HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-27, Page 13. IMEDNESD,A,' I4AR,, .2744.t • 11 0 O ■ ■ 0 0 O ■ O ■ • •. ■ . ■ n•: 0 s• • ■ • . 0 00 • • • - s • $ • ■ w • 0 4 r 0 a M ✓ . e ROY N BENTI.EY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 64QDERICH; . ONTAaIO` Box '418 Phone. JAckson. . 4-9521 A. Mi,. H A R P.E R.' l AND COMPANY -Chartered, . Account gats- 33 Hamilton St,. GODERICB, 'ONTARIO Telephone JA 4-7562 JOHNSTON E'S F ERAL'HOME* 'Modem• and Convenient. ' -Luckriow,. Phone 528-3Q13 • Day or .Night •• Serving All .Faiths .. According, to Their'.. Wishes Moderate. • Prices • Established •'1894: DU: VAt p• Chiropractor . . Physio ; 'and Electro Therapist • Phone 300 Wingharn . (Office 1oea"ted on .John St West Toronto ' ;Dominion 'Bank): INSURANCE , FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AU'T`OMOBILE AN'D LIFE T0 Protect Your`' Jack, • Insure, With, Jack Today: J.;' :A McDQNAGH Luckn.ow .Phone '528-3423 STATE `•FARM MUTUAL AU1'OMOBI LE 1 NSU.RANCE 'Investigate Before Investih.g REUBEN' WILSON• It:R: 3; Godericlz Phone 80-r-8, Dunganilori R. W. ANDREW. Barrister and Solicitor •LISTOW',EL, ONTARIO... • IN' LUCHNOW Every -Wednesday and Saturday. Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone; • Office. 135 Residence 31-:1 •R. 5. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. Barrister, Etc. • Winghami' and L', rucknow IN � LUCKNOW • Monday and Wednesday •Loeated• in Kilpatrick' Block,' • -'Phone Wingbam' • Office 48 • Residence 9'T IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for 'prompt service, and quality prodtt ''" 4 THE LUCKNOW, 8E141I=4 LUCKNOW, P 0NTARUO CARD':.OF THANKS The family.. of the mate Mrs, Alegi.. Pentland 'wish to. express .sincere thanks Mato" neighbors- and .other ,friends,' •who •wereso,' kind. and thoughtful at the 'time of their 'bereave sent. . . ;Mrs. WilsonIrwin wishes to .s.' etke th•a. all those ' who remembered her with • birthday cards, fruit baskets, gifts and Visits on the oecasion of , her 91st birthday.,. A11 these remem- brances. were muchappreciate_ Contact: (WANT,' CIIISHOI • Phone collect Dungannon 12.r4 or . 10 , LucknOW `,Always took To t irerii i1• For The Best* I, Would • like to express my sincere thanks' to • a11.y who. -•re- membered me: in:ari.ous' ways while. I .v was .in . W'ingham ' Hos- pital, Thanks , also to the Doc- tors, Nurses : and the Staff of the hospital, • • Earland Reavie, MacKenzie Mernori;�IChapel FUNERAL SERVICE Services conductedaccord-• ing'. to 37cu1 ..wishes at your'. Horne, your Churcit,. or at'. our,;'Memorial" Chapel 'at, no ' additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 Day -or Night WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been . Meinorial Craftsmen. for Thirty=Seven. Years,:' Always, Using THE, BEST GRANITES_ Along' With Expert Designing and Workmanship. Prices °]Vicat Reasonable Cemetery Lettering `a Specialty • R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario. ALAN WILLIAMS . Optometrist Office on Patrick'St., just off the ' Main St:; in . • WINGHAM Professional Eye .Examination 'Optical Services For appointment Please Phone . 770, Wingharn ...K.. J. MacKENZIE; O.D. Optorrietrist NOW IN R'IPLEY BVERY . WEDNESDAY. Office. Hours 10.00 . a:m. to '9.00; p,rri, • Phone 'Roy. MacKenzie, Ripley 9`6-r-24 for appointment. R W., .,BELL . . OPTOMETRIST - ,,GODERICH • F T. Armstrong 'Consulting Optometrist. The Square : • •,i (Phone''jAckson ,41661) ' li,UCKNOW` DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. TED ,CO,LLYER Speci7lizing. in 14ectric Heating, tleetrie Wiring and Repairs N.otJe • reditors In the E.tate of SIDNEY CRAYD. GARDNER. • ,Decease.• 'ALL. persons „ havi _ eLainis. against ' thea • estate o' " Sidney Graydon, Gardner, .late of. the Townnship of West Wawanosh,. oodworker,. deceased,, who died on ,or about the 19tah day of J'anLu�ary, '1963, are hereby noti- fied fui'i. particulars of. their •elai.nisz 'to .the 'undersigned Solicitor. for . the Estate, on • or $before the 4th. day . of A,pril1, 1963, after .which. date the ° Es- tate will be •'distraibuted .am'oz igst 'those . ;persons •en;titled.. 'thereto, having ,regard only to the claims. of 'which the Executors ;shiall' then .have notice.. . 'Dated . at Lucknow, Ontario; this 16th day of March, 1963,. R, W. ANDR W, Listowel, Ontario, . Solicitor for the "Executors., In -the Estate of • WILLIAM JOHNSTON Deceased • ALL, persons . having claims; against the . estate of • William Johnston, :late of the , Towinslhip df Ashfield irn° the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deee'as- ed,. wh.od •died ori Or;'about. the 1st .day. of • Febr'uary,. 1963, care hereby.,`;' notified to . send. full particulars' of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Es- tate, on or before the:. •5th' day April, 1963, afte+kich-da-te .the Estate;• ' :will;b . e distributed a�moivgst , . thosepersons entitled thereto,having reRgard<,,bnly to the i claims 'o f which the Execu- tors shall 'then have, '`notice. • Dated at L Lucknow, Ontario, this 16th day of March, 1963: • R.. W. ANDREW,, ' • • Listowel, Ontario, • • Solicitor .for ',the EXeeutors 11 'Ail electrical ApplianeeS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The ' Estate Of ROBERT ARNOLD WOODS • ALL :• PERSONS dng clan s= 'agailist1theT Otate. Of the,, mentioned, . late. .of the Towlistrip Of West Wawanosh,.. in the Coun- tty .of 'Huron, Farmer, Who died ,on the 15th day of March, •,19163, are required "r,to tile. :proof of same with the u ndersignedc,on.. r ,before 'the 13th day of April, 19,63 After that. date the Admini-. •stnator will proceed ;to !distribute ,the estate 'havihg regard- only to. • PAGE TILIRTVES Now Av�lkhIe' FURNIACE CLEANING •. CUSTOM E NEATER I1vIcI$G 24,HOUR *SERVICE For Your Spring Work Needs Drop In For Rill Line Of Filters, Greases and .Oiis. For Service , and: Satisfactign Call "BUD"•NAMI[TON ", Your Lucknow • and District. Agent, .For All. Cities : Service products Phone' Collect 528-2427 Office Open .Daily. 8 a.m. to . 6 . p.m.. MEMORIAM C.AM ET _ - ihi 1ovrirug . mem, ory 'of; a .beloved son ` and: bio-' •cher, Lyall, 'Bradley .Campbell, who. passed away March..26th;• CARD OF THANKS 1962,. • A �tribute, of ''love and reniem:= brahce, ' To. a .son who was: ane . of the - best, W And may the joy he mis d in;• • life's journey Hell :find in God's garden of CARD OF THANKS e.The family Of :the late Mts. Alex pentland: are Most grote- Manor Nursing Home, , Whom ,for ithe ,kind and. 'devoted tare given their mother, ,.. EVer remerabered by Mother, My• sincere thanks. to ail 'vinhO sent cardS and letters and Vis. - ham and 4oricipn Thanks to DorcheSter Teen Town' friends .:.for bOoki. and lovely birthday gifts; alSo :to Reverend aret. Bean, ',Diabetic food sUper- Visor. Special thankS to Doctors corrin„ McKim, ',Hatrdi•ng 'and Kinch( Isb , 'the nursing staff. W•ingharn,' and Surgical 'staff of- Nrletoria •ios,p4tal., London, • 'Mrs, Ernest Carter, Is Your •SuoscriPtion .ktenewed? 0.0.411teei..McIttto,b INGSBRIDGE I wrsilto siaa-seelythank all who. remembered me 'with .Cards •acid. Blake's U.C.W for the bas- ket ,of asket.,of fruit. • I also wish to thunk the: neightiOuts„ who so ..willin+gly. helped with the' chores. These kindnesses were very •'nvuch• tap-• predated.' ' • Cliff Kilpatmc c: 41 • like to' thank all her friends who floWers,' cards,' letters and visitS McKim ..and Miss • Mary'. COngratttiattions to Mr. and tyte.' tiamilton spent he- . 'week -end vvith and tars. J. 13. Mar- Matiriee' Daltbn• spent the week,;: end: at their: home: :and Mrs., Sfan Doherty on the biAti ;of s OILS fin aoderich, Hos- vital recently. , .Mr. and: Mrs, 'Joe Martin of ". Op:pOsite Post 'Office inecrest ap ursing'Home IISSOCIATED. NURSING. of 'Ontario.. „24 -Hour .SuPervision' of 'COnsiderate Personal 'Attention For Elderly •and 'Convaleseent Persons. - BOx,•220, • Phone 528-2180 'ILIJCKN‘OW, ONT. PE4AR 'AGENCY IL,RA /FARMS ABATtOIR The home of chloice meats, all and APPROVED• Schneider's Cured Meats WE ALSO DO CUSTOM KILLING - and hang Your meai in. modern • coolers as long as desired, Pigs, on Tuesdays and cattle eve,* day. No appointment 'necessary'. .. .Egg Pick-up Depot. For Golden -Glow HOO •CON.T.R.A.cl!.-FINAN(P • .,(cottipipto), NEW:...„tiFE.....•(ONCENTRATES. whether it be DAIRY, HOG, POULTRle or SUPPLEMENT A are balanced fo give you better resul Priced right. Millfeeds and C. s .pasically to order KNECHTEL mid SON L 'There% A New ;the 'reed Per Every Neer ,