HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-20, Page 4i . • � ..R��..� '111 - r��K•,"•En. siAf' ._.. .....�1� 11116' ' ... � ... M 1111111.11 . , . ..2222 2222-.. ,,. . ................-. ji CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES --, First Insertion 2c >Q er• word, minimum charge. 50c. Repeat' Insertional. 1 12c per word, minimum 50c. Notices, Cards of .Thanks, and. Coming Events, minimum, 75c. In Memoriams, -minimum $.1.00. 25c extra for replies:. to ;The. Sentinel, Billing charge of 10c for each bill rendered: FOR SALE FOR SALE -- good big Durham cow, • due soon. Frank Alton, Phone . 67-r-15, Dungannon,, FOR SALE 15 Pigs,igs, 8 'weeks ld. Ernest Button, Lucknow, phone 528-3109, or 528-3009. • FOR SALE — severalyoung York • Sows,bred , Lacom+b, due April• 1st and later. Andy Scott, E,,R.. 5, Kincardine. FEED 'CONTRACTS Hog and. Feed Contracts.: available from Master ; Feeds, D: R:: Finlayson, Lucknbw,. .phone; 528-2903, ,' from FOR• SALE ,two goad doors,. one:':6,4'•, x 31"•`with.'tthree lights,. One 6'61{2" x 271/2"; ' good as new. Less' Ritchie, 'Lucknow, 46,000 miles.. . phone 528 2709` ;Ford Ferguson: Tractor and. 3'` .in to 5 .m nd from 7 sn +Ph 'p P P IF.ORSALE FOR SALE ,= quantity. of baled .hay and mixed grain also 81/2 foot Case cultivator on ruibber4 I•erguson belt .pulley, J. P., Robb,. RAI. 1, Ripley; Ripley Ri le ; �p'hone Rirpl,, 1.15-1.8, SEED CLEANING • SERVICE ' Have yourgrain . 'needed for. spring Planting cleaned early. We have ' for sale a dull line Of grass. :.seeds 'and also:. handle. feed gran: • ' GORDON • JOHNSTONE, Lucknow, phone 528-3g19. • •' AT HOME TO FRIENDS FOR SALE . Mr,' and Mrs. Alex Reid of 1957 V-+8 Rideau 500 Meteor ' ' g their Wmgham are • Observing hardtop, power steering; nacho -- outh -- wedding.. __anniversary on With r front froand rear speakes, � Saturday, March lith They: will be at home to their friends {OMIN I!VENTS •• NEW CASH BINGO. Legion Hall, 'Lucknow, every bur , eveni12' regular Thursday, evening, .games ---$10.00, each. 4 Share:¢ The - Wealth games• 'with jackpot in -eluded • in each' game. Jackpot this week $75.00 on •5$ ,Calls. If won :text Shure -The -Wealth • jackpot':reverts to. $E0 on 55 calls; ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT' ' Ripley and District Common pity Night Schaal Achievement Night at, Ripley District High School, March 28,: 8 to :10 p.m. Everytbody, welcome, IRISH • •PROGJ rA.M '& DANCE 'An Irish :Program and Dance will }be' •heldin St, Helens .Hall on March 29th sponsored ' iby the W.I.Ladies please bring sand- wiches. andwiches. Tiffins ' orchestra., • • plough,• t 9 .p.m. ''Everyonedis 'wwelcome. o .:. •e c m T urerytiian, ` 4-de'or sedan, -1 ..Massey : Harris Mow*er:. .A14P13r „Lloyd Hall, Lucknow,, 'tires and . good racks. • 'Phone 528-3001, :Apply to Mrs.:Sidney Gardner, R;R. 2,"Lucknow, :phone 528-3837, FOR.—..Fleury 03t Roller . FOR SALE - '.1960' Pontiac Massey Harris Manure Spreader. condi Tendersless *t:han '17,000 miles.. �, ru�vth�ood • tan good condition,:can be driven +by ,tractor';•or' electric Motor. $35. William Rintoul;;; R, . 2, .,L•ucknoty -, phone W.ingharn, 357-2208.: • FOR SALE — °1G53 GMC,:' 1 ton, • 44- speed' .. transmission. ,' . Phone 528-3811.1, Jack , Farrisrh / , I ',HAY FOR SALE - 750-800, bales' first ' cutting.. Lloyd ;cline, .R.R. 3 w Lucknow, phone :164-r-19, Rip- • CE NEEDS RAN ' SU R' YOUR INSURANCE FOR n :Auitomobile.Accident and. Sick- ness, Farm Liability and Home Protection call your Co-op Agent, LLOYD, `MONTGOMERY, R.R.• 5, Wingham Phone 357-3739 FARMERS: ' AIRCRAFT : SPRAYING . NITROGEN • -F-0R -RENT HEATED` APAR'.I'MENTS avail- able for Rent. Apply Bert 'Gam-. mie, Lucknow, phone 528,.3104. APARTINT FOR: RENT heat ed, .available April 1St. Anderson Apantments,' • .phone 5:28.-3045, Lueknow.. • NOTICE CLOSING, NOTICE Lorraine's Beauty Shop will ibe closed, from 'Thursday, .March 28th ''to Monday, April -1st, in- clusive, and will re -open :in teir', new location on Main Street. on Tuesday morning, April ` 2nd. • TOWNSHIP OF. KINLOSS TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Marked .sealed tenders will be received: Eby the ''undeirsigned up to 2 p.m., April 1st, 196,3: for ::the crushing and delivering on'- the Township Roads • of ;10,000 yards: gravel,:' crushed "5/8"" 'square or 3/A" ' round ' 7,000 yards; to be on . roads' by 7,000: yard . to. the :; on roads .by:. August 2lit, 1963 and 'the •lbal'ance i' as required :.by' the Road Supt v i ....Tenders to -toe- accompanied Eby. AP ivr. FOR- " RENT east.1 marked• cheque for. 10% of .:ten-' side of • duplex, h kitchen" i er • living ••room• sun ',parch, ora `e "'k"'-' bathroom and _ :two • gybed R.R. 3, Holyrood, Ont. rooms upsstairs Unfurnished exce t for oil . •� .1/M en burner. ' • in living :� .. ,When the Texan was• 'buried� room. Available on,' Jeune• lst in:'his•:'bng limousi:ne;. an••.•onlooker murmured : "Boy,. • that's li•vin." . as g g g, I G H. WALL Clerk Mrs. John T. 'Carruthers; Box'. 173, Ripley; 'shone: 141.1, Ripley:: IS Your -'Subscription Subscription Renewed? OAF SERVCES Alex Famish,. phone Pall Wheat and Barley . o.:1 ' c�_.r;� w ..as-�- 1 Dungannon e AUTOMOTIVE 'Mechanical Mechanical and body repairs, WANTED •,FOR SALE=international:Pump Your own or�lginals wanted for AC -180, '19571 '1'�erms •carr be ar, 1 ptblication • consideration. 'Send ran'ge,- Phone' • • 528-37,11, uric (Your mss, with $2;00 for editing .F rrish; •11,evaluations, and self-addressed envelope fold .reply. • • PROPERTIES 'FOR SALE BERN ,LITERARY AGENCY HOUSE on Ludgard St, Luck- 609 Durie St, Toronto 9,' Ontario 'now., 5 roonms . on one floor, in- •eluding' bath; also adjoining lot, • priced, for q''iek sale: FARMS . in ucknow district. WILL M S. REED Wingham Phone 357-2174 • FENCE POSTS Anyone needing`fence posts far' spring. delivery, 'is requested. •'to • place their order now 'John Ai MacRae, R. 3, Lucknow, phone, Darling Ripley1,64.:r-14. CORN FOR SALE — Kiln dried and. onipany of Canada Ltd. Clinton HU -2-7269 Dead Animal' License ;No.. 261C-63. ead Anima Removal Fore:: Dead orDisabled Animals --: Cad 'Collect and cob 'corn from the• Ridge, . , town -Chatham• Area in . 5 -ton & truckload:. lots: Jim MacEwan, Kinlos;, 'phone 2410, ,Bervie Maltin Barle Contracts •A Of - j 'r t SEED GRAINS, 1 CLOVERS •and• GRASS SEEI S ti•s' Seed •grain ,cleaned. and .treated, Clover and Grass Seeds cleaned, EIIIne Seed Mili B." Eillott, Lucknow Phone 528-300 • Dead Stock Removal Service We are licensed to remove yotrr deador, crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal. GORDON YOUNG,: Elmira Phone Collect tot, GORDON TAYLOR 2,8-695o. •. L.ucriow 24-h.rout service Licence 'Na. 215C83 and 22R63. Wheel . alignn:ient and,' balance, Window replacement Radiator• repairs. Protect' against ,rust with. Undaspray DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No..8 Hwy. : :. PhoneJA 4-7281 Goderich; Ontario M U CHERING Beef';. and pork sold,,.in' any quantity. ' 'Custom, :'butchering in Government licensed abattoir. Pigs every' Tuesday Beef from Monday- through Thursday. SUTTON'S MEAT MARKET. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic • talks; cess , pools, etc.,. Pumped and cleaned with mod- ern equipment All work guar- anteed. Louis Bloke, R 2 : Brus- sels, phone 442-w-6. • • AUCTION SALE Allan ,-Macllntyre i •. Licensed Auctioneer. I Luckrlow Phone 10-r-19 .Ripley. 1 HILRAY FARMS - ABATTOIR HOLYROOI) The home of choice . meats, all GOVERNMENT INSPECTED. and APPROVED' • Schneider's Cured Meats WE ALSO no CUSTOM •KILLING and hang your meat in modern coolers as long as desired. °'Pigs on Tuesdays" and cattle every day. No ' appointment necessary. RAYNARD .ACKERT Phone 528,2132 NOTICE' An exhi:bition., ,hockey game between Silverwoods and. CKNX Sports fw,ill ',be .played on Fri- day, March 222nd at 9 p,m. in the Lircknow Arena.' Proceeds in. aid of ••the Institute of the Blind.: Don't 'Miss this. game, ' •it - swill be packed with fun and excitement.' NOTICE 'Having been appointed- agent for the Huron • County Medical Insuran,ce . Co-op, I am now pre- pared to take care. of all your medical insurance needs. Enquir- ies 'appreciated. Garden Kirkland, phone 69-r-11, Dungannon. NTED. *WANTED . live pot.ltry.; also. new. and, duck and . goose^ feathear. st .s. .. : e prices .; at your door. ;Phone .or .writ.e:'A. Brown 181 Kincardine. , CALVES :WANTED • six to • ten, calves, age new barn to 3 ',weeks -+beef or Holstein heifers, 'Gond; on. Hodgkinson,:R'.R: 1;. Hol'yrood, phone Bervie 2242. • :READER'S DIGEST BARGAIN' N SALE AUCTION" SALE Clearing AUCTION SALE' 4 livestock, 4111T1 equipment en hay 'at. Lot. 23, Con. 13, Cuba Township (4 ' miles north and miles *est od Teeswater) Thur, day,; 'March 28th at 1:30. 'p.21 See .bills, 1VIrs. r, Betty.`Thompsoa prop, Allan MacIntyre; aur; Clearing AUCTION SALE 4 modern farm machinery, liv' stock, ;hay •and grain •at Lots 27, Con 14, Culross, (5 snipes;"snort and .;3 m iles , west oaf • Teeswater Thursday, March 21st, 1:00.`p.n See bills: Duncan Thommpsoi pr'op.', 'Allan MacTntyre, •auc, • AUCTION SALE �th�is . f'rid�a and.. 'EVERY FRIDAY a '2:30 'at • BERME =-- always good selection ' of, freak an springing cows and heifers, ails dairy and ,lbeeif calves. 'Cows . ca ,be';;bought 'on ,,time,, Up to thre years to pay for them, no moire down: All springers guarantees Deliver $3.00 a. rhea DISPERSAL SALE Complete DAIRY HERD ' d14 persal at the pfarm of Carl• Wilke! Lot:40,•Con. 4, Huron Townshp) 1—ntH-e--w� -•f-Highway 1- Reid' Corners, Tuesday,. ' Marc 26th at _2:00 p.m. Herd ,include 17, Holstein caws, 3 calves,' 1 yearling heifers, • registered "AT ':gus ,bull,' 20 months and; a 2 -un. Surge Mincing machine; Se �b111s;: Carl Wiixen, ' prop.,' Dorn McLelland,..auc: .For a liniated time, 'bargain • rates on Reader's Digest for NEW subscribers; six months $1:1' one year 42., half the regular price, The LucicnoW Sentinel, • phone 528-3134. t. immumismilossumillummino • ■. • Cir L A I • • ■ :■ ■ ■ a .:■ ■ O. w i ;Phone 147-3840' �. GERALD (Jerry) WAITER' • Member,of the r ' -Bruce ■ , ReaEstate ',Board. 4 ■ ■ Ask One Of. Our Agents 111.'HoW You Can • : List ;Your •■ ■' Property As •A Multiple jrip, Lid>ing ■ ■'. • •■ • ■. r ■; i. ■ .• • ■ 1 i' • •. • •■ •. ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ •r • • • ■ • No. . 2-698. E ■ i r i ■ ■ ■ • ■` ■ ■ ■. •. tnghp� Of#i�e "We' Sell. Rural. Ontario" A :mere 010,500 and. -its all • .yours 100 ; fertile 'acres: of the finest ,farming • land • available'. in •the Lucknow ■ area. The king sized .11/2 ■ storey, 8 -room home., .was, i ' .built for this family farm,' ■ and consists 'of a worthy kitchen;. spacious' living • room and 5 'bright cheer- . :WI bedrooms°. 'The huge 1' barn and almost • new .silo • provide ample ,feed storage. :and there is 'stable room •• ' for all the 'livestock you • care to look afterThis 'outstanding ,property • 'also ■ boasts about the implement' shed "24x48 'and as good hen Le house for.' approximately • 200 hens: Widow is -ready to sell her '‘farm and has ■ priced it . right for an im- mediate sale. See it soon, and give .us your 'best offer •■ ■ J. Everett'Penniiigton: R.R. 2, 'Tees:waterf , ■ Phone '302-6.064 • • •. • Local Agent For: ■ Lim IPA [iL :S ST ,RR & CO. ■ w , 'ted • ■. . ■. Hanover. 8 Estate • . Sa e The ' undersigned .:. tionee gn aur. has ''been; . instructed to sell b pufbl i c, auction the - property the .late• William Johnston; at th :farm; c n n` 1- 2 o cessio , front or lak range, in the :.Township of Asti * iel'd in the county •of Huroi one snipe west of Bluewate .Highway,. on the shoreline c Lake :.Huron, being „part of faro lot/,37: ' SATURDAY, ' MARCH SOth •�at two thirty p.m, Farni consists of; 87 acres,: mor or 'less, of choice clay loam soi level andall. :wprkable, • all til drained 'Ilhis is a ;very 'prodvc tive farm. On the farm is situai ed a '• 11/2 • storey frame ciwe+llini 20:bye 28` .fee;t. •w:ith'. addition 1 •by. '•18 .Feet; large bank 'barn,; 6 'by 70 feet 'with• addition • 18 . Ib 60 feet . equipped to handle 125 150 beef .'cattle combination; in plement shed, -.and hog pen, 2 by fes• feet; a' ,good 'art•esian,:we with water in. 'tike •barn;, hydr installed. • Also at the same 'time will .b 'offered, 6,000 square 4ales ., c mixed hay, 800; square'.'bales c straw, as well as'.some tools tan other effects. • Terms — , .shay -and •Chattell cash, real; estate ."10% down balance ' of pu'rchas'eprice 'in 3 days. Samuel Gibson, R W. 'Andrei, executors. Em;ile, MacLennan, auctioneer. • 2222... . THE WEST WAWANOS11 MUTUAL: FIRE INSURANCE CO.. , • Head, Office, • Dungannon •'Establish'ed 1878 • BOARD OF DIRECTORS • President, Brown . Smyth; Dtir gannor Viae -Pres., 1- ersori It win; Belgi°ave Directors; Pat Caesar, R. 1, Dungannon; Georg C • .Feagan; Godericl; Ross Mt Pheo,. R. 3, Auburn; 'Donald 1 Mac Kay, „R. 1, Ripley; John 1 'MacLennan; R. 3, Goder'ich,•',Alla Maclntyre, R, 5, Lucknow 'Wn 'Wiggins, E. :3, Auburn. F'or '•information on your it stirance, call your nearest direr tor who Is also an agent, or th secretary, Frank P. , Thompsoi Dungannon., phone Dungatin. 48.