HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-30, Page 6'F .P'A.firE six 1r 110; 41WWWWPWAMOr TBE; LUCKNOw Si.ENTTEL, 14UCKNOW, ONTARIO IUCRIR,'®�'V RFLATIV.E'S' AT . B.LYTH. FUNERAL The °, death, of Leonard '_VlcNall of Blyth; o;ourred in. Clinton Pu•l 1;:c Hospital: on Thursday, January 17'th, .:at rthe..age; • of rn';•son .of the late 'Mf.:'.and. Mrs. 1Vlatthew. McNall. The •funeral ,was, held at .the 3'aske"r 'Fun.er'ai 'Home, -in' Blyth on Saturday, January 19th,, ..w•ith• rtemporary:..entomiorrent in Blyth `ST.'. 'HELENS cemetery nhapel. • • Those' •a'ttending the funeral winter ::this .commune• ty Mr.. • .aret) Nichol Provost, Alberta 'six brothers, William, ..Bluevale • Robert 'Clinton; Thomas and Rus; sec Pravogt AlbQrta; Gordon of Lucknow;Earl, Kinsella, Alberta. and by five granndchildren: - Think " how smart it is to play safe; rather than how stupid :a • motorisrt• can. • pl:aying, smart.. and Mrs.. Bab McNall,. •diifford MoNa +1 and Mrs. Harry - Swan He is survived by 'is wvfe, the. former, 1Vljldred '. �n -:;Gray; .two sans, :Edmund, 'Vancouver; Don- old, Huilett' 'Township two 'sis- ters„ 1VIrs.."Bert .(Matil'da')'Shields; Dungannon; Mrs. Henry ;(Marg - t'. Mrs. Gordon McPherson . who *as 'visiting with Mr.; and' Mrs. Fred Thompson -:arid sons •in'Lon-: don, 'returned • home• op.'Wearies, ;day ..' Mr. Murray Gaunt .has spent,.a !few days. in ' 'T;oronto: '. The Scottish ,Night.. was: post- poned on January 25th• and-.• will, ena�;■�■�ie■■.■eado■eiea■�'i rr. i. Draft Plops.c W�wanosh fridge The inaugural.meeting of' West Wawanosh Township Council was held at . he Township Hail. on Monday, January 14th, 1963 Reeve Harvey ;Culbert presided' with all' members• present, After the members subscribed to!their 'declaration • of ,office,, ..Council progeedied witch nth • (business o . the •. new year.' • •It • was 'Moved'. by Councillor McPhee that. the hourly .rate. for an •experiericedt :wingman on the township'road maintainer be set. at • 85c per ."hour: Councillor Jef • ferson'se•condecl this ;Moti•on:, Mo-. tion carried,, •Council decided not 'toappoint a township weed inspector. It was 'roved by Councillor McPhee. and seconded by •,Councillor Jef, •fe•rs•on• that Mr.: ilex . Chesney,: Huron - County-Weed--:-Inspector,- be ounty:•-Weed--:-Inapector;- be 'authorized to 'act 'on any. weed control corruplaints within :the township.'• Motion. 'carried. , (Jn. o, motion 'by Councillors Sanyth and :McPhee, 'By-law, No.. 1, '1863 was' finally passed, naan ,mg -,the township , officials for 1963. and stating. their ;r.salaries. Where is no change, in ,personnel.. An• increase Of $25..00'. each, Was •gran•ted in the .Cauncihors' ` sa,i- ary and,in• the Reeve's' salary. Otherwise,: 'the . • salaries remain the same as in 1962. On a motion,. by.Councilaors Durnin and Jefferson, By-law No.. 2, 1963•,. was 'rpassed'' aubhorrzing. the Reeve and Treasurer to bor- row, if necessary, .•up ',to. »$30,000.' for current expenditures. in ..1963, The Clerk •'was! .instructed . to •order • .twd' (2). subscriptions for 196,3 to "The. Municipal.:World": ',On . a anption: Eby Councillors )?ui:r>;in and Jefferson, 'the Road. Shpt.'' visas authorized to •'engage •Mr. B: M:'.Ross;.GGoderich to draft plans for the construction' ::of a bridge : at.' Lot . 16,. •Conc\esgions 4 . and 5, West Wawanosh•• Township: The, ;road accounts Were -passed: for payment .on a .motion . by, `Counarllors •Durnin and...'Srnyth;' .• • On a emotion by :Councillors Smyth and•MePhee,. •the following 'general. accounts ' , were. ordered, paid. , . c.. Vietor Errir:g' ton� 2 ,fog 'bo>i•nt- ies; $8:00; The Lucknow' Sentinel, 'printing . •accaur t ; .(1962) 88.54; Ontario . Hydro, Olinton, 1962 Dungannon St.: Li�ihts account; 177.00; ',Ontario- Hydro,'...Clinton, 1962 . Awbuirn: St. ', ligh'ts' .accounts (3 twps;.) : 490;60; -Ontario :`Assoc. of: Rural Municipalities, . 1963 • meinbersh;ip ;fee, •15::00;..Ontario Goad ::Road's ASSOC., 1963 -member, ship fee, '15.00; Robert E. Irvin; .caretaking, `7ungannoriSt; lights; ` 1962, 17.00; •Sa1vat on . Arrny, Lon- don, grant:.for '19x3, 30.00, Huron, Co T.Oasurer, co',lecting .tax ar-' "rears;'in 1962, .110,87', K. K: Dann_ Son; Welfare •account for D•ecem 'her, 1962;'40.05. Expenditi.Lres' forDecernber 1.5 to Decernber. 31, 1962 Lorne,, Ivers,: salary, $18:00; Russel Phil= lips,, operating •wing,• 176.25; Nor, man McDonald, operating gladder, 242.0.0;' Imperial .O11 Ltd:., fuel• and tax, 16942; .Gra'nt Chis'hjalm, Motor. oil; 20.89; 'Dorn. Rpa'd. 1Vlachy. Cb. L.td,, 'grrader repairs,' 75,10,• ph ester. •Nichol5on;'welding, 3.00; ; Nelson Culbert, erecting: snow : fence, 2.25; Harold Culbert, e'rec'ting •snow fence; 2.25,`•• Dave McClinchy, ' plowi»ng .snow ' with, truck, 768.00;; Jim 'Leddy; ` erect- ing snow ..fence, :3.75;'�Ed'Rabin- son, hauling snow , fence, 5,00;• Robt. Jefferson, erecting, • srrow fence,.3.75: Council 'adjourned'to meet.' op Tue.s'day, 'February .5th, ,1963 :- one; week. earlier than usual, J. F. FORAN, Two. :Clock r •• ■ ■'A .��n �. Fa i f.■!••/1 ! ':.� � , X117 VHW CS ■ • ■; ® �. ■ ■rete_ . v �.�. ® ® .. u . i • ■: LATE • ■ • MODEL •▪ ' .:,. f .$.gegen +J ✓6�6 ' � • .. ■ • ^•P'iv^o el Pontiac , Laurentian sedan, automatic ' r: 1963 ' Chev Belau. Sedan,' automatic, radio:,�. .81 cit, 1962 Chev Belair ' Sedan, automatic ; . fullequippediiY1' ■ . • in 1962 Pontiac Laurentian' Sedan automatic fully equipped •i' ;61 1962 .Pontiac' Stratochief,. ;automatic, radio• ■ is 1962 Pontiac Laurentian 2 -door hardtop, V-8, automatic a 1962 •Falcon a ' 1961 Pontiac Laurentian IN equipped: al ptiWer steering, automatic, • N. /1061 Pontiac' Parisienne •4 door ' hardtop, V-8, automatic,. n ~ fully powered. 1 :. ■ a .1961 Pontiac Laurentian 4 -door hardtop, V-8, automatic fully a ,powered ■ • •' 1961 V 1uxhall ■ .• • ■ •ar 1960 Pontiac ' Sedan, standard. transmission + a, a'.• 1959 Chev Belair Sedan with automatic n: • • •1959 ;Pontiac, Sedan, V-8 automatic,• power steering ii 1958 Ford Fairlane Sedan, °' automatic'■' as 3—•1957 'Pontiac Sedans, standard and automatic transmissions' i ■: r NUMBER OF 1.955 MODELS from .. e , $350. up ra ■ MANY OLDER' MODELS, TO CHQOSE FROM. ' ■ I • • •TIt,UCKS` TR((UCKSi' L. 19'58 GMC`'1-ton. Pick-up a.: a' 1958 Ford ? ' -,ton' Pick-up'r mi ■ r be held an February lst, .' • • The• ' February •m°eetin.g • of the ». W.r1. will be held. on February 7th at 2 o'clock, Ro11 call, W'h,' I'm proud to live » in Canada, 'Motto, Miss RVtherforcl ' To'pic, Mist Beatrice McQui�lltn.' Lunch and. program,' Mrs, Gordon Struthers, Mrs,• Don Pannabeeker,• Miss. Iso- bel Miller: • ' Mr. Cameron is log r •-. . ' ig following major Brussels M;a►t s.11�rM favourablyJohn f li �� n Cities Service Dealer N :surgery icy Victoria ii �slsitarl, I#'rr Phone 1' , Brussels ■ is expected home' thd heginn1 i ■eiester;rearier>siiereae�eiti.■■ieritieiMrpar�:i�■■eiar■eisei of the week,' �" • 1. •A 444 • .A WEDNES JAN. 10th,1963 4 , CITIES for :your Heating'Requirements FUEL OIL ., STOVE' OIL OTHER ' PETROLEUM PRODUCTS �tar�-A�Car Cables' Open Daily' A''B .. $3.95 8 a,m, AMILTON . ucknow, . Phone 528-2427 • W Efficient Truck Equipped ith • Two -Way Radio • For •Prompt, " f icient: ' Service WIiIPY;$500,To Demolish Old -Home Only two.„ tend ers were: receiv- ed :.Iby the Brru a Couoty. •Home. Committee for the . demol ition ; of the old House 'of' Refuge ,building at Walkerton.. The. structure has been replaced by B. u el'ea Haven,- the aven; the new home', for the e;lderly'of ;the 'county which :has completed its first.�year. of operation. A Toronto wrecking 'concern offered: to.•.raze the•olid County Home 'in .return dor ,paynien.t uby the County of ,$1,500; in addition to » salva.ge,, realized' from the . •de- anol.i:tion.,.. The tender . of John Rou'w of Walkerton. for $5007.far the razing of the building, plus the salvage, . wasp ;accordingly°:ac- cepted by face 'County':Home •Coni m'i.ttee at. last week'sBruce Coun- c l's. Jarbuary Session • 'here. • The dismantling .,of the large three-storey 'brick •build•ing'" is ntw Underway, with Work having commenced • :on' the Upper ' floors.. ,The contractor liras required':to. tarnish a' performance '•bored' .of $5;000, and also to 'Protect 'him- self and .the County »with. liability insurance. The. '.work is • oto'.', comrpietcd, by. April 30th'.' 'Russel ` Wiles,. Superintendent of.Brucelea . Haven : in his.report, Said '.there, were.`,72 • residents . as , of December 31rst.:There were 45. admissions` ,during the year, • 13 discharges', and • two. deaths. M:r. Wiles said that December 41 icom�pletes0 'the fi�rat' year: of ' operating of , the. ,new: 92 -bed's h•ame, :and con'�.rnended, 'the Irv, c�aeased,' interest shown' by the pibhc: »A •Ladies' Auxiliary, rep resenting ' various ' organizations throughout the county,' 'has been organized. and the, officers ap- pointed.;' The ' main objective','. 'of this auxiliary will • be tie enter- tainment . of the. ';residenits. ' ` The ,County . Hoine Cemrn'ittee of w'hi:eh .. Reeve G. W. Joyrit , is chai'rMan, •'reported., .that the • Ro- tary; Clubs 'in' thea, Co'unty.: have purc•ha•sed :•a billiard table. for the .men's: garnes room. at the Hcr ne 'and this has., proved pop= ular With. the men. They ':report' the operation .,of the Home : •proceeding •` very, . efficiently and the' residents' are • ..provi,ded with, car'eful•'•attention.'..•by the staff.. Dr. •J. T:.H Robinson:. Brueelea:: Haven physician,. also stated,,the • health of.. the residents in the, ,Horne as good,:and 'the. care en them excellent .',' Walkerton Jerald:'. Times • 'Have ,yyou•:ever: attended a corn mi»titee ':meeting mi..here.':they, keep minutes. but /waste (hours? NUMENTS For sound counsel : and a fair:rice o p n.• a:. rinontirnent correctly :~designed : from' 'ual•it "' materia • . 4 . y 1, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Walkerton Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years'. Phone »638 w Ontario i11OT1L' 'In the heart of.downtown Toronto facing Allan Garden.' Close to finest shopping and entertain ent centers, major hospitals and subway Beau tifullypappointed r'`. and suites.. , Dining Room. 'Television. ` Childr•.en FREE. • Moderateiy $ 650' ` Singte Priced frons Occupancy $ $ 50 Double -� :^+ Occupancy' .... Fred'erpu�nnell :: Gene Mgr. rc•k CENTRALLY LOCATED AT Tel ephone:''36844823 " 3Q6;Jarvis Sr. r- • •