HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-27, Page 313 Ma ES • • ■ • 01. us ■ ▪ - ■ ▪ • al- • * • ■ , • ■ ▪ • ext rth ips. , • • on - Jed NITED•NfeSPHAY,. MAR. Zithp, :1943 • • 111.1"4"."1111100•1011:01.1401011Willitill.1111011111,111111111011011400111011.1110111111■111■1■■■■■■1: • . .00*Airoviusoi, ,•, . . • Achieyimvlt .AFTER Milli OP • . . . ••• THE 1.41YCKNow SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO • PAGE THREE 4 FINEST FOODS • • :111 Fruit Cocktail : Libby's. Fancy, save fie, ■• pring WEST PRICES Discount fted at lite Sale" 2-49c Tea Bei 5 oz. tins Red & Wh • e Juice. c Libby's Fancy, save 5c 48 oz. tins 89 White or coloured rolls, twin pack, save 19c I.Gem•Mtirgarine Save 5c, 1 lb. package, Giant:0440269c Save .24c, 15c Off: pack, package C-offee.., 6.9c• It' y no ›ng, • 9w' ring .be re-. • ling and•• and: real the lted at.h-. •bUt • , a Er Instant, i0c, off •pack, save 24O, 6oz. jar ■ ■ ■ ▪ • R Night Thursday glasses at Ripley and district light 'School were completed on March 14th. A successful term is repeirted with -an elrolment -of 15, which is up . dons/derail:47 • ■ from last year. u Classes this, 'year .included eight ■ 'different subjects With teachers • as followsMillinery, Mrs.y A. is 59c Thompson, 'Kincardine Township; Dressanaking Mrs." Ivan, I3enson,• in Ripley; Tyipewriting, IVIr,s, . G. . • e, 6c, package. of .60's a Patterson. Huron 71wp.; Wood-. • II •working, Mr. Roy Ball, Kincar- 'dine; • Physical ,:: Education; Mrs.. J. Needham, Huron Twp.; Rug - hooking, Mrs. J; A. MacDonald, Ripley; Davis-, Ripley; English' and Pub - lie •Speaking, Mr. D. :Fraser, Rip- ' • Members of* ..coannattee in charge .,are:' Honorary Chairman, Mr, A, Wylds; Chairman, Mr. , J. C. MacDonald; Wilfred Steele, MM. RusSell Needham, Mrs. Kipg Size Fab \ 95c Twin. Rolls 29c Weston, Brown 'N'; Serve,' reg..33c, pkg. . ■ Hot, r�ss Bunettes 39 1240 package ' : .• • These are JUST A FEW OF THE SPECIALS that you find daily in our store • : Garbage Can Premium -$61.-98--value—grartl -12-ifillon sizegarbage can with metal locking handles, colours red, grey, turquoise, yellow, $2.99 with $5.00 purchase. u. • lay Miclieod, Mrs. Frances Gm- meli, from and district; and: Mit. J. 1Vkacnonagh: and .Mrs. K: 'Mowbray from leneknow ' . • . ' , •Achievement night Will be .711hrursday, March 28th from. cordially invited tocome and view 'the displays• • " Bp in Winter . . • • , • • s• 11 . , ... . III . . . • ,. .i. I, .. I. PFIONIE 528-3001 - .. i : •, AN , .....t■■■••••••••••00.11111111410•00imMEMMMimMiMmigarnisilimmii.mmOlisn•istili■■•inlezyzi . . • sl: • . . . . • . • , • . • • . .To Start Sproy. ..1.0 Victor Erriingfon, warble fly inspector in 'West Wawanash, States that he •plans',... to start fthis year's 'program 'on April . St/rakingwill start this year the . south end of the' Town -- ship,"; as' :is done on alternate Years. Last Year. •he started at. the. George, Kennedy' farm • in' the north 'end. • '• The second of the tvv.O., spray- .' imgs will be :cornrnenced on May • tst, before cattle go :ork•the grass. The sprayman .is Leis Blake. I's • Your 'Subscriplion "Renewed? ding iced . • get ovys k as• too. now oadanykups , ding y at t. 4 • • -•••. 4 , 4 4. • • • + • • 4* • • 4 • ng'i • • %) • e •••• *•• ..1. : • , tticknovd, Presbyterian Church Rev. Roderick MacLeod I. Minister • • " • suSIDAir, MARCH 31 10:60 am.: Sunday • Schaor 11:00.q. Morning' 'Worship /..110.4i41111,611.D.itali.I.11.6114111# , • I ...+....i..ucicilOw,,..,........1‘ -..voi.T.E.o..c.HyRcil., • ':. Rev.• .kowarti . -W: - Strapp:....1 -.` • : .Minister .' •••• • .• • . . .. , : - " . ' • .••• StINDAY, MARC/1- Sunday ...School ' 1 . . .... 11:00.a..m.....,Mbriting ;.WorshiP. •The ,Cro.sS• ,Of ,C•irettinstane:e. . .. ., . , . ififico+.4.,:m......0......0....4.....4,...,,.....,,....:+.,0 te......0.,....,,..........64...,.....0..... ,.....,..........,....0,,,o 1 ' ' ... ' THE, : . : LUCkn* Chri•Stitijil .. • • .. I • • • .Loccil and General on: .MacNay. •sperit- the weelt end W 101 111.T8 parents,'Mr.... and: Mrs. A. MadNay: ** •••• Harold Button of DundaS vis7 Ir6liatIV!g over the weekend. . • • Mrs. Etta Roberts la a patient Wirigham Hospital baiting been taken,there on Tuesday of last week. • : ' . . . Mr. •and...Mrs Bob Morton, Ian and Cindy Of North Bay •spent. the. week -end with parents Mr. .and iMrs.;,Allbert •MontOn. Mir. and 'Mrs. 'Lorne ,Cardia Donna .14arie • of .Vevorriarket Spent the week -end W`ktill. his par- ents, ,Mr. - and Mrs. Donald Car- diss; Lucknow and other friends': ' •Mrs.' Jim MeNaughton return- ed home on riday : after aix derwent surgery and later' was . •convalescing at the .thonae of her daughter in the city.. .. • '.Ceptrige -Taylor •who ' recently', .urrderwent surgery. in. ..,roTke1.0.n.. returned home last week, and is convalescing :at' the hen* ,Mr. and Mrs. Norinan TaYlor. • . • . •Mr. and Mrs:. Fairik' Houghton Of :Toronto (nee DOnaida Mac Queig) are iholidaying in. tom- AGA,- Paris,_ The Ripiera ..and SwMit.r.d•Pjlioh.inlIn.:' ••of Port •Stanley visited; with. his cousins Helen and BroWn Harper on Sunday; other visitors ..- were Mrs. McKenzie and Miss. Gorden of TorOnto. and Mr. W. F. MacDonald of Lucknow.' , . . Miss., Annie • MacKay:: of tOwn IS, :a. patient Wirigharin. -.hos- pital. She was taken.' to the hospital on Friday. Over a year ago sthe . underWent, surgery for' a leg amputation, and since re- turning .home :had. ibeen confined. .for the most pant to a wheel In Colifornia .Wirti. Potter of' Lucknow is en- joying the climate 'In California •where he .is ;,spending.: the win- ter..., with- his, . daughter, Mrs. •McFarlan. He: ha's. !had !good .winter .and has been real Mr.. Potter plans to rettirn...af-. ter Easter to Lucknow, • to the hoine MS: :daughter, Mrs. Charlet ,Shaddick. In. :California they have 'been •keeping an eye ori. Weather.- odhditions •throUgh 'The Sentinel and hope, the snow is. gone by the tirne he returns, Mrs. McFarian •says. :they have had , an Unusually dry, warm Winter. in .California. Easter •Iil, ,ies haVe ';ibee•n „ blo(kning . sMce last, -October' an ..the Iris' quite showy.. • • Mira. • McFarlan 'encioSed a* snap • of her. Mather 'astride' a horse., The, ipiqtu:fe was taken at: a riding stable. at • Palin Desert; operated lby-a 'former Canadian, ifErnie Bateman, Who Jived: near Clinton. and known 'by the Potter family, • Mr and Mrs. Gordon. McDon- ald and Mary Mrs. Edward, Bushel and .Kathe- rine were reeent .viaitors at the home of ,Mr. and' Mrs. John,. Emerson.. • LUCknoW. Diatriet 'High School, students. -cOncluded Easter examinations with relief,1but the respite Will be short lived. the • final several weeks of school 'term loom close. • ' ' Mr. nand Mrs. Robert...MacNay, Sharon; Steve -of St. Catharines spent the ,week -end- ;a t their parent § ,home, ,Bob. 'will be leav- ing this week for Windsor to. start another season sailing �n 1.. • . Houston,• 11lewinarket)., spent the week -end, with: his .parents at 1-1olyrood and on Stint day had a§ his gUests, Mr. Toni' Clancy. Guelph* and Miss Ce- celia Shrzypeth, Niagara' -Falls, NeW`. York.• , • ' Percy Harr, who has :been itt Toronto for th6 past few Month's visited- •at ,his, hoing :at 'Kinlough before' leaving for. Newfound. - land, where he will , be engaged •ds an engineer. teclinieian of ‘a r'Ciad . building' pro)eet at CaDbonear, Mrs. Ernest Carter, Iloilo un - Rot. S. Tfh.13. iti Listowel, Pasfot- derwent sUrgery. recently 1` able. to return 'Iher -home 45n, • Victoria . Ho,3pital, London, ....was SERVICES: 10:30 in Dutch '1 Saturday where she 'will remain 0.114 .230 p.m; iri English for nine, weeks mnplete rest be - $:30 pin. Sunday Scllop. fore 'returning to 1.,ohdorr 'for fUil.ther surgei • • • • LADY ' FORESTERS .HAD 'fith. _BIRTHDAY, PARTY, The LtroknoW 'Lady- Foresters Marked 'their birthday: with, a pot:luck: auPPer ;at ':ithe 'Town Hall..6n Thursday"' evening, fl - lowed Jy . Court :Whist. The .prize winnerswere:, high scares, Mrs. Gordon: ,arook, Stiv- artJamieson; low, Mrs. Jim Ma- thrs,. Mrs. HarveY.Ir.Win..: There :Were .21 .present.. • . rent! Schedule Wednesday, March '27th 1. Skating 8.00' - Thursday, March ▪ 28th • • CUrling 1,00 - 5.00;17.00.- 11..00 'Friday, iviareh 29th . Carnival •; • Saturday, March. 30th • Pleas, Squirts and Peewee).* , 0,00 12.00 • Skating -MO 4100. Town, Peewee vs.' Country Peewee 6.3.0 7.30 Skating' 8.00 - Sunday,.: March Skating 2.00 Curling 7.00 Monday, April Rural 'hoc'key 31st • 4.00 - 11%00 1.st playott 7.10,Li1.00 Tuesday, ,April 2n4 Rural Hockey Playoff and if needed WedriAgday night -r o- - chi and; rOna,. Remington Randtypewrit- ers, adding ma nes cash registers may be obtained through The LucknovSentjne1 at: b es t -s-Outstanding Weather resistance • World's finest selection • of colors . • • Easy to apply t • • • , . • Economical to use 'Benjamin oore pain Special Sale SANIFLAT— , _ .Best quality paint -- wide range of colors • Bpy one 'quart , and get • one quart free. Good to the extent of ' • " present stock WILLIAM MtiRDIE • 'and- SON :Lucknow Phone 528-29.06°. „ . .„• • Stliatt. MacLennan ha's return- ed home from Stratford General Hospital Where he underiver.1... ,surgery on his. nose,. •• TheAir. Conditioned For Comfort Entertainment GODERICH - a Now .Phiying March • 29,' 30 Doable B01 • ■ . "DANGEROUS CHARTER" — A tale of the. sea Ill "SWORD' OF THE CONQUEROR" , (Both in Technicolor)• •IVIOndaY, .TuesdaY;. Wednesday, April '1; 2;,, 3 • 'A M TANci • RIESTRICT(C0 sal • IN, TO IS TEALS Of ;QS 011 OVIIR Starring James Mason .and Shelley Winters " ▪ Controversial! 'Daring! The pictuTe they said couldn't 1 be made! •m , Thursday, , Friday, Saturday, April 4, 5, 6 •— Doub• le Bill --- • Mickey Rooney and. Buddy Hackett, .‘ in 14. , "Everything's Ducky". ' . . .. . . , . • 4 • III Richard Basehtui .andi Don Taylor, in technicolot I - ■ ' , iii . ' . ' • 9s. ' IN z i "Savage ' Gune' . . , , • // I Cciiiiiiii. —.Brigitte Bardot ,.....:. "A Very Private'Affair" us Adult. Entertaifitnetit. —a . ■ .., simmilamitionlindielpiiiiiiiiiinammoommemmemmimmisol•* ss, • ' . . 1