualities•''and was thvghly; esteemed in the comrnunity. She was a afe Member. of • Dungan non Vatted Church Missionary Sagely,. ' r The' remains; rested at the Ar- • tlxur• Funeral . H;omein. Auburn' until Monday, March 25th,, When the ; funeral ' service . was '!he•1d at .2:00 o'cloc;k in: Dungannon 'Unit- ed Church, Where• for years she. had . ibeetV a faithful :me+mbe•r. The 'service ',was conducted' •tby.. Rev N.. L. Gostonyi :of Dungan- non and Rev.' Wm. • Taylor • .af Dorchester, .father• ::of ''•Mrs. 'La- verne' . Pe'ntland. The organist was. • ' ., gran•ddaufghiter, • Lynda: :Foster of Port' Albert. 1%0E' PIMA I Until Further .Notice' Business' •Hours Will .Be • Resumed As Of Last Year; PEN :FRIDAY EVENINGS Until 10:00 Commencing April loses .� Saturdays at .:6:00 P• LUCKNOW BUSINESS •` MEN'S ASSOCIATION`.. ' OPEN ALL ' DAY THURSDAY, APRIL 11 (Preceding Good' Friday .: I"Ioliday) NNIINrrrr.■r,rearaurrru:■ri••'■•Ili'rr■s,tik•■■••••••■••q■ma • ■' 73'l�<S',,,,•;,•••':fl;,'! f1 'y�u •d`a'm ^`i;s ;;:a:' :■.. ■ S. of r ■• .'. '1, .,f .... lJ% y- � r�r :`�(r sir...▪ ., r :y ,�r l`- .• s is1': :• f ■ O ai- .0''•. ■.. ■. ■ r 0 ■. . ■ ■, 0 r. that '1, In•termenit was in:. Dungannon ' i• .•Ceimete y with ,Mrs, Pentland'•s10'N_F . . six sans .acting as pallbearers: • Surviving are pile daughter, Mrs. Ernest Pritchard `(M,argar, .. et) of. Toronto; ana,six . sons, La- verne a verne Pentland. of . Detroit, Ben son of Lanidon,.,Frank' of Dun ,gannon;•Alan, of North Bay, Ron- ald. of North.Bay : and `' Wilfred of Dungannon.. • ' There are twenty grandchild= ren and eight great" grandc:hil- •dren • Mrs. ,:Pentland was •predece•as. ed by her .•husband and a •laugh ter' Mrs Raljoh ('Cli ire) ' F• ester;, OFFERS. SERIES • pense paid 'African ':safari through a nation-wide contest this ' .year . for hunters. •sponsored rby Cana-' divan .:Industries . Limited.. :, The ' African 'iafari trips pare. • : the ,grandprize • in, C -I L's• 34 ■t • • • o � ' _acce �' ted :accounts i:' p• rize, :$30;000 -African. 'Safari. ■.' 'TERMS:,---�� .15%..`� DOWN' ( n p ) �.- ■ C• ontest., There ''are, two grand : CHEQUES, ACCEP'T'ED r. a .■ • Prizes.- at a trip' to.' East Africa, ■ r and the., lucky winners. will each. • • r % select a 'partner and Fall fouls a AUC'L'NF'F.R R9ERT HENRY, II' 1. •;�. a � be;.gtaes�ts-`of"'G-.I=•L 'oil ;�a •. u ■r■saaar•r•.Mani usM:irr■namoreni•■■Mu`us easor'�t■r1i game.. hunting trip. •• Another' two • lucky -contestants Bible: 'wi,th.•• the 'word "work." will be .guests of C=I-L':on• •exert-•• (��j') ' next. ,inee.t'ing will' be held in Canadian huntin 'tris for. I ITE' ' '+. HURCH . The g g. p. • . at :the Pres yte'rian. Church two: n. et l, • Mrs,jRrissel,`.Gaunt, ,.vr�s,:wihThank- Farrier, enc , a� .•Easte Easter; Than k Farrier, Vrs; Albert •Coultes, i offerin..onAThe vas Nrs, Elwood • Groskorth, Vrs•'iitors forthe day will be Brick s Milian ,'Moore attended ..U,C.W,•1iited•Chutch, Lan;side.Piesbyr . Annual meeting. 'at• North .St:, terian and Whi'tec:h:urch` United United, .church • in GOderieh . on :Church.: • • Thursday.'i• There wer•cr. 1.2 tables of euchre Mrs', Dan Tiffin Mrs, G'aTriet• in the • "V Whitechurch Hall •`ori Parrier and Mrs..Vic•tor Emerson' Monday' iWhit fax the Hall n's • attended a .:Meeting ,,for171s1t�iet t Itistitute5• Hugh lady for the .evs Directors . Executiives and • Fres-• i ern,rng ',te :Viks, adhn :Gaunt incl. idents 'on "Tuesday in +th.e'Kinlciss high Irian was fir. lulalca'nd :United C•hti'tch for the Women, ,w•Tios:S. Institute:• Mrs: Cliff.:Hewitt; DLs s'i% 'and :1 i.s...An'gus ,F'alcaner, :nict' President r resided• and Mrs. , of Stere{sv lle spent P. sand family • 'Cecil flatlands was district trews. f Ifni, •n�•Cicyk�rnd • t.hcY �horY1'e of Arran- ern rats were : made ' for i'Mrs. e ld at g e? .. the 1�istrict Annual to be held ci 'i�hr l:,uChfl rtr Wonivn•'s Instr MO 23rd at Reid''s . Corners, 5. nick-' bate, .,ra�c.?d. ,t r' banquet. on Monday • The 1?resbyteiria:rt �N,,:VT. n. , • �lnt. M. . Victor Emar•son Was. was .Held .last Vtlednc:•d�ay, , it �'.r �t ` arid' ��,r�'e .• a .talk on .Virs, Victor Emerson, 'president a gu•c' ` " :•net' Farrier•. opened the meeting With a pnern. "13e115 ,Ind 'Mrs; ,tsar ;crrShi �, ' and ilr•.s. ,azra' Snc�rlrtt ,'helped . followed by �2he call' to' . � I fine . r..- was read by Mrs. ' sei.A. c. fat thy � suPP('r. claie • 5criptu � Wart McPherson, Mr"sd.Mc,Whin ': t'f and Mr•s• . Russel •Flit i • their home . tfey gave two poems' and it have- returned d tci prayer given by Dtmu c,rr..irftt't• ..4p nd.nk, ' 'rad :Mrs.d` 7 at. The ,duties • of .lrtcl`aturc ; tlnc. home of ;Vit. r Ora* . . • and liit"e membership way. giveta tiro�rtirtsoxr. •• b Tif`i•t� 'ftillc'�wa.`ct , • Mi•:s rW"rc0rgo�'.Wadol andw i Urs, est ,"1t y 1Vr�, �% IV. a ipoern'by Mrs. Walter' Lott l.ore'r•' Starer r of t a ter The rlotedit.ation was •favt'ir lr� ; ii 'te•d r4n Monthly ,at the, home re Mrs. Antfy, d,aunt, foliiowc'd ' lav ,o f • MI•�, t T� r c cl' "licitcintcr .'s crrt t? <ar1,. a ro priate, reading! by Mrs..; Vi tO nc 1 cr t dict `ltca sl at 'ivJ p P}C r'a onn.. A` ten rn;nratc` rtlncr rxt'e'a'l��c'racl i discussion f eras • thrid., on- :Sunday l hka mother.1Ti.,• t"l;ir° ,obsery ver ortic, c'rlrr Wadel tree, Errr�s��rirr•c 1, err; ratrd. , �. bda ports, ;,r Zaar;rali c•;.<<t•c�d .on ;biA relay° ' at gro°rng apintons on Sia, y �„ , 11;1,1.1 tall Was' erisWrred lw 17 tin hirntt of \l1 and. Mr`s. Ital.,-. rY G•nYttbe �s • on. a '"'Verse ,f1 ci mt the . r ' ;��I• Thirty` pre4rrminary.,priz.es' ,will,' als•o• he .'awarded. 'These consist of ten superposed ahatig'uns,` ten big •'game' Trifles' and 'ten 22: 'cali- bre rim fire auto-loacling rifles. Illl.I Directors Mef .t 'Kinloss Silver Latke Institute was ,hos= tess' on March 1eth when the. district directors, , Officers and branch presidents "• of' Bruce South ::met ./in Einlass .United Church :With t!he . district presi- dent! Mrs. Clirff. Hewitt, presid Plans were 'conripleted•tfor. the District Annual which will be held an May 23rd ,at, Reid',_.C'or ners, • • Mrs, Wm, Arnold, curator, spoke about the district Nviwoeds- mitir history and., an. Historical Comnm•ittee was formed,.: Bruce' South Districtwas com- plimented ori receiving the •tro- p;hy, donated by ,l.V**rs:' Don .Me - C soh and .Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mrs, ..Cl'iff fleWitt, . 1Vfrs, Cecit andMrs' ieto- i� ridsV. r E fol aEm- erson e;r°son reported on a meeting held at the borne of the Pederiat- ed Petiresentati've; ';`:111es.. 1,' Sharpe in Dunhaiy , L401016,6/1 was ,served by the rnemrbers of..the Silver Lake In- st•itut+e • On February 17th a I/ . ■ small group.„ of: :us sat " down to discuss what we • should do about 'election_ r. issues.., Ail of . us were' or Liberals "6r had • been •Liberals, but, we knew. • many, from.` otherparties ■ ivho were• also .complete - a ly confused by, the near- r collapse of',:the Conserv- • ■ ative ,, party and.: the 1 about-face'. of . Liberal • leaders;` n /Most .' of us were Liberals for a reason; we hoped. is L: B.. Pearson, • as- Prime Minister • would be 'able to lead a •, Canada 'back into the U' • nited Nations it, not merely ;with • s■ ' token membership' as now, but into a position' of ' leadership :� ■ .'and strength. -When, •'on .January 12th, Pearson •.said. "We Is •. must. honour our commitments to our friends" there '.came .1 : • . the shocked :realization that he did not, mean his supporters, • he meant' his friends in the , USA. , We were , not a little 1 ✓ confused. , .. i, ■ Where ebuld we ,:turn? My own : family back ground was' • Arran Township Conservative, Would my father have been .1. • .,ti. ■ a Diefenbaker Conservative or,•a Harkness Conservative?''. i What would : likely happen in the. ;next •Parliament • when• . LI': •: r • these basic differences in both parties. were brought into' ,■. •, public view?:•Trite, the NDP..was against' nuclear arms, but. .r, 1 • would we like' to see th itch -.for d t2__ninirig, the_.. `- r-Gevelrnment.' without benefit -. of ' a• session .or two inofficial r' r,- opposition?. We ht •not; :it would'` .be bad for Canada:': l►p� thought i and bad for . the NDP. ; ■ ■ : But there'. is hope l�oward Green, patiently ands grimly, ■ •I 'has done an, outstanding -job, and now'we krkow that he did ; , • , itwith little support from within his Party. Outstanding in..:� : Liberal. ranks is • Mitchell' Sharp, who dared; , to say in a . re ; • • cent can paign 'address that his Party,,has • lost touch with • •■ the' people and that he meant 'to :do something• about it. He 1.. i.. deserves to be eleeted.:, And when "David Lewis engages; ,in • r•a TV debate '•his crisp reasoning and brilliant •.repartee leave •: It doubt as to' the calibre • of 'the man.. These are Vie kind ■ •• of able men we' would. like to . See , in positions of greater ■ Power; they 'are not the power-hungry type We ,have grown si O to expect in Federal politics. • , • . ■. '1111 But what. could we ,do, in Bruce? Here the . siituation ,was MI, rnot gooik there, was no Way..in sight of 'voting against nuclear •i • ■ arms, there was no way_ of expressing our. belief in the UN 1 • • as the way out of our `.difficulties.. We decoded that we mush • ` , it act positively i.ti, this election and put forward an Independ-' ;1; • ✓ . ent candidate so that the people, of Bruee..could let .the' next ■ ■ ✓ Government know whether' or ,not wevant nuclear arms ■ r it whether . or not We want a determined effort to make better x ✓ use of the. United Nations. With this decision; our confusion r or .ended; and: °we set to work.. ■ ✓ ■ ✓ Our slogan • �is "Best Bet for Bruce." We can win : this ■ ■• election with your' support of Tour. Independent ' position; 1 r then we can do our bit to influence the next Government til ✓ ;of Canada to take ' bold" steps forward: • 1 ,r .,Apex Scarrow ■ , n .'V b.Tl ■ Xi • r1111 .■ Ill• IM 1 xarrowIX • • al II M.,. IND1 PENDENT a' r •REST' .13ET POB : BUUcl' • e el 1 ii Published b�.. i The •Comriti'ttee to'Elect. . 1 an Independent In Eruoe■i nia4 la n •r1..■1I1I/1f•iIr■atailill iii iiiimiiitii i■rru0IPUI140sta■logi , • • r