HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-03-13, Page 1X9.00 A Year In Advance --, $1,00 Extra, T. • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: WEDNESDAY, MAR; 13th, 1,963 Single Copy 10c 16 Pages. 1-00:Ackert:. Clmen,::::As One 4# Scow ,enders At World Jambo•ree r G BENEFIT DANCE HELP, FIRE VICTIMS • reeveAt the insistence of neighbours recce .and friend, aihene•fit dance was i.layd. Ackert, organizer. and. Ripley _ . _ • Scoutmaster. of the.. F c t Kinloss Boy Scout Troop.-°.- Lihiyuc+ tau. ' dal ,group of Scouts.. has been awarded the 'high hamar •of be ,� • ing chosen -as one .of the lc'adei�- of the Canadian Scixut Contin ...gent to 'thee. l'l;th•. World Jamboree in Greece this summer: The selection and assignment to the, leadership staff•. is • made by the' Ontario Provincial • Colin,' 'Cil of the Boy Scout Assoc i:ation, The jamboree will be 'held. at ; iistorie Marathon in G.reec:e from; August;ist.to.11th, It Ls primarily ‘a camping 'experience•' in world , brotherhood.. , • • Seventy=five` countries will send' 12,000 'Scouts:and . Scouters to; Camp' in .-twelve • s.ub-c amps r at the 'jamboree, The Canadian' contingent ; will number '932, Lloyd' will be one df 30 -leaders ,from Canada, ' • "' ' 'The.re will' ,be twelve' troops',' each troop carniprised of .four pa trots of eight:Sc4uts'each, a troop leader, a Setqutxniaster_ and two as., '.Sistant Scoutmasters from the Red Patch and. :Maple Leaf 'overseas. •region.5° 'sons of, ..Canadian service personnel • in France:. and Germany Those' 'two •. troops, will ira''el ..` by rail• . to Greece,.. . 'Th'e other ten 'Dominion troops Will. fly' ,from;; Canada • to'. Greece in chartered` aircraft Assemble At -Montreal The 'pre -jamboree • 'camp begins at. .L'ower: Canada College • in Montreal on July 27th; ;One-third ening of last 'Week ;,for ,Mr. and Mrs; Murdoch MacDonald and. Grant of Huron. Township,•'w,ho suffered.a heavy •loss e,when their barn Was s destroyed thy fire. :y us •• donated e wa° s •'b Emer- �i �f tons Carruthers and T2t,.rr7o,dlh, ,e+heatras., and the contributions: to the -fund. were very *,generous. The presentation 'was made by Donald, MacTavi'sh. and Grant .re- . s ;'' /' M plied on behalf •of his parents and himself. • . No • time. was• dost -in attermpat- •ing to :clean :•up'the debris, and remains of dead stock.• An ex- cavation was : d'ug 'and a' bul1= dozer used.,to accoh plish • this., . LLOYD ACKERT of, the contingent leaves :Mon ea -l --by a i r--err-M-ori a y JuYy`29t 11 arriving .in Athens the'. following day. The remainder : fly ,on Tues-' day, . July 30tih., • • The jamboree opens on. August' :1st • and' upon „its ',conc•lusion, •.11 days, later, .tours of Greece will • . ' '. • • � appointment' as representative of Teacher ' R�fiires' Eroth±LP-.-S—StafF- Mrs Lorne (Grace) 'Johnston's resignation as ; teacher. on 'the .staff -.oft the ." L'ucknow' Public School, was accepted a the'•Marc meeting. .of \the Board, effective June 29th, 1963. 1VIr� . "Johnston has :been..' 'a ° member ' of the local staff for six't'ears: Mrs; Wm. Wherry accepted •thie • be, hejd before +tiyin, back to. , � the •Board` to the T.ucknow Purblic Canada on August'1,9,th. and 20th Library Board for, the balance- of • Mr Ackert -is.already making', the.ear, Y .. plans for .the 'trip, one of: the ,first requirements. being vaccination,,: A''payment"of 81.,7OO OU was ,re= le ceived' on account : of 1962 grant. eed , and passport arrange- SundrY 'accounts for the. month,.. . ments. a Red Cross mounting.' to .'$395.86 •were ap.- • proved paid; - •. A rnemmorandum „from the On tario• School. Trustees' Council enclosed 'list of, books. as drawn, up by the Children's . Recreation- al . R-eadi,ng Council,, ` as a guide for • readinig and' purchasing suit- ' Mareh , is Red Cross month, The elementary schools .pu•blic able''+ books for -different age lev- and•• while: for 'the'. first ,tufle: 'in els. The: Board''decided .co V ies` of •• . •.:. ,.peaking ' final the•-Vil,lage , , • •�..• .. far. ,• many :years :there is ,not- an ac- of•.Lu.:.knot'. sand the Townsnip' ;these ',lists will be made ,far.dis ' tive" .branch locally, . there are of 'Kinloss was held in the Town; :tri+bution to parents of pupils in` no doubt a: goad many: in' this i ' Hall in- :Hol. rood on Tues- thie •school. community• who •'inlay Wish to day, 1ilarcli 5th,, ,� . ., - • donate as usual to -th >s,:.cause. Wrn:ne.rs were:• 1st prize,' Nan-, • , Thee. +wark of , the,' Red. Cross, cy • •Bushell, Kinloss; SS ''itTo. 1; Particularly ; •the iblopd ,bank ' ser - 2nd, Murray .:Viorrisoxi, . 5 S • 4, '. vice, ':is of vital'` importance. :to 9 • Many ed. '3rc, Sharynn M ` ow bra Y Lii.cknow -many- `here 'are Many:4umani mublic School • tarian services render,aar `om ore spontaneously effee-Judg',weeAece Nancy ;Bushell DOfl(ti�flAt*B�flk:PubIk.Sp�tkirg :tine in tithe' of disaster: .Leod, Mrs Jaynes::Mi •So that this work maybe aid-.. Mrs. Gleri" Youh+g• ; , e , Kinloss Townshi . ,trophy•m was d'": <as•: convenen�tl as: possii>le•, � � .. y 'resented Iby ° Mrs. -Lyman • Sut- be received donadions ct)o tihe Red Cross .will .A. ,, • at ..the Bank. of Mori t,on president;• of the Hol' rood• areal,. Lucknow.Women's- .Institute' CO.'.:Nancy. Milt. Rayner,' manager of` the Bustiell:" • Bank *as . Red Cross -treasurer... Rett, e P A.: Mur r ay t as chair,' • locally until the':unit.' ceased to-,man:for'th:e ,.occat.o:n in 'thy ab- functiotn: Bente of:Reeve: Geo,rger• Juyn t who n and thea, Unable' to, attend Tl 1. e ,v0 art ten (dist'(!,-.dant.", • • _ tlr�i�c'c ..f.,,,„,,,, fi�knr.:. Luclr,cw , •bt'in;; Lon. The ,,l,,l ,,t,t:,ili Launch�h : •y• 'iii" ,rued NI u'N•bel:,t licln,c, , gaiter -Seat. .• Drive ' The Easter •Sea.'l ramp:rign•..for. the aid of crippled children t•nrn- menses this: Week, .,':.T hug 4clay .Aim --For Organ t-Blake=-C-Iwr At a congregational meeting at Blake's' United- Church of ' the. Ashfield `Circuit, held lastweek, a committee was ' appointed to canvass' the congregation:,' to'see ;f 'funds can 'be. raised to }sur- chase a new organ.. This will represent anexpend tune • of• :between. • $1,0.00 and 61:600. •hf reasonably •a:uuffic:ent funds are in : ;Sight, within the con•greg,ation, former mombers'i 36 Lucknow District �i�gf� eSchool Male Students Have Received :Aid From • Alexander �I�LacKenzie � Endowment f n •' La•te in 19••6? the administration of the • ,Alien 1Mac•Kenzie. Endow- ment„ Fund was turned over for :administrative purposes to ,the Lucknow District • High. School Board for . perpetuity . of, admin- istration,. .• . Since ' the . fund was est'abl'ish:= ed some the years +ago, Un- der the terms. of Mr.. MacKen-. zie's will, the endowment .has been administered , by three tip painted trustees. To change ;,the method of ,ad- •minis•tration, required an harder by. the `Supreme Court` of On- tario. ' , The original trustees of the Estate :-••were David 'Carruthers, Sr. of Kinloss,: Thomas .�V: Smibh of Lucknow and F. W: Haag princ_al,:•: _of Luekno�w--Drstri High ' Sehoc 1; The school , prin- cipal. ',served on the trustee heard .by virtue of �a'his ,office. Upon the death °of Mr: , Car- •rutlers, 'his.. nephew, Dav'id,. Car- ruthers, Jr:, .`succeeed, 'him and ;upon his death,'W. 13,. Anderson was• 'named as.trustee: --, Mr "Sm'ith,now ' a 'senir cit- izen, o crt iizen, •wished to retire ' from '.the; trustee board, and this, was a factor in 1ea�ding:':to the. decision to. 'c'hange ' `the.'; Methc d• •of • gad- • ministration: 3677' t � nts� S ude efit 1 , 4r MacKenzie's . will: ;•stipula- ted• that the fund was :for •boys only, ''because +he. believed that there was "no use:educating g r s as they. would only,.' get. married anyway.r.: Mr M'acF nzie,...,incideritall -- nevern.ver married; e, red. and it . •was said (Continuedt .on page '16). • • Huron .And Bruc'e'. Increase Voters Bruce -Riding has 195:, rn`ore vot- ers in•,the •A'pri�l election} than it did for last • June's'. election .qac- cording to figi,ures released by Bruce returning officer, P. S. R. •. 1Vlalcamson . of, Kincardine Last year, 17,163'�people were eligible to .vote, and this year, 'Bruce has 17,268 ;voters •'on their list. \T+his figure will be ''increased; ." no doubt, when the.°lis�ts"'are revised.: ' Lu•cknow's el•irgible voters are up ten'from' 683 ; to +693; K.inlosss has shown....of te1ve-. •--- -- -'' jum•pin,g from .8'51 to :663; Huron ±lie Township has decreased '•slightly • ger, ad- is de ra •of ant,., be 01- ate: • . Sly -of 11y by eight from .797 to 7+89; Ripley; re - village has, , gained ,.rine :voters ' going :from 294. to' 303, few interesting _figures show Kincardine •To•wnshi-p down se- ven ',voters; .Kincardine, town up A. ten; Tiverton ' '.village shows ' a gain of 3.7 .voters;' attributed no doubt to the Douglas Point' Nu- clear plant being located nearby.: Russell T.'. ,Bolton of. Seafort�h, return. ing ,officer ' for Huron.: rid- ing, states.that there' are 9'8 more • voters. , .in Huron this election than,last .ear; Official figures show 25,'009 on ,:Huron • voters fists,, .su+bject to revision':whi,eh will' increase this figure •sligiht. , ,1Y, In `Ashfield Township there were;. 903 Voters .last • year, and :thisl i rone,`'t f Cby0 �u dropped 9.02. for :this . election. • • :. ' • New Industry,Operates.under Name Lucknow Wood Pro1uc#s Company The new 'owners' of the -for Phis firm •is • a leading Manu faeturer . in •Canada of . 'quality ,metal :'furniture. 'for . hornes and institutions. The Lucknow• plant, however, is• an :entirely:'s€parate operation,., ..and plant modernizing 'and ren ovations are 'being carrieed out. to;. 'Suit,' the type.. of ,products` the Company will produce here; This will 'include- f urniture•. and allied component •' parts, also: Wood turning products mer. Beatty .Ladder Factory, . are. to operate: under the name. "Lucknow Wood;.. Products according to information 'Reeve. G. W . Joynt gave The Sentinel on. Thursda • y• Principals in,the -firm < are trwo brothers, Murray: Fri.ebe :,' prees-;"' idents and ;Joseph Freberg, of: . Tor'onto, . who, own and control: Liberty ' Ornamental Iron Limit - .ed . iYrit- 'ed. Of Toronto: • co , nrt and, r .•dents of the .e cornu y District .Governor Spoke At lions C�ubF`1Vleeting On Monday Evening Edwin. WWaiker'nof .;UIidla rd; Dis i• f I - I na,tiona'T, paid his official visit, wilt be invited` to assist .with the tr'et Governor A_9; Lions Inter 1 proj'ect. , , 'Rev, G. W. Kaiser presided' for to the•Lu,lnew and Dis,ti ict Club •the •meeting, T!'ie com,m.ittee na- at; their regular` •n•ieeting• on Mon- ._ ,' c.t mprr. e o use r aye nr7b . • v:ii, J'eriv Cranston Willr:am �An- i. r• re Twin w Zinn. :Vlr. U allcer ., a :Charter mem- reratu a d ... d Of Russell I d ve • March 14th 'and co•ntitlU' S • fc.,t• 4 �» Fql1 weeks until A Til' 14th ' •. 1 0, Survive •. . Coridueted' 'by; the'Ontario • Sae.' Many f •;� net: si tli c (?ta7 1.t�ii ps ciet�' Eor Cri;ppled.'Childien, :he; �.1 '+ a ri1a;,"i' t'tlTtta,llt' •tta. aw an !strict to It c r c'it , amen rn.n. • " . , r ,oer of the VP,dland- "Lions .Club, use :is, promotei 'orally c�, t'n'. t:'I C'd i,, Jim alai{fit ;an of L ;' b incl til f 1 is the 'third campaign t}ac. 1u.h r._c•• • ha 1 �` 11°rrc.,l , ttt (7 •• tift • s ronditcted since taking cxG:a?l�.t < ;., , : htzt� llt{'r�, Mart 1*,,.Tab t�h. and project !n' ,i~has area • t ,r ttster seals rh ve � orifi out rta � . ,. ; r� i•t l'�ttt.ti p.i"c'-. the zna 'ls ' this tveek,'..and the • c USus' e d • "r(' mat wi. h on of' the li(t',e l ' generous and. r _a •.y . , ,, r•'.r �L�• \ .: 41 i'�' t'1�5 Y, fol; .. ut'tt ,`hx%rte••. spon�c is•anticrpated. Vit:•.. and Mr,. \7:r,JZ;llrtta 1i�r The ' Ontario -wide oblectiv tic , �,t, .•1) it :cls J'oseph' ' lac' $1,000,000 ,for ,the. Carr and tt`c'.it' ol av +6 000 tri t f .• i'n er l pp club to i • t t 1�...Tra,c i,�• VIa''t' T 1( r -a. }i a g} The itfa,t,• ttt mens' 1cd (ha;-' ,1111Vt'.. , . . ''ltd t.ta ad, (ril dt,t�a'lt pa , ,,, c �i°, tine' for the Lion. cntl \ rl. df it.5 Share requires a gen... ,t• 1.. M . id •r' ; tiindMr,7 5 are :here req.,,.. , ,, t' I;u� k.,.tt,tt at . era' r c'orni,ltt. .,ir,..Q.. r.. , • L'`tit aria atrin(,s, h;, . esportse fratt� ''t}tE. ..,, :1)'. w,•,°r., (7.., t .� . +Itty, . } YY,r, r ' �C t''G'iC`(`� �ti•i�i('` i�it'ld' riiQt i •, Seal i . r ka ett••t,u.�, w. ,.., t t1' t�!' h(. . 'the Thi' '.rot's Club taster r , r 7 ii+t+. ••,$T z• oG - , tetra • i 1a,ir dti.ti., Y ,r , •.�.. irinlittee is •corn riled cif• Ca , •, '• ;x,,11 J ti•?t • • , p i} r a ans.; ,on Cori la �Icrntgotrter r}lairirtYa,n•; dote `l%her, ti"easyire ; Frank i ,..rYtt ►'• i it• hnmp on, E, it Agnc'av, 1,;ar>-d :�lrtrir'i, Robri t Mru.lntit.•h ill.ai . Sold West awanosh � Farm with a; 25 -year. perfect at- tendance. record. He .has , been „parttctilarly„..a�tilc in prcnio•t"ing , the Lions public • ir�,y Coco TA. :petitions, . ,• • The District Governor was in 1. Howard Thompson and•his n•n•o - ,her„ 1Virs John Thompson 6f •R:R. 2,. Afi+b�u�rn, will the . moving shortly to Goclerich where they. have purchased a .home,. Thev have sold' their West \VY1wanosh Township faun to Jerry' Van Aaken o1 the •London district,' ' 17r, and; Mrs. Van. Aaken have a farm -1y of three ,pre-school age children. They obtain ,possession of the faun on April lstr Howard sold, the implements with the 'farm,. He will held a '' clearing' 'auction sale of cattle Kind feed{ on jTjuyesday' sof next week, 'March 1�It11LY Y _ tr'oduce•d. by Frank Thorpson, Was *thanked iby Bob Finlay, and presented • •with a' gift on. behalf • of. the Club. • '. • elle spoke .6f the objectives of Lionistn 'which are • unchanged. since their establishment .in 19.19 when .Lionism was., in its infancy in Chicago and, ' Central States. The outreach. at that time str•es-- s•ed international relationship & today, Lionasm has spread to 118 countries ari•d geographical lova-: tions embodying 16,800 Clubs, First Vice -,president B'ab Mac- Intosh .presided• in the absence of the president, Lloyd' Ashton, . , Hlalte ALtt ;was called ' on tq "report'' ozu the curling bonspiel EDWIN WALKER at •Listowel ' last week ' when a . - Laorrs foursome partic patect. -and were forked' by the storm. that blew up to 'return• by train • The draw priz was won by, ' 'Mr,. Walker, and the "feed the , ' `goa•t" arbsrttee• aWtttiwent to'. tek 1170 a•S•t' his en ►fi1:•`. 'ah-•' eel • • tern ate • i4 tet' the VIr. . 5•e- n,. ;lie • • art •�ks 104 nize' on ito se, >th he•,. 'ch UI.' les •mon un •ng -- ria 1st he yrs tie