HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-30, Page 11.• • $ • a • 4;4 • , 4 h..711!,...MPRIfaT.!!! 111T.7 • • 4 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINIZ, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO PAGE. ELEVEN MIN PILL• THE ARENA • . (Continued from Page .1) eimclolenee in the 'deaths of Dr. D, R. Finlayson and Douglas liartont to Whom tribute Will be, paid .in the Memorial service at the Lions International convene t104 - A Card was also readfrom W. A. Porteous referring to Lions ecti- vities ..at Daytona 'in...,Which he is • participating. . • "Program Well 'RecelVed •'Lion W,. B. • Anderson reported that he had been , very favorably eeived sOliciting sponsors for the prograni listing. -the play- ers by name arid /umber for the Hamillon-Qoderich game. • In completing the Assignment he .rnade 0 Programs will be sold for a dime at the game and a number Volunteered. 'to conduct the sale. It wes annottri,ced- that Milt Rayner, Alvin Hamilton, 'Gordon Brooks and Bob Finlay Wottld re- PreSent, the Club at the crwick Club's curling benspiel in Listo.- wel On Wednesda.y. • • Coin can ColleetiOns were, again have a tan in their home, which streised, intliyiduals Who has not been called for, are.a.sk ed to leave it, at 'Fisher's Etaiiiiir Shop' ' .•• •Is Your Subscription, Renewed?, • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • is • t •For Lucknow Hockey Fans! ARENA EVEN point f 1947 Derailment 'Blocked (Continued frffln Page 1) , • r entrance in and out a the bui ding oval, Trains For Two .Days Here Lost Week ifor snow rem. fall • • - fair purposes, • etc. ' • It snowed and blew and drated The suggested Plan is for "life- Ilast week until finally the AtIfQrri- time use" of the building. In any ous "'Henderson cut" on tit4,4 CNR event 'Work has to be done on the line north of Lucknew became building to (bring it up to better_impassible, and there* -were:71;1e Standards, -including painting it, trains through here either Thur - day •or Friday.. A plow with three engines, a spreader and a derrick .were pressed' into serviee, before the •track was cj*ed on Saturday to Permit:the n'ght train to get through to Kincardine. ••• Sixteen Teals Ago, It was in. this . "cut" that the .incrneurorredah.le de; faiarn, ent . 0f . 1947 •It. was during the first week of Mareh that a prolonged- storm brought complete isolation. (ex- cept by air transportation to this; district). •• ••. . Rail. service fvyas dier.upted for. 'a .week. The storm reached:sit& fury 'early in the 'Week railroad and. highway crews cOmpletely, abandoned ,futile..efforts to keep roads and rails "open., OnhJuTs- da'y snorning•a plow,.powered byfour had all.flatit broken through the 400 foot *drift 20 feelt, deep in Spots, when the plow jtunped the track. . Two* engines were derailed and 'jacknifeci. The :tWij rear engines stayed on,. the *.as Sunday morning be- fore •the Wreck was cleared and ;the damaged -line rebuiltl'The • re- mainder of the line',wa.s .pliywed.. that' day to Kincardine with the aid of a crew Of .75 'shovellers, permitting the 'first train' out of •Kincardine in over a ,week:s Last Week's blow , • But getting back to last Week's bow H-:7- the Weather settled on Saturday, ,and all means "of get- ting out, even _'to • walking arid • hauling toboggans, were resorted to in an effort to replenish .lard- ers., • and get cream and eggs, to.. Market:" • , • • • By mid-afternoon (1(n Sunday it was hloWing again, which Made visibility bad while it lasted, but didn't do too :much clarniag. to roadS. •Monday was sunny 'end Calmer for the Most part, and men and *Machines:were working' at fUll•epeed to open roads or widen them, Every available bulldozer rteeVe, Joynt ,said that the case is werking in this district, a:ded• • , . . , , was closed and ,Called in. a :deli- by shovelling *crews, road main- gation. -thet, was waitingtainers and'•rtruok powered Snoiry• Diecuss PenSion Plan • • •4Pension plan for' municipal employees was diSOussed, and Will he further investigated.•- ' 7.1Each eniployee and the cipality.would contribute 514% of hi§ basic salary, providing .the. normal -retirement age was.:ad- opted. The employee in turn re- , ceives in an 'annual pension upon retirement. 2% of the *amount of his salary, trorm ithe titnethe .plan' beeame.eperatiVe Until retiring.• * Hugh MacMillan, (Whose salary. was not decided at a'previous meeting; Was given a $200 in, crease .° THE MEMORIAI.. CUP CHAMPIONS Hamilton Red% Wings A TOP JUNIOR "B" CLUB. erich Si os In the Lucknow Arena MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 ••,.., ). • at 8 pm sharp• ,, t • Lucknow • Lions Club ,has gone 1,1all, out to bring this, type of hockey talent ,to Luckitow with proceeds of the , night° to go tOwards the artificial ice project.' Hamilton is a top Junior •••A's ‘.contender again ... this year with Paul Henderson, a graduate of the Luck- It - now hockey ranks, playing an Arriportant , part on the, Hamion squadlt• , , . • .. '• • • ' *. ' . t Support, The Community .7- See Hockey ' At Its Best (all. on the same admission ticket) ••• . ' Advance Sale Tickets On Sale At' Rural Stores . . . • Or Froin Any Lions Member ••44.44,44.4.•• (1ElroUglit to you ati 'a.public, itbreice• by. "Matter., Closed" • Council's business session was preceded by a 25-aninute discus- sion by George Newbold, Reeve Joynt and‘Ii:lenilaet of council. • • It not the intention of the, Publisher to 'report this' discus- sion, in any detail or;to use any qtrOtes. . • . Mr. NewbOld in' effect said that ,he c,oUld.: only conclude :that the attack on him had either been' from retaliation for soiriething in the :past, or beeause what he had said. had been 'anisinterpreted. , ,He said he ',felt he was 'entitled' to*an ;apology on'a Mistaken pre,: inise,,,..Council having* read serne7 thing Into it (the . letter);'' that was' not intended,,but' only' asked for assurance that; they. could be friends / and, not look --for trouble *hen .was not :Meant.- • , In 'replying 'Reeve Joynt said' that What he had said. thepie.- vious WeUld/ibt• take back. 'There wouldThe n� apOlo+ gies coning Mr. Joynt said. There, • were . •:mine cross-fire interrup- tions: • , while .Mr. -lora was ex- platning his Views and . ,some sharp remarks.• • ' Council inembers recommended letting bygones ..be bygones and persOnal discussion of any ,proh- lerns•tleat arose rather than' writ-:. ing lettersto the editor. Many township grader and four: muni. cipal plows are working ` ,in con- ., jeriction with :the "cats". in the road breaking -program itii-at wifl.1, take the Most of the week With' geod*' weather. • „ But its, Slow gping at the best,. and it as estimated that'where the road is fel•1 a bulldozer .eri,li open only' about w. block a clay; ' • ,, Same sideriiad residents are,do- •• Ing what they cantheft:se:Yes to ,, • get out to the' Concessions, Reeve • Donald Ma•cKenzie• states that . citizens of the Township in gen- eral • have been. pretty co-Opera- •tive. • , Reeve In Accident.• • , • Mr. MacKenzie 'was himself•in.; , • volved in an .accident on agoriday while trying to ,,play the Tole of the Good ..Samaritan. lie was liming closely behind a cream . truck on the14th Concession west o.f Dtmgannon,* incleavaring to attract his attention to inform the driver he, could not get „all the .waY, through *Visibillty wasn't the heit. and When theiruek stop- ' ped more..guickly than could EIVir. • MaCKenzie, he crashed into the • beek r, of the • truck. ,The reeveri older Model 'car' ' was damaged beyond .repair, but e"' eScaped with a shaking up. Damegeto the - • • truck wasChiefly to tail and 'clearance ' "Sunday Shopping" • • •Grocer§ in the • area had scene • emergency calls' for .supplies On _Sunday. With some isolated fatml. : ' househplders able to, "get . out". • • for . the first time. on Sunday, it • was imperative to replenish sdw•• indling, food • supplies. . case, of . another blow which at that timet , • .` was fereeast. • : • :, . . , • • Pushing lback., the :huge rad side . banks' now poses the. .prob- lern of damaging farm fences. • • .• Kinloss In Oa*. Shape ,s Monday an,orn.ing. found' Kinloss Town:Ship concession roads op, ened excePt for e, few rniies,but snow squalls at school time -con- fined any bus which did.' run, to the highways and *rural Sehoes• Were still mostly closed. It was the first of the week before' Some main roads in the . White- church-Langsid4- area were cpen- • 111:'Sunday Crash 'North Of Ripley.: 'A twe-car Crash On the.'15th. a' miIe north a -Ripley earlY, Sun- day afternoon' resulted in :'•th.ree. 'persons • being „. hospitalized ' in London and :one in Kincardine, with fracturecilimlbs.' Most ..severely :•injured is WntKinLoss . had a Shantz' bulldozer McCreath, Ripley, who was taken. in eperation„ Dick McQuillin on • , to Victoria Hospital frfrothKincar-• the township maintainerand dine on Monday: He plows operated • by Roy Cornish. leg • has a fract- Don Gitlespie and Roe Stanley. • • lured and a fractured pelvis. MaryStruthers Died- Ill, Toronto The death 'of MISS .114ary oil!, • el:rise' Sti-iitherS Occurred in St • Joseph's Hospital, London, early . Thursday morning, January 24t.h.*. 'She was 68,, • Miry: sliffered a severe 'stroke at her home. M To-' . • ronto on TuesclaY afternoon; and • did net. regain consciousness.. ' She .suffered, a fractured ,•hipt in April of • last year, bid had Made a favorable recovery and was Planning to 'Shortly resume her , work. Born ' in this commu- nity, . ,.. . sr:4y,- ' 'she 'alwayt • 'enored-her visits back '"horne,": and retUrre= ed last a11forthe United Church.,• .' /,'. ' Centennial anniversary, when she ,• fiot ahoirt*ith the aid .of a cane. • ' -• • •Mary:was the deughter ' of 'Wm.,. Struthers and '.Elizebeiffi Hunter and was boil.: 'on August 18th, 1894 ,in ' the PararnOtuit district ' en the family farm new-, owned - by, Orland 'Richarsis.- . Mary made her home in Lucke. now for a time with her ageing • '..., ' parents', and after, their . passing ' she went to Toronto -some twenty- five years. ago, She , was a mild. mannered, friendly person 'who rWere comparatively free ofand tioad, h4pical tro4had many friends in this coin... • mrs..mccreato is...in Kincardine, ..n.pee,e.ey.i,ruunity who were Saddened to . • Hospital, with a fractured' arm 8zlearn of her death. facial lacerationa. . Their 2 , pui?.., Superintendent Allister • Hughes „ .' In Toronto she had been a lie school; age .e.htidren, Mary & felt they did a'igood jobmember of Emmanuel' United - • at Kincardine with faCial lacera-• Bulldoring Round The CloCe 1 Church for 22 years , A funeral • .. ' rioSh main roads 'service Was held on rriclat •ak .• • Shirley, sulfiexed, less ,severe in- juries. Shirley Was hospitalized In WestWawa • tions, Mary was . released /roan' • hospital and is with, relatives in Iftincardine. • • •• , . • • Occupants, of the , other car .Were ' Mr. .and 'Mrs..' Harold • Hayes ,and three 'children arid 'his Mother •Mrt, Van Hayes Of Kin- Cardint Township • Harold seffered a •frectUred 'knee cap and his Mothera broken. leg,. Both were taken freen cardingeardin t< Londori, for .tetatinent of the fratteres. • ' • Mrs. • Hayes and her hildren suffered minor injuries. Aceident Ashfield Henry :Drennan; 14.R. 7, Luck-, . • • now and.., Joseph.' Treethan,. R.R. •3, Goderich, were drivers of two ' • trucks whith Collided five north of ,Goderich during Past • week's blizzard. The collision ate. curred as both drivers tried to • aV,eid hitting an abandoned car. OnLarios SaVer • 'Ali la Fleet) 14, raid McCabe ,of Sheppardton, • 6.140044141.11411.4400,0604•04Iiiiiimisiams0•44••••••••••• in the north end of the tetry-nship were 'passible at the end of the week, butthe south end was pret- ty welI bloeked. At least ' one ru- ral schOol was 'stillclosed. on' Tuesday, and some farin homes had been isolated for ten days bulldNer from Zurich went into operation on Monday, corn- ing in by way of Auburn and •.vvittli two operators, the miehine worked around the clock Town- ship p1ow are following up to impreve the read after the break through. • With good weather, • it 'is, ex'-' pected that all roads will he in good' condition. this • Week, but •withttowering banks the least bit of a blow Will spell more trouble. • SIMI* Picture •In Ashfield . ItS ,glinitar picture in'Ashfield Township, The 4th and the 10th Concessions Were opened �n •Igon- day., Two ,bulidozers 'have 'Working tentirtUbusly and a third4 machine was expeeted to join the alyasserrol' in the Drennan truCk had his face badly cut, forOe en 'hiesclay afternoon. The* Turner and Porter, Funeral Home and the remains restedthat ev,„-- ening at 4he MacKenzie Mem- • • • oriel Chapel' -in Lucknow, Wh•en' ' 'the Service on Saturday Wag' C -Ori-•• ducted. by • Rev. H. W. Strapp with :the cornmittal. service •in , South Kinloss Mortuary await- ing final in•terrnerit in , Cemetery. Pallbearers, were six riepheWs; Wm., §trtithers of Acton, Alvin Struthers of trini Russel Struth- ers - PreStetti, Gordon Struthers ' • ' of• West W.ewanosh, Lawrence MaaLeOd and Hugh $'mpsori of Kinloss. '• Mary ig" 'Survived by one bro-,, ther, James Struthers of Erin. - • She was. Predeceased by twg .thers, Robert and Albert 'Strtt- thers, ' 1 • . , • Mr. and Mrs, Edon MacL.ert-. nan -and fanyny ,who rear tly lest their home at Lbals1jYby lire have Moved' into ' t formet- McCosh house in Ripley.