HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-06, Page 11• . ,
WP1,1V4St,AY, EB, th, 4903, •"
est W.:10.03.PresintOd With
Sharon ).Aragner, eleN;en-year-
old daughter of Mr., and Mrs:.
Wagner; LucknoW, was
....'the lucky . winner of a. brand
• neW bicycle in a contest span-
., spred4by'-'Westori.: Bakeries •Ltd
Sharon • received the ,• award on
Tuesday, of last Week at Henry's
Fruit •Market, /and as •dealer sel-
ling the winning entry.,° they
eeivedan eight transistor radio.
Shown 'left t� 'right:are George
Th•e LoVatt Engineerin.g Co. of
ScabcrougbwW imOve its plant
tocohesley. -and 'occuPy the build-
ing .owned • by Pm -less TeXtilles.
which have not operated in Ches--
ley for some tinfic. The.new firm
wi'll-start with about -15' employ-
ees. le' • '..
Trapped i a pen of 12 Rigs
with a broken leg v.oh en 'pinned
down thy a heavy piece pt concrete
twjch. &lapsed, Roy Bev elm an,
18 -year-old McKiirop. Town$,h/P
Y.ouith, had.. to . protect rneLf
from the pigs until he was dis-
.co4verieadar. .nel.freed 'an inou'r d
.*. * -* •
The t?aisley ,Advacatesays that
•ratepayers iv that village have a
choice tpcmake betw.een Council
spending• the money . onwinter
snow removal or a sUinnier.Prog-
'ram . of per0manent7type road
Rabies 14 prevalent in the Wiar-
"ton area and ,Bruce Penh-1st:4a,
Wiatton.Veterinarian, Dr: C. Hy-
att says the curtent,outbreak is as
Seriious .or •Moreso,• than :that, of
two years ago. , •
New Organ . Year's
Highlight At S K . .,
. The annual meeting Or , the
South Einlosi cmgregation was
held on Wednesday, afternooln,
Ja'hUary 30th, the minister, Re7,
R. MadLeod. presiding over the •
meeting, , ',
The Treasurer's rePort showed
a small balance ..on hands.after all
the year's expenses were paid
Expenditures for, tie year 'in-
cluded new on,tsi•cle 'doors' f.o.r the,
church,*repairing of Sohie of the
stained glgss windows by the Bul-
las Glas.s po.., and the pu)...chase
of a new Ha.Dman Organ. • ' •
The followmg mernoers were
added t9' the Board, Doria;c1 Mac-
Intyre for two years;" Currie ,Col-,
Well, Thorna.s MacKenzie and
John IVfacKqnri`o# for tru years,
W. E. Collyer, Sandy MacLeod;
Herb .Buoktop, .1-laroild Campbell,'
were the retiring.; managers for
--.7ordein. • Barrage": of.. Ashfield ' •
• recentlyleft the RipleY. chopPing... •
mtll where he has' been employed
for the Past. few yeai-..s.- Running
$hernill now for .CharleS Wylds • • •
are ,Alilan Wylds and'Angtis Mac-
Intyre. , . ' • " „
• Lehma,n,.. of Walkerton, 'salesman
or this. area,. -Sharon and , her
bicycle,' Mrs., 'Marion • Donais . ac-
cepting , the ... radio ' from Lien
DOI:,et: .6f Waliterfon,branch
sales' manager. ' .
Died Suddenly
•• '•• ' •
ent Mr. 'and. Mrs. .'llyari,‘ arid.
-Janette.:.of ,Godericli visited 'on
S.Unday. attheof Mr.
erN4yri • n x; o
lege . in:pa onto spent the week -
with his . family here. .Mr.
Hil.also conducted the Presby-
Church ..annualmeeting iii
the. L a rigs ide C hurc. oh Sattir-,
•Mr.:. and, Mrs. Wilbert "Sch.-
v,1101-ttenberg (Marjorie ,Coultes).
.are happy . to announce ° the ar`;.
rival of their daughter 'Lori 'Jane
on January 26, 1963 in the.•Sputh-
amptori..General..HosPital, •
Albert.dourtes is spending
this week 4;C:the :.homes* of
and .,Mrs. ,Seh,wichtert-
berg in.; Port: Elgin_
Miss !Janice Farrier; daughter
:of' Mr. and IVI,rs. Garnet Farrier,'
broke two bones in her . foot last
Thursday. ."' •• ,• .
Adolph '.Miller, . • age'. 82, • a resi,-,
cientiOf the Blackhorse-Kinlou
area. in Kinloss TownshiP for,
the ,past five years, died Sudden=
ly onkMeinday;'.at the ..home . of
his daughter. at Langton, .
...Mr. ',Miller lived with Mr. and
Mr's. William .Kern'pyn at tfteir
fishing.• resort . at Clam : Lake,
just north -est of...1Kinlough.- He
was Mr. Kempyn'S father-i'n-law:
While flving in Kin.logs he made
many friends res--
idents and fishernien
• • • •
•ed the. - •
Hc WAS ' •with 1114;
daughter, Mrs. • Liflian Merge.,
Langton, 'at -the time of his.' death
)itias, only 111 for a couple.
Of days.. Mr: and ,Mrs. William
•Keinpyri have spent .part,:of - the ,
winter 'with .friends.at Kitchen-
er .but have returned to .Kinloss.
.:Funeral service .was
nesday at... Rodney with -burial
• there. . He is survived by his
.daughter, • five grandchildren,
ten' great grandchildren and two
• brothers,' in Brazil, •
The Whitechurch Worrien'S
. .
•&titute Members attended a. meet-
. ingt.On Monday evening at. the
'horne of Mrs, 'Dan Tiffin to'hear
a ,•special !farm fon* broadcast
on Canada's •World 00gations..,
The community •,extendS dee-
et sympathy to the Martin f4Tn-
• flies. on the passing of .Mr, James
Martin. Mr, Martin was''in his
8ath year anci, always lived in
this .area, Mr. Martin leaves ,to
mourn one. brother, Mr. Charlie
Martin whom he resided wh
11/Liss Vrancis Henry . and Miss
.O'Brien of London Fent
the *66k -end' at the home of
Mrs.• Florence lien ry,
qtri, Irene Patterson ''of Tor-
, ,
onto spent the week;end at the.
home 'oif AO. Charlie .Taylor: and
• also.4Lth her .mother MTs. Ala
flie TaY10t. in , Walk erten Mrs.
• Taylor observed . her OM birth-'
day on February 5th.
Mr, Donald Gaunt ipcni the
• Week -end at the 1)c)fne 'of Mr.
aordon Moffat in Wingham, •
• Mrs. W. R. Farrier left on Fri-
day for • Toronto to spend a fev0
weeks at the herne . of Mr. and
Mr, ,Cartnen Parriet,,
E on spent" the
Cars- Col!ided
n ,[11.11
,Cars driven by. Spence Irwin.
of town and Miss Flora Durnin
home eCorlomist, who was en.,
route to ,Dungannon. were , in.
at . the ;top of "Quality.
Hill last Thursday even1ng.
.about the supper hour.'
.Sperice and Gordon Taylor
were: returning from. Goderich.
where they had 'taken a vehicle
for repair.. Only injury •suffered
was by ;Mr. Taylor; who had a
five -stitch gash in his nose. •
Miss Durnin'S car was not Seri-.
ously damaged , and underwent
re airs on Friday, , •
Spence's :Or was rather badly
damaged. so much so tthat4 the
frame Was....sprung, which wasn't
immediately known, he figtirei .it
"isn't worth repairing,
The , road:WAY,narrowed by.
snow banks, and . a bit rutted
• erea`leci a &mention which pre-
vented the motorists from .Cleat-
ing eaeh. 'Other. When they . Could
not stop' in time,
• " .
Lucknow Malted
The ,rneeting' opened 011'SunClAy
evng Wall 3.:g -Song and a
.prayer, ;After the, business was
completed the 'group had a discUSiOn -
on"What Can We Do For
Our Chtirch?",, led by Karen Car-
ruthers. Ross . 1-lajTam led the
...wOrship Service and the, meet,
ing closed with' taps,
Has -Kept Weather
Records 30 Years
J.. M.: Greer has ',commenced his
31st year as the official. Weather/
observer in this. comMunity. He
keeps daily detailed reports ,of
weather cemelifionS,'precipitation;,
etc., and sends in 'monthly reports
Qf these day4loy'-day..observations
to the Dominion weatherbureau
headgitarters. at 'OttaWa;
Mr, . Gleet was appointed on
February 4th, 1933:. He succeeded
Salkeld, w'ho had kept the. g
records for .42 years,: having : suc-
ceeded Wm, MacDonald Th
threesOrnefgt that time had been
on adjacent Jartni. •••
Mr *Greer's January report i was
the:360th he has suibMitted and
this one told a story of snowing.
and-13-16Wingr:which wasa
iar theme locally; while . snow
plows, road 'Maintainers, bull-
do;ers and` snow' blowers :work'
round -the -Clock at times to keep..
highway, county andtownship
roads Open' --- or to re-Opert:therri„.
The usual January thaw didn't.
oCettr, with the high for the Month
being 36 degrees and 'a low a .A
below zero $nowfili totalled •44
inches and there had been no ram
since December 7th
1February iwas ushered in. With
briefly moderating. teinperatures,
which brought sme ram on Fri-
day evening and . Saturday and:
helped ,"settle7 . the snow; But
high winds per.ststedand. tate ,Sa-
turday the mercury started down-
ward again to sub -zero readings
for a verychilly week -end. and
'some drifting;
January snowfall, of 44 inches
was by . no' means .a record, but
added . to December's record
breaking .74 inches, adds: up to:
.about 19 feet of snow in the two '
monthi. ' , •
January • '8nowtall WaS. no re-
cord as is indicated by a few.
recorded :figures for January in
the past 75 .years 1686,. 45; 1893,
52.50; 1695, "46; 1912, 49, 1937,
47,50; 1940, 6225;,1055, 46; 1957,
4650;1958, 43i.75; 1960, 45; .1963,
Photo—Ontario Dopt. of Health. .
' tour Gcoverrt ent is iier•tin guard airll4.die
ra agresurgence
of any factors that might cause 'tuberculosis to become
rampant once again. - •
.. • . .
Dymond Discnsses Health in Ontario
ward :Against
Matthew IL Dymond, MD' CM
Ontario Minister of Health
One of the ,important ,methods
we have of obtaining informa-
tion a bont. the presence .of
utherculosis is . the tuberculin
• skin . test. , This . simple, safe test trolled when Young 'people at the •
'is :noW Widelyused to, determine
- whether 'a person might have
:been infected with the,: tuber.'
culoais germ at sone time in the.
** past, A. positive reaction does not
mean that .actual disease, sis step,
• • essarily present. Fortunately,only
a small Percentage of infected
people do develoP. .ac ival tuber eentage 18 considerably; lower thin
this,in others it is higher.
Success is soinetimes 'accom-
panied • by, danger, and this is
true of our present sitaation.the
fact that such a large -percentage
of , our population: is free of
tuberculosis inreetion means Alai
'they have never, developed' at-
quired resiStunee as •a result of
exposure AO ,tuberculoSis. Conse
quently' they are .susceptible , to
infeetiO* This is especially 80
the • casc Of, children 'and,
adolescents The introdurtion of
an unsuspected case of infectious, •':
tiiberetilosis into such a group
might ,Wellhave serious .coiise.-
queneei, with On outbreak of „
has been infected, Nevertheless, ,
this represents over 1,000,000
people, or approximately ,1 in
every S persons in Ontario..
According to.the World Heahh
Organization, tuberculoii may be'
Considered to he reasona y con -
age of 14 or IS Years. shay., only
1 who have been infected. At
the present time it would appear
that .approximately 4% of our
youth at this age shows the •pres-
ence of tuberculous 'infection at-
quired at some •time previouSly.
While in pertain areas the per-'
'Bert Scarborough of Hanover,
widely kneWn among lawn bow-
lers, received his 60 -year Ma -s.
sonic Jewel roceritlY which was
presented.iby his son, hitt $ear -
borough, who is master of the
Hanover Lodge, arid who was
• installed •t� that -oiffice by,
. .
culosis , The value of the test is
twofold, k enables us to get: an
idea at.to the extent of :the tuber,
culosis 'problem" in the coin!,
munity,.and Of more iniportance,
• whete, to look ,for:: the actual
" diseuge. • ;
, • In the early yeatiof the present
century almost everyone,' by., the
time .,they reached middle life,
had been infected with tuber-.
• cUlosis germs .• As late as '1923
approximately 50% high school
students in one, 'representative
communityahowed the presence
of previous tuberculosis Wee -
tion, as a result of . tuberculin•
7 • Skin testing. 'This illustrates the
imiyersa extent of the tuberculosis of epideruic nattire. „
*•problem at that tiro • We have seen isolated incidences.
As a result of impro ed methods of this, riot only in Ontario, but
of 'ircattitelit. due to the' anti- ' elsewhere in 'Canada,‘: It is ix-
tuberculosiS • drugs and the exten- treniely important, therefore, to
sive search for nrisusperted infec- maintain our control procedures
flow cases carried on by Means- :ata high , level. A coniplacciit
of a wide variety. 01 Special case attitude onlyrreatea a false Sense
r •
finding' prograinniest• there' has Of security, As your Minister 'of
been a 'dramatic drop in the pre. Health- I -urge all ot our Citizens
• Valence- of' tuberculousinfection to co -Operate Wbole-heartedlY
iti our population. Many organs'. mairttaining our defences against
zations,, co-oPerating with the De' tuheteulosis,hy taking an active
piirtittent of Health, are participart in the various • preyentive
. • '
gating n this driVe, to eliminate prograninieS being carried out in
tuberculosis. At the, present)ime 'the Provinee.
; less than 20% of our 'populatian • •