The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-20, Page 5. • , WEDWASDAY, FP3. 20th). •196 • • Lys.f.1,••••••••T.. , • 1! frilE LoUCKNOW SEMNEL• LAJCICNOW, .514TARIO, • 0.0 PAGE FINN R. and By Sn.i1e There o.nce was map. a viSiOrw, Who just idit make . • • He waswilling to •Eig•ht, •Strt thought it riqt right To resort nuclear fission. • His critics were 'quick to stirHi,s-. round •buddies all„rallied around ' . _ : • ' • Exe.ept. .for the 'few, Who • decided to do •• 'What they'd. long .wantecIT tot- - and :confound him, . • And that • is my solecontri- bution to the. current '•confused PictUie in Canadian.politlos. .the way, have you taken •a 'good. ,kiokat pief yet? Now is your chance.- 'a-ive him -a good one while ,he's on the ropes and his rriouthpie.ce has fallen out. • Only thing .that has pleased ine greatly in •the past couple of. Weeks •iS• the recognitibn of the solid inteiligence the. basic •rellability, the sttIrsly indepen- dence .• of • the :Canadian • -voter, Why, eyerybody Fve ;talked to could see .this crisis "corning long ago, People I was certain didn't know a legislature -from. a log -cabin, a .Common Market ,from TODAY'S .MOST MODERN FARM SERV;CE. • 111.00.1k1 , . . . . I, ' ..,..•:: 2.4 ,I,7•ViIii. • It i .• ..4: '• :' , Il ,?.$'• . ' 'SIA.,k''i o ., ''....,".,:eisz'•;;:i ,,, ., •;', . '`..',,stj •r3'.. 04, ti • .• ' • • ' • '• • sx.),..4.4;.x.x.• • ,.. • MOkR, , iI*20,,.'• • •• ost,11,tp• kk,i.Na • . 1140.04St,5' • ••• .• • 4 '4.. ' • • ‘••••••• your service — At your fam Give' us a call at. Lucknow 528-3719 alicl let us, furnish 'you with a supply of Ful -Ton' feeds right at your farm. Save money and .always have bet- ter, fresher. feed. We come right to your door• and use your, grain. Have calla in by. Friday noon at, bitted in Order to have service before ,..Saturday noon. We. do , not operate our Feed Service on Saturday afternoon. HNsTONE'rMobiIiFid Service Cordon -Johnstone, proprietoi Lucknow, .Ontario „ . ;LUXURY SERVICE ECONOMY iniynoting. • of • • THE HOTEL - • • a•Market gardeni haVe shalcen„ Me with their certain 'grasp .of the situation? and their cryStal-:, clear ..exposition of the problems. "It's the, darn Yank's,” one vo- ter informed me. ',They're.•(be- hind the whole * thing. They've been ;Sore at us ever ince Laura Secord went. Marching throUgh Georgia WWI her ecoWi in • the war of 18.12.1 handing out 'choc- r olatei.to the newly -freed slav•es." • This ,*as a : lady .17(5,t,er, I might add. Always looking for the, •worrien's angle, 41' '. • • Another •political' type, who has .voted the ,straight :TOT tie- 'ket for years, told me bluntly that, "be's seen the error of his ways. He's..swung to, as. he put it, "that .there Royal Coat, that. French fella 'who' waves his antis a lot. That Crucial Credit sounds pretty good to. me. We -ht.ed a lot more of • that,. these.„ days," Another chap Who has gone .right clocc,vthe , line with the Conser'vati'ves; is fed qp. He( has, swung ,far. to -the left, and is now; he assures me,'a solid up - porter of. "that 'Tummy Touglas. army has done a great, job. .fOr the common -man, since he quit practisin',', niedicine , out west. Never made a go. of. ,•it as a. doctor; anylx* ,I hear." • QUite a.‘: few people .aren't go- ing to vote for the Government, because they've already got that new dock •or post office Dief proMised then -i and theY!Ire vo- ted for ihini . three limes, ,and° they figure 'he's'l been paid .for •it: INow they're ready. to try one of . the ,other • parties; and :see What they can wangle Out ,cif , it, ••.. .- • : the heatf.titdowqtowr' i ...:Toronto fiicing.Allan Garde Close to:finest shopng and, .entertaintnent. centers, major 11Ospitals and:subsiya).,i. ' • •••• I I • j 41 •i iii _ii Ili 'r; ii ill !Irl ill I III MR - Si .., r,„ 11151111 -......,...... In ....... ..............""-. ........, Beautiful fy appointed rooms and suites. Dining' Room. Te evisi n. Childre FREE. MOdetotely $4.50'SngIe' Priced front • ,• •400ccupancy %,r • 8.so Double. •witD) Occupancy trecierick Funnell,, den. Mgr. ,, • ' • CENTR'ALLY LOCATED AT .TetephOnst 368-4821 106 Jarvis St. Toronto, Canada • • • One , elderly lady of, my qUaintance,. Who has. been: a Grand: pld TorY ever since she ceased . being, a Fighting:''young Conservative, would never con- sider Changing. her vote. But :She'i•a little •sore at the party for accepting Churchill's resig- nation.; so readily. "1 despicable," 'she snapped; "after What he did (Jur- h-Jg :the. 'war. , After Blood,. Sweat: and Tears .° ..Fight on' the BeacheS . ).• • • I tried to explain, •that :it .wa. Mr. HarknSS, a former sChool teacher, .who' had resigned, and, that Mir. Churchill had been pro- rhotecl.:,frbtn Veterans' Affairs to - Defence,. and that 'Sir Winston was . a 'Tory, net in • this country.: np use, As: 1 left, she was .shikin.,g her. .fist and shrilling, "Give Us the Tools and We Wilt Finish the Job" 1 rather adtnirecl 'her. • ' By the Way; don't make any rash th:at the1 Liberal s will Ivia----in72-a—lvaltr.---I've—talkeir:'' - at least 10 .women who Proclaim vehemently,: .'1[• can't* •STAND., •that. Pearson!" :1 ask thein why, They can't eplain: But _they, simply will not vote for him. I think it's because he .looks too • muchlike somebody's °brother- • * * • The most einbarraisini of. all the inteririews I've done, though, are 'those. with ladies lean at ine,'fervently and coo,: "But don'it, you think Mr. Diefenbaker' Woriderftil , Man? 1 Mean, 1' realize: that- he hasn't DONE anything, and that the country is on the rocks, and unenyloy7 merit, is terrible, and alil that. But don't you 'think' he',8 a Wonderful man?" •- • Jeez, as the kids say. • No*, . I, knoW yOu're. busy l'ilL1,11.1rig the whole Thing • over.' 'But I' hope •this brief glimpse into ,the teeming rnit-id of: the Canadian voter; alert, -well ver- sed; conscious of the problems; will help , in the tryiiiMx weeks ahead. One last thought. Wouldn't it be lovely if we 'could bottle all the gas that is igoing 16 be pro- duced between now arid April 8? We could heat every home in, Canada, free, from now urftn. Jatie; • •. • • s •• • • Your • Heating ReqUitetnentt:. STOVE Olb . OTHER PETROLEUM • PRODUCTS • 90c • .0cilia.4 Cleaning r 1110.00.00,.• •W A "BUD" HAMILTON Lucknow, Phone 528-2427 • Truck Equipped With Two -Way Radio For Prompt, Efficient Service hospital recovering from an ap- Pendix operation. . Mr. and 'Mrs. Cook of Water - 166 spent the week /end with Keith Johnson.- . Rent guests With Earl 'were .Mr. and Mrs. Royle Howes and. :Lynn. and Larry of 'Arthur. After Several: "postpdnenients, •the annual meeting of Ashfield P,resbterian Church . was held last • Monday afternoon. • A...good year was • reported. from each department • and 'allocations: were ',reached 'and exceeded. Duncan. Farrish, •J.., N. MacKenzie, and Richard 'West wlio had complet=. ed their term -Were re7eleCted to. the .board of management. Mrs, Duncan • Farrish, :treasurer, was elected to the ,Ptihtink Com, rnitte,e, :which. was the ,only change from last year'slist Of officers, -; • • LOCI -IAL • . • The annual. meeting of .Ash- field Presbyterian •Garcie.was held on Monclay..afternoon. Bev. MacCombie chaired the smeeting. • . The 'heating system in NortI4 .- A#kfield.Public School failed:on • Monday and. Tuesday and SO school had to be cancelled. • Miss: Audrey ,Rossof 1.,olncloii* spent a few days. visiting ,her par-. ents, Mr. and •Mr5. W1iian pss, ap'd her brother Doug. . • • • George IV/onerief rettiirried home from Victoria Hospital in ,London on 1Wednesday. • rs...taim 'MacRae and Lurie Anne returned hOrne from Wing- " harn: Hospital •.ori Friday. • Manyfrom this district. at • - tended the hockey match Liick- no*. on Monday 'evening. Darvd ra.rh.waS one of the lncky Ones to: receivea puck Used in the • game. . • . , Mr. Henry 1VLackenzie return - 'ea home froth, a holiday spent n Montreal with his brother,. ':Rev,. .F. S. MapKerizie. • Recent • visitors with. M. and • ,. Mrs. Dan' MacLean and . :Kr: and Ewan IMaCLean were and Mr. :Aldan MacLean aind fa- Mily of: Collingwood:, 14UNIENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely . on SKELTON MEMORIALS , Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years Walkerton •Phone 638-w Ontario • ASHEIELD .(r„,„ *late . for last week) Henry ;;ISiladKenzie '• is.. visiting with his brother; nr, S. Kenzie irt lvtofittt;at '• Itettneth Vyld Ont t , . • iv. TilAT-:WONDERO9L WORLD . . 4. f'.kei • ..1.,..%:::::s. 00, t. ,.., . • ....,.......4,..,,.... 0. • 0 • . • When i't cornes tO home. heating, there's ' . , nothing quite iS,Carefree and comfort- ..., able as safe, dependable Esso Oil heat We have a verde range of .oil heating = equipment' to suit every l?udget: %KOMI 44,4.410.- 10.144.4 •. • • . ' ' • -44411I,•••,45.40.64,....k....0,......, „ ' "it 4,44,0,CON,44.•,. • • LOW gUDCET TERMS • ' Up To Five Yeas To Pay • ROY. HAVENS • bit* And • Ileatitii Phone 528.3012 inane* • '•• .•ESSO :OIL _BURNER SALES And SERVICE • • • ee •