HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-13, Page 6hY
For some. reason, Valer%tine
'may, " 3arings out the worst'. in;
me.The idea 'of .having,a spec
ia:l day „for expressions of love.
appeals to' me, but not ,in the
m ddle: of a Canadian February,.
At this' time of year, ,r can
hardly. stand myself, 1e.t'alone
my';rife, 'rmy neighbour's: wife,
• ..and various other ..people. rim
'supposed• to love. Bearing this
inn mind,: perhaps ,:'you \will ex:
;rouse the .faintly .'rant-romanctic' after •she'made • theheds his to
tone of, the following. . say, `Oh put/'a soackin it.' Who:
Nothing disconcerts a woman the hell Cares. how ;long it
Bill . Smiley ..
pathy, accompanied' by popping
.the eyes, if your mouth is. full,
'waggingyour° head from time
to : tune,, and shrugging your
shoulders at .the' opportune mo-
ment. This gets you • through the
zeal. Then she says. "Why do
you never 'talk to m a?"
*. *
Another way . of countering
the vivid.' account. raf the way
she got at' the• ironing right
.quite as ,troch its •the suggestion
that she as not the• ,fingers -.to
the-rbone , type. ' of'' 'Worker she'
claims to be. And that's • a big
:statement, because allawful .lot
,,oft' things •dist oncert a.. Woman.'
Trouble .is, most Men swallow
•this legend. They . come home
from. work 'with their tails drag-
ging, andbarely • have ' their,
• coats. off when the • recital, starts
...They react in various ways to
• the avalanche . that,. ' flows • from
Mum on everything_ she, did
from the •time she got. out of.
bed .:this morning: .
One sof the most widely' used
•methods .of .retaining sanity is
:'• topaste ani interested look on
/our face, go right :;on ,eating
your :dinner, and' : emit. a . 'reper-
,toire of small sounds` indicating
incredulity, ' . approval and,' syrn
you to wax the floor?"' But this'
method is' not recommended un-
less your rvi ife. is paralized frond
the waist down. And) up. .
The : more ' subtle and intel-
ligent approach is one I have
developed and which 1. atn
public=spirited to keep to ' iny-
self. It is to read women's mag-
azines: Practically every: gone of.
them ,these', .days contains ' an.
article about how to hold your.
For example,' :' •this week I
found a couple 'of ' :dandies. 'One
reads: Stop 'Boring Your Hus-
band! ' The second asks, Are You
Exploiting : Your Husband? „Just
crease the Magazine•at the': ar-
ticle, put , some • fingerprints on
it, and underline a few 'preg-•,
pant p Then leave, the
'open- . .magazine in, some place
where she's likely tosee it,; such
as ' the . bathroom or inside 'the
refrigerator. •
Next;. find, a •few ',Murder 'mys-
teries in which'' husbands have
, done away with their v: +inres.: Or
news' stories in which 'a' man
,has .gone ,,berserk. and axed his
entire family: Get into the .ha-.
;:bit, of reading. them ; aloud '• .to
your .'wife,: jovially; and with.
relish. Start .'grinding •.up aspirin
tablets and dropping them Into
TO' YOUR-:FURNACEglasses :Of, milk :just' ...is she en-'
tern the roam:
:"When she starts talking : aa(bout
working so • hard, fix her with
a piercing, stare and ask softly,
"Are you really, unhappy with
your life, darling?" This
thod is practically guaranteed to
•give her ,something else to ,think
.about ''besides what she: told thee
Hi ikm-an704rei—h'e'shortchanged:
Maybe your old furnace . does
not perform the way it should?
Let us look over your equipment
before you decide to buy.a new 4,
furnace. Chances are that all
you need is a. new, efficient
Esso Oil burner.
Budget Terms
U.'TO Five Years To Pay
*. ,
•It's all . very. well. for women
to 'talk •'about• ;how; hard, they
work; 'and what `a state their
nerves 'are 'in, from the Contin-
conti -ual pressure of "kids,kids, kids!"
But 'I, for one, 'am not ° interest=
ed, and don't • believe a ,word of.
it. Third of:all, , I'd . rather talk,
about 'me. •
If .life is . such: a round of drud-
verywhy • are they so frantic
to 'get 'maried? ` Oh, I know; the
answer to , this, one, too. It goes,
"•I certainly didn't !expect it to
be, like • this. You; used. ,totalk
to. me' about everytthing : Now
you' just sit • there` with your
nose in the paper. Other pespple's
husbands talk . to). thein."
Of course they do,and so
would ' we, wouldn't we,. chaps,.
ifour wives would only SHUT'
PI'umbm and Heats .,
.Esso 0I1 BURNER' `; Don't expect her to admit it;,
sales. and . S `'ebut today s .woman,.- if . she is a
rvice, .fair mechanic; has .a life that
'would 7YLal{e I'er ' grandrpother
Unsurpassed ' in Beauty and Value
Representative' '
A. Ross 1111ocler�nn
Phone t
turn !green with envy. 8omeb4dy
else does her baking,' A mach-
ine does her washing, The ,milk
and groceries are delivered (un-
less she lives in the city, where
the. latter :amenity' has been disc
pensed with). She doesn't have
to pump water or chop kindling
or sflovel snow or shoot Indians
or drive a: team or birth . Ibaljies
or preserve fruit. •
She has so many time -saving
deviees. ,S a hash t time to look
after i • all. And with radio,
televisi rt, . and. telephone, `' she
doesn't: have to suffer the Wor t
plague of her,, grandmother—Ion:-
liness.. •
Ordoes she?
On to Of the 'tnec'h•anieal ;aid's
than ' have removed' the drudgery
;frrotn . her life, .she • has a -hus
band who might think :that a
woman's place is in , the home•--=
but• wouldn't dare ' say it. Come
on kids, confess that y'cu never
had it so good,, •
Or , do you? -
.Happy ,Valentine's Day. Aid.
WEDNESDAY,, FEB. • i3th,, 1983
lINLIMEN1,i--S •
or Bound counsel and a 'fair' pl ice on a monument
quality, material, rely on
correc�ly . designed' fr"om; q Y
Pat' 'O'Hagan, Prop.
-'.,..Established ,ver Sixty 'Years;
. Phbne638-w
Tra h
even' if it's only aid- Bill Smiley cash ' prize, the Ca ng p Y'
y, an . a _ earance on the GAC
ne.tw�ork .Bowling Show
_-I love you.• _ and pp
The preliminary, matches
.ariiong:c,'the top bowlers.befiled fromat .t4140...
,o. wtiplai r , s ' will ,m
ana alley
announces Owen Sou::gid West Hill Bowl each
CKN C;' television tuerda' ui< 1:QQ pt,m1 Por thel.next
.,that. championship bowling •far . Sa y
'' the Carlin.gTroPhy will•.begin'on ouple: , of weeks.
Channel '8,• Saturday, February The finals will be
run as a ,fea,
16 tth 6.45 ,cure of the Carling invitational
' series �b MMa , lst'will pro- !bowling tournarnerVt to beheld.
.lhis Y Y
duce the Western Ontario Ohara- 'in. !Walkerton . the. first week in
. pion, ,who .will win:.a substantial May
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