HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT • . • aN t lOor �I! Cl�aning fcr your Heating Requirements FUEL OIL. , ; STOVE .OIL OTHER. PETROLEUM : PRODUCTS 90c gallon Solvent � . 90c gallon W. A. '"BUD" HAMILTON Lucknow, Phone 528-2427 • Truck Equipped With Two=Way. . Radio For Prompt,. Efficient Service Ask , •.� For'SnowRemoval Huron Township Council met. on. February 4th with a11 mem- - bers present. Minutes • of last • meeting • Were read and confirm- ed. The..following resoliutions, were ,Passed; That We instnuot the'' Clerk to see...the Manager ..of the pRoyal Bank in ,Ripley . to ' arrange . dor: temporary financing. ••of the pro- posed';:Huron and .Kinloss Tele- phone Systern,'s $125,000: deben- ture : 'issue. • • That the Collectors .sand. Trea- surer's', hands which Were rpre sented .for. inspection-ibe kept in the 'Clerk's office • That the Clerk • forward, a rea elution'to: the -Ontario' Good Roads "'Association:: asking that the 'Pro- vince consider more financial help':. for snow removal in the 'snow. belt. ' That the Road:'Superintendent. Call for: tenders for 10,000 cu.'' yds. of 'crushed gravel ':: to be' placed, . on the ' Townsrhip roads and •theClerk advertise for War- • ble fly' inspector, spray, truck. ".operator ::and 100 sacs of powder. That - the ifolowirig accaunts be paid ':by; the Treasurer;' Township: Kenny :MacDonald,. care of Hall,'..$13:00; ;Elliott•• Car, ruthers, Nursing home • .care, 58.50; United Stationary CO., Roll cover : and tax, 681 5 Municipal • World Ltd.; supplies 13.2'2; Relief for January; 25.00; R'iipley-Huron. Legion, 5010 . refund, of; hall, ren, talc, .8.00; Ont. Good; Roads Assoc-• •iation, fees., 15.00; Village. of Rip- ley, plowing to Cemetery and. fire call, .109.25 Post O,ffice, un- emplooy-ment stamps, 0.16; R. H. M'artyn, Treasurer's !bond; 12.00; :Campbell .Grant, legal tees,1950;; 1.962, •385.20. Roads: 'Steve Irwin, superinten- dent, $325.00; Wayne Lowry, ;gra-. der, ' 3.51.;85;' Dave •Moore, rwing, 251.10; Lynn Emmet -ton, Sanding, hills, 10:00; D. G. .MacDonald, ,gear' oil, 26:27; Town ship ,of sardine;' boundary aecoun t, '107.80;, D. 1. MacDonald, . id�ozin g, ''996:00; Superior Propane, gas, 15.16;, : Giesz Motors,' new truck, 2485.97•; imperial Oil Ltd., gas• and diesel fuel, 233.449, Leonard Elmes, sanding ':27,50; •Franks `garage; repairs, 34.74; Ken' McKay,,, grader • repairs,. 33,08; L.' N. Howe, snow :plowing, 43.00; Roy .• Marshall, snow plow- ing; 1351.00; , Gordon ' Stewart, snow plowing; 2472.00; Bill Kem- pton," snow • plotving, 1848.00; Coi- ling. Bros,, snow. plowing,' 1981.00; Ron Brooks, blowing snow, 107.00; Grah'am' Cook,; 'bulldozing snow, 2066.00; :Wayne Lowry, Mileage ,for car,` 30.00;; •Ken. ':iVlacKenzie, bulldozing_ snow, 111.00; Steve. Irwin, license and .mileage, 29.00; Total` roads, 14,937.79. '. Council adjourned : iintil,'Maroh. 4th., • , Earl Tout, • Clerk. Is Your , Subscription Renewed? -'■ep■iiaanaeue■ea■a�a��a�a■.■a�e■oeaaa■■��. ;i • ■ IN ▪ LA►TII MODIL ■ Er 1963 • Pontiac Laurentian sedan, . automatic • ' 1963 Chev . Belair Sedan, automatic; radio • ■ : .•■ • 1962 Chev ' • Belaiir. ; Sedan, automatic, fully equipped. ■ 1962 Pontiac Laurentian, Sedan automatic fully equipped �- 1962 Pontiac/ : Stratochief, automatic, radio ■ 1962 Pontiac Laurentian '2' -door hardtop V-8 automatic ■ • 1962 Falcon " . .11 ■ 1961 Pontiac Laurentian power steering, automatic, fully ■ equipped./ 1961 Pontiac Parisienne 4 -door hardtop, ■ fully powered. 1961 Pontiac Laurentian 4 -door hardtop, V-8, ■ • powered • 1961 Vauxhall• ■ ' 1960 Pontiac ;Sedan standard; transmission 1959 Chemo:.Belau Sedan .with automatic..: ■ 1959 Pontiac Sedan, V-8 automatic, power :steering ■ ■'1Sedan, da■ 3—.1957 Pontiac Sedans, standardandautomatic transmissions ■ ■ NUMBER 'OF'.1955'MODELS from ., .. $350. 'up'j is MANY OLDER MODELS . TO■ r CHOOSE ' FROM ' . ■ •" TRUCKS! ' TRUCKS!! ■ 1958 GMC 1 -ton Pick-up ▪ .1958 Ford x%'ton' Pick-up V-8, automatic, automatic, fully:" ■ •■ • .o' ■ Brussels • alt, Cities : �!ervice Dealer r,• 1• ■ ■ ors„ u , *bone 173, Brussels •■ ameamal • WEDNESDAY, OY SCOUT NEWS PURPLE GROVE 1ST KINL~`OSS BOY SCOUT' r. a'Vt:i• D Wa' MCash. GROUP eVenldi�nlcwith. The 'general comments. to the spent Wednesdaynd Old. Time Fiddlers . Jamboree were that never was such Music heard in "the ''Kinloss .Township Hall. Last Thursday night was the, second year' for. ,this dance and eighteen' musicians. supplied themusic., Outside was unusually cold with a .nasty oyind accom- panying the 10 degree ,below temperature. But inside •the music ,filled • the hall ,and all who had braved the weather were thril . led. •to hear the old .dances.. Playing the fiddles were ,Wm, Stanley, Roy • Cornish, Harold Halden+by, Gordon Wall; , Ira Pic- kle, Fraser. McKinnon, . Harold anvpbell, Jack' Wraith' and Elea- • nor Irwin: On . ,guitar were Don Robertson • •and . Tommy Parker. On :banjo. was Jean Conley.. On the accordian was Joyce McEwen and Ira.: Dickie when . he wasn't playing the violin.. Helping out on piano was Edna: Boyle,,• Donal- da Scott.:& •, Elsie Houston. Al- phonse lphone Murray.• -and. George. Hal- deniby did the Calling honours.•: . At intermission, Eleanor ' Irwin . and Tommy. Parker gave. violin: and vocal solos of 'the old 'time variety:. • .The Ladies Auxiliary. helped • out with a lunch ' counter and the 'old: time music finally wound up, at. 2 a , 'This Fri!day rev ning, ,February 15th, .the ''Scout roop is ,holding a' ;benefit dance, in Lucknow Le- gion 'Hall in aid of Mr. .and ;Mrs. Harold Howald and Their three, children • ' whose.' home in our township wras`'burned ont., Elliott Carruthers; and. ibis orctfestra...are; donating the. music for us and we hope :.that ;as•, many of our friends : and neighbours will .help out this worthy cause, :We''will have :cards, checkers, ' crokinoie and Lost Heir- .for •chi Brei land older folks who do • net care to dance; The -Scouts 'will be Man - fling a .lunch counter. Next.week ,is Boy Sioux Week througlYiou't the world with ,the. theme -being.: world-• friendship. On this Sunday,, February 17th;: a special church `sere ce is being. held in . Kinloss United Church' at `3:00 parr,' We 'w'ould • invite all parents .arid friends thi , special service" .A loudspeaker:wili be z.:un to. the 'basement so come out and worship :with. your . 'sons and riends. • . Saturday, February 23rd js our Annual,•Father and Son :Banquet at; the Township Hall.: Following the banquet' a rprogram• .. will be ,staged :.by the Cubs . and,: Scouts,'. The Ladies Auxiliary is provid ing -the supper • and will ba with us for the iprpgraan.` . A.. new recruit started last week — :John Major,.. son of Mr: and Mrs. Roy.: Major., who have re cently moved to our com rr!unity This brings aur raster to 37. . Scouting activities - have been a bit limited ibhis winter with pld man. winter ,keeping our. .farm. lads front. coming down thecon- cessions We were visited how .ever on one of th'g' 'fine evenings by Bert Mortlocrk,... Executiwe•:1 Commissioner in Charge of 'Rela- tionships,, 'from National Head, :quarters in, Ottawa: • Last week •three:Scouts, Doug- , las and. David •Eadie and Donald Sat riders, along, with Scouter Lloyd •,presented. a .1''irst Aid de- monstration to. our :sponsors', ' tie Holyrood •Vvtomens 'Institute. Nine Scouts and the•. three Leaders attended a hockey match at .'Maple Leaf' Gardens: recently. The .boys • were selected • an the basis ;of their marks in " an exa .miniation of. work ` covered in. Scouting, The husky, nine were °.Donald Bannerman; Eric Thad ker, John Vali • Beer's, Allan and Bob Cornish, .Douglas., Eadie, Da- vid Wall,. Walter Dickie and 'Mar; tin Benedict. Ken Rou1ston 'was really in the top ,group ,butt/meas- les rnterven!ed. and Walter took Kens place, Scouters Wally" and Lloyd provided the transporta- tion and Scouter Frank ate up all the Chinese 'flood left after rt.he` rest; ,of ,ups'. just `'couldntt'eat. ano- ther bite." • Before' we e1'ose, • Pray We once again remind all our readers that next, • week :is •. Scout Week. Mr. and. Mrs. William Aranold. .Mr and Mrs. Harvie Thompson were Friday evening guests or Mr: and Mrs, • Claude Dore. Miss Marlene. Qawley; Toronto-- visited ornto-visited Mr° and, Mrs, Victor G am - ley Mr -s, Gordon ,_Patterson, Mrs." 'Frank ' Dare and Mrs, . Donald. IvMcCosh were r ecerit • guests .of Mrs. Walter Forster. Mr. and Claude Dore ;spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Frank Dore and fainr,v ':Mian 1�.diia .Foyle spent, the erywhere are taught :tihat "$r'o-. therhood . 4 a living.•vital part of Scouting: Shared by each of the world's nine million Scouts, it can make an inestimable con- tribution: to on-trvbutionto world ,understanding and; thus, to world peace," Ther Words come frorn• our Chief Scout,. Governor General Vanier'.and we hope our'readers as' well as Our Cubs and Scuts will work a lit- tle harder next week at being good citizens not .only of Canada and' 'in OUT community, but ,cit1- 13th, 1963 week with: :0:n4 M, s,. Fra•ncis Bayle, 11unple Grove institute met air thehome of Mrs, Waiter Forster on :Wednesday afternoon,, Mr, and.Mrs. Gordon MacDon- ald; Mary .Helen and Mrs,, Thom- as MacDonald • visited ,Mtr.• and Mrs. ' ert Thompson, Teeswater. miss Mary Anne •MeCosh spent the .week -end, with --Mr, and Mrs; Ray Gliders, Goderich, • Mrs. Helen Swann apt the wi!ek-end. } London; ' Mr, and Mrs, Burton. Collins and ,,Jryhn,. .Sandra and. Margie visited wiih :Viz, and. Mrs. Glenn. .•z Young.; • Mr.• and Mrs; ;Ardill Mason v -s : ited' Mr. and ..Mrs;. Don McCosh,. Mrs . Frank ,Dore;. ,Nancy and Dianne were Sunday visitors of . Mr° and. Mrs..' Lawrence . -Fry. Mac . MacDonald :Kenny Mac- Donald, Betty Wrightson And El? ma Mae. MacDonald' were Sunday' guests of Mr:: and Mrs. Gordon: NlacDorrald.. • .Mr. and Mrs, Donald MCOosh. Were Sunday guests .of Mrs, Jahr ` Colwell, Kinlough.. Mr, -and Mrs, Bill Bert, ' Geo:, Marjorie, orie, Terry' and Paul were • • Thursday' guests. of • Miss Mang- aret Rdbert•son. •," Mrs, Donald Gillies visited Mr. Donald Gillies in London on Stan, zens and brothers .of •t'heworld, day" • • b 'YOUR "BIG VALUE" COMBINATION„. BIG VALUE! Co-op Fertilizer gives you a higher ppeerrcentage of4water-soluble phosphate, a higher li=> a content, lower moisture content, uniform e eine and lees seed*burning:character It's another Co-op "top-quality" product. BIG SAVINGS: Y'our': early: delivery discount up'•to• March 2nd is $1.50. -per ton SPECIAL` CASH DISCOUNTS At a Co-op Member on benefit from All pur- chases. made throug ,your .store. The greater the voluble,. the better:your Co-op can operate, M• and the savings tealized thereby wilt be greater : to indivldual members:.;:Support:your Co-op, it's • a truly democratic business, institution where every member has equal, rights.• You're Customer and Owner o your :aor HOSKIE SNOW ne s 6;70 x. 1!: Tube . SpecialPrice$16.47 24 month guarantee Luckn�w Di.stri throw 1iot�t "t � � 'world. Sconi;fs