The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-20, Page 8Yi
Custom Butchering
Mondays. — Hogs; $2,00 m... by 4:00 `_p.
Co ''ting and Wrapping, 2c pound
We Do Cutingo and. Smo :king •. Beef, Pork ..and Lamb.
Sold,Whole, Half or Quarter . For Better. Service, •
And Lower Prices' Ca1l •Ripley•.100,
Chas. Hooisna, 'Prop. -
.ams mammaNal ua■■'uIanimasuimanim /aim liniNamm■ a
Now I's The •Time To Install • ".9,
.,• , NASH
Make your • borne comfortable and 'more' attractive .by-
.' installing NASH 'aluminum, combination doors and a'
11 These ' units " :are made of heavy gauge eitr ded•
• n : Gut .Fu e 1 Bills Up To 30%
1.. ;., T - �• .•ART'S Aluminum Sales..
SLEW. ..
101 Victoria' ' St., Goderich` Phone collect JA 4-8821
Members of tthe • Silver Lake
WI. . met ,at the 'home 'of Mrs.
E11 ieon.H•odgiins .on Wednesday of
ternoonn. 'rhe President ',took
charge of the fneeting, opening
it with the Ode and ,Mary. St+e!w-
art Collect. Mrs. Jas.' McEwan
'filled the '. office of;, secretary'
treasurer ' and the roll call .,was
answered by ranking` "An . 'Ex-
port or •import of • Canada" A
•Farm 'Forum= quiestionaire,` ;Can-
ada's; World. Obligations, • was,
answered by the members. Aft.
one o'clock over •CKNX••: TV
Point of View• o, February, 3rd
•Mrs.. ` L. Linburner, delegate
t:o• A.C.W.W. in Australia 'this
yeararid Vaughan, Douglas, Farm
Commentator at • CKNX . discussed
this : problem Standing Commnit-
tee, reports.,' were given ° on. Ag
riculture .and 'Canadian industry
by . Mrs Wayne Porton .and Mr"s
John. 'Hodgins, - Hi'storic. `and: cur.-
rent events by Mrs. -Geo -Yeung,
Health by Mrs. ' Wm. Stanley,
Citizenshipand education by
Mrs. Clarence Hedley and Mrs:
Jas L ;MeEwar Public el•a+tioims
by ' Mrs Mabel '.Campbell. The,
scripture Was read ,by Mrs. Stan-
ley Coor.. The. theme on C+an
Milan-- In try,•'' the motto,- "the'
:farm :is the food •factoryr .of the
nation let :us keep the assembly .
wine.: rolling : was taken by 1VIrs
Lucknow ;Agent
Phone • 724;1 Collect,. Dungannon'
toe fis
Truck equipped ' with : 2 , ,pumping. systems to
eliminate DANGEROUS product contamination
and, to. insure EXACT MEASURE of gasoline
and fuel oils.
Automatic ,'weather, cotrolled deliveries of''heat-
heat-ing oil.
Products supplied and backed by Canada's old-
est and largest Oil • Company. • •
Friendly, personalized' • service. Accounts 'handled
15 Years experience in Lucknow and' ' ct:.
"A1wa.,,Y Look To Int..' eriai , i'
P" Foy �e Best , -
inloss, Huron. Men
On Grand:'Jury
oReplacing Wooden floors in
Bruce 'County jail ' wasareoom-
mended' by the gnarid jury after
inspecting county buildings. This'
has been urged by . prevOus.
grand 'juries who felt , conditions
present a fire ,hazard.
It was- also advised that vent-
ilation should be is proved in the
regiStry► ' of+fice vaults.; where the
temperature w'as. found to be Joe
high .for proper storage. of records.'
and micro �U,im
County counc 1, Was c.ominencl.-,•
ed 'for the •aecommodation it is
providing ,for the .aged 'ate Bruce
Lea Haven. . The staff ,there was
:described as 'courteous.) and effi-
W •GG . Ni+chelson of Port .Eligin.
was ;jury foreman and member
were Joseph • Walter of Walker-
ton'. Henry' +E manerton of Kin-
cardine, Samuel Farmer of Holy -
rood; John Houghton of Mildnay,
.Harry ' Scott' of .Hu'ri m; ToWnship
and 'S+tan,Ley Yeo of Southampton: •
WaynePorter, ,and...the. atopic • a
,paper, on .the' building' and as-
seantbling .of Nuclear Plant at
Ikaglis Point' was taken by Mrs,
John; Hodgins. 'A contest "jum-
bled letters of .kitthent .utensils"
was : conducted;•)by. Mrs. ' Ellison.
Hodgins..'The meeting was.closed
withthe singing • of the Queen
and Institute grace, A. nice lunch
was served • by ,' Mrs., • Ronald
Thacker. and Mrs. • :Ellison Hod-
od-gins. '
First prize a at: the
Shoot Party on Wednesday night
were 'Gordon•5truthers and Mrs:
Ernestauriit:with second ` prizes
going C to Ross. Errington ; and
John Rutherford Seven tables
were 'in play .with the next party'.
planned,'' for Februiary Nth, •
Mr. and . Mrs.•. Gordon . Miller
and:. Larry of London spent the
Week - end with ,their parents, Mr:
and Mrs. W. L Miller and Mr. and,
Mrs: Chester • Taylor
Mr; Dan -Rose was a Sunday
visitor with. Mr. and .Mrs: Harvey
Sheila: McQuillan, a ' 'pupil' of
Mrs, A: C.• Agnew • passed her
Grade 11 Theory music examina-
St. Helens
Mrs,- Don Cameron opened',,yher
home to V.C.W.on Tuesday for
lithe February meeti g with
attendance. 'of .24 ladies:•'Miss :W.
D, .'R'u'theriford opened the. meet
Mg with., ' the theme "Missions."
The roll ae+a1l ,was answered by
"An, :event in the .life of Peter,."
Miss Rutherford ,gave +a short
,talk . ori•.. the "Founding ;of' :the',
Church," ,Mrs. John, Cameron, had
charge' of the program and. Mrs:.
Green ,and Miss` Rutherford led is
n . prayer. Readings Were', given
by Mrs; .Frank McQui�llin, Mrs,'
W. +I, ' Miller, Mrs. Tom • Todd,.
Mrs. Charles MacDonald and
Miss Isobel Miller.' Mrs. ' Lorne
Woods' .conducted: the ' business
period: • The Observer is ordered'
for ,each family in the church
and a donation ,is 'being sent to
1Vestrninster ; College Furnishing
Fund_ A :,collection Of . ;food or
clothing is • being made for fain:
oily of •six left homeless recently
in a fire. Lunch. was served by
Mrs, Chester Taylor and Mrs.,
Laura Merl,
Pine River U.C.W. held . their
February meeting in the church
on Tuesday afternoon of last
week. Mrs...Sam Gibson and, .Mrs.
George Wightm,an presided, The
meeting, opened with .the United.
Churrch Women's hymn. After the,
call to worship and prayer 'by',bhe
president the roll call was an-
swered iv naming a' book of the
Old Testament. Regular •business::
was dealt with and, was ;followed
with' a. poern, . "Thoughts for tihe.
New Year" by Mrs. Sam Gib-
son. Miss Grace Cameron,. • Who:
was .convener:for the progra,r
presided and hymn 239 was sung..
Miss Louise Ca bell read pas
. Lo :Carr
of scripture .followed. with.
comments by 'Miss Grace Came-
ran.. Mrs. Eldon Bradley gave in
teresting highlights of "Women
in the, News" and read a 'poem.
tiv:ities for, the :observance of-
Thinking 'Day :at the next meet-
ing. •
inP .Pow -wow,. the . Brownies,
heard the BroWnie Story, which.
was new to the Tweenies, but is
always interesting and exciting
to the Brownies (*ho 'haveheard
it before. •
The Brownies were remin'ded to
bring extra pennies to the Think-.
ing Day: meeting for the World.,
Friendship. Fund. The use of
contributions, to this Fund were
explained briefly
Brownies are re inded to meet
in :the basement of the United-
,Chur'eh. •inn full' uniform at. 10:45
a.,nm., •Sunday., February 24th:The
Brownies wtvll: accompany. the
Scouts, Guides: and Cubs to the
Church service ;as part of .}the
observance,. 'of : Thinking Day and
Boy Scout . Week.
The meeting closed: with Pray-
WEDNE$DAY FEB... 20th,
"De the Best you' Can." A musi-
cal selection "My ain Countree"
an :old ,favorite., was given 'by
Mrs. James Nesbitt, Chapters
from the study book "On Asi.s
Rim" was ably dealt with by
Mrs. Ros's Shvell$ She ewplain.
the plight of Korea and a group
of islands, whose' population wish
to isolate "themselves ,from Jia
and China; where comxnunisn
struggling for a foothold. Christ,
lenity is most: -essential' in It
areas as communists are ready: etc
give. '.security at anytime. A..
prayer by Mrs,. Donald G.o htre
the ,:meeting closed with, . ymi
14.8 and the Lord's Prayer. Gift;
'for a family.- who recently 4.
their home by fire 4w.ei e through
to , the •meeting. Plans were also
discussed for Day of Prayer Ser
vice .which is to be held at 'Beth
United. 'Church on March 1M..
• .Well known . residents, Alder
Man Thomas .Herbert 'Carroll: an
Mrs, Carroll of. 1308 Arthur• St
Fort William . celebrated, • ,the
50th . wedding : anniversay,
February 4th...A dinner for fain
fly and relatives was held on Su n
day at Westfort Hotel. Rev. R,
Carroll, son. of • Mr, and : Mrs.' Ife
•beet Carroll• said •grace, and �gav
the toast% Rev. E. Regan
Crei:g'hton Mines spoke ' br:1
after . which Mr.; and Mrs. Ca
responded., Mrs. Carroll +was, "+th
.f'rmer • .Ma+ble Irene ' , Willti
daughter of the late Mr. and Mr
Alex Wilkie formerly of, this .v
• cinity. The couple ..had fourte
children of whom .#13 survive. M
and .Mrs.••Carroll ,held open ,hiuL
at' .the Flaingo . Club, ' Monda
:afternoon and evening, Mrs. Ca
roll wore..+a• two piece Thor bl
shantung , suit, & corsage of :b..•
cliff roses.... Congratulations' an
telegrams were. received' fr
Governor General Georges` Vani
and 'Madame Vanier;:Prime Mi
ister, Diefenbaker,' Lester Pea
d Hubert Bada n•a
Brownie ‘ News .
The 1st Lucknow Brownie
Pack had a very busy meeting on
February 13th;, '
Mary '.Jardine' was Toads,t'oo1
Fairy: Fairy ,Ring, Fairy Gold•and
Inspection were fehlowed 'by a
rehearsal of the Enrolment Cere-
nion+y, 'The sixes, went -to their
corners, where the silvers marked
their books and then all dispered
to their work centres:
Pack.ieq helped, the Golder Bar'
girls wrap and address +a parcel
for Yearling, Tarvny Owl taught
i the , blanket stitch to the Golden
Hand girls. Brown Owl !taught
braiding ernd, dish washing to•,the
Phe Brownies, eoogultea. "with
Browtri, Own its: ,g.roups,• to plan ,ac.
BIG VALUE' Co-op Fertilizer gives you.a higher::
percentage'of •water-Soluble.phoaphate, a higher
lime content, lower moisture' content, uniform'
tide size • and less seed -burning character •
tk. It's another Co-9p'ltop-quality','• product
Your early delivery: discount up to` March Zn.d, i
$1.5`0 per ton
As a Co-op member you benefit from all pur-
chases made through your' attire. The greater
the, volume, the better your Co-op can operate,
and the savings realized thereby will be greater
to individual members. Support your Co-op, it's
a truly democratic business institution where '
every member has equal rights.
You're Cu:tO
' nner and Owner at your
ucknow District Co-op