HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-06, Page 6et • yF) tie 'PAGE SIX 11.inniflg THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO nth Lamprey EeI In reply to questions put on the Order Paper by Andy Robin; .. M.P. for Bruce* there is reason, to believe., that" the bat, tle. is ,being won to eventually imi elnate the lamprey, eel, which has destroyed the late trout .in- dustry, . Efforts to eradicate the eehhave: been concentrated ,n'• Lake . Sup- erior, and once it is determined ,the' •'methods . are • successful the same Work wil1•be carried **out in Lake Huron and Georgian Bay where. a limnited operation has a The questions^asked by Mr Ro- binson and. the . answers received • are 'as follows:,. Q.What.. work -is being Car- ried out in Lake Superior to era- dicate the lamprey? • A. The Fisheries • Research' Board of Canada and its Counter - Part in the United. States ;are in- volved_ in .,programns . to eradicate the ; sea • lamprey in /the - Great Lakes. Thirteen streams on the Canadian . side of ,-Lake Superior and 'fifteen ion the American side were treated • with lamlprieide • •(a selectivepoison• to kill lamprey larvae) -in :1962 Electrical bar- ready been tried, . • riers are being operated in kno•Gun lamprey `ispawning streams on the Canadian and American sides of Lake Superior, In 1962 eight such barriers were op4rated ,on . the Canadian side and twenty-nine on the American side for the Plat - pose of assessing, the lamprey control 'prograni,, Streamsurveys to discover lamprey spawning streams were eonclUctedon, 17.8 streams on the •IOntario , side of the lake yin 1962.: TO date 503 tributary 'streams have, been exa- mined on 'the south, shore. 46f 1. ice Superior, Q. What results have ,beenat- taned? A. Catches." of adult ;lamprey at electrical,, barriers in 1962 shoW- ed ,declines of approximately 78% and 82% on the Canadian and United 'States sides .of the lake from the averages of ' cat- ches over the !past .five' years, The rate of wounds and scars in lake trait catches in 1962 in Lake Sup- erior was 5%:` or less. uThe. 1060 wounding rate was .,from •8% to 12,%. ,Q. What work, if ` any, is (being carried. out in Lake .Huron and; Georgian. Bay to. eradicate the lamprey? ' . A. To date a !united: number of streams . on the Canadian side of. Lake Huron .have bbeenr a ca- mined. and treated.. .YOUR '"BI'G VA l E" COMBINATION BIG VALUE( Co-op TOertilizeir gives .you a higher' percentage .o _watez-'soluble phosphate,-e.:higher lime'content -lower—moisture, content, uniform e',elze and less seed -burning,' character ss tics. wet another.co-Op "top-gnallty" product BIG istonNo Your_ earlydelivery'•d` count upto arch 2nd ' is � M $1.5 0 ' per ton PEC1AL =CASH DISCOUNTS As a Co-op member .you `benefit from all '.put - chaste made through your store. The greater' the volume, the better your Co-op can operate, and the savings realized, thereby will be greater to individualmembers. Support your Co-op, it's a truly democratic business institution where every member has eq,ual rights. You're. Customer and Owner at your IP HUSKIE SNOW TIRES 6.70 x 15 Tube Type. 2`4` :Month guarantee " Lucknow Dis • •r • Took Sick Man' To • Highwayy �� B Ste% (AMBERLEY NEWS) Mr, Sam Courtney is a patient ;• Kincardine Hospital„ with pneumonia. • He was taken to'meet:" the ambulance at Highway' 21 by Bob Campbell,., who has been the tpolpular drayman with phis horse, and sled. During . the past few. weeks he has brought' loadsof groceries to neighbours unable to cope with road conditions: During the last blinding snow storm Ross Shiells at AAmjberley kept 'his • store open all night on January . 20th, 'Sixteen •peisons 'Were .givenshelter when ,mads were impassable, • .Mr. and Mrs: Robert Harris & Donnie of Clarke visited on Fri7 day w, th Mr. and Mrs.: Arthur. Courtney.' .Mrs: ` Ross Shells $i Miss •Miary. Ellen . Shiells spent, Friday in Woodstock ' with Mr. and. M•rs.. Andrew 'Jamieson, • :Reids Corners W.I. met at the home of Mrs;.' W: J. Courtney at A miberley on Thursday, January alst. Despite road. conditions, 21 ladies . and 5 . Children attended. After the oPening .ode and• Mary ',Stewart Collect, Mrs.Cecil Hol- lands, and. Mrs. Kelvin •Render son . presided; The roll scall "An improvement' I would : like to see. m Oonsurtners: goods" was an .=• with various suggestions, namely. better thread to .be ,used in -ready made garments, do away with staples in grocerybags, fill boxes of '.detergents minus pre- miums and many 'other wise sug gestions.• Mrs. Ross' Shiells •was convener for the program "Home Economics .and Health'." The mot- to, "Build health . by thought,. word, and deed" `•was ably given by Mr's: Leonard;. Courtney . in •which'she stressed 'the' point that. one should . try ,to' he cheerful despite;. the ,fact .:'that' one is not •always !feeling nip to par, also to try to eliminate • the habit , of reaching for: pills for every small ,ailment; A pleasingduet was "•!g_i,- ven by Mrs._',Robert Courtney: & Mrs.. Wm Kempton: Mrs. William' Ferguson was convener` for ‘;an: interesting ' panel ' discussion "Behavior Problem'and wasledP'by Mrs. Ross Shiells,. Mrs. El- den 'Bradley, 'Mrs. Cecil Humph- rey, Mrs Donald Courtney' and Mrs: W. J. •Courtney ;partcpat- ing :'Mts. James' Nesbitt .gave .a lively instrumental'; •number, The date 'for :the' 50th Anniversary of. Reids Corner's W;omens Institute; falls o -1Feb,Tuary 13•th, "abut, .owl ing to weather.:, conditions it' was thought •wise -to-postpon•e-i• un- til April 25th. Mrs: Cecil Hol lands 'gave the courtesy remarks. Mrs. William!. pace !arid Mrs Gor- don. Emmerton, hostesses 'it the lunch hour served a dainty/tea and a social time was, enjoyed: Mr: William Couitney'had the misfortune:: to break two ribs while ,working -at : Pine ' .River Cheese factory • on • Saturday of last week A : ladder' on which he was standing ,slipped. ' German measles: are;, !prevalent in ;Huron`: West School. Eleven ,put'- • pins left.'classes in one day 'last Week. t. Mrs. ,Laura MeNain has ...taken over the secretarial duties at Pixie River` Cheese factory. ' .Donald Courtney. has filled the position.. forfnerly... • WrAtN!ESD 1►Y, .FFB, 6th, .1.963 I.I.N.1.1 For sound counsel and a. fair price on a monument. correctly designed' from quality material, rely on. IA SKELTONLS • OR Pat . O'Hagan, P.rop.,., Established: Over Sixty Years. Phone 638 'w • Walkerton Ontario: • secondverse of God Save N•The •Queen'to,,th�e Golden ,Bar Brown- ies and Brown Owl, did Jbadge. work with 'the' Golden Hand girls, In Paw -wow a ;gift was chosen for our iorrner Pack Leader. Bar- ibara Wilkins showed some .post- cards. peat -cards. :: •. The meeting closed with Brow nie :Smile and 'Chimes and dis- missed from ' a circle,: -- 'singing good Night. • 2ND ' .'PACK. ` BROWNIES ., The, 2nd Pack _Brownies net' on Tuesday and opened their. meet= ingg with games.. Patricia a ,Hamilton► was ' Toad- stool Fairy. Fairy ,Ring inspection was made .for sm ")es and buttons done : up, Three Tweenies were wek om ed and:, instructed by Brown Owl' Tawny' Owl 'taught two verses' of The Queen .to one group.: while ,Packie •taugh't knots. .. . ' In' POW' -wow. Brown Owl told the Brownie story. • The meeting ,closed with'. the Squeeze and Chimes.. LOCHALSH Visiting Mr,:., and Mrs. Jack „ MacKenzie' and family are "-Mt. and Mrs. George MacGregor of Hamilton, Curling enthusiasts from this. community enjoyed. the Curlera- ma . in Ripley on 'Saturday Church•• Services" for the next six months. will •'be Sunday morn- hugs at eleven o'clock at Ashfieik3 Presbyteriar Church.. ' • Mr., and Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie and Mr, and Mrs. ' Oliver *Char; les spent Thursday in London where they visited with Mr, Da- vid White, ;who is a_ patient in Victoria Hospital. • 'Miss . Jo -Anne Alton nurse -in. Training at Victoria .Hospital vis- ited with her sister, . Mrs. David Elphiek *on the •,week=end, • Mr, Andrew. Barkwell visited in • London! with : his sister, : Mgrs; Johne MacDonald,. who: bas been a,•.patient, in St, .Joseph's Hospital; Is Your Subscript on Renewed? • tip.-.4.�..va• Brownie News 1ST.. BROWNIt', PACK :The 1st" .Luckno•w Brownie meeting on" January 30th began. With games, Edith Whitby was Toadstool .Fairy and set the scene for Fairy Ring: The 1st 'Pack now has. four Tweenies who have/join- .ed the Pack since the New Year: They are Dorothy 'Wagner, Marg- aret Montgomery, Joanne Thomp. son and Janet Cooke, After , inspection, the sizers marked ,their. !books , an,d all re- turned • to a circle: Three Sema- phore signals; were taught and... a game, butch Dolls,: reviewed the ten letters 'learned 'so Bar, In' the work period, Tawny'Owl taught the Tweenies how to fold. a Dtownie tie; Fackie .taught a. AS0L.IN,E lie • SUPPORT 'CANADIAN -OWNED'. BUSINESS Become an. owner in an all Canadian business! The Co-operativemove- ment :in. 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Cuts FILL CAP • Preserves fuel qualify . another new ' • Saves you money CO*P tlwalgprhenf • Lessens condensation for better farm Fuel Stott lngtllfe Sant' fQEL•SAVER FILL CAP'todayl LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE LUCKNOW.;;oNTARio