HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-30, Page 4• •"' P;40171C FOUR: Vlow ew THE LUCKNow SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO: L, WEDNESDAY '8 JAN, 30th, 1963: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES -, First Insertion c per word, minimum charge 50c.. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word, minimum. 50c. Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming _Events, minimum 75c. In Memoriams, minimum $1.•00. 25c extra replies plies to The ' Sentinel. Billing charge. of 10c for P each, •bill rendered. FORSA.E FOR SALE •-•-•'set of sleighs and. rack in 'first. class condition. AP - ply to Wm. Griffin. or telephone 52&73819, Lticknow. YORK HOG FOR • SIALE Earl :Drennan, , R.o.7, Ludui w, 85-r-9, . Darn•gannen. .. ... PIGS' FOR SALE ,-•-= 30 weaning pigs: Jelle De3ong; R.R. 6,' Luck-• now, phone' ,Ripley 26-r-11., INTER. BEAT :TUE- with a snw . blower,; • kuitlt to fit. any ake or model of_tractor. Contact 'Art Helm, RR. 3, •Liueknow, , phone '61-,r-9,, . '.Dungannon. . PIANos Newreliable piano, f udl 'keyboard, service available, y ; 550;00• also piano!benches, piano flames, and 4luuanklifiers to protect,. your ipiano; ' health and" furniture. onibact, Garnet Farrier, White-', Church, phone "357-2068 Wingham • • ANO LESSIONS .— I aan teach ing piano '• at my borne to .children. of all ages`; for .:Toronto Conser- vatory examinations;.• if • desired:: Mrs; Tom • Pr•itchard, . , Lueknow, phone 5282539. FOIZ• 'SALE' OR ;RENT.'' Two • :100 -acre taints, ' running water; game 'house and . bank barn on +bath ,farms. H►uildu gs in :good ,Condition. ; Bothfarms in grass.: If sold terms can • be.'; arranged. " For ftrhher ;information apply 'to Leananul ; Griffin, ' 16 Sou'thdale :Ave., Apt. •4, Kitchener,:Ont. VICTOR-McCASKEY, • Smith Co- rona, Remington Rand typewrit- ers, .'adding machines and 'cash.. registers•. May be obtained through The .,Lucknow Sentinel at' best , prices, phone 35, , LucknoW.. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS can. be appreciatively, .:expressed with a girft',subscription .::to The .Sentinel. We .will send a birthday: card announcing ."happy birthday." The : Lucknow Sentinel, phone 5284134.• SNOW REMOVAL Anyone wanting snow removed contact Jack. Farrish; phone 528-3711, 'Harold' Farrish, phone 528-2326' or. Dian. Lavas, phone 528-2426f • WANTED i MING ;EVENTS URGI7NITLY NEEDED -- .heated and .lightly furnished rooms, not over ; three. Wm. M. Buckingham;' R.R.. 7, Lucknow. WANTED . _ live poultry; also. new • and . • used duck and goose. feathers. Best . prices at your: door. ".Phone or' Write A., Broiivn . 181 ` Kincardine: HKUP • WANTED responsible young woman for :household du- +ties; and • to take charge of ;three .children. in Kitchener, , live in, good wages. for the. right .:person, Mrs, Don :Johnstone, 68 Noel Cres. :cenrt, Kitchener, Ontario,phone SH 3-4333. .` `FEMALE HELP WANTED NEED SCHOOL. FUNDS? HOUSEWWVES like -yourself are earning. good income by: repre- senting Avon Cosmetics, openings, now 'available for qualified wain- . en. oa - en. Write •Miss V. M. Mosher, P.O; Box ,No. ,86. Owen Sound. NOTICE AUXILIARY NOTICE A meeting of the Ladies : Aux- iliary, Canadian. Legion, ' will . be- held Tuesday,, February '5th. All' ;members are requested'to attend. Installation• of Officers. SHORT COURSE NOTICE . The Short Course on "Needle- craft" sponsored by "Lucknow W FENCE .POSTS. Anyone needing fence posts for spring delivery,. . is requested to place; their ' order now. John 'A,. MacRae,• R. 3, Luckiow, phone .. Ripley 164-r=14. • CORN 'FOR.. SALE Kiln dried " and ,cob, corn' from the Ridge town.=Chatham Area in 5=ton & `truckload lots. Jim Mac'Ewari, Kinloss, phone 210, Bervie. LEARN ACCORDIAN ' • ,Charles . Pounder has. room .r for one class of Accordian Students. Instrument Supplied for trial per- bd of 15 weeks. . Come to the Legion Hall, Saturday'. 'between 11.30 and .4.30: or ,Write Olifford4 Ontario, '`Box '' 17. , READERS • DIGEST BARGAIN. `,For a limited time, 'bargain rates on Reader's Digest for NEW subscribers; six months $14 one. • year $2.; half the regular price, The Luckno'w ' Sentinel, phone 528-3134; RUST CRAFT VALENTINES Personal Vans'For Every Member ff the Family Now on Display at Finlay Decorators,, Lueknow ..." .Phon•e 528-3434' ocher's Institute will 'be, held the "Town. Hall Assembly CARD PARTY *FEB 1st There wilt 'be ..a card.. party (weather . Permitting) . in' St, . Pet- er's Parish Hall, Luckno W on Friday, February .1st, .under aus- pices of the W.A. SCOTTISIII PROGRAM A JD DANCE' The ,Scottish program .'and dance • which , was . postponed • on January 25th will beaheld an Feb.. ruary 1st in St. Helens T all. Aid-. mission 50c ' and 25c. ' Ladies please bring sandwiches. Farrier's orchestra.' . 'NO . BINGO: THIS . WEEK The' Lucknow Legion's weekly bingo .has, . beencarscel+ied for Thursday night of this, .week. • Annual Meetin.g WINGHAM• :GENERAL' • HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The: • : annual: meeting of the i Wing _ •' ' ; �G•eneral • Hospital As•- sociatnwill' be.' held on Friday, February; 1st, 1963, at 8 p.m. in the recreation room of. the nur- ses' residence • at . Wmgham. Aril. shatters ' of . business,. ..pertaining to. the Wingham General • Hospi- �tal Association will be. . ,transacted Including the election of ••direc- tors 'and'. other . officers In; order to cast a 'ballot in 'the election: of directors, a 'person must' be a • meanber of the association: One -year , memberships 'may be obtained for the sum of $1 at the Wingham . General Hospital. 'office. ,' Everyone welcome. • .(This, notice is 'i1 eing printed in' ,this newspaper• ' as .per the 'hos- pita'l: bylaws) v It B . Cousins, President • John' Strong, secretary Room on Wednesday and Thurs- day,. February 13th and. 14th All wishing 'to take the course send names to Mrs. ,A. • J. Wilson, phone 528-2609.. 'Non-members are, welcome. CARD OFTHAN The Brother, nieces and 'neph- ews `of the late: Miss Mary .Stru- thers .wish • to sincerely • thank all those who were so very kind and sympathetic in many ways at (the time of her death, . with special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacLeod for their' .hospiita-' li-ty. .Jim Wilson 'of West Waw•anosh wishes to .express sincere thanks to all who so kindly remembered him mile he was in Wmgham Hospital. , Their thoughtfulness was, deeply 'appreciated.. 1' • We 'Wish to . express -our• •sin sere thanks to• all . friends arid. neighbours for the .Many acts. of‘ kindness shown to, ups'• in our' re cent sad bereavement in the' loss 1'of a dear '.husband t& loving faith .er. Also cfor "ithe .beautiful floral tributes, messages of sympathy St ,baking and •,Cards. • Our special thanks to Rev.. Kaiser, Dr. Cor-. 'rin,. Zion Orange Lodge, Lloyds Factory and .all who assisted .in ani► ; way. . . Mrs. Sid 'Gardner •,and. Family, Dead Stock Removal Service :We are licensed . to remove your dead ,or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal.' Old horses So Per pound . GORDON' TAYLOR Phone , Collect 528-5950 R.R. 2 Lucknow 24-hour service Licence No.- 173C62 SERVICES r AUTOMOTIVE ` Mechanical and body • repairs, Wheel' ' alignment ` and .balance, ,Window: replacement, Radiator repairs. Protect against rust with Undaspray. DAVIDSON'S Texaco 'Service No: 8 Hwy Phone • JA 4-7231 Goderich,., Ontario CUSTOM' BUTCHERING Beef and pork ' sold , in any quantity. Custom butchering ` in Government . licensed • abattoir.. pigs, . every Tuesday: Beef from Monday. through Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT' MARKET , SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks. " cess pools, etc.,. pumped and : cleaned with mod- ern. od-ern.'equipment. A11' work guar- anteed. Louis Blake, 'R. '2 Brus- sels, phone, 442-w-6. AUCTION SALE ' Allan McIntyre ` •.Licensed` Auctioneer Lucknow. Phone' 10-r-19 Ripley TABLE' CLOTH. Paper in rolls of 100 'feet long and a yardwide, suitable' for banquets, picnics, & any catered meal, The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35 Lucknow HILRAY FARMS ABATTOIR HOLYROOD. The home . of ,choice meats, all GOVERNMENT INSPECTED and ,APPROVED ,•'Schneider's Cured Meats WE. ALSO DO CUSTOM KILLING • and hang your' :.meat in modern coolers as Tong' as desired. Pigs on. Tuesdays and cattle every day. No appointment, necessary, RAYNARD ACKERT Phone 528-2132 ■11■t■■ai°almaiwr a106101" CARD OF THANKS We wish to. thank the Lucknow Fi'rea Department and express: our appreci�atioi! 'to our °neighbours and friends for. the many acts, of kindness shown to us since Our recent fire Mr. and Mr's. Harold 'Howaild . •• • and Family. I wish Id - thank all those: who. sent me gifts,'Tetters and cards and also *he visited" me while in Wingham and' Victoria" Hospi- tals. They were '..all. �apprecia'ted; • f. Mrs, T. A. Cameron., The family of 'the late 'Mrs.. Duncan A. MacKenzie : wish''.. to extend . • their• sincere thanks` to 'friends, • neighlbaUrs and. relatives, for -their Many act's of kindness, floral tributes, .and messages of sympathy shown- oto ' bheun at the time . �t f ' the death' of..their dear mother and` grandmother. Hugjies.Heads Huron -Bruce P.Cs. -Allister Hughes .of' Concession 6,'. Kinloss 'Township was elected President : , of the Huron -Bruce (: Pr4cgressive •Conservative Riding. at. a. meeting in Wingham on -Fri day. He succeeds Lloyd Jasper of Mildanay., 1 ' Allister •has long ; been acture . in the Association. but'was not ,pres- ent at the 'meeting when. she was .henored , with ` ,the presidency., Storm conditions and Mx.. :Hughes' preoocnpa�tion '•with these prob- leers . a.s Kinloss Road Superin-.' tendent, prevented:�him,attending. •Other'' officers elected: First vicepresident, DeWitt Miller. of Wingham; secondvice-,pr�esi;dent, Lloyd Ackert; .. ' Holyrood; '' secre- tary, Mrs: ':Don Lloyd,"'Wingharn;' (treasurer,: Barry Wenger, Wing; ha li. Huron executive _ �inernbers are; Edward' iPowell, R.R. 1,Wingh�am; George. McCutche'on, Brussels; Vaughn, , Douglas; W�ingham; B'i nee; .executive, Jim Needham, Ripley; .•Thomas. 'MacFee, : Tees - Water; Bruce Keith; Culross Twp. Octogenarian Has , , Made. :�0a5. Mats (DUNGANNON NEWS) .Mr.. Douglas Kilpatrick and •,Miss. Sharon Thompson of Wing- .' ham visited Mr, {and Mrs•.. Cecil Blake on Sunday: Ivan Rivett, Howard Culbert and Ross Eedy atteruied' the Can- ada Farm and Industrial EgquLp=• ment show, also' the In�tern�a�tion- al:S1hortharn' Bull sale at Ex�hibi 'tion Park, ,Toronto on Siaturday, January 26th.. Mrs. Roy •Ashton has 'been helping out.: af.the Wein. Park re sidence.. Mrs, Park.and infant daughter, 'Patricia Joanne arriv- ed home from -the,. 'hospital 'last week.' .. , `. '1;n observance. of Christian Youth Week,, the Y.P.O. at the Dungannon , United , Church:. was.' represented at the Sunday, ' anorn- ing .service witch' Karj. Dawson • and 2: nerd' -Reed, giving `scrip tural • Ings and,: Lynda' Blake.`, ofiFering : sayer. Those 'taking up :the coil tion were Brian Weaver, Bill 'Blake, Bob Eedy and'' Scott • Pearson;: ' . • • • Mr.. and Mrs 2 Stanley'Penner,' . : Godericah,, :spent. the'week end. at the home of : her parents, :Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon° Smyth. Visiting' Mrs.'' •Margaret :Moran•. at the " end of the week was; :cher ', daughter, +Mrs: 'Jas 'Keane rand. her grandson, Mr. Roy Keane of Stratford._ • ' Mrs Abner Morris an ardent 'Worker on:` braided rugs': for,: a hobby 'has now -Completed, nine hundred and five' made' of 'all sizes.. Of these she. "rirad made' 38• before'. enovin•g to the village' in. August; 1945. Shee :has had the' miafortrune. to have; each vf`'ler .' hands 'broken, but this '.did `not disc.ourage' her ;in the least.. She has also made several '.quil-t. tops. She has: records; of all • who.have •'gotten . anarts,:' which she enjoys , looking 'over and refreshes in her mind friends She: .has made. We ;think this is a pretty, good; .record. for this •eighty -.five year old lady. She is enjoying ;excellent 'health health and •' the "snow .isn't keeping. -her' , in. these days. :Mrs. Thomas Webster is in,To-.., ronto this -week - visiting. ; .her' daughter, Mrs. �Ken..'WhiRte. • THE WEST : WAWANOSH M uTyAL FIRE INSURANCE -CO. : Head Office,;: Dungannon .Established 1878' OARD OF DIRE inghum Office. `Phone •357:3840 • ', `GERALD,. (Jerry) WALTER . i ■ �.: Member of the Grey -Bruce • a; • • Real': "Estate' Board; ■ ■ ■ ■ •A sic One. ' Of Our Agents. le, How You... Can . List ,Your ■• Property As- A. MultiPlel. Rural .Ontario" ■. President,' Brown . Smyth, • Dunn ' gannon;. Vice -Pres., Herson Ir. wain, Belgrave; Directors, ;Paul Caesar, R. 1, . Dungannon; George' C. Feagan,.:Goder.ich; ' Ross Mc- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. , 1, Ripley; John MacLennan,a R. 3, Goderieh•; Allan Maclntyre; • R...5,: Lucknow; Wm.' Wiggins,'. R 3, Auburn. ' For information on your 'in surance, •call your nearest' direc- tor who is also an agent, or the secretary,. Frank" F. •Thompson, • Dungannon, phone 'Dungannon 48, ■ Listing ■•. ■ q ■ '`We Self u . ■' OUTSTANDING VALUE! • Luxurious .11/2 storey houseel •. in ''super residential. sec- ■ ■ ' "•;tion of Lucknow. Double *. II'garage. ' Huge earner' lot.'•, ,■ with several4king-sized.ma i ple shade trees. 'For town ro ✓ laving at its best, see . this • eye-catching home today, "11 • Yours for' only $7,400 with . ■ $ . good terms. : ■ ■ ' . Everett Pennington: • :`•. .R.R..2, Teeswater,: Phone 39275064 Local Agent For: • PAUL 5. 'STARRR & CO. -Limited • Hanover 870 ti Pinecrest Manor Nursing tome l ieenber ASSOCIATED NURSII4G' HOMES . ' , • u of Ontario 24-11our •Supervision of A Registered Nurse Considerate Personal Attention For Elderly and Convalescent Persons. • Exeeilent Heme-Cooked Meals Box 220, Pbone ,528-2186 • ` LUOKNOW,'' ONTr. '