HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-27, Page 6rw i a PAM SIX ti Tin L UCKNOWSENTINI Le,' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Brue County council Initiated. Two-day Special Session l,a�i Meek. $ruee County. Couneil met last week for as ;two-day session, decided ' on in January to ,be Itield‘ .between the .January. and. June . Sev ons tofiaciiitate deal-. n+g ' with county. • .business Lt; was: 'an inovation an Bruce County 1egieslatirig, • The County's tax' rate for 1963^ ns unchanged from .last year at. 131/ mills, 7% for highways and . 53/4general. $.702,8.7.6 •will. (he .raised aised: frau.' : Municipalities.., Council decided to . start ''a. reserve. fund and ` $10;000 • was Fbugeted: for this purpose County •treasurer Thomas A1 - ton said $3,000 in interest char- ges wil be saved by the Bounty becal.I.Se the province decided ' to pay a partial subsidy in, ¥ay rather' than "wait until October.. This „advance_ .payment for Bruce will Ibe about $13.2,000, -0 • • Zlhe county will receive . ,its rate 'on an increased . assessment Valuation',of $255;3199. which is the +arnount of "property in the county on which the local mu- nicipalities receive grants in lieu MONUMENTS. For sound counsel ' and a fair price on', -n, monument •correctly 'designed fromualit esigd� . • quality i ... ,.. _ material, rely on p : SKELTON - ..MEMORIALS Pat: O'Hagan, Prop. lvstablished Over Sixty : Years .Walkerton Phone `638-w ' . Ontario • puieweilimmumismiliimmliimmizammommeihosiossornimir ■,. wi' mein. �.lw i •■ 1T'A.. ■ . r : DlV Yh-�fiJ CJ r. ■ , • IN.: �► ®ter® 4TE • • ■...MODEL " >��• ■ in .11 to ■ 1963. Pontiac Laurentian sedan, automatic:'li ■ 1963 Chev "Blair Sedan, automatic radio • ■ 1962 Pontiac. Parisienne 2 -door hardtop, V.,8; ':fully' powered : ■ ■• , 2-1962" Chev Belair Sedans, automatic, fully equipped, n ■ 4-1962'Pontiac Laurentian Sedans, automatic, fully equipped se ▪ 1962 Pontiac ` Stratochief, automatic, radio ■ ■ IN 1961 Pontiac Stratocluet`°sedan, V-8, automatic. ` ' ■ •".: 1961 Pontiac Laurentian, 2 -door. hardtop, standard trans: N • , - • .:1961 Vauxhall • .4 ■ 1960::•Pointiac Sedan, standard,.. transmission r ■ ■ ■ 1959 Volkswagen . ::, ■ • :..1959 Pontiac Sedan, standard ; transmission •• ' ■ ;1959. Chev Belair ' Sedan with automatic, •' ■, 1958.Ford Farlane Sedan,' automatic, ' si i Ng 1958, Oldmobile' 4 -door hardtop i " ■ 1957 Pontiac Sedan,: standard: ■. ■11.■ mi, .NUMBER OF 1955 .'MODELS :: from .. ,:. $350. up . i, ,, ■ MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM : ■ ■■ ■ TRUCKS' TRUCKS.. A ■■. ■: ■' 1958: GMC' 1 -ton Pick-up ' ` :• A ■ Brussels ■ odors ■ . ■ ■ . 1. ■, :Cities Service., Dealter Phone 173; Brussels' ■, ioe.o■,■■Raaiiuieadn■ a ■ ■. ■>riapuai■it • of taxes. Also 'the . total 'county assessment increased by. $788;573 during the year wlhic+h will re- sult.in the county rate 'bringing iri an additional. $13,495 ,„ n* rev- enue without increaainig the mill 'rste. • .r Tax Study Sehools Council agreed with a finance cornmitttee 'request . ',haat 1oea1 clerks and treasurers attend a sohool where methods • of tax. collection •by -instalments and• other'. methods of finance will •be : studied • with the ain of re- dueing in'teres't ..paid 'o'n • .bank loans Iby• municipalities." .• Probably ' wo ' schools; w111 be held, one to , +the' north of ,the. county and 'one in the .south, ' Huron Supports Resolution •A Bruce'�r•esolution ,critigizing television, ision 'and radio liquor ad- vertising received .little support in some quarters However, clerk Stuart . Forrester presented cox- respondence ; on the issue from the prime ininister, the . Ontario premier, the Board of !Broadcast Governors, ` the , Liquor :Control Board, the United Gliuroh, Canada, ' which supported the resolution, as: we'11 . as several. cqunti'es, including Huron. Growing Cost .0f Services A review of the • county rate in Bruce over the .past 10 years illustrates the igrowing cost of 'C.iia.1.�$i'.T�.V'-1C.es�!11d-•-tth Of More snore Itiaxes .for ''highways, In 1953 the rate was 11 % mu lis ' With. q1/2.. of this for general-. qac= counts;. '..A . '11 mill . juump' . took place in 1954;.With ' ihiglhways re ceiiring ; only a qualrte:r mill of this nncrease.. The ;,rate was un- changed for 1955 butin .1956 the. general rate went up 11/4 ++nils to nine. ,.and• •higihway,s increased a. •f mill' t ' 53/4. •The w sessanent, ' in effect in :1957, . sopped the rate but made :little; ehapg.e> .in 'x.evenues as. the total rate . of 10/4. mi.l'l consisted .of 61/4 ' for general :fee - . counts and four . for highways,. The next - year '•,brought" _ the first '.major.: increase for, 'high- ways:: purposes, as . 'B'ruce' em - ,barked on la 'large-scale.' construc- tion on5truc:•tion prograrxi wlrhi' h is still under :way..'' It is ,now showing results in better '.row, s.'•ancl 'rower main- tenance `costs' as more. roads are. paved :••••.: That '.' yearan additional. 1' milks were, added for .':highiwiays purposes' while 'the . general `'ac-. counts were chopped a quarter mill Roads' received another, in - Crease in .1959 'of three uarters Of a 'mill while the. general counts • went . ` up a ` ggarter rni11: For the.: first. ;and probably last, •time in, the county's •'' history: highways and general accounts receivedaqual: rates, of 61/4 mills. In 1960 .the general . accounts were curt a half mill to 53/4 while hi+ghway.s went' Up a ,half rni.11- Ihe .general accounts' :.Lewy, has •remained unchanged tut. ;road. costs went up td 71/4 in 1961, .and • WEDNE$DAY, MAR. 27th,. 1963 ■ ■a Illia.aa■ omiu .aa*IPI i.I. ewoo!U. U'Unr THE BETTER A CHANGE:FOR us■ Why not make a COMPLETE. change for the, better • : i ut your SWINE BREEDING. PROGI,i��N�NIE this: year.. � � ■ : �2'Use better boars through: artificial breeding.. : ' :. ■ °. 1. Take the money you'd have spent ■t for a boar 'and. y ■ ■. ' buy' , a top'purebred sow at.the upcoming breed- ■ oi err', sales. For you • r information, the dates -are:- • as A..,pril 3 : Zone.' 2 Yorkshire SaleWalkerton ■ April 4 ,Wellington County Yorkshires, Palm erston ■ ■ CountyYorkshires Bridgeport `: .. ■ April 9 . Waterloo; � ■ . • vi sales, in the near' future at Other ,breeds •ha ng■ • - • Stratford:•R ..■ is • Lacombe" April 10th,:. Landrace April: 13th, ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ ■ ■■ WATERLOO ` CATTLE i ▪ .... 0 �pi ■ 111 IN us . a, L BREEDING .. $ • , . ■ • . . • TIS V • �-� . ,� . ASSOCIA 0 � : � •. ■ ■ ■ •■ si j ■ A , Better •Livestock for. Better :Living, • • III 1•. • . ■ ■•M■ul■•■•a.•■u•■uIU■■<fu1•••1111•■•■•■■■U• I••Itt Presenting;'. the NEW RON C0.=0P BASIC PACKAGE HEALTH. INSURANCE PLMI 71A for 1962 end :19.63. Kin•eardine.•'Ghaimhber of Com meree rather ; than • the. . •tow.n. council .` decided . a . .truck ' •route st;ould .not `'be 'built 'td bypass` the town the ' reeeve of neig+hlbor.- ing Kincardine 'Township, A. E.. Greer told,. county. council . at. Walkerton en Thursday. Mr.: Greer of 1Glamis said` the. chamber took a'survey,'of'niem-. bers and decided against .the bypass,' Tl'2 proposal fcr , the' 'new thick 'route..was ..made lby ',Kincardine Township.' ` P,.: • R•ussell • Wiles of. •'Walkerton., suPerin'tendezit'. , of the. '' Bruce ,Caun:ty 'Home, ".is 'retiring .after 38 years. H. D, ..7lhernp on, " of Lucknow, assistant' superintend-` ent for :'the past several.months; will : be .his .suece:asar. .• Brcwn..•and Carl ':Lar sen' :of the. Bruce County pital' 'Beard waked council 'for a grant for the proposed construc- tion. program.`. at 'the . hdspital'. ihe•re. • As the' Mill rate •h ' as been 'set for:�196i� 3 ne zmnediate action was taken by,.counci1. Freeloaders' are drawing heav- ily•.from Peru'ce.•.con n4ty welfare funds;. a we.ifare investigating committee told ' county icouncYl :yeste,rdayl People :really, needing aid 'are being .deprived of .help, the cornmittee said• It suggested, some weiifare • ser m . vices be. aalgamated' to . avoid duplication' • ani' pbor co- Ordina—tion„ '.;Bruce County's ,19+63. levy,. bas- ed on last .June's county .equali- zaticn,..,J Will: brine in 'revenues on a total assessment of $53,872,- 365: • Walkerton is the. municipality • with' the largest assessment.' in the county at $3,900,813, Othei towns are .Kincardine; -:$2,774,98.0; Port . Elgin, $2,091,$05;: South= ampton $2,039,172; : Chesley, $1,708,837 „ a;n�d Wiarton, $1,573 0,63, " 'Brt. leads other townships it assessment . at $3,736,673; Huron, $3,217.,930; Car:riek; $3,100,256 Arnabel, $3,008,036;.Kincardine $2.66;$15; 0,, Bruce, .;$2,577,250, Greenock, $2,494,100;' ' Elderslie $.2;434,971; Culross, $2,036,824 Arran, $1,9:83,5:01 Sauge;en, $1,: 953;983; Kinloss, $1,737;939 Eastnor, $1,335,905; ' Albemarle $1,038,315; St.' Edmunds;. $656,8.0( and Lindsay, $447,500. .Lueknow leads villages' in as• sesment 'with . $975,861; '.Tees water,'' $880,020, Mildmay., ; $734;• 965•;•• Paisley, $701,605;• Tara .$563,400; : Ripley, $413;905; ,Lion': !Head; $40.7,255; Tiverton; $255,- 695 and'"Hepworth, $203,890,.. EW BRIEFS FROM NEARBY Fergus Chamiber of; 'Commerc+ is • planning 'to expand: ,thein Highland ' Games •,program. ` Fe'r Agus is •,one of four, "great Gaines' in Ontario at present. • • Cemetery' notice ' in . Sheffield England: "Owing to staffing 4i;iif ficulties, grave digging . will .tiy carried on by ..a skeleton staff.' IN-HOSPITAL MEDICAL CARE: Op . to )` ilospithI Visit ' and one :can iltation for: non-surgical ,cal illnesses per 'contract year for each • member and dependant. // MAJOR MED/CAL BENEFITS: A SIAM 00 /deds.setible plan forHome and Office Visi f *Option Drugs Ambulance ' Chor a. ; :Limited Nursing Core end .. Therapy' treat. nrsersts. .You pay the , first, $1.00.00 the Co-op 'pays ,80% of the 'bokance up 'to:, $5.000 'in. any, one 4+ectir. "Your . Coop has ; open.. membership'" HURON 0 -OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Office in the Clinton Credit Union Building: CLINTON, ONTARIO Telephone Hunter 2.97$1. •