HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-13, Page 1ss.00 A Year 'In Adv;aance $11.00 l tra,4To
Id Lad Led 3 Younger Brothers Stack Turnover- Is
FrOm Burning Home, Everything
Lost Big At Sales lams
vie and. Mrs, 'Fred-• Shz•opshall the Chesterfield fire. ,. • .
ttnd their four sons,. lost all their . , Heroused his .brothers ;and`
•belongin'gs,., except.; what. they , safety .
y tht.in 'to safety In stub -zero wear
Were wearing; when fire destroy, 'this. Doeaid'then, 'with ,one shoe
ed: their home in lower Ningbo* '.
on and une shoe .off; • ran a block
on rWednesday'� evening Of list' to the, home of h'iSs grandparents,
• week.• ''' . ,
'� . =Vi .' and Mrs, Leonard 5jaropsha•11
:1VLrs, Shropshall is the •former to infor
m :kis- mother, who .' had
Ra Ynaid�
M4', gone there to feed some calves.
and, Mrs, Nelson:Raynaed of Zion, which, they had in 'a barn on
The eaeape 'of their four child- that Property.. • •
ren frpm ,the: home 'was cause .for
Mrs, • Shropshall ran. to "slier
m40h than` fulness, desrpite the, hometo find it inflames and her
loss.-- an escape upon which ex-. other children shiveringm safety
tra emphasis was.•,fcooused when
outkside..Nothngcould be saved:
•eight Toronto ;children died !whez , . The fire • broke Out about 9:30
trapped in• their 1buring home :p.m; and fixeme fought the blaze
Thuraday night. .
- ear -Old . e H
8 The
YHero r
Mie S r sh `
..i ho `'a�'lw+hois. s
p employ
for over 'tnvo h rs, .
The ,four .Sh'ropshahl boys are,, ed as a mechanic iii, a garage at
Donald, who will be 10` 'in; May, Clinton •arrived home'• an hour 'or
Rickey 8, !Brian 7 and :J rnmy 6, so .after the fire' started to find
Thethreeyounger boys werein their :home. destroyed, :but the
bed when Donald,: w'ha was still
' up,:. smelled .smoke & 'discovered
• ommunity auctions. have.
come a major factor in livestock
sales iii •the:.province, • , , .
The Lucknow Community
Salle,operated, weekly .,by Bob
1VIacIntosh is one of 6? such enter-
prises in the province. Sales fig-
•ores for 1961 •were redently issued
by the Department of Agsicul•
tare livestock branch,. apt the re-.
quest of the ex ecutive" • osf the
Community Sale Operatpre . As-
These figures.sshow a total 'turn:
over of 1,824,0117 head: ohcattle,
hogs, horses, sheep. •and lambs.
Cattle -sold for slaughter total
led 242,32+6 Cattle sold back to
the country. 'were 193,182 Shead
with stockers or feeders heading
the list with 110,634, heifers 50;
904, cows 30,801 and bulls 843.
Sale of callves,,totalled 286,935,
hogs;' 1,05.4,236, :h:orses 8,226, shee•p'
farriLly 'safe. •
and lambs,' 39,1.12.
Sales : of cattle & •hogs . at. the
Lucknow saleswere relatively in
proportion' to •the .provincial'tostal..
The yea•r's tattle sales were about
7,000 head • and the pig turnover
was a:bo?et• 18,0.00.1 -lead.
flection Stirs Nomination Flurry;
Elston Cardiff Will Run :dor 8th Time
With ,a' Dominion el`e'ct'ion •set - The unsuccessful.; Liberal can -
Thi lVLor day, April • 8the there is didate in last•J•une's-election,. was.
a. •s ru;<'ry ..of aeti\+ity': to'. call. nom Ernie -'Fiaher: of.'Godeeich: •Mr:.
ination. • -meetings, '''and .''as well, Fisher is not in,. agreement: with
much'. s pP eeulation locally as • to•Mi:^'• Pearson's. policies, ,and will
:wh:o the Candidates will be, and not cbe .a candidate ':for the ,party:
' parties arties will be repre•sented..nomination.. He has; -.resigned. as.
One of•these questions tiff a5 .tet president of .the Gbdei ic'h Liberal
rived at 'the creek -end when Lewis Association:,• He. ,.might, consider.
Elston'Card•iff a'nnoii, nced that :he ' ca .i.dacy ,as an independent 1.:1.1o.•
world -again :stand.. Theveteran eral
• PragTesssive C.on�se'rvati,ve..m( 1.r/ 1 •F'Andy" :Retires'
of Huron has ,successfully ccin-e :Bruce riding; rh'ere :And.Y
l c �, •
tested, •the riding .; seven :times. R.obi,nsors,' has beep : eleoted '.six•
Since 1940 s tl'ines, ••a ' new, P'rigressive-Con-•
Re=elected' last. June, : Mi Car 'servative candidate: 1.011 .have.., tq'
..:diff had felt ii? his' pre:-electidn ;be • chosen.. •Mr. •ltobirison . a
ou ee hisret.irement:so etime
n n e�d i m, •
• lion
For 'Noimii
Stand #ia•t
The Liberals also haveeto name
a' eandida.te..: John' MacKenzie .of'
Underwood, Who lost out to . Mr:
Rc bi.nson•:, lest .June, has again
irdieated he is interested, as have;
.others ; .
caTnpaigt n'g that: this. would. ,be.
is, last tori, •
The election Of the..
Di.eferritbeker government, and its'
i within a Matter'.
fnevttable fall i
of.:,tnonths, .changed' the Situation.-
, �f .dec' 'tori • to :anew
�IVLr: ` Card f s is
his ' name tri go before the noun
• Mating meeting, to be held March
, .ISt at Clinton; is.`.'in view of our • . Chester. \ erii,are,• .52=.yeereed'`
'• assoiati:on's :'request arid: the. fact .hardwa`re', m^ercharst of Tara, an=
•• sthat I. am .fou:,' -square behind :our „nap/iced.' on .Tuesday that he will
leader, John Diefenba'ker, -: he •be_ . a een'testant : fo'r' the ` Liberal:
' s'' id " noire nation:.•The' coneerition will
Limbach:.Resig. ns _.,e
.From :School Boar
Htirole-Liberals-Set.-DaLe=-_ -- held the latter ';part :of .'next
A'. Y. McLsea:n,of Seaforth: pre-•'week:it ,s 'erpect.ed
X ,
the' Bruc.
silent of the .Hur�or►• Liberal: ,= :Vlr;`" Mer iam was. h e
'�s ci '• ' me •with•' "the e>tecu- Liberal candidate in :1958. At :"the
oc atron, ; t ,
' - �1' and. the date 'brie• of.••tie Dominion -wide Con-
tive at the wyce}. enc.
for the. Liberal nomina'tion'' has'', 5ei v ativi `sv� eep,
e . :sda.' • FEbru- Non}inat,•t ri •d,=z'te4, 'have not, ,as:'
been set ,f�qr, �Wc.dne y., .s
a'ry 20th in' Clin:ton Le>flion 1i.a*.1 this is. written vet been announ-
• a;':.2',00 -`:P.M.. .. eel •by, ei'11eF assac atloilti.
•The •.resignetiore of :.timer Um
been 'as trustee on: the Lu ,kno e
Public ,School Board was • saccep
:ted at the. February meeting Of
the Board and' Zack E.: MacDon-
aid has been appointed to .cone
plete . the . one-year terrine/An' ap-
pointment, to the LibraryBoard:
will . al�sQhave sto • �be madfor the
balance of the year. '
It ,,was' dec ided::'1Rti get ' particu l-
rs and prices on doors to be in -
'stalled.; at the front and rear en..
trance of . the school . and have
this work done :during' the Eas-
teroliday's if possible '
Three `sundry accounts amount-
ing•to $60:5' were approved paid
The ecretary/'re'asurer.' : was
re -hired :for the year 19$3 at an
increase of $50;00. in 'salary:
Back Salurda.
From .Oversea
Single Copy to c
12 Pages
LAC John Dahmer, t'Vlrs, Dab-
crier and theh • three children,
Michael 11, Patricia 8 and Shawn
4, arrived ' . baok : in Canada on •
Saturday from Germany where
John r
has served with ••the RCAF
for 3i years,
,They arrived at Trenton air_•
port.. on Saturday, rather than
Friday as expe•cted••as their de-
parture flight was delayed by
fog. On Sunday they visited .with
relatives: here at the home of his
';sister Mrs'. H.9[3. (Bud) Thomp
son . and Mr. Thompson, where-
afamily gathering was held.
John is" being posted to Chath-
am, New Bruff swick, and is. ache=
duled to report there on Febru-
ary 28th. Mr, and Mrs. Dahmer
ansd• children will motgr' east. to
take up residence.
Withdraw Application To �iscontinvae
Passenger Service, To Review Situat oin
ia'n•• Nat ori a l
• The Canal r .,,
ways •has withdrawn its , app'li�
kation .for:.discontinuanice of Pas'
senger . service .on three of ,its
lines, rn Western Ontario, : th•e .
:Hon. Leon Balcer, Minis'te'r,,: of
Transport, announced on Friday.'
Mr: ' Balcer said: the decision
•came • following diseuss'ions. be-
•tween himself, the Hon. J.
da Monteith, Minister of'Nat`ional
Hea•1th and'Wel.fare, Coeservati\>t'
'.mem'bers• of Parliament fcif". .the
area and `Donald Gordon, pis s
ident of the' G1VTR., '
Balcer said, has..
ogreed to withdraw' the
,Cation t,o the .Board of, Trans,.
port Cdinfeissioners� ''`t•n make .a'
:fresh review .of. the ad'situation''`•
The, ,a�nnotinc::nlc:nt �t•as , ru
in sMr, Baker's office following
a *meeting with,. dills,.. Monteithacid the '' following MPs from
the area • invoivotl;` P :ic. : V.
Noble,: Grey North; Alfred Halos,
Wellington SOuth; Marvin Howe,
Wells cin . ICuron: l ric
.1er, Grey-Br°tice; :Elston
HUr011• • •,n4 A„ndrew. Robinson,,
Tie decisio r involves • three
lines Operating between Guelph
aril , Owen Sound; :Palmerston.
Southa' i tori; .and Stratfor.•d
and S P
'and Ki,ncardine:
+ i ;;hoes touched
Tl c , agci- sc
� P:,;,En
at many . corrinemities in the
areas and were sb;adly needed by
their ei- alderi,
tsthe Members anr
Kucd in their re resentaios'
B: ;Loci' and.' r..
marts to :vis,
• ,
Organized.. resistance. was • .be-
ing :planned'. by a number of:
niunicip alities on the:three branch
involved and, in addition•
same' centres were, ;protesting
the service ciit directly. to ,the
'Brand of Tian. po51; Commission
errs' a . •
p, e. s. tel" cases dee
,Ac„t)t1r�iCt �ralc. .,.it4.
veloped after ;e • the e Board. had. set
a , deadline., foe , receiving such
The decisieri of the CSN to
iVc its •xt.•. lication was
'withd.r a�v� 1,, pp .� ....a.t. .
1 at;cii°: tcf the protest. date
talcc,r 1.
' set l}.:�” the Beard of
.deadline ..
andals, Damaged
Monday Night..
Vandals wrecked senseless
dar:nage, ori•,: Postina•ster Ken-
neth .Carneeerl'e;1962..Chevro-
lei in. the oa•r•iy'.' :hours of
Tuesday .rrrornirg, . •
..Mr. ..Cameron: had been
• keeping ' his car in ':12ason's
garage; He had taken it 'out
on Monday, • parked it at the
'Pest' Office during the hoc
:•key 'game: on'Monday night,
and had 'mov'ed it•'to •the':gas
pumparea:ender the canopy
at Mason's gara•ge fallowing
the game: .The* garage was
closed. a.nd Ken •,lef:t' it, there''
.Tuesday- Morning ling it• • w
discovered that . damage of
$200 or moi e. had been ;done:
The fender 'mirrors ,were"
` twisted 'off, the wind shield
, : wi ers crumpled . ,up direct.
t ideal lights lever broken,
buttons : pulled , out on . the
• dashsand, eith:er bent or des-
troyed. The .glove Compart-
ment. was ,ransacked and its
, contents scattered and, dam -
. , aged; ; Mr.. Cam,ei on had ad h s
war •,service medals in • the •
com.partment, acrd these were
'throw:' , On the grotli d, rib -
bens torn, and with one :his,:
The gas ` to k cover was
twisted,, and'. it was believed. •
that Sarnathing: may have •
been put in the tank
'The aback seat was pulled
out., and::in• general, every- •�
thing moveable or twistable
received ."the treatment
r'f vindol .P011ce Weise cal-
t. .w vi.e... ,
..led i the sesiselesa.
Prize Winners
In Hockey Draw
Upwards :to 8.00 souvenir' pro-
gxams were sold' previous to arid
at , Monday night's hockey`, game:
It featured Paul Henderson's
picture 'on ',the front cover and
•also carried at. picture of the
entire Hamilton team
The _program : lis 'ped the 'line -
or vkL.nesd.ay
Ttvo youths:••arrested. "nMetro''•.
T'oson and ' Who : admitted to
. to , w
breakins in this area, were
scheduled, ;for sentenc.in•g •in pa- ,
lice court at Cooksyille on Wed- •
nesday.. They each 'pleaded guil'ty'.
to , seven. phar•g:es and each has
a previous record, " :F
• The pair are J. A. ‘Einbaclein
and Win. Jamieson. °'.After their)
arrest they "admitted to breaking
:at the Ford, S•uspertest and Esso
garages 'in Lucknow. •The y have.
since :'admitted to breaking into
five cottages at Point 'Clerk, in. -
eluding cottages owned . by E:, C.
'Murd'ie .. ani Wm'.. Wharry ' of
L.ucknow:. .•
The,,twosome would not admit.
to ' breaking ,into Lucknow
trict High Schaal 'where . damage
was• done ` approaching $1,000.
Officer Jack 'Hatch of
the Kincardine sdetachment::atten-
ded ",the • 'hearir g . , at `• Cooks l'lle'
last *week When .the.: pair were ..
remanded until this Wednesday
for •sen't'ence:
Einbo:den and Jamieson were
arrested by Metro .Toronto police
about 24 lours. after • the bresalein;
at Jack MacDenaild's `Esse gar:
age. ire Lucknow. ° •
;v. �• They • were spotted in an
tempt to break', into a 'garage
suburban Toro>:1to 'area, and were'.
taken., into custody after • about
a t:wo=m,ite cross-country".cease:
ups and player's' number, so that
s ectatara could •i:den�tif' the
p y W
payei s, •. ' .
lshilaents. contr'buted .t t z : o... he
.is_: imp Fuiiiihings,
Some 55, local bu8inesS' estab- 11114
suing' of the. • programs, which
said far a 'dime, and. ,were' nurn-
bered' giving aprogram . holders.
the chance to .win one of sev-
eral prizes,
The' draws were held between
.periods ::with',.the ::following re-
sults: $'10 'cash won by •Ronnie
Grah•asri;. folyrood :'and denae.,d
by Walden' Bros. Transport Ltd:;::
:bushel hhamper, ,of groceries .won
by �'; CoralY n' •.:Hen(Paul's
sister), donated tby•.Browrr's Fruit
Market;• Otl' dr� ,eleanire wvon.
a5 . Y
by Mrs. Harvey;' Webster, lona
ted-. by, .Bruce Cleaners, $5.00.
cash, : • won .by. Shirley Cook ;'af.
Goderich, donated by Kincardine
Cleaners.. '
For' "the kids"' the highlight
Was the :_cleaw1..far 'two ,licckey
stiCk.s autographed by .,the Red.
4Wings The l 3
uck winners ;were
Barre. eGolla:r ..of Lucknow. and
3'irn' He.thr r:ngton ' o.% Bluevale:
As • the . addition at the Luck-
now District High. Schooa;: s .near
ing.completi�on it.was decided at
the February; 'meeting :of the
Board that inform•aton•..regard
ing fur niture • which ' wi?l be .re-,.
qui,red: is to be obtained from dif-
feren•t. firms:
•a1 �•
$300.00 via wthe pre-
. s leo ;ed at
sent time' for• the purchase of, •
books and periodicals . for the
'Library .which IS :badly in • need
• of being built •up:. .
Approval 'sof' 1962-63::.applica.:
tion toe tranepo'rtation grantwas:
received ;iii • the amount,of ':$9,468:
September; to 'Dece.rnber 1962 &
$14,202. lanuaey , tb June, 1968,
Sundry accounts;amoenting..to
$686:06 were approved 'pad' for
the in en. th of
. February...
the'Board agreed Harn;l+on '
and Goderich hockey teams -using
the shower -roams: 'when, playing
in Lucknow Monday night:. t:••
• •' a iort
truce,�, �,
Debenture issue To CoverWaterworks,�
Rdd , Construction And Riad Groder`
Financing of•, a roadprogram
which was • conim•enced last fall,
capital expenditui es;: for , water
works System nia.nten'en•c%• and
the, 'pu.chaee • 'ib'ad grader,
will. 'be covered ,by the issusipg,
of debentures • in the :arneent• 'of
$29,000: . • r ,
The bid . of Nesbitt. ThoireSo.'i
sand Company ;of: $98,25 was ac
•cepted by; . Luek'now • Municipal
Council,. at' their February.Meet-
ing for the sale of this .issue:
:It • will provide for a,• -$7,500
waterworks cependiture, chiefly
earmarked to cover 'the new die -
se ani,; i t�li . ui._ h .0 n.
1 t o e, p,t n.p o se and
fo'r 'standpipe repairs and paint-
ing.; a $124000 road construction
.program„ and $9.500; f'ar ,replacing
the . road maintainer ,arid „know
plow, •' /
q'r"•ouble was ekpe,,.i .en,.ed• with
the grader, in December and ne-
gotiations had !been carried bre to
an• Company and decided' on a :.
$10,000 fire ; and av'%red coverage
on.. the building
The fire' and 'wand rateis slight
•'ly over. $3.00- on "a,. three-year.
policy and .a =tshree-year 60c rate
liras obtained ;on the edjoiei ig'.
artificial • ice sbuildin•g and' equip
rnent. There is $20,0E00^.Ctiverege
on •the ice plant, With a combined±.
annual 'premiuin of $334'.98:
•The:Com p, Y a�n .s i,, i,.�enK.a��
p ve...
outlinedother coverages., A
'.$60,000 ' policy on 80q, of re -
,placement .cost Would have
annual Premium
re iutof beer
and $40;M00 - coverage with a de=
preciated value clSu`se nvould cost,
over $1,,000 annually, • '`•
A meetrn with officials '
b Of the
Maitland. Valley (.Authority is to
be held to •discus, iti"er si
dint= an'
4ssibilitie,s north of LU k°novo
replace 'it. This , was atitho'rlzed The Lecknow and .; 'is riett
at a recent Special • meeting 'of
ouncil, when 1955 Adams grader
*as purchased • for $9,000 plus
tax'. with 'the 'trade-in '.of the
old. machine. ' ' P
Disciiss• Insurance
„ Council • ,diseusfi'ed .. insurance w.
coverage on ti{ arena, with arid'- e�jcnstab.e• who was interested ;n :
presentative of the, Frank Co'ar , discut s ing a police' Job ;here.
Horticultural, Society outlined . .
their civic. flower : bed._.p ;ogr m°
foie 1963 in a letter' to. Ceunril.
Oras ts•.of'$200 ct'ere auth sized
for both • he • Horticeltural'. and:
•Agricultut'al Societies,
A 1oti.er wasre i,• ;1icee
�tad f o.ni a pty,.�e