The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-20, Page 104.1 4 1' PAGE TEN .• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCKNQW. ON1`ARIQ --, =i. -/ice --ids• ':�-�: -ir -� i, PECIALS, olrk Peaflut 4.i.. Tulip. N�argprn�e Te�d��flal�e Lard,°: Duncan Hines Cake Mix ., 3 lb... • 14' Varieties,• Your Choice' • ,i ..• •: • . AGENCY FOR HANOVER CLEANERS OBITUARY • • FRANKLIN THOMPSON Atter •'.:.a'Longg. , • 1lness 'with a theart condition death ., :came to 1' n f 157 Franklin Jahns Tho � o n3pso.. Laangarbh . St:, London; on: Wed-. •`nesday, "Fei ruary 1.3t1h.. at Tic •t toria� ` Hospital. He ,had been desk clerk at, ,the, Savoy 'Hotel' in London ,t i r: 2.5,' years, trriti.1 retiring in. 1955: • • •He 'was born .63' years'. ago, on' May 9bh, 118949, :at Dungannon,. a. son !of thelate 1 to Mr: and M.rs. Win Dhtem,pson His ,father.. was ;a «_ Hage maker and :htlaksxnrtl:' .A .4r:otther .and sister; , tac:el &.. Amthint Thompson: becupiitii�d the: of ainilyhomee at Dungannon' •gun. stil their deaths whndh:.occurred • • • WEDNESDAY, FE3. 20th,. 1.63; • TITTIII±.. ANNOUN.EI..!N1'C , • 'is A. Hammond and Company .Limite° Ontario, is the leading Remington Rand Business • . Equipment Cenre: in <al'l• of Ctanada• ER�•alclatorSAddingMhinandCash Reg isteirs.. Electric,, Standard. and Portable typewlriters, . • ' On Wednesday night the Ze •. ' hone 3346 or wT>rte. •� �.. For all your office needs, -bras-were led to...a � point victory � p, a • from the g by h Kan aroas Muth jar- - .. �, K. amn�ord an - o�npany dine, Bi11 F1al�l sand Glen. Atkin'- • o ith scores of - 72.1, 660 and • 1VTARIO son tw 041..S�,andie and D,on..S•teeves were: •'.. • MOOREFIELD, O .• 'top. 'bowlers for the ' Kar.garon•s •-: where sales and service go together, The vquirreh scampered all cv-:•• short Coons to take :. • • For specials for the 'month and. latest, local; and j er Ithe •, 4 points. 'Bill Button rolled' 663 •, worl'• d' nevus, listen, to C.K N.X, Radio. every,. Wednes* - El ""Lorna Button ,581 :a'nld Gladys Ha- • 8 < . , da morni n at, a:rn, e milton had 575 tor the Squirrels •. ' y � • p..•••••••••••..••!••.••o•�••sf••••••••.••••••s! tot efforts. The. Cubs. with team effort. • • withiin+ the past couple of years y, ears The funeral service „Was held at the A. Miltlard. George funeral thomle in London on Friday, con- ducted by ,Rev, C: F.:•Waicte,,Who spoke most ihigtly 'of :the demo, tin and integrity ty of , the tde: ceased. Interment was. in .Wood land Cemetery, ;London. Mr.. 'Thompson is survived ' by this ' w'ife, , the :former' Jean Cl:ark- .by one . •daughter, 'MTs. ' . iairold' Fiahback . of . Ingersoll,:a grandsonand•a sister; Mrs. Mati'1 a Kitson 0.1 kintail, the last,. Surviving member:of a:family of.,.ei,a1 t•. , • Teeswater. residents rare turibed . ,by .. an : •ep d rnic c.f deaths Caused int seems' by, shot ' ,by pellet or air ;guns :N +dog being. .a�airn .Qarttu,red :3 ;tpdLnts ,i`rom the. anyone who •has not rece>.v 'a Chipmunks, lorathy and Harold: ticket should 'contact. their .. . r:ir;.ngton,`ttotalled 1435 ',pins, "for tain. • ' HOLYROOD Standing: The ward parties ' which wort another record for the year for to 'have kteen, th�eld in Hoayroa high • co 1 1e.. Frank and, Sh rl'ey' ;.Cubs 60,• Tigers 53, iBeavters. 511, to been, wine �niere ' a+ancell uP �H�awlthorn�e were, •hilg�i( for the'Zellaras 45 Chipmunks 38,. Lions • • on 'account �oF the stormy .w'ea •Ch'ipmun,ka with scores of 678 ,& 36, 1';'ole' Cats 35, •Coons. 34, Kan tthter� Abut have -starred 'oagadin; ea 61,0. ' .'• . •. •• ga,raos 33, Gophers 32, Squirrels Februa 12th, • Mrs, Gerald Rho The Beavers held. •the Pole Cats.' 32,. -Wolverines, 30.' . cly v�ra�s high 11a,dy. with Mr. . • • lire Murray2nd: Wm. Eadi' rodih 6177 aid`' Son McKinnon j� Q and Gordon MacPherson rson• tying ry with SO .Bob SBRI'D(iE winnin ' tthe dravi KING w1a>S mkt in line wa I with Gor`dbrr g McIntosh" and Diin Hamilton sett . the, peke for 'bhe�.;1Po1•e ..Cats with• Charles :McCarthy . a. cst►S • . MC - 850 pee X12, scores. The death of,Mr, Chartles Me- 8 _ _ . ,tell •cute second Cattily '.01-ccurred .tin Detroit on The. Tigers h n.d Tuesday last week; Mr. tm.,c7' place with 'a 3 point Wirt from. 9 :late earthy' was tthe. son. of the Lions, Marie and.. Bill Stewart, , . - ralled 'Las combined fioUal of 1321.. Mr, sand Mrs Patrick 'McCarthy foz;ifl'erly of this Parish. He is pins for .the '.Tigers The Lions had �aptr ivied by two Sisters : Mrs.. '4 bowlers .over:"the • 1500 f'_;a't mark. Q George Travers (Minnie)' ' of Cal, Ross Irwin s score of 684 flat ,.: ifornia MTS.. Ambrose. Cassin plus handicap for t7.: was a Helen Detre t and one brother 'i factor in.:: the Wolverines 3: ) big_.,� Jabk Of Arizona. The Irequ um *lint win:over the ;Gophers.. Gor un , on a urda mor don Montgomery rolled 595 " and • 'ins was sung t y g ynrng 'at St. Joseph's ehuroh .here. Charlie Andersen 587 •for the Those who accompanied . the re- Go •� hers too 'efforts. • , p p matins from Detroit •::w•ere� . Mr There' will the ...another draw• an�d.`M,rs. Ambrose Cassin, .Betty made :next• -,Thursday night • and 'td 1 poi'n't • with. Fern MacDonald. • Ohar' 1 WHITE OR YOUR CHOICE OF EXCITING COLOURS'" Also Save on Matching Satinhide Trim Enamel WHITE NOW2■11-0Co OURS A QUART • Plttsburgh'etirst•4Uallty Interior latex paint' • Easy to apply • • Completely washable • .Brushes and rollers clean under the tap • pries quickly Lucknow, Ont:, Phone 528;31 18 Colwa/nash Lassie; Elect 'Officers Hackett's. Church was' „the 1t cation .of the :'first rneeti,ng wit the club's. leaders, Mrs. Pet MacDonald ' and Mrs. J'im' Nelsa who 'welcomed the •sixte.en'''men bers ' ,:and their mothers. . Ti meeting :was 'opened with ti 4-I3• _pledg e folloWed•''by. the. elegy tion; of: 'officers:. .:President, An Arnold; . Vice-president; Marianr and John ,•Ca'ssirr; Mr. aril Mrs.• MacDonald; Treasurer, Mary' A Laiirrence E. • Staray and Mrs:. drew, Press Reporter„ Acine•.Ri Joyce Nettles, chic-. •In` the business tp,art, The winners at the card 'pasty the Sell* last WWedriesday were: high ladies .prize went . to Mrs. Faulkner of . Whitechurch, :low ladies, Mks: Vincent Austin: High • rnan., Mr. ;Henry. Drennan; •low man, Mr, .Jack Van Oath.,'1Mr, Vinoentt Austin. won' the prize for the most 1:one tharids MT. Lar- ry ,Wallace won the, ducky', 'draw. Miss 'Mary `' Lou .• Drennan of Lorid'on sipent "thei week -end at her; . home '.here. Mr,' :John •VanOsch of Dundas- visited at Ih2s, .homer• (here on the week -end. ' Mr. Gerald Gaiwey''is a patient in ' iG;ode IC4h. ;HostpiitaL. We wish him " a every speedy recovery.... , , ' Martin -=Quinlan Nuptials Miss (Patricia ' 'Dorothy Quinlan and Mr. : James D.aVid :Martin ex ehangernarriage-vows-Saturday at Our Lady' or ASSumpt•ion 'Elio. Man, Catholic Church, Rev. J.'. A. Mihm officiated.. A . f lloor=length.'rgown fashioned with .,a 1aCe bodice and organza. skirt : accented '.'with lace' . Waschosen by The 'bride., - Sthe was giy'an in: marriage by' her father. gr.. and.. Mrs.' James N& Quan lain of 684 . CCabborne • Street,' are the "bride's parents.. The ..br'ide- igtroorn is the' son • ocf.Mr'.. and. Mrs: •. J '.B. ,Martian, of R. 3, Gude- . rich.. The Maid of: thon'or, Mr's. Wm. McDonald of Loudon, wore .'a .street -length dress of •seafoam green and cerise taffeta: 'Royal blue '• 'frocks were r worn ;by the 'brideslmaids, Miss ,Molly Quinlan .and Miss .Rasetmary. Quinlan; sis- ter and cousin of the • bride, :' 'Mr, Joseph Ma tip Was. grooms= ttran;":and ushers were Mr. Theo- dore Martin and Mr, Peter Mar- tin, :all : brothers of :the ' 'bride- groom. ' • T''he•nutpti.al music was:provided by"Miss Miss Patricia Keen, Organist, andV1s C; D. Fisher,. soloist.For' a reception at the Coral ltloom,, Hotel -Kerby, g u es is were greeted: by the. :,bride's. mother .w.earirtg a frook o,f ,pale green brocade lame, The . bridegrorm's mother appearetd in a dark ,green brocade dress. . . An avocado n1:e1`ton �coat 'trim- med with 'black' seal fur, a'green, knit dress, and a 'pink 'floral 'hat' w,as the bride's going' 'away en- semble, a ` M•r.., and Mrs, Mart will re- side :at.154 Drc•.aney Avenue, Loh - don, .Ontario.. • Was. decided that the me.etini would..be held an Wednesdays 7:30; : in : ,Hackett's 'Chit .eh: fees • ' Wilfl • he ''.•one ,dollar p• mneMber. It 'was, 'Voted that tv dollars should . be' `givers to .M MacDonald and '.Mrs'.•Nelson. f expenses. ,.Notes ' and. ',i llustra t i;o followed and 'the meeting w closed with. "the Queen" ,;pl•ayt by.: Linda: 'Cameron. P VALUE SEED -"" The 'Proven: uh11 ble Jones, actVaughton Brand. Best '..Varieties . High motion, -Rem onably priced; "You .cnary do worse but .yoi GA.W'F :do'. batter!'' • That's the (kind of .situation you are in when you are' tempt= 'ed to buy an unknown 'brand of Seed. So 'w•hy taake a chance? "Jones, r. Map - Naughton" . has • been a household .word t'hroug tout Western. Ontario for many years It stands' for relia= tbility, dependability,avid highest • value; fdr. ' ypiati money .. , , in seeds ;for farm or lawn, Get cotnple;tc kat from your local. dealer JOneS 'acNaughton Seeds .. Exeter, 23'5,-0363 Crediton,: ' 234-6363 London, 4322258. •