HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-13, Page 13WEDNESDAY,, MAR„....lath, 1883. ROY N,: BENTLEY PUBLIC ACC OUNTANT GODERICH, *ONTARIO' , 13oX .473 Phone J'Ackscn 4*9521 A. M HARPER ►N"D OMPANY -a er ,Ch rt ed Accountants 33 Hamilton St, •GOHERICH, :QNTARIO. Telephone JA 4-7562 JO H NSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and ' . Convenient Lucknow,. Phone 528-3013 Day- or•.Night '_ • Servin. g . All Faiths According t ., heir �!Vishes--• Moderate ;Prices• • .Established• 1894',. A. THE DUNGANNONDUNGAINON- CPlow sorrum,. I UCK1NOW, citrrAmo' Mrs. Victor Errington•.spen,t the ''past ,week -end.,, visiting at the home •of .cher daughter, Mrs,' Ivan .Henderson and sister-in-la+w, Mrs. ,Cora Hughes; Toronto, Mrs, John Falls' •spent fast week visiting her daru'ghter; Mrs, W, Hopkins,, Milton, Miss Flora- Durn,in of'••Markdale• was (home with her father, Mr,' R. J. ..Dur- tiro, Friends''•and neighbours .enaoy- ed a euchre party, 'at the Fourth School on Tuesday night :of last week. with twelve .tables erLgalg 'ed �c; ith , players. Ladies ' prizes were Won byM 'rs, Harold Maize and low, Mrs, Victor Errington, Men's .high prize. to. Mr. -Harold Maize and 'low to . Mr. .Harold Adams, ' Mr.. and Mrs.. Victor Errington a.. : • ',Chiropractor Physio.. and" Electro Therapist' Wing:hazxi • Phone:300 • (Office located . on John St, West` next to Toronto Dominion• Bank) 1NSU•RANCE FIRE, ' WIND,; CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE:, • AND—LIFE . .. .. To Protect'Your 'Jack, . Insure : With jack Today, . J. A.: ! M:cDONAGL�• .' '•Luckno v., 'Phone 528-3423 STATE FARIVIT. MUTUAL :AIJTOMOBI LE INSURANCE '(investigate, Before...Investing BEVBEN' WILSON R.R. 3, Goderieh hone 80-r-8: ungannon` R. W ,ANDRE. °' Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEIL, ONTARIO. , IN. LVCKNOW Every': Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon. Office in the Joynt ;Block. Telephone : 'O[Iicu 135 Residence 31-J R� 5. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. • Bat�rister, Etc. *Ingha n. and' Lucknow IN. LUCRNOW • Monday :and Wednesday 'Located in K•i atrick Block ' 'Phone.Winghatn Office 48 ' '• Residence 97 IMPERIAL 'OI4', PROP U' TS : • Tor prompt ,sctrViret and quality pr'o'dutt's, : contact: • GRANT CHIS HOLM' Phone' coilocti nttngahnon - 72te-1 • ot`' '10 Ltteknow "A:lways f.onk: l o Imperia4 For The Best; MacKenzie M .e rr ma gal ' Chapel -- FUNERAL 'SERVICE Services conducted accord ing to you: wishes at your Home, yuur..Church, ,or. at- --ciar`�Me.norial. Chapel at .no - additional ••charge. ' Lucknow, Phone 5'28.3432 • Day or Night- WING MEMORIAL SHOP ' We :Have Been' Memorial•. Craftsmen• for Thirty Seven • Years,, Always -Using • THE ;REST GRANITES ' • Along With ' 'Expert . Designing ' and 'Workmanship,, . •" Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery. Lettering -.a'''Specialty R. A. S,POTTON Phalle 206, Wtnghani, : Ontario. G. •ALAN :WILLIAMS Optotnetrist • Office on:Patrick .Stjust • off the • ` Main St. .in : • W.INGHAM Profession'al'' Eye- :Examination Optical ' Services •Fors appointment Please Phone 770, Wingharn MacKENZ:IE; O.D Optometrist N:4WD—RIPLEY EVERY. WEDNESDAY 'Office Hours 10.00 am: to 9.00 - p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley '96-r-24 for. appointment. •'BELL OPTOMETRIST,, ---• GODERICH• F.` T. Armstrong Consulting . Optometrist " The Square -• , (Phone JAckson 4-7661)' on Monday visited Mrs. Pearl Morrison, Clinton, - Sympat'hy.. is extended to the relatives .of the 'late Watt •i ain-' iltbn, Lucknc w, ;whose • funeral took place last Thursday after noon to Dungannon cemetery; Mrs. Herb "Finnigan. on. Mon day visited Mr, , and Mr;," Keith Finnegan, Clinton. " The Dungannon (Unitech Church hold their. Easter Thankofferiing service April 33'rd, The ,guest speaker +w ill be Mrs. Allan i.. acTaggart, Brussels, 'ur Cher" 'particulars. later. Mr. and 'Mrs. David Durnford, Brian '.and Cathy of • Toronto,. spent :the . week -end ,'withher parents, Mr. anti': Mrs. . James Willson, ` ,1VIr, and Mrs. William McClure, .Elmira, returned .borne '+from 'a two weeksvacation in Nassau; J+ainaica and the Baharnas:.•Their three -year -Old. son, .Ricky spent part of (t1e time with his: aunt, Mrs, Heztb Finnigan. :Bob Mute,- an elder son, at+ten.ding. at' Goderich and ,playing hockey for the Sifto Salts called for Ricky, •as he. motored '.horne. for•+the week end: Bill reported -a fine vacation, ; only suffering' a bit. 'with sunburn, leaving_:` the, tropics :• at a 100. degrees ?to Mal ten ' Airport- last= Sunday.:. We ,,are worry.:to' hear . of :•the. serious illness df -Mrs: A. B. Pent- land at Pin crest• Manor :Hos'pital; Luck'now,' at 'the (beginning of .the week, ,but we .hear later of, bet- ter reports: 1Vrrs. Mary—MaeLeodT—Kineard me, ';spent the 'w.eek -en'd �+v,tth cher sister, Mrs:. Robert .Stothers. Mr. Jim .,Blake, ..st,udent of ,Os- good Hall;. Toronto, spent the" week=er�d with his ;parents, .Mr... and Mrs,. 'Cecil Blake. Mrs; N L;'.Gostonyi/is 'helping out at Goderioh Hospital; due •to the. sior'ta+ge `of. nurses :lately.., Mrs: W. R. Andrew, who `is..a .patient '•. at _ Wingharn Hospital: :with infection .in ;•her, leg, it do.= ing ` .nicely; , but lately : has been undergoing a' bout with ;the A. euchre at ..the Orange' Hall' on Thursday - n i'ghht of last- 'Week resulted in^,. ,h,e winners 'for:• the:. ladies' being, high, Mrs. George Eibey, second high, 'Mrs. Keith Cranston; Men's"':highest was Mr. ,Lorne Ivers and . second Mr. Wilbur Brown,'..' LI1CKNOW DISTRICT ' CO-OPERATIVE INC.. Lurknow,, Vnonc 528.212 ,• TED COLLYER Registered M'7;ster : Electri°cian. lC ,l'�I;LTi1tlt,Aiy Ct)iri TRACTOR.: • • Specializing irs, EJeC Cir ttie .ting' Electric Wiring and lttepa,irs , and. •:Ali it frett1ot Appliances• .Ltycitriow,. Phone :528-5182 • 4 • • CARD OF THAN E We wish` to thank the .people of the Blake Community for the lovely gifts we .'received.. Their thoughtfulness was • deeply ap- preciated. ' Donald •^•and Sharon . Phillips. , .Jim and Doris;'Hamilton wish to express sincere:.'thanks: for alt the thoughtfulness shown -at the •time , of� their !bereavement. The many expressions . of sym- pathy- and acts of kindness were deeply appreciated I'ywish to than�k•ry friends a nd' •nei'ghbours 'for :remembering me'. while I was a' Patient in Vic- toria Hospital,•London, sand; sine e leaving -there, with visits, "•cards, letters. and other, ' ways. These kindnesses were very _much ap;r preei:ated.' • .Charles Steward. ' IN• APPRECIATION • • • . Mr, , and Mrs. Murdoch. McDon- ald and. Grant: (wi§h to express their '.heartfelt thanks ,to all: their friends and neighbours and also the Ripley Fire Department Who. helped in so' many +ways• • the -rho n�in+g _ of= -their barn fire- and since. Many::Lthannks_:also to. -.these - who sponsored' the 'benefit dance including • .i: e:> orchestras lunch g h .,. and hall, These acts: of' kindness, will never be forgotten. ASHFIELD IN- MEMORIAM HENRY' :In. loving'memory •of ';a • dear. • husband ,and .father, ( James 'AnsleY, Henry, :who' pass ed' away one :year '•ago,; -March 2pt11,-� 1962, • as' the ; result of 'an accident. Please' God forgive ' a silent tear, 'A fervent wish that he.., Were• For ri' God,':s' garden,, now 'at Peacefully sleeping,• lies one..of: the best. Sadly missed and . ever 're - 'membered by -his wife,: Ethel. • Guests With, William MacDon ald last week. ere IC Miss• Margaret MacDonald of Detroit .and ,Mr. and Mts.. S'te.ve '"Elliott aid fa- icily of Port .• %furor, Mrs. Mae, •Mac'Gfegor is ,visit-. i'n3 '(her daughter, Mrs. -George Leadbetter in Toronto. - : _• ,Miss Mabel' MacDonald of W'ind'sor . visited ' her :sister, Mrs. R.. West over the' '`week -end ' and. took her; ,mother,' .Mrs..' Alex MacDonald 'back :to. Windsor With .hez The: Ins+titut� :.field the: . March' m. eet'ing - • . at the• 'home of. ' 'Mrs. William McDonald. last. Thurs day , Douglas Parrish of Sarnia 'was home for. +the ST; "' HELENS DISTRICT LADY' PASSED' . AWAY BUCKINGHAM In :'1ov�ing, :memory of our .. son,•` F.O. ,Eldon -Buckingham,: on (the „anniversary: of his "death, March '22nd. There is •.a' peace .at sunset" An :end'• to futile•giies+t Mission : accomplished, duty • clone, And. time.had come for ,rest.: • Mr. and -Mrs, Wm:, Buckingham the ';death :of Mrs.. Will' Taylor' .Helens 'occurred on Sun day in W,inghani General Host*i- tai where she had (been .a patient for a lengthy !period.S'he was �n her 84th • year. She is survived by two ,Solis, Chester of.•'West', Wawanosh and Elliott of -Kincardine The funeral service was on ,Wednesday Afternoon at the Wal- Vet,. Funeral Hc:me in. Wi'n+gham With tem.potaty ontr nbment in. • irigham ,Mausolea ni ' GavilIer, McJntsh and Wird CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' • • Resident .Partner,. E:. Kennnedy,, •.A, . C')pPbsite Post Office Phone 014411 .,Walkerton , Pinecrest Manor. Nursing Home Merriber: ASSOCIATED NURSING. HOMES of 'Ontario• 24 -Hour Supervision of A'Registered '•Nurse ; Considerate: Personal[ Attention•; For 'Elderly and "Convalescent Persons. Excellent Home -Cooked Meals• Baric 220, Phone 528-2188 • LUCKNOW, ONT. - PAGE THIRTEEN .,...: PRILIST ... is .:the day that • the $3.00 -forpremium • Grade'A" will' be. 'reistated; • a TODAY.. ��. ... •is the day to ' - plan; to produce more Grade .Q . hogs . by 'boar. S. befter • Service : from top-rated boars : is Row available through . your farmer - owned,,. "farmer=contro1ied breedir g no -operative, the •,5 :f WciteiIoo .. (tlttle `. Breeding Ass'n.; Offices:, in Waterloo; • Arthur, • Formosan Guelph,`' Clinton, Kincardine,. .an d Tara.,' Phoning (hours' . 'tif 10 THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE • CO: q. ,Head "Office, :,Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OF IflRECTORi -President,, Brown ,Smyth,,Du n .gannon; •, Herson Ir-• win,: ••Belgrave;, Directors,-, .Paul • C:aesar,: R. 1., :Dungannon; George C.,Feagan, ' Goderich'. Ross Mc Phee, R. 3, :Auiburn , Donald P. MacKay; k 1,- Ripley; John.':F. MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich;..Allan' Maclntyre,. ;it: ,5, Lucknaw; Wiggins,' R. 3, Auburn For, information ,on your in- surance, call your, nearest - direa • ' tor who is alsa an agent; or the secretary, Frank 'F.• Thompson,. , + ,Dungainnon,. phone Dungannon 48. PEbLAR AGENCY'" 'Egg- Pk4w awl. For • Gdd.e-flew HOG CONTRACTS FINANCED (Complete) NEW LIFE CONCENTRATES whether it be : n DAIRY,' HOG, ' POULTRY , of .SUPPLEMENT" A are balanced to give you better results. Priced right. Milifeeds and Chops KNECHTEL and SON LTD. : 528,301.4.. lrucknd� :Branch; Phone .a .. ,:. "There's A' Nevi' 'Life Feed For Ery • Need' —oeseJNINK!,440,0s#44404taiiii. 1/4E444* •