HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-27, Page 8srNTi .,,
144414t,.. t•UGKli4'� LuC>GcNQW, ONTARIO
Ten tablesWere'in a the
,� 1 ,
• •
� .: .�•• � ■'Shoot l'+arx ty ,4n Wedz�e
W.I.W.ie sday
R P. ev.•ening.' pr e were
lst prize • winners i1 orna ''( rstv�� and' Wni' Hruxn-
, idh e . with: sero. �d pr.iz•es +going'
■a Tilkill$DA74 • to Ross Errington an,d
• Lome Dutni,n., r•
a ▪ A ut . •a,ncl :Vli�.,irne Woods,apt..
• , _ - ten e the Fruit Growers' Win;
DiOrict o
n. q•ue't 'and .meeting in Clinton on
Tei Wrlson
>, n'e ,
. Iqi , � Terry : .spent' the
luso , by ; 0.. •weekend tat: .mss' ,home from.
'''t i;..ond n
■ U,WO,-
A M+iss• ' essaeaxles of Tiv '
§ponsorec bar • e�rton .has been. visiting, h" i' 'sia�.
l'• ter, .Mrs. Ernest Caand ,M.t.
f ■ Gia�unt.. .
to Associailat ■' 7.'she W.I. •
extend .an
invi;t�atiO n iter ..
� • � � ■ t4: ail. +lathe$ Ira the community
T•11.111a• ISI•m•.u*,•••••.1YRI•*R.*WIikali N0 0•i � to a•ttend the Soho t:Caurse "Horne
,Manag'ernent',and ConsumerIn-
f orm•ation" on April 3rd •from,
10 to 4 o'elock.in the hall. This.
coupe, given • by an agrioul,
tura) engineer. Any lady mis'h-
Ing '•to take . the, course get in,
touch *with 'the ,presiden'tor seec•
ring January School
An >Exeouituve sneetzvg ''of. 'the
.Druce • County Fedexsat7ori of
Agi iculture- was held recently.
Waikevton, Vice-Presiden,mta' Ernie
8iernes--ehaired the meeting r—
• Two le+bters were read inrep1'y
to an. earlier' resolution request-
,.,img rtrhat the DePa rtsi3ent Q f Edu-
cation' .pay school grants for tihe
Mouth csf January according to
November -196 ....attend e
lgquest was . made. due tq'. ,tthe
storm.' conditions : during : Janu •
ary,:whennr many school buses did
not. Operate It; was stated that
grants, are only paid on.:+'tine;
tendanee . or when the seib.aa1
• Want is closed It was the o
'ion' of 'the Executive that. ,the The April meeting of the W.1
school • ' shoal be' cltassi- ' ' + •, held' a t 2 • o'cl•o k an Ap-
tiedbuses dw i.11 be he d a c
as, pant of .the school plant ril•. 4th +ins. the 'hall, This Is the
and when they do not or nnot
operatethen they should be
ham lied --in the-'.saarlenn:anner;
when* ,the school :itself is olosed.
The Executive agreed :• .to eater::
into agreement...with •' Pitney.
Bowes ' in, leasing .+a: stamp meter
for the office.
anti R D.+% Conflii,ftee:
ConsIderable. discussion was .
held on,. AI3iDA.,Ken: Graham: of
the O`A Field Staff was present,.'
'who gave the history of • ARDA.
,and w'ha't it 'could' and. cavi: do
:for the, small farmer. George
annual. :meeting and election of
officers. The • roll , ca+ll... is "pa+y
mg of. k'ees;" :launcn� 1?ro =`
ram:. Mrs : red; , l4 eQuillin, Mrs:
De Boer • and Mrs. W. G. Hum-`
.phrey.' . ..'
Don't forget the 'Iris�h. ,progriani
and dance on Friday, March 29th.
WE DN DAX, MAR, 27sth . 1963
• • • •
' I 5 AV 13-1r/ •TI
Three ROOM• .:
' .
Living Room,:
• •,
aaa1*1••*•Uaag ..
•Gear„ •,Bruce County . Agricultuiral
Represer ta+tive was ,also present,
for the d�i.4cussaron He :asked
'whetherthere :are ,not Many •
people Who ; really: don't `care
••w,he+tiher 'assistance is given
Many dan'•t want to' •make.. a .
change.'' He' also• mentioned that
iRD A hsa've •rade a_ study. -'in
the • neighbouring , County' ' of
Grey in'. Glenelg Township. Mx.
Geair stated there are, 'several
.blocks • of land in the County.:
which are- only. producing '/s qf'.
the +potential., •
Ronald - Slade, ' Fielddman : for, .
the. • Bruce. +County- „ Federation, ' •
mentioned', that - she had been in t, .
:Con+tact .with A'RDA :and that
they .:are idefinii'telyinterested .in
coming . into.. Bruce' :and : -gitring .
_assistance Abut. 'the first 'step: is'.
to form a• Committee' to 'work
with them. and .;give leadership.
:Whine there are, -many ways in
which 'ARDAcould:. ,assiat 'the.
people. of•: Bruce., • pasture pro-
gram; tourist industry.,. etc'., :lure.
limportant' thing, is to 'get •starrted ..`•.
arid people: what can- be ' . ' •
:The ' President, Harold Woafe, , '6::
Tice. Pi esldent, Ernie Biern•es
George:` Gear were noim hated" to
be -a eon-unit/tee .oto come yup, with �. .
some:ideas on ARRA and also �;
line t speaker's for a' directors.(.. • 2;
meeting to be held in. the inn •
Mediate future. 1-•. •
Eldred Aiken spoke:ibriefly on. *,.
the '•'hog producer election • results • .5
in other,counties skating:, that i •,
across the iprovi:nce they.: are in
a sti+oiiger position than .a year
Mr., Gear ;touched , :briefly on
the Hog Producers `Rr sing Hags
for Profit', program'ibeing carried,
out ' in . Bruce- County , , stating e
that the entih+usiasin • shown -
far• •has• been o" verwihelnnin+g.
Allan' Wedow and Ernie•.Bier=
ries were nominated• +as- delegates'
to attend the: :Ontario Poultry
Producers annual *meeting . to. - be
held inToronto'. on 4pril 3rd,
Jack MacGillivray mentioned
■; •
• ■,
a. .
■ •
O .
•• a
■• .
• A'
THE, 'LIBERAL' ° PARTY is committed.
to steady,'forward ' planning administ>i'a-
tion to` put: Canada " on its feet again.
Without this; no progress is possible.
',JOHN MacKENZIE is the man : to:''
the voice thatt speaks .forruce.
For Information .?hone:.
Tara 75 ' Kincardine 6.27
Fub�lished by
• .•
• •
e .
'-Piece. Chesterfield Suite
(Nylon .co..ahigi
tc af fee table, Table lamb
l' Suite
Qoub�e Dres��r
wilTop �Mattress�
of , � sser Lamps
Book� Case; Be
raive..- �t-$4-19.00
exactly as'illustrated)
�ciul Prices � On ' llll' 'Mattresses
• Lucknow• '
and SON-
e•••••N•••f eeie•Nl NN
•1eire•seNN N
Ithe moderator of the. Presbyter -
Rev, Roderick: 1IMactieod••of. Lircl
now and -the •:mayor. oaf -W:in11
• _rnha
, �, R. S, Hetherington',•
In pri'1 On ,W' nesday ,,•
evening ti
Explorers and Children. of tl
that ,two. area Meet nes. were St. Andrews Presbyterian c•huxcli'members will be resei
held by . FAME' on:. Mash 5th 'Churoh, Wingh+a-m,' will be theg
•wh;ioh were well a•tterinded:When host church, for the . ' annual and . L�ucknow Evening' Auxil'itti
weather clears the will,' prese(r+t • a. Ihisi;orical:' pfi
y will be, of . thy. Hamilton and cant. ,
making another start in :.this Lotidoin Synodical of the Worn' Fol'owi'ng devotions ' by t1
area for Plant location, .o IVYissiona'ry Society of ,the i mode .rator„ Rev. MacLeod, c
■ on Slade em hasized the u . yterian Church in 'Cansad41Thursday morning, routine bus
comping Bruce County Folk to be" held on. Tuesday, Wednes- ncss. will be dealt with aril tl
i • School to `tbe held at the resi- day and Thursday, April 2nd 3•rd t
d at, Corin of :•th
■ c:ardine Township on March 3#1,tn -The' Synrddi'ca' comprises ton
■ dente of*. Duncan •Convay, i.in- and 4th, 19-63`
en. s
• � day. • . ,
• • to 31st.. Anyone'i-n,terested• 'n at pxesfayter.als namely Bruce &
. tending � is
at and,l a ;
requested to contact Owen Sound, Chatharrx' 1Iurci
endi g r
■ either the Fieldtnrati' or the ' of� • Haini:ltorr Lotdrrn Mait n,
■ floe , a.t• Elm-w'ood - for further gams,„Faris, Sarnia and Str•atfoi•ci..
particulars. Following 4 hard mee.ung rrtr
■ 1i,a.rcrld Wolfe reported on.—,,the Tuesiday a,ftern(:)ori °i cornpi'ixnen
n;e<,:;ers •tneet- ;Mary' dinner . 'walll, 'be caved tiv
. �.t1lt, ',Wheat ��rodlt
• :ng, Last • year° 15,000 bushels of the Maitland •Prc sbyterial too ail
r■i • ivhe�at ' was nriarketed from the :accredited, deur: toss,.' ,Grr etir g'
Bruce Liberal Assodiati(r y s County but .it is believed that •will be F� ttnd .� ,... �'
■ r (.d Y'...utir rrtallstPr
.. µ , a. approximately mately' . `1.35,060 bushels ')f St, Andreve, Churt�h. W.'n rY •
iiiiriiiiiiiitic aatfa�Nii•u riaisaim is mitis■aait'afi iaiiirilmM■aNa . we.te. grrtwri .n Brt:ice• County. h�arrt, li Yv. Mx. (.. rt,. Fish 1
Change tih O>l ide id t'aynien
,A change in Method of
c°t1Ci ' pti,y.tnents from irregul
datesto quarterly div;clen-
has• been announced by. grit
Mortgage. and Trust 'COMpiin
At five same tithe,, a dividend
15' cents ;pair. •sh:ar will be • a
'rtx April 1. t 'to 'Shareholders
<•crcrjr-1 .;rt the close' of lxuwit r
roti. for :day, • Darr*h 151 h 10413,