HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-27, Page 10xC • • • PAGE TEN Murked.: Diamond Wedding Saturday • Mr: land. Mrs, Alex Reid, •wiho, he've ' been, residents .of • Wing ham for many years, celebaated. their Guth wedding anniversary •oxo►• Saturday, When they -were at hoxua,e +to their many friends `af- #ern000. anal eve -hung, .:. The. 'aettral.•. date +was; Mareh 25th . The couple !was. Ola ad . at • ;the Nome of the. (brid'e's par- ents, Mr,: and k . Mrs. 1Vlixrcloch MacLean: at. Ripley, The sere-' Monty was a ,double wedd'i nig; , in.. wihic+h Rev. F. 'J. Maxwell, Pres byterian minister, ,also 'married Mrs. Reid's sister, Margarets :to, 'Malcolm, McLeod, , , . Mrs. McLeod died at an early age, leaving a (son, Roy. He was raised • •by . 'has: aunt and uncle; and as now :l ving .in Pase'dena, • Mr. rand' VIrs Reid. farmed on the Durhaan Road in the Kinloss alera, for five . years, then moved to Win+ghain in 1908. Alex - oper- ate'd a bus business in" .WWngtham, fbr 13. years. 'When he first had. the (bus there were 14 strains ato+pping an IWingham, each day.: In .19123 .he 'accepted a position with the. British ' American ',Oi•1• Co. and was ch' branManager uiiib 1 • his . ,ret erherit in 1958.. Alex -only'. served one 'station pump •when he started'.with the company and sold 'about ' 50 gal- lons of coal oil' to every gallon of . g!asaline By 1958 he''Was sere IOLJpu'mps, ii Iio111 izr , •• leknoroir nib-,hei a the became well. known. Mrs. Reid is ' a life,- - rnerriiber of the. Uniited Church. W.M.S and. served 'lin. all of : tthe 'church organizations. Mr. Reid is an ;honorary memiber .of the. United : Church Board. He ° has been an: active menu' - tier. xxfHthe +lodges: in Winghanr for many years. ;'He" =is , a • life , menilber, ,of' :Masonic. Lodge A F A.M. 1Vo:.'286,, life mern+ber' of; Royal Asch Masonic ` ' .Lodge 84 and, ,:a.,, life rnemtbe'r" of .the Canadian 'Order of . Foresters: He has . been. through, .the chairs :of • allthree ' lodges twice: ' Mrs. 'Reid is 7.8 and 'her- 'nus- band 86.: They are both. in rea- sonably good health.. =Tiheiir 'daughter; Tena;'' is mar- ried '.to.„Rev,: J C:•,`ThOmpson. of. ' London, Ontario, •secq'ebary . „for •a.,awz �. �x: M..�... ;:• • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL„ LUCKNOW, . ONTARIO LucknowW.I. 'Held FCA. Hampered By Family Ni ht Lack Of • Funds • On Monday, March 18th Luck.- ' Warren Zurbrig+a R,li,,; 2, 'Clif7 :now. W.I. held ,fani!ly ' night for ford',.,Pas.t• President of ,the Huron Institute member's, ' ihusbands & Federation' of A.griculture,told friends when .a• 'turkey dinner that gi c up that their incoming; Was •en+joyed: in the •Asses •bly finance's• 'were not keeping pace room' of the towns' hall with .the with exRenses. arid much of ';their Lady Foresters peering, work was (being'. hampered . by Ins,ti;tute Gra(c•e and. The Queen laek a •-%unds were sung with +accornpari ent. • "Opr. expenses ,are going .up. .by Mrs, Grant MacDiarmrd. The but 'our''' finances are' not," • he president, MPs. •J. oda MaeMil•lan ` repay:ied • • • gave .the welcome and .the pro- He pointed out that. the . Fed- : gr!am *Tied, • •With as ' ,sing "'song eration. -was. • getting bigger and led by Mrs, J. W. Joynt. adding m anjy new committees, • Miss' .Dean MacLeod gave a:but except •for' additional• funds reading, . and a vocal solo was •froan`'ithe CIA, no increarses, had given • by ,Miss Helen- Thompson •been•'receivedl:from: income sour-. Mrs; Victor Emm irson' of White- ces,• '• : • ' church gave a resume ori ,,bells. He also ' noted that 'the F and' hiad. +a display of . old .fash-.'A once -(had ' a perim+anenit ,,field ioned ones..A vocal duet was: man for the county, but. now given by Mrs. P, 'Stewart & Mrs. they could.: not 'afford to, (true J. •W. JJoyn•t. A..vote. of apipretha- one. ' '•tion 'was extended .,to 'those Who - Mr; Zunbri+gg • reported, ''also had taken part and to'•.the: Pro- that they had +been forced . to • gram committee,. • Mrs. 'Joynt, cut ' ,dow'n an• tiheir contrilburtions Mss.. ,Stewart; Mrs, 1V I'acD•iarmid.• to, "Focus".:' a TV show' staged The evening' concluded :wvth at : CKNX Wein g g+h+am.: euchre, prize Winners were .,high He offered no 'solution to the lady, .Mrs :A. Wilson; :low lady, prabaem, • •except ' ,to point out Mrs. K, MacNay;• -high.' gent Bob' t'hat.•se'verar, tow•nahip• federations. Fisher;' low ; gent, J: W, • J:oynt. • ,had, large bank • accounts. ' :and, ,possibly they would ' consider Is Yotir. Subscription' Paid" . helping 'the. 'parent (body out... A G. SLOAN . of . Fournier, Ontario, was appointed .to the. .the British '.hrid' Foreign.' Bible .Society.There are ; five ,. grand=' children.: • 'N'+ational'Execubive of (the ://LDa7ry Foods Senviice Bureau, the. new organ zatian-•-Nw`h-i has,aSsuimed responsibility for dairy foods. ,promotion' :,from; Dairy Fariners• of : Canada. At', their anau+gural :meeting. held recently:in 'Toronto Mr: Sloan and 'T. E. Brady'.of Weston ' represernted 9ittario ori the Seven -mart national board of the.: Bureau.. The board was.. appointed -from; •five • regional coanani'ttees set . up -:acro..ss`bhe country under.. the • . reconstituted and expanded (plan for producer= sponsored.+adve`ising.. Mr; 'Sloan is. 'a dairy :rfai r with 'a con- siderable -interest in facrm'.orga izations.• He as and ' : �has . been, active nn the Ontario Federation; of Agriculture, '.The Holstein - 'Friesian Association, Ontario: Hog :Psod+ucers,° Easrtern. Breeders Ina.; ` and ` is • a . Director of the, Ontario ''Cheese Producers Mar- keting Board; • WEDNESDAY, MAR,, 2741,.1 : As A. VETERAN • RELATIVE N Am, vonNci For, John; NSERYATIVE GOVERNMEN Because - . u Cannot Deny ' Dief • The � CConservativeGovernment "under John enbaker has Increased" the Total Veterans' Benefits by. 52.5% This has been .'done since 1957.; .Disability and' Dependent Pensions : have been Increased by : 37% This has ' been done, since 1957. • • ■rsnr•ian a ■■■•■ ■■Uenue■■■■■■•a■nn ■■.•aaann ■ ■ ;: as ■'' ■ in ■ ▪ • ■ ■ . , ■ ■ or re ■ ■▪ •� ■ ▪ .• ■a■■■ueeaieli a■■ue■si■ ■ We must provide',:portiinities • in employment of . Huron boys and girls' as, Additional industry in Huron towns : ca opportunities, and .. will be encouraged Government! 'GORDON McGAVIN• uron, ,for t e. t ey' graduate: provide these . by a Liberal •• But first, we must make certainthat Canada has a sr ■ • .■ it •■ ■ •■ ■ ■ • ■ Y�. ■ ■ : , strong, responsible and stable. •Government ---.. a • :Liberal • '' ■ is Government that speaks With decision! 111 ■ ■ ti a is In Huron , C. a Y ,. ■ .. .. VOTE LIBERAL R (Published by Huron •LLbefa1 Association) ,. ii■t:ora■■■utr■■■ar:�uuuurMsl■■■r■■■ire■■an,■uxs■■■■i■se■■he■■r■■i�1 • • Paynients..:under. the War Veterans Allowance Acta have '`been.. : �. Increased . by 95% This • has "been 'done since ,1957.. Payments from the ASSISTANCE' FUND under the War. Veterans Act have been Increased by. 40% Thii has, been done since 1957. Loans and :Grants under the. Veter ms'•;• Land Act have been' Increased by 94% This.. has : been done.. . since. 1957: Here • is what the: �DOi11IINION PRESIDENT ,OF THE :.ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, said . in his brief dated;.Jan` 25 � •estop ;uary DIEFENBAKER AND. HIS CABINET as, 'quoted ,in' the' February Legionary, Page 10, Paragraph "We would like::frirst' of all to- compliment. the •Goveu=ni rent -the • Improveanenl s . in veterans Legislation ` . during recent years, . especially increases in:' Pension''s and ,War ' Veterans Allow aneets; : We '-acre pleased; alsio:.(that the Government was' able, :followingreprresentations-ariade on. many EYcoaSion ' 'by'. the 'Legion. to'')prov cle Allowances for Mereha'nt Seamen and ,other men and women who %rendered valuable service during Ca'niada'ri tirnre 'of..eed'." CITIZENS HAVE BEEN REMEMBERED by the Conservative Govern( ient under John Diefenbaker and` pensions .,have been Increased •from: $46 to $ This has been. '.done since 1957;`: .1 1"' VOTE FOR • is' a SOUND INVESTMENT for the future. • He will work in youe . interests as, your retiring -member has done. Sponsored roy the Bruce Progressive Conservative Association SEE - John Loney, Thursday, April4 at :10..10 a.m. SEE . p �iohn' Ltune:�, '`I+uaesday, Api�ul •2 at 0.55: .m. HEAR :..:.. John 1oney,, Monday, April 1 at 7` p.m • 7 M .