HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-27, Page 7A • • • • .d WDNESDAY; MAR. 2'701, 190 LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUpKNoWt ONTABIQ $11000000004408,41000000008000*4111404140440614100ooloosivoi • • • • • • • • * • • • , • • .• • NOW•YOU GET • • • • .e. with I (0-0! Sunglow Furnaie Fuel. 0111 • „ _ ; • Co -Op Sunglow Fuel Oil Service Now Includes. •• FREE summer . clean out and inspection. • FREE emergency burner servke • • • • FREE heating season oil burner cheak-up.. • LI We ,hope you have enjoyed. Co -Op Service in the post and will continue with Co -Op Sunglow , Fuel Oil • plus free Co -Op Burner. Service 1 o • . . . 0. It must alio be .good to ' know that along with goodl ,.• .product ---,- good • service and Free 'Burner Service • Co. -Op ,A180 brings you the • opportunity . to. 'build—it oshijn your own Petroleum. Business.. .• • • Farm. Prpperties. Chane Hands uuyiBERLFy NEWS) The ' hockeY game between' TOronto and,,DetroiCon Saturday evening .Vvas of unusual interest to -; viewers in; this, vicinity ai Paul: Henderson,, who was born in Huron Township played with the winning Detroit .teara test wishes. are ..ektended°0 Pau1..fr a successful career. Mr., and Mri. Elmer' McKenzie anfl • son Who have resided., in. LuCknow for the pi:is& fewyears have • moved' t0 their new ,home at Point Clark Which Was vacat- ed: by , Mr, and Mrs,. J1ohn •C. Campbell in Decean)*t. Congratulations •gb to Mir. Gordon Fry• of :Lur•gan who was successful in winn:pg $50 in the CKNX "Nam:e the tunes contest'? .• IVIr. James , •Millen, ' market gardener at Amberley for the past seven years haS taken -up. residence • ori, the lower second concession. His Igarden whieth S.was—alwayi well tended was a convenience to nia.ny ati the beach and elsewhere. Garden 'prodUce will b wip aVailable Ibis new lo- cation. . M. and. Mrs. Donald Steele & • Miss Joyee. 'Steele of Kitchener' Ownership is the Co -Op r'PLUS FACTOR" that no it were week -end guestg of Mr, 84 • one else can offer. • LUCKtiOVlrDISTRICT—00-0P-1 • _. . . iimoimoomoineitmlemiernisoesiSmoiseso.ossio440ii ........................• limmsommemommomiimommimmommaimensionimommimmomi no. Is The Time To Install NASH ALUMINUM • / ' • WINDOWS _cid DOORS - Make Your bottle comfortable and more attractive by Li installing NASH aluminum combination doors and Is • These units are made of heavy gauge extruded a • • • aluminum — • Cut Fuel Bills Up To 30% • WE' INSTALL AND SERVICE ,WHAT WE .SELL STEWART S Aluminum Sales si ▪ 101 Victoria St., Goderic hone collect JA 4-8821 inimusamoossosomsmaaaMosamsmsamamtimmosmsmommimase • We bought it through the ( rotmns• AN.K. OF. NIONTRL 1 • Mrs. Wilfrid Steele, Shirley and Janice. „ ••• ' The Anglican Women's uiid of St. Lukes church at Lumen held quiltings in the parish 'hall Tuesday and -Wednesday of last . week: The ladies ..met at noon and enjoyed dinners each, day. Served. by Mrs., Gbrdori Ernmer- ton and Mrs. Herb Emmerton. Mr. Leonard •Reid ha i parch:. ased the • farm on highwaY 21 .adj acent t� his • own (from Mr: Norval 'Nesbitt. Mr. ,and -Mrs; 'Nesbitt Will s.tin continue to live *inthe house ,which ; they have retained. / • , .1Ste-1e, haS so1d this 'farm 'land and barna to Murdoch and • Grant MacDonald whose barn •waS recently destroyed by fire', The •Steeles will., still re, side. on. 'the farm. • , Bruce E Lists • • . Emergency Clothing • (By Lloyd- JasPer, Co-ordinator, Bruce County. . Many ,of the persons' arriving in reCeptiot 'areas • would be in. I Hag: and 'pasture mixture* PAQE. SEVEN . : • • •‘. —mee-t-r-you-r specific need? ari—ever%=---the—00-0P--` -Big—Bonus—Hay—and rastUre- Program. takes the .guesswork; out, of Selecting Seed - mixtures for „higher yields, hence higher farm :Profits.' • Hoiv? Simply by taking advantage of our new prescription mix seed service. And it's so convenieht too ... right in your own area! Here's how it works: just pay -a visit to your CO -011 and discuss your particular seed requirements with its Soil and Crop Spe- cialist. Based on Department of Agriculture recommendations, Igo quality name -variety seeds will be accurately blended in our NEW SEED MIXER! These specific mixtures will allow for maximum yields of the hay and t pasture required in YOUR livestock program. adequately clothedfor man .em,, eigency sithation, This would be I particularly true', if ..an attack •occurs at night or du'ririg the winter. This et:4.0d mean .loss.• of th•rough ekposure if cloth,, ipg 'were .not a.Vailable immediately for .these evacuees. The Emergency. Ccreerjng Stage rn this initial Period, the only consideration. is the proviSion• of any kind ,of ..covering to prevent loss of life through exPOSure.. At this tiine, the style, color, and fit of the clothing is of AO Ian- portance; warmth and speed :of !provision is all 'important The CONOP ROW CO -01" BIG 44 BONUS •HAYIE PASTURE PROGRAMME 44tzi Our objective is to make you more successful . .ernergency operations.- The greatest SlipPly :of: Clothing Canada is :in Our. Clothes cloSets. It: .has been demonstrated ;that lin an eniergency a largle athount ; Of used clothi.ng can ibe made available • quickilY; 'Ilherefored emerge.nc7 clothing .WorkerS must • be organizedd. rained. !'sp. that. this „potential ;but unal I organized .supply • of Clothing: can , be obtained •• and ,distributed ' as quickly as possible :' when the need. arises. iirriPdriance' of blankets is ern • • phasized, as they cart be :used for many Purposes 'in emergen- .• el:ea •-•-• as, a complete 'Covering • ; for A person,: as protection for' the head and. 'feet by cutting • into , smaller, pieces, and .even as improvised partitions in mass Care centres:' .)31anketS also would be 'needed iby e,vaCuees in. ,their einergencY .lodgings.•' Emergency Clothing Stage 'After the survival peribd terms of 'clothing ,has Passed, it is necessary • to cloth 'people so' that they can start to work and to care for thernselveS. The main Con,sideration at ithis stage 1st 'warmth and • decency; there Would be little time for Satisfy, ing personal taste' •in 'clothing, During this and the, .following stage, tthe .cOntainin.atecl clothing of workers and evacuees who b.ave' 'been exposed fallout„ Would have tobe replaced. Sup-. plies- ' Available from clothing, manufacturers, Wholesalers and retail stores would lae quickly exhausted f011owirig any niajor' ,atta; an Canada. Therefore* we alsO must •plan to snake ttse ofused as° well 4 new *thing • • iNsuifED:ibAN: LUCKNOW BRANCH: MILTON RAYNER, Manager ..-wikwAny„, • lj Emergency clothing plan.4 Must incitide procedures :..for the .distribtition' . all available clothing, • •,• .4„ STATIONERY NEEDS can .be fiUed. at , The Sentinel; writing paper, envelopes hasty nOtes,. thank notes, bcxed .p.+eeting cards, rnagic .markers and. refills; . file folders). reeeiPt- kciokS, state,. meat ; scratch pads, pens; refills, • and rnanSr. otheritems The Lucluicw Sentinel, • ' • E.SSO SERVICE. FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes In Stock) AT,. REASONABLE PRICES! Repairs to An Makes of Cars and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics heel 'Alignment and Balanchi MOTORCADE DEALER