HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-13, Page 12• • • w, At s • ■ , ■ • . ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r' i a1. • si • • • Sateen • • THE , LVCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNC W : ONTARIO eo.ge uck Frf t. YOUR MAIN INTERSECTION FOODIAND • W.FONESDIA FEB.. 13tht, 3063 Cf • ■ ■ ■ ■ a ' ■ • ■ i ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ Printed Cotton and screened Prints ■ ■ and drip-dry >' $1.19 to:" $1.89 ,yd...... ..... . pastel checks' . . Dan River, 'in p a�$1; 59 yd: ■ ■: ■ ▪ Arnel,� check and pattern ..... , $135 yd: ▪ Play Knit, • plain : and pattern ,' . , $1..79 yd. ■ IN Taffeta' Prints, 'Printed Crepe, Silks, $1,.39 to $1.95 yd; ■ • AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS res Pick. Up and Delivery Monday and Thursday • Ladies� and' lien's Wear Lucknow ■ 1 maimiummalsaliaimmostumsammamaisimmaimusimsaisaams Pine Rivet°:Jmprov'es;an4 Expa Plant, Production The twenty-fourth : annual meetiniof the Pine Riven Cheese ++. and' $>..tlrer Co-operative • -was rn. ll Fri- ,� „held •:i'n :l'�eld�Co :Ha ,, day,.:Felbruary 'gtFh ' with. approxi- : mately. 60 patrons present. The' auditors report was given . , b Omer rBradley` ,. . e .'showing' re- cei, ts.''of $582;156.0 witha.. deb,for • •balanc'e : of. ;:$4,807.98 after" $32;847.58 amalgamation expen-' nes had' been. paid.'The secretary: treasu+rar,' Donald. Courtney gave g an .account of the,' miiscellaneotis receipts'anti:` :expenses 'also the amaligamatron • aecouint• . . The Manager, G M. ' Eokmier gave .a ;.ze+por o#.the_bui1ding . itt equimemt expansion during the year which consisted of a 1,6r foot. exterisian" alosag . one side of the make room, .a 24 x42 curing 'room addition, a. new. flloor.throughout the znake room,- an additional'.,'. vacuum tank,' a vat •' of '14,000 capacity,, double hydraulic i press. •He noted an increase: of. 88 tons of ..cheese • made sand; .also • 'men tio•ned la $3,1000 increase ,in cheese sold l ca11 r.' Heexpres' ec1 appreciation ' tdall those who helped :iving.eq,uipment dur- ing rerioyations. x ' The president, iCeci1 H1•urr phrey• gave his 'report, He',opointed out the increase in premiums-receiv- ed for 'quality cheese vtihie'h. hada •increased ,from an ` average' of •3 cent per. pound of ..cheese to 1.1'10 cent •reaultirig'i'n is $6,000, increase iri. receivpt�. This increase was' due'. partially 'tor. the installation of a vacuum tank ,late in '1961' He, h ctr ,congratu:lated the 'cheesernaker, Glen :Martin on. receiving 2nd prize for sediment .free cheese in Western' • `Ontario. i e stated, that i.risuriance coverage"• on the plant,' equipment and stock had, been almost doubled, ;This was made passible by' a reduction in rates of almost 1,2 .ibecause of Fre cent iniprovernents to `'buildings.' He • mentioned that Mrs .Jam MCNain had . been: 'hired as sec rertary-treasurer replacing Dont ald Courtney who wished to.re- lire from this position• after -3 years. 'A A. new office had been construet�ed , at plant' for the sec: retary-treasurer which has be- come a full time position. Glenn .Martin rioted the iht- s Cheese T 1,385,639 Lbs, rovenient in the.quality. sof milk during the past year,' •Covered enclased•'vans had elitn�inated dust -froiri (the outside of cans also helped in . keeping rnilik from, freezing. He expressed. appirecia-, tion to the ' milk: haulers 'for co operation throughout ;me year.' Mr.. J.' M. Bain, Director. of Milk. ' Prod;,icts for, Oar io, ads dressed the meeting.': .He. noted that 'quality. of'' . &eese' , made in .Western' Ontario factories had 'ex- ceeded:.95.% first grade • There Were 188..plants: making cheese in Ontari:o:'duaing: 1952;; decrease`L`of ten'from 1961,. Seventeen of these plants make:: Oyer 1 million pounds per. year and. 41%'of the total ' Production in''+he province. Twenty' million. pounds of cheese had 'been ex- ported• ta. Britain during : the past .'year.. ,This amounts to only '5% of 'the 'Britis!h ' market: He noted •a large'increase on. •the per capita consliniption of cheese in Carrada.•' Pyne • River factory was one of the seventeen producing over 1 million pountn's/of cheese,. last. year. Their• production• totalled =1,385,629 pounds, Mr. Walter Locke, manager of. the ,Royal 'Bank, Ripley,. was present' and after a few , remarks presented 'all' present with cigars cornplirnents of the Bank. •'vtr. ,Gordan' Cou•kell, . ;'}airy Feldman for, Bruce then .spoke' ■; 'referring to the quality of milk;. 1 .e ' cried --•-'#he- -importance "■'. • ■ , ■ ■ i ■ ▪ : ■ i • ■ 1 ■. a 11 NI o f ▪ • ■ ' ▪ • :■'' • . ■ •11 •• .:�..,. uk• ifinel e�Se ire • THAT local students at Stratford Teachers' College were practice iteaching' last week •as follows;, Eleanor: M,acigay, 'at. Clinton, Nancy Forster at. Guelph, Pat- ricia Thompson at Winfghain,. ' THAT four of Mrs. C. Shaddick's piano pupils tried the .mid winter, Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto exams.. Grace •McDougall and 'Dianne Hewitt • . passed grade 8.' Sharon Mow. bray and Sharon Stanley both received honours in grade 6.. THAT'" plans 'a're , comipletecl for the ..ben fit 'dance for Mr. and Mrs. HaFrald :Howald and fa, 'artily 'who lost their xintoss Township home •and` belongings • in a recent litre. It will ,be rheld. Firidaa' evernirig in the" Legion ,Hall', !Lu,cknow, and " is �spon- 'ed. •by. the Kinloss : B'oy Scout Group: W THAT LAC `Arthur Howald, of the 'Trenton 'air ,base, is ;pre= sently • overseas' with a crew a': techri� cians• for `a t�hreeamonths stint at ' Metz, France.'Arthur4s. :the son of Mr: 'and Mrs.`WWorden HOWald . •of `• Lucknow. He 'has #been 'with' the Air Force for over three years and up to the time 'of his 'posting. had been Playing �hockeyhthis Winter with • .the Trenton: RC'AF.' team, THAT a";'benefit dance will.jbe • held in Ripley on • Thursday ev-. ening ', for , Mr.' .and' Mrs. Bi11 McCreath and. family; who' were• injured in an: auto. acct ,drent north Fof, Riley.: dill will be hospitalized for many weeks from. the badly fractured �pelaris and fractured leg. "He was ::taken to,L'o7ldon "front Kincardine hos- pital the day after the •accident.' M s. McCrea'tfh • was hospitaliz- ed p ed at Kincardine With'.�a fr'act- tired arm lacerations' Their two ,,Puibl�te:• school -a dao h- g. ters escaped ,:+serious . initirie s. ,Donations may be left:' at. . the Royal .Bank, Ripley. tornat�,j�ice1uper'SaIe 4t11 Clark's Fancy Quality. Tall! 48 oz.• Feature, Ice• Cream Super.Sale; pkg.. Silverwood s, Deluxe. Half Csallon. Save ;-10c. Cookie Super5�Ie .: