HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-13, Page 21' 141' ' s:. it • • r• 44+ r • • A i0 • a. 1 • TJX :I KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LIIC_ W;. ONTARIO• • fi wn" .— On the Huron Bruce Boundary ` ' ice Department, Ottawa 'The Sepoy • .o Authorized as second � class mail, Post Off ' 'Established, 1873—Published: Each. "Wednesday Afternoon' ' Member, of the. C.W.N.A.: and the O.W.N.A. ' Subscription Rate `$3..year, . $4.90': d C .Th m son U S A ,, , . 00 in advance to the L, Campbell Thompson . arid Donald., ..Q P ,- Publishgrs WED, Y, FEB–, 1063 1. LET'S HAVE. AN\ OPEN' MIND How can the man on the street un; derstand the present political mess that Canada has found herself ini' , How will he know how to vote in • the ' ,Apiril :elec- tion? How can he digest and .believe' any statements made . by any political party in view ofthe hyprocritical' . statements 'made over the. past ': few : weeks? How can he have any faith in any political party when. 'the . has come . to know that some politicians 'have been putting Canada second' to their political; _aim s? . How;l will the. biggest per- centage tage of Canadians vote on election day? Many, no, doubt will still vote Lib- eral 'or Conservative -i according to the line takenby their . ancestors.: But, • common sense and reason ' should, `'as never `.before,: play an importantpart in the . path ; taken by Canada's .voters. This is a time When the' Canadian/ 'electorsshould, '. demand, • to be forthrightly informed ' and ' to vote for "what'? rather . than "'Who". : . Sone men and .'Women` would vote for "Jack the 'Ripper" if he were seeking office so- long as he belonged to ''their' party ''1". The New Democratic or Social Credit ' party have found Littre' support ' in this area. If.` we; were to 'ask : most people - what they stood jfor, many would"iikely: not have a notion, . nor : would: they have,.. much conceptionof what : "their party" stood for. I is a small ercenta e : of . the vot- ingtin p g ' public of Canada that swings ' a , vote one way or the 'Other. Too small Canada today stands , in a portal of great. 'importance. It is essential that.. who- ever . forms the next government starts 'put ting , thei ,:people of 'Canada. ahead of their', political, aims. Here's where the little ' roan with the 'X ` has- the big chance. Approach this election with an open, PiPr : �of all artiest Read mind:. Attend meetings p literature of ,;all kinds., 'These are some of the privileges of a democracy.' Use them to the fullest. HOLIDAY •WITH PAY-�' A. press story : a few :: days ago an-. nounced that it is possible that . the Un- , employment Insurance Fund will be'b. ank- rupt by. spring. This statement' comes" r ;nosurprise to those of us' who have'; seen its abuse for years The ` intention of this, fund when originally set ,-up. was to help ; out the job -1 ;less man or woman when they 'really need- ed d Yt. This it is still doing in man' Y cases, but for every one who is. using • it as • it. was intended, we; think that there are .'a. ' number' ' who are, abusing:' it. It has become. one of the biggest "holiday with pay"schemes that could be, imagined. A committee '.investigating the fgnd. and • its ;operations sUggested • some' sweeping changes their December report g . P but no action 'has yet been ..taken in ,this •.regards , It is safe to • say that no action 'will; now be taken until after ApriI•, If the fund 'is exhausted, the . cabinet will have no. alternative but: to authorize a; loan from government general.' reven-. ues. If and when this is done, it will no longer be employer and employee that it • ,paying the .shot, • it: will: be. Mr. and .Mrs: • taxpayer .as: 'well. We have heard and 'know of ,niany • cases where this; fund • :is being "picked clean" but one recent case we heard of was of ' a husband and 'wife .who `'took turns" being unemployed. ' If a man or woman is out •'of a 'job. and ,1s conscientiously ` seeking work we're ally for givvirg them every,'benefit. As for the , others; its ' time some ' drastic action was taken to protect the steady boys who Want to work and who have sub. ..-e been sidizing., the racketeering that has .clone. much to Milk thee' fund dry:, ,.�• .....,.• dV • a• BACK 'TO PHONETICS (Fr.om The-. Word) Canadian: mothers of schoolchildren are reported to be in revolt against modern methods of teaching reading by the "look- - say"::• method. The ' revolt; started • in Man- , p; toba and'. has s read.. across Canada,.as parents have discovered 'that' children who ' have been ' • taught to, ' recognize words by their' shape, with the aid; of pictures, :are. at sea when it comes to reading another ' word of similar .,shape ' out of its pictorial context:: A chi , for example, who has .. learned' to rec nize the . word , "horse" will give . the same sound, , to the word "house'.." when he .comes., across it. • Theory behind the . lookisay : teaching. method seems to spring ,rin from the: fact that g adults usually do not spell out words to themselves' in reading, but , take them in at ' a 'glance. What ,: is forgotten is that . the adults learned to read by the good old phonetic system ; by which they were°drill- ed in; the sounds .of letters, and: taught how to. ' combine .the. sounds ' into words. Auto • matic : recognition of words cane' later, after , some ' months of, practice in the el- eme_ntary steps: ;The mothers are opposed .•in.' ' their revolt' by the teachers who'.' have . been in- structed in look: say methods.: of instruction at : their normal schools ' and 'de, not ; like. • to admit that the methodsare h t .. wrong. Some school principals- are' quite dogmatic, in :defence .of'the .look -say method, although they `•'rarely': come: in contact with' the low - 'ter 'grades of their schools, wherethey,' might,. discover for themselves : how effic- ient . the ' system is. Some . principals,. P als . not ,, underestimating•'the -ower' of, the mothers, .'•• will' admit „ privately that the mothers' case :is 'a` good one. With the co-operation ' 'of; intelligent primary teachers, they .are '''al lowing the phonetic system to be : boot- legged into the : school, with excellent.' re- sults. In ` at I st. .' some .. . els one city; mothers have been scouring second-hand bookshops for outmoded readers and spelling books, so that . they • 'can teach' ' their children at home byold-fashioned: methods. The , .. happy •. booksellers have '.raised prices. Ofr WEDNFSDAY, FEB, 13th, . 1963. CociI #'o Discuss' Arena Renovati011 With Architect, And Obtain Estimates A ,propO5ed plan• for extensive .renovation. of the arena, which has been discussed from tirne to time, is ,to be. further inves— tigated. ,At a special meeting of Count 'cit : on Tuesday evening;. Reeve 'G,•, W. Joynt was , authorized; to Arrange for 'a, meeting of .Coup= cilr• with' a representative of the architectural firm of Clutf. . and' .Cliff on Wednesday of next Week, Purpose •of the meeting is to .consi'der proposed changes and, arrive . at plans , on Which an estimate of cost .could be irb- tainsd; so that the project' could, Abe presented to a. ratepayers' m'ee'ting.. • As has • been outlir'ed before, a • new self-contained auditorium . ,section •Would . be built at the west end to 'tie=in with the building'. By filling the west end 'flitch an excellent and., spacious parking area .could Mabee .provided. The suggestion 'was 'also made that • any s ich building "program. might- "'take.into ; consideration.. the passibility:'of_. eventually pro- viding a tie-in••:with a'. curling' rink to the: south' of the west end • auditorium. , ,The plan, Would mean . a' ren- ovation of the east end .6f the arena. 'I'n' any event, something must: 'soon be 'done in the way Of , building.: repairs.. The proposal, . '•however, ':is still :in the :'discussion stage but in looking: to the future, renovatio}i, planning is, 'a ; must.. It was: stated that soil ,testing' was being . carried put,- with a 'School iAud itorium'., .view to .the replacement, of t'he W llaUghby 'St. (bridge, West' ot' the ih iig'h &hool. :Repairs ;are beds, acnOe :.40.. the . NQS, 3' water system *ell. south of 'the Flax 11111.11, and .ref erencewas made to the nigh:; cost of maintenance o this well. WINGHANI . LEGION BACKS, SPEAKING' . COMPETITION The Wingham Branch of the Royal ,Canadian,,Legion 'Is o- ganizing this'year'a puiblic,speak- ing contest. for elementary and high school students .from . Wing ham : and neighbouring •communis. .ties, The purpose of :this contest. (is, toreeveal . the best speakers among the students and give theme an opportunity' to .00mpete for the all Provincial trophies. • Although it is'' along and thorny road to the • •top of .the Provincial . ros ter, : 4 he : Wingham branch ' believesthat a winner might'. be hidden. '(within the ,ranks=• of the local. youth, • and. therefore (gives 'hi ri, ., or'`.'her, a'•. chance of .competing' for •these. • well: thought. awards. • The Legion is a'nxious to give them a. chane, and • trust, and • hope that the young people :will " answer. the challenge.. It is: hoped that .the; parents of all students in, the community wibl:support .the effort by attend- ing' the contest, which will take 'place on March 2nd, at 7:30 p:ni in the Wingham, ; Distriet .High LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH oTHE ' 'SENTINEL ' FILES T TY R . AGO, 1933 A >FIITI YEARS You ..could buy a Ford Deluxe Tudor froth:.. Garfield' 'Ostrander, for $720. Rev,: T. C. Wilkinson• Was min- ' ister : at St. Helens. United Church.' At the age, of 22, J:. C. McNa'b was appointed manager ; of the Lucknow and Cargill 'plants .of Silverwoods Dairies, succeeding` ;his father who went to •London. Mary Graham of -Con. 4 Kin loss ; and 'Dorothy, Pohl „ Y !ock of Whitech-urclh commenced nurses "training' at Guelph General Hose pital• John Hayworth: was engaged as bandmaster of the ' Cvtizens'' Band at a salary. of. $15:00 a Month. : Jean Havens, daughter, of; Mr.:, and Mrs. Alex Havens, suffered a NEWS BUSINESS .FASCINATING? ' An aroma• of fascination. surrounds . a newspaper, making ' many ; : persons say they'd like :to own one. It its a fascination which clings , to everyone except news- paper people. ' They have 'no illusions. Now. to own a newspaper, here is what you'll:; have to do in one nomal , day: Explain to >' 'Mrs. Strong why- Aunt Weak's' • ., 85th birthday party was. not on' the front ,page:, Explain. to :.. ` advertiser• . why ,• P ... an '. it is impossible.. to get him on the back page Explain toan. ex -subscriber why you had' to cut 'off his unpaid subscription. Explain deadlines ' many times a .day and why you have..to have them. Explain :again again and again ' that you must;. have . reports of meetings and:: other articles sent in immediately after they take place. • • Apologize Vto an advertiser: / v rtlser. for an error in his ad and, smile sweetlywhen. .. he tells . you what an idiot you are. Decipher scribbling that comes in written on check pads, paper .:napkins, at corner . of • Juni is arithmetic : paper or on the. back of letter. . r from. Cousin Frank. • Explain to a customer arriving late with copy that •if you get his stuff in, 'you' will , have to leave somebody else out, and then explain to the one you left out. The fast run Made, you'll feel a - sense' of relief--for.;•�abou't, five 'minutes.. , , Then you start, explaining why '.you did this '• or didn't • do that and it starts.all • over ,'again; ..11 �.w . .;fractured leg iri ,a:' fall on ,the mill pond. • Mr: -and 'Mrss, • George Gillies, who resided �nfor 'h t of the Cri�R depot' observed . their 56th- wed-, ding anniversary, McCartneys; 4-pieceorchestra. played .for a. dance under :auspices • of the L,•O.L. Mark• Gardner was" worshipful .master: ' S C.. ;Rath ve11, R. H Thompson and.• G, H. Smith were. accepting memberships;:in the' Horticultural Society: James, Lyons was re-elected. :president of Oungan,non Agricul- tural. Society.' Secretary -treasurer was Charles W. Alton. - Paul Si'neltzer, son of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Sn eltzer of Bask:; died at Vancouver at the age of 29 .following 'surgery, 'He was born' at Lanesville.. FORTY. YEARS AGO 1923' • The Musical• Eckardts, travel- ling bell ringers show w:as billed for Lucknow. The' Bell Telephone . p ne Coan:pany introduced a 1.0c toll charge on calls rfrom Lucknow to the Gode ._ rich � Rural ' Phone system with central'', at Dungannon: Calls through Dungannon to 'Lucknow Were still free J,., A. McKendrick of Lochalsh was adyertr I i i Y s ng a 4-.loy sale, (Some of .the .'bargains were 14 bars, of laundry soap for $1.00, black apeper ' 25e a, ib,, men's flee'cetlined underwear 75c 1 high.button.. � 90, oversehors.. $1:9d, .while tea 'plates: $1,50 •a fdozen•,'St' • 4,botbles :of.cougli syrup;for $'1:00. Wm, .Naylor :was the aloca.l : Fo:rd •dealer.., .You Could. buy 'a "good 'quality man's tweed :, su:it" .aft. Cameron, ,Murdoch and `Co: fora $:1.1.75. to $15..75. Janes 'Kenny, 'Jr:, of .liolyrood died at the •age' of 32.` Elliott Taylor, ,E: Barbour : and:. A. Havens were 'cutting 'down, a large apple orchard on Wm: Tay- lor's farm and shipping the:dogs: for bobbin •wood:' Forin 1 studentsAt .Luclknc High school 'were Q.1 Alton,, NI; Anderson, :E; B,urns,CB. Chesnut; M; 'Geddes, ''E'. Gardner ,_ i;..:• Hac- ketf, ,'11iI. Jamieson; Q. 'Kennedy, A. ,Ketohabaw, M;' • McKenzz'ie, C.:; Murdie, •.M. '.Rivers, L. Smith, W. Sproul, G, Stabters,. J. Stewart, C: • ,Thompson, A:. Thompson. . • FIFTY YEARS 'AGO 1913 Hugh' MacPherson :Watson' of Con:: 12 West Wawanosh died at 'the .age of 33. •Mendelson• and' Bhtystein were in the /market foal' 1.,590 skunk. skins. • . C '.Kenneth: ° am0eron: f�� West: Wa- wanosh:•• was awarded the' Ggv e inent prize for. the ..'best kept orchard •bordering 'Lake Huron' Georgian lay . '&' The death: occur ped of William Jamieson at ,his '' home Con. 1:0, Ash field: The • funeral was con ducted "by Rev. Mr. Hardy a' Ashfield Presbyterian Church,. D. R,Light M.aolniLodBgoste, *as ':Master of olds The Luoknow Dramatic Cub` was staging a 25c dorninci party kn aiof the. piano fund., The' congregations of *hill'. church,:.and. .Langside. ,Presaby.teri- an' churches extended' a call; to. Rev J. lire, Stewart of Napier. Rev,' J•: ''S, Duncan! of ' Lucknow presided as':interi,m modera lmotor. uir Milk routes.. of the t Cheese .factory were to be let by auction according ,to a notice by the .secretary . James Rarrtby,• •par The number ' of horn b:lawts• in a traffic' jatti. pis" equal. to the sum' of the :squares at the whOcb..• A newspaper heads the fiat• of births, marriages' & deaths hr°ipf. lye ' Iiatehetl, Matched: and Patched," 11.