HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-13, Page 14it • • TAMPAIOSIOMWWP— �� �.,,�..;�� .�..�-.�,..•:ism,�..::�.:,�:�-.,,�-�,:`,r�_,.�.r..�•...� .,.mak . ►OrE , FFU,TEEN , ' ' THE LUCKNOW SENTI +i' L. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 19.011!R I ! r■gmt lumarm timet. Aim.®nasuMn. iamrr■ rr ■ ■: • :■ • A • • : 4 TL VIBER'. TIPS. ■' EAL. 1• to the. ; 1N'F'i1)NES+1)4Xa ,MA•R. 13th, 1963 arwra�!rntrrrrrnrrra• � • Nr�anntNagn��ala!nanttg.■ ■ MPA1GN ■ ■ ■. • ■': Sponsored . by the. Lucknow .and .District Lions, Club ' ■ Crippled' Children Easter Seals • Have Gone Out This Week In The '�• i. Lucknow Area. If You :Have . Been Missed, Donations 'May Be Left With Tire . Undersigned. ' ■ ■ CAMPAIGN • RUNS FROM ' ' ■ Ai MARCH'' 14th to. APRIL 14th • ,. :. Please " Retiirn .Your 'Donation . ii, ann tly, , . • , .■• :The 'play Oaf . for 'thetwo series started' .this•, .week with` •the Ze bras: taking: the lead irt: the "A" group.' When the .:'Ohiprhunks "fail- ed; ..oto win a game: •It • was teary* effort. for ',the YZebras •with` Eu nice .Cunningham.. scoring highest. with .686.' Bi1.1.•.Bolt was: 'the top ,'bawler. for ` the ' .Chipmunks.' Jim and Freda 'Errin'gtoh. 'w'ith flat scores of 695' and 705 along. with John •Parks'618 flat .led the way for. the Lions 3 'Paint -win over the Tigers. ;Mel Dickson & Ken' •Hodge 'topped the Tigers. score sheets' •with:691 and 686.. The :Beavers and Cubs broke even'W.ith, 2 points each, but this sh:eet was grnissing so -there : are• no individual. scores. In 'Group "B"... the Pole' Cats. left the Squirrels. scoreless. Bob Mclntosh was higli.•;wi'th 716 ,and.,, Dinnie ]=lami•lton rolled 663. Bill Button: was tops- for their , team with 579 Tfie Gophers led by 'Charrli,e Annderson vtritlih 674 flat, . Clarence. Greers 449 'flat and Merlelliott; 626 flat stopped the Coons:Avith .no points.. George Joynt-shad high' 'honors for the Coons ..with 631 The Kanrgaroos , stook .3 , points from the Wolverines. Betty Gan• non ,was 'high for,':the 'winners'' !with a'639 flat. triple and a single game': of `293 )flat. • Al Johnston: &' Barry McDoiragh were 'high .for the: Wolverines with 657 and '611. Group'"A". • • Zebr.as • 4, Lions 3; Curbs 2,. Beavers 2y :Tigers 1; , Ch'i'prr un'ks 0 , • • Group . ,u$»: Pole • Ca .ots •.4; Gophers. 4; ''Kan-. �gaxoos .3, Wolverines 1, :°Coors ' 0,• Squirrels 0. ' . r 4 4' qv : • 0 0' :a ■, LOCAL : COMMITTEE: a -■- ■ Gordon Montgomery, Chairman. Chairman. • ; . Gordon Fisher, ■ Treas. o new; L. E:, Ashto ■ •Frank ; .Thomps n, E. H. Ag n;:. • ,Bob McIntosh • 1.•■..■...us.■.■■■.s..ruItr'0000■./000■0u■0/.■01N1. • NOW'S 'THE" 'TIME ',TO BE.'.THINK1 OF' A 'NEW ,McCLARY inditio: G. -MORE ADVANTAGES ' with McCLARY HEATING:. Economical! Guaranteed! Automatic!- --- Compact! Clean! Attractive! ' Quickly Installed!, Efficient! Effective! • Quiet! Enjoy greater 'heating . of - fieite' combined `with' compact,' attractive de='• sign with a McClary, ,: unit. FURNACE . `TENDING BANISHED Enquiries :.invited —. No Obligation YOUR LOCAL CREST HARDWARE L' ucknow ' . PbOrie ' 5 28- 3068 FAME Surpasses . Million:. Dollars According to FAME president,. C. W. McInnis,. the Farmers' Al- lied' Meat Enterprises :Co -opera- ' • 'five Ltd. (FAME) has Surpassed the one ,million dollar •capitali- zation figure, . "We have. passed this :import- ant milestone as a result of ap- plications ,for shares by almost '10,000 ',Ontario farmers, he re. ports. . .• Pregident McInnis reports ti? Co, operative 'has almost . acqu r� ed sufficient capital .for construe. tion to begin ,ori the ,first of, seven ,proposed pl•an,ts' throufgh•out ; the Province, The Board of Direct- ors. .is ' currently studying various methods of 'supplementary ' fin- ancing which will, when tom-. pieted,, allow an itmrneediate start On construction, The initial ;plant serving as a slaughter house and processing. Plant *ill be located 'at Ayr, near„ Galt, Other Plants' containing` the most modern and up-to-date pro- cessing and ,slaughtering •eq.uip •rnen't. will be located in the ,gen- oral . areas of: Victoria.. County, Grey -Brune, Perth: -Huron, • (Otta� war , Southwestern.... and Q.uinte FAME", Mr. Aictnnis notes, 'supported 'by the fanners of Mr...Dennis Dalton has return ed to his ship' the .SS. Ohar les-, die • Mr Desmond • O'Donn°ell: i§ spending a . few :days:in: Sarnia. .Mr. John O'Connor' returned. .home 'on Saturday from. London -.Mr.': John a11elly" who has been ■ a: patient in Goderieh . hospital came home Saturday.. ;• A taus' load ,of school children and adults went to the Ice. Ca p:ades irk Kitcheneer�.on S �turday, and all report_ a. very . wonder-' ,ful performance.. There 'Was • a'e, •well'• attended 'baby. ,shower rri the school on Friday evening .last • to welcome `the'. .little Austin. . twins. into the ■. 0 0 ■. 0 i.■ • ■ .0. 0 ■: a" R ■ .' ■; 0• 0 • III .. 1961 Bel Air sedan,.:.a sharp . one. 1960 Meteor` V8 "coach,, ,32,000 miles. i 1/2ton truck. t 196.1 Corvair ramp side 1960. Chev 1/2 ton pickup, new motor. LI 1957 ' Olds ' "Super 88" ',sedan,:. like . new. ■ :Plymouth ''' " .sedan, refinished. ' ■ 1.957 5a ..vo y s_ , 1 ,1957 Ford . 9 passenger station wagon. ' • 1956 Ford custom sedan. out "Savoy", : away .above , average,; a 1955 ' Plym h • Y , . 1954 • Buick "Special", sedan,' a' good one. ■ 1953 P • ■ ontiac, •valves just ground, ''brakes . relined: is • •, ■!- ■ • 0 • 0. ■ ■ 0 •. ■; •• .■. •0. ■ . •■. •■ ■" ■ a. .. .. G+..•.. .,. ■ ■ ■• w. ■ ■ . ■ 4 ■ ■, ■ ■ ■ • ■ a • 0' im • • 0 ■: • ■ ■• i 1//f• : Several new Bell'' Air' sedans, :Chevy yJI, Corvairs• '. ■: stoic: si ■ ■ Phone ' 147 Kincardine m , itea.eumaaa■rM.aaa■.r■i;■'■■:■u■aeoaa,araa0■da*nni■ ',Some !families..' can trace: their can't• tell,' you where' their ch•il= c r :back • •t�. dram � '.were 1a5t night, hi: ` ance_rtry... back � 800 � � years, . <-k�u , .�, g isles•■ie'rESSisissssisro.irrsa■0anaaioNimeSN,u■a■'' so .:/_'111_ _'' . �� ■'. a. ' 11:• ■. A By Using .4 :foot x 8 foot ` Panels . ■ 0 ■ 1t GYPROC• r: ■ r rri BOAR .Forums �ixcuss ]'ire Rurdl ChurcF .Representatives •o+f dis/tract' Farrn' l or 1ms• !pet. recently . . St. Andrews Church ,Sunday. ,School in Ripley , with Rev. Neil Mc- Gamble c=Gam bre, ' and Rev. Oliver' Strapp to discuss the rnra.P.church in the community, . • • ' The subject ,was First discussed. from the ,ministerial point of view and. there the Forulrr ' members and visitors • broke -up into :ors cussion:i groups to bring in their tindii gs on questions .posed in. • the . :March 4th Farm Thrum Guide, ; " 0 The 'gath'ering was areed that' • such,, • infornral ' meetings are ,most valuable and, infornratiire, . John M•cMurchy presided and Mary MacDonald 'acted as Secre- tary., They. are iniembers of the. Glen, Elm Fortini wihich• sponsor ed the ,meeting„. . 0 ■ ■ :0 ■ ..• • • , ■ •. ■ WE CARRY ti 0 ■ • ■. ■ ■. ■ ASONITE �- IEARTS OF OAK B BOARD BUTTERN CHERRY BOARD PLYWOOD 1 • ■ a Room Can Be ' Made Quickly Andii Economically ■' A GOOD SUPPLY , OF ALL THESE • PANELS:: • `. : 0 �y. •corri•petition in the livestock i w • n dustry so that ' prices paid ..for, ■ ' •livestock will reflect actual value rather .than merely what a pro.. • .cess:or ',chooses to bid," •'; • The realizati 'n •• b , of the erre mil- lion dollar ,nark ,pr„oyes fa•t ars • ■' are 'behind their co -pp and' now with, bhe farme.rs” starting to come into the' fold, FAME will 'soon ;be the .driving force in,' the livestock industry,of Ontario, 'intends to estalbli,s�h real Ontario, saki Mr`. • McInnis, SBURGH PAINTS canaria -wide PAINT SALE Save $2.40 A Gallon Regularly. $8.75 Now' $6.35 WAELEIIDE'RUBBERIZED... ', SATIN FINISH LATEX TYPE White' Or Your ' hoice Of Exciting:Oolours Sawa .$3,35 ,., . • :• •�., , ._- ,.:.. 35 On A Gallon .Satanhide Mantel.. ■ r� ■ 0 0' .., •0 V M :■ ■ John VIII. Henderson' .E.. . . F'hor►c.81' I0. • Lucknow 0*IUMIN■MMSMRMM11NM 1r1MM MNN 0101011010110100111