HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-27, Page 1PM A Year In Advance $1.00 Extra To U.S.A. • • LUCKI� )W, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAR. 27th, 1963 Single Copy 1.06 16 Pages, Spring Wtber Speeds..: Work: :4n Construction Of TreIeaven' feed Mill The. new Treleaven Feed Mill has been rapidly taking shape, • a ide o a d by y good weather. A• 'lot of time was, lost this winter - when weather•conditions 'forced work stoppagest The framewor•k was completed recently and 'steel' sheeting g : Work V+r rk cortinien'ced. By Monday night, three. sides : of the building were sheeted,.: 'and'. with- =good-° weather the' asides and roof should be completed..by the .week': •end to close *in the ' structure. • With a F10 ,Coat 'basement, a 14 foot • cement block' 'wall,, sand then. the fraanework, the, overall, height • .of the. 'building providing • for bins.. and elevator: instal• a - STORES TO REOPEN NEXT • WEEK ON' FRIDAY NIGHT An ,announcement this week by the Lucknow Susi tions will be ..lo e..t .. ness.Men's Association. is Ito. - .� c.., s 0 60. feet, A 40 -foot "square' warehouser the effect that until ,further' will be built, at, the front sof :the ' notice• 'business :hour's 'will ;be, mill, . 'resumed as of ' last. year, of Jack • Tref'Proprietor 4 fective nexrt week, leaven, of thein ustr• This. means thatrbusiness „ready for themillwrights to d y, ays they are xiow , ,p- laces will • reinPain o� ;o en' n : cornm•ence installation :. of the Friday nights until 10;00 ,p,m, feed manufacturing equipment.' and will close. at 6.:00• p,m. • ;Tack choses the ' 24th 'of May T._ on Saturdays: as a guess as to irhen, the plant may ',be in 'operation. The mill, 'originally . a •,flour & grist mill, which had been op-: erased Iby 'the' Treleaven family for over 100years, was 'destroyed by fire in'•'a 'raging. •holocaust la.te. last August. Price Gas �War Has . The new' addition apt .the Luck- one To tucknow Thee--gasolYine ';pried'{war'. has: • .come' tto' Lueknow, .with service• station operators • dropping the price last 'week' by ten . cents a gallon ;to' 30..9 cents •• .The•. =war"'. is not of. ',local origin: it 'has been in effect in: some areas for 'some :time, and we • understand.: is a gasoline company ;affair, vw.ith large sur <pLuse.i• of gasoline, suggested' as one reason for the .'cart. What- ever the reason the motorist isn't objecting. Easter :Seals Returns',Gradual. A:gradual response • to •' the' I:ucl now and District Lions 'Club Easter : `Seals • appeal i.n aid of • crippled`` children has:.broughtt in • about $100'.00 • during the past° week, :for total returns of around! the ' $400 .,,mark'` This is little More then., past the halfway mark. ` in 'comparison with` last, year's. • total.icon t rib ut ions: With : a little -over •two•eweeks to ego, .a, steady -.return is nieces. eery to . ego; overr'. ,bhe.. top . before, • .the Campaign closes on April_ •14th; .. hf you have laid aside your seals .letter, now would • be•a good. time to attend • to. this . ma'tter. 'NO one ' is ever .the poorer for • having :given:• to a worthy cause. If a letter tailed to reach you, dona'tionsmay be left with the Lions,. Crippled Children. Com- mittee or any Member of the Club; legian- Zane .Rudy Here On '\:$0.01.010t. Members of Zone..:Ci of •the Royal Canadian Legion will hold their spring. 'meeting in Luck-. now this, Sunday, March -.31st,. with, •Branc-h 309 as host • Zonae Commander' Doug ; An.' drew of Clinton, .will ' preside: A '.Legion parade' .. will form. now': 1?igtriet High School - is•up � at 1•�(,1_;_.p,m.T..and-..._vt�i:Il-.�be- -nearm�g compl ion, althdiigh headed by the Wingh'am Legion considerably 'behind the date ;;Band. When. this was .written which was itentatively set' when details cifwhere the parade' the' project' was commenced; t 'Would. ` form, . and • where . the sa- The • "break th�rou�gh:., into . f main, •Ibuilding was made, recently definite azd last week"•:Board 'members,.Ali . Legion .. member •and vet - were on • a ".buying trip" for erans . are :urged to turn out for furnishings' 'for the :addition. this .'.parade: LIONS CLUB ;: GOAT DECIDES'' TO END :; IT . ALL The "Lucknow and :District Lions Club goat has given up the ghost: She , "- - or ; ,, is it he - ended it all on.Mon. ':day ' by .rhangilhg. , The .goat W'as • .an'• attend • ,ante• stirrulatimg innovation. introduced °when President Lloyd Ashton took office last' year: Absentee. nieinbers .head; their names. ,drawn at each th-weekly meeting and 'the winner was custodian of the • 'goat for ;the next two :weeks.: .During ".the' 'Winter Alvin Hen ilfon ,had . ;become ;' the ``caretiaker" With the absen- tee members paying a two week : custodian levy which Went . •. into .' the , convention fund. The first: of bhe • week ":Al yin 'lathered. the goat in •the • •mew : of the iibarn,, but the goa apparently. strugg1ing. •to free • itself, had dropped down the stairway 8i strang- led itself,_( :.In somewhat subdued tones the Lions were officially in : - formed ;,on Monday evening of the goats 'demise. • • advance Poll Saiurday .:and Monday s F�deral Election Vote ;Daws :Near With. voting .' -day ••da little. more Y , • than ten :days; away Monday; , April 8th .the 'the Federal elec-: tion .campaign 'swings into• its final days. ' marked the official' 'lYionday a •,nomination .qday which is• ••the last opportunity for candidates to qualify; to stands for election', • In Brute an d• Huron n rid ings , it was, just a formality with the ea.ndidMe picthreunchanged firomi' the early' ,stages ' ofthe contest.. . '• In (Bruce the Progressive Con- servati,ve , 'candidate is • John Loney; the. Liberal candidate is • • John . Mac•Ketzie' 'with Alex •Scarroy 'running 'as . an Indepen-. derist, In Huron riding itis a straight. two. parity race awith!. Elston Car-' diff the, Progressive • Conserve tine candidate and Cordon• Mc Gavin ,the Liberal' .candidate. ' Both, ridings have elected Cone servatives ;for some tirrrie. Last' year'eAricl :.Robbinson; who has retired, was elected . by a ,ma- • jority. of 1,403 and ' .Elston Car= • • cliff• ,was again ,i turned with,.. a majority.' .of.. 2;365, Advance.. Poll The advance •poll will be held on Saturday of this week, Mar- ch 30trh and Monday; April -1st, at the Anglican Parish' Hall with Joahn.. Wraith, . i . deputy return- ing ,officer. • Voting hours'both days will be from 8;00 . a.m. to -.8 00 tanda.i•d time, • In Bruce advance..polls, are to ,be, •held at rucknow, Kincardine, Southampton, • Port .Elbgin 'and Wiarton, In' Huron they will. be ;held at Goderieh, '$lyth, Exeter,; Clin- ton. and Seaforth. ,Can Be Sworn Thursday;.. March., 21st.• was the last day /for . having ' revisions . made teethe list of viers'How- ever., anyone eligible to vote can be 'sworn' in ori election day,. April • 8th. If their name is not on the voters list they cannot vote: at 'the Advance, Poll, as no provision is.. made for the swear- ing in Of .voters at .:this time —only on •thi. regular,, voting day. r. Curling Club Playoff Thursda Lticknow' urling ub • .Cl � will . C stage a,, ;gone day harnpionship series. Thursday of 'this week to wind •,.up, .a successful twelve; week season - for , the c1ub Which Was : :formed f'+this year. Teams have been matched for Thursday ori :the basics of • tbbeir success. over the past few weeks: Curling will commence as usual; at o' o'clock •'with.•a winner & runner-up ` declared when 'play ceases in the. evening. It will cam 'seve+ra aures ' t rou ha CARNIVAL PLANS':FIN Ate FOR FRIDAY NIGHT. : . At ithe Lion's meeting on Mon- day' ,evening, Bob Finlay report :teed that committees had been' set up and plans ccinpleted.for staging.,the big 'masquerade .car - nivel on Friday night. This i$ a -popular annual ev ent,, and this year /will be a climax to .a successful seasonof artificial -ice which was installed by the Club, last fall. The Lucknow District High School Band will be present. There 'Is . a wide •range, of cos- turp'e events, which. will , .no doubt attract scores ''of colorful "getup." Details are to be found he 'a 'display 'advertise- ' merit _ in , thi,5 kis ze. Aaron . Book Was SIightIy � Injured A s. 'Plane Crashes Aaron , Boak, : 35, `'of Dresden, •and a passenger in .his light air-:' craft, 'Frederick. J. 'Scott, 29,:: also of Dresden, escaped seripus in- ry' • Caruso„ :plane lerashed in tkec fif ,fromn' a lane • in that 'area.- • '• • Motor: faillu're is cited as the, 'reason for /the 'crash that ibedly 'damnaged the plane 'but .'allowed °the pilot and passen•ger to walk away. from the 'wreckage• with minor cuts •and injuries.. The plane hit; three 'frees • with the a.. 'right wing, •fl'iipped :over. and hit two more .before spinning to the •ground.I'Both men were treated apt Chathain hospital and • :re- leased. Aaron's injuries will eon- fine him to the house for ,about a: 'Week. Aaron, ' a .teacher _'.at, Dresden is a frequent :.visitor in this community where -he lived and went 'to, high 'school. • He .fre: quen.tly .pilc,ted his plane .here. )Aaron •is : •rm'arried to: the: fernier Bernice ,Shaldick of Lucknow, The' wrecked' plane` will. snean:•a severe Financial loss for Aaron. Played With Red' Wings AtWeekend Paul. Henderson: was in De troi!t Red Wings ,uniform at the . week -end pmaobably' mu;c'h sooner than' he .had ,ev�e�r :•dared' to hope. ' Paul, ;. whei'°wvas 20 on January 29th, is the son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Garnet Henderson of=town as most everyone is 'well. aware, and is- the' first Lucknow boy ever to . 'come up through the m•inol. ranks •to. ,the . "big time." . Paul. 'and, Mrs Henderson (Eleanor Alton)•, had come from Hamilton to, Spend. the week -end in this -community::Shortly after two ' o'clock •on , Saturdays Paul ,got an emergency call. to be in. ` Toronto' that night. when Detroit played the Leafs. ' • Garnet, Paul and E�ruee and Norman Taylor were soon ort' the,. way, ,', Eby' way of ` Hamilton to pick up., Paul's :•gear. •TV hockey viewers were more unrero�.ise (lean •ever that might ' • as,, • word ° spread: rapidly` that: Paul. would be. in . ,action •ands he ,!gave �a• good •account::'of him- self. ' period, which wasn't televised,: Paul was s�tia dowing Tick : Duff, and ,if Duff thought • he could bIUf the • "most gentlemanly player"in the Junior A, he . was mistaken, for 'Paul "took him . 'on,"' and"both drew majors. • .P•aul'`pl:ayed. again on; Sundfay; night -.and is. now 'back in Hain-. ikon' as .'rah Red ' Wings e e 'WI gs start _ the' semi-final series with G'hi- t cage. If'Detroit were to t^un • into. injuries tit is possible that Hen-` de�rson could get into the. silver=,` ware' series. • - Pau1 �ha�s taken a CNR position at: ''present in 'Hamilton °'as yard-. mean. •I is' future �plazis, . however,' seem• certain :to. be governed by his •no•c•key: ability.. ' Awarded • Trophy, •• Paul ,was recently awarded the 117ax XCamninsky ;'Memorial' Award as. •�th�e :most.: gentleinanl'y Player -in Prowinoial Junior. ;A ranks and Was scheduled •• to re=: ceive the 'trophy on. Tuesday .ev'- ening • in Niagara Falls: at the . . Niagara -Montreal group , finals game: Cin Thaw BringsS Flooding,Washouts It's out. of the.flying pan into •'the fire. 'Motorists: who �haihe • been bucking. drifting snow: ,and • poor vis'vb.ili,ty much of the win_ ' ter,' are now plagued, by flood= in+g: and wash'ou'ts. The rapid. .disappearance , ; of'. the �sn�ow'..';at the week -end. • brought water levels up'sharp ly, • flooding r , ' low lying courit>ry roads .. and causing washouts places which •have requireel, de- 'tours: The next Villain which is alreadyu•tting. Cin '• an. appear- ance, : ear- putting g pP ance is the spring • breakup that frequently :'•reaul�ts in near iris ;passilble mu (holes.' Basement flooding ` has° been ,: comMon� thepast few, days .and' , w y. thesump pump' :demand quickly cleaned up the' "stocks ` on !land", m l g h g ut the day for ::the; steams that are; .successful in the' • elimination play. Winners and . Runners—up wi 11. be presented at a social evening planned for the club 'members on Sa•turday, April 6th' •as a•. windup: for , tie year.:.... • • Man' Dangles from Top: O.n. r. Sts d April' :Fools Day • was ushered in .about a ,week earlyi'ri the V,61. - lege' by' "scmeoh•e • who apparent- ly 'hasn't much fear, df; high' places, and•,h•as the youthful vig-: or to climb to the trip 'of. the standpipe, which towers about. 100 feeat on, the hill overlooking the west end, of 'Main Street. ' On• . Monday ' rnorning our at- tention was drawn `;to ,.the: dang- ling: "Man," which 'from ground, level : appeared ..to be a ':pais• of coveralls. We , . don't go around with our head .that'.:high = es- pecially 'On Monday Morning, & 'it 'was •a •,phone •query that alert= ed us' to ithe prank. At • h is home several . blocksocks away, Ewart Jamieson shad not iced 'what :.might • be . "someone" on the standpipe.' Hecalled' the Sentinel .:to enquire if we knew if 'the water tower.' was being painted; • We "didn't think iit' was,".. but 'checked to see rand, found that very evidently some practical joker had rnade a .nocturnal Cllirnab ,of theh, tower' to ,hang: "sonreorie " whieh sway ed in the breeze J 'u t off the' 'north east. side .of th'e�`"tataiadpipe. Could ,it be a poliitical 'e+ffigy" hanging with electionday So close? 'Froth ground level it didn't resemble any ;of the leaders, in. site of' the g otesque efforts of the cartoon- lits ' FarmN_.e: ein Two youths • who took. u�p "housekeeping" ` in "the tempor- arily 'vacant home •of Mr. and Mrs. Hector MacLean on 'High- way 21; a mile - south of Amm •berley, .had their domicile ab- ruptly ended by a'• visit from provincial police officeri.. In.:Custody a-r-e-Robert'G.. Lind- say, 19 •of R.R. 3, St. Thomas, and his ompan:ion,,' Edward D. Price, 17' of Rockland,' near Ot- •tawa; The :men, ';were taken in charge • after . jumping.• out of a Window' of the MajLean house :when they sought to escape ap- proaching O,P.P., men 'Making the •arrests. •were Con stables Don :Hobbs and .Don Trumbley of the Gaderich De tacihment and Constable Sheldon of Kincardine. ,One c'f 'the two. risen was e'rn •ployed briefly lby an ' A r berley district farmer. The pair had made some purchases ;•a couple Of times at .hiel.ls store at Amberley, and when they 'set foot down the highway, it was first :thought they might have moved' into a .summer cottage. They'.'didn'st appear to • be warm- ly enough clad, for that: type, of "holing • up." They were.: lost to view in ,the..' vicinityy: of the :MacLean home, and a neighbour then ' recalled seeing` someone about, :the Property, Mr„ and Mrs. MacLean's 'r augl - ter, at Kincardine, Was 'informe'd and :police notified, The two- >sorrie heard' enough .ona party tine tyodeide theirs to' vacate 'biit; hadn't' quite 'Made' their escape when police arrived. They were taken to Goderich jail charged with beihg Unlaw- fully in e dwelling. Other charges may be pending, Are: Ferfilier'Plant : Imiprov,esrients 'are being made' et the 'Lucknow District Co - ,operative ,fertilizer plant . at the CNR depot, % A tower, is being built to per mit the installation of elevator equipment, to mechanize ...the and mixing operations'.. A pit has been built' in the i,plant to facilitate the, •uY'tltaaditie of. trucks, • The S' T 7e • tsfslective .has, been to have the inipr"overments coin let- • ed for the springfertilizer rush, but wine delays have been e:;1 : perieneed to throw the progran om e w he t berhi n d s•cheatil'e,.