HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-09, Page 10•t
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aMarriage Held
At Whitechurch.
Whitecihurxah. Presbyterian
Church with' a Christmas sett-
• ng of red 'l oinsettias and
delabra : .was the scene 'for Mahe
marriage of Norma Jean, Forster
and Norman Wesley'Stewart on
Saturday, tD ceniber .22nd at 2:3.0
The ;bride is •,bhe daughter of
Wm: ' " Forster,• '. R.R, 1. • Lueknow,
ands .the late Mrs. Forster. The
oom •is 'Abe son of Mr, and
Mrs Artliur Stewart' of Port. Al
The ceremony was performed
by, 'Rev: Rod. MacLeod of Luck-
u sk-
now °Prsbyterian CCh'urch,: ` assist-,
ed „by .M•r. Derwyn Hill of White-
church. The organist was Mr.
'George Conn, "and . Mr. '. Lorne,
Forster, brother of the, bride was
• : soloist., He sang "O.:Perfect :Love"
and "The 23rd •IPsalm.,
Given • an , marriage by her.
, father the +bride Wore :a floor --
length gown of bridal satin' with
fitted bodice .featuring li ypoin't
sleeves and a ' round• bateau
'necklinetrimmed with: embroid•
• ered lace and sequins.. The bou-
ffrtskirt was ,fashioned with'.
•a -semi=cu1•nberbund: There : were
embroidered lace and sequin Mo-
tifs down the -o front ; panel:and
a satin; rose floating into:•a brush
train 'enhanced the back. She
carried a White orchid surround-
ed by poinsettias.
The Matron, .of.: honour was
Mrs. 'Ronald .PPerrott of, eridh,
sister of . the 'bride and +brides-
maids were. Mrs: loss Hender-
son of Lucknow,' 's'ister of :-the
bride and. Miss, ,Inez Hodgins' of
London, ' The 'attendants were.
similarly 'gowned m street4ength
dresses of:French red sratapeau,
with three-quarter length sleev
es,' . scooped neckline and ' bell
shaped skirts:. They carried white
mruffs,•: trimmed with wholly. ,
Miss • R;hond�a Perrott, niece of
• , rife. bride, was flower rg:irl dress
ed in similar style,+to the'brides-
maids. .The: ring -bearer was
Stewart :Caesar, 'nephew- of the
grown.. .
The best man was Mr, ;Rieh rd
• Stewart of London,'. brother of
the groom. The, ushers were Mr
Jack' . 'Farster, brother of the
bride and, Mr Ronald Alton,
b, they"" -in-law ••of the groom,
b h 'of : ' LucknoW,
The wedding dinner was. served
in .the church parlors. Mrs: Wal
ter Elliott;. ,sister: of the bride,
received. in 'a champayne bro-
caded, 2 -Piece. dress with' beige
• accessories �anrd"corsage of bronze
mums: She was assisted by the
groom's .another wearing a blue
double knit sheath' -with • pink
accessories and pink rose' car-
sage. �,.
Wedding trip to the
Northern States the +bride wore
a, charcoal .double ikni�t: sheath
and red coat with,black access-
rf�eg 'and White orchid corsage.,
' The' groom 'is . a graduate of.
• Stratford: Teachers' • College and
• r the ,bride is a graduate of Wells
Bu's'iness Acadamy, London:; . Mt.
and Mrs. Stewart will reside at
Ro 1 ,; 4 G odericch:,
ixch.. tinge Season s
Greetings_On Tape
Mr. and Mrs, 'Harvey.. Culbert
+had ;as Christmas _.visitors, -Mr.
and. Mrs, Jas'. Beaton, ;Mr, and -
Mrs'. Stewart .Mullin ' aril family
Jaynes of Lucknow, Beaton, Sar-
rria, Mrs,, --Rebecca: • Biillen ,and
••sitar„ Mrs • Florence Edwards of
Goclerich and • GeorgeBeaton,
Saskatoon., Sask, They. were
entertained -.during the day w'itih.
atape' recorder •rbrought by Mrs.
Culbert's ,brother,'.Geoi'ge Beaton,•
Which contained ;Christrrias, mes-
sages from other.anerbers of the
•fainily, • Mr. 'arid Mrs, George
Book, Lorburn, iSask.. and Mr. &
• Mrs. Robert Krogan, Elbow, Sask.
Also, messages Were,. sent back.
to therm • and. Christmas canals.
sung by the happy gathering.
Christmas visitors •with Mr. &
Mrs. •Mel. Reid and family were
•his brother,'•Mr.;Oliver Reid, wife
and family. and four boys,: Tim
my,. Eddy,. Toddy, Donny of .Ed.
cans and his mothers brother, Mr,
Manson, Kerr also •of, Edrans,
Mr.Stanley Reid was taken to
Westminster !Hospital; • London,
last.Thursday hursday for: ,observation.
•" Mr. ,and•.Mrs. Warren Bamford
-and 'fam'i,ly1,. of Preston ;and Mr.
and Mrs. T..C. Anderson and Miss
Elaine Bamford of Godericli• were''.
Christrn'as • visitors .with' Vlr. and
Mrs. Robert stollen and fain-
We•. extend' sympathy to' 'Mrs:..
Fred Baeohler .and -her family in
•the death' of Mr. Baechleri who
passed. ;.away last ;Thursday at
'Alexandra '.•Marine' Hospital ' in
Goderich . He •was :•farrner4:-- of•-
Auburnr . aWi.s survived by his
•wife; the.. former Caroline Sch-.
'losher, 'two daughters; Mrs.- Wil
freed :('Jean);'.Wihitman of Seaforth/
Mrs.:- Glen ..(Kathleen) ' `Hines.: of.
Goderic+h, two. .'•sons, • 'Harold': of
R.R. •3,. Auburn and ilham ,of
Toronto; two sisters, s. • Herr
man Wilihelm, . Walkerton' and:
Mrs• - .Gra+phine• Schurter, Chep-.
' stow and One brother, 'Frank of
Georgetown. . Prayers 'were • said
at: Arth+ur's'funeral-;,,home' Au-
burn an''Sunday ,;at 8 rp.m..prior•
to 'the funeral service,' Monday,
at .10.' a.m at St.' Augus�tine's; Ro-
;man • Catholic • church - and ceme-
'tery 'with Father ,Malak, Officiat-
ing The • pallbearers were. Alvin
Sherwood, . K. •:.Dawson, :Robert
Frank Th
, oanpson, ;T{en
ny: 'Scott and Jas; Carmichael.
'Jack .,Chishoim was .home
for Christmas, from- St. Jose h's
:hospital, London, --Where..he :had
.been. for se+veral..:weeks.
We ` extend sympathy to., Mrs..
Tom Koviak in ,the ,loss' of- her
father, Mr. Tom • Chisholm of
Colborne. Township Who .passed
away. suddenly. by a heart attack,
'on Christmas; • Day, iylr.. Jack
Chisholmn: is a • +brother: ,
MrBrown Smyth and-. sister
Mrs. Bessie Stewart - returned
Monday, after attendi+n,g:. the fuln
•eral of their, nephew Mr: Bob
Smyth:. Toronto Death -was' very.
sudden as•:.+tie and his son h,ad.
spent the..week-end +before, with
them. His; many friends were
shocked 'to bear the news as: he.
had 'spent; znueh , of his ..childhood
on the. ,farm: with' them: -
Mr. and Mrs. John : Y. Eecly -.8c
.family -of Sitrathroy' • visited +for
Christmas' holidays here with
relatives., •
Mrs Mathew •Shackleton is re=
ceiving :. at Goderich
Hospital, H spLtal, .. _treatment•
Miss +Patricia Eedy.. underwent
an •operat'ion for removal of ton-
sils last Thursday ,at .Goderich
Hospital and came home'the'next
day, r . ,
Mand Mrs. Wm: Atkinson of
Oshawa and Mr. J. C. Du'rnin,.
Kitchener, were Christmas' week-
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Herb .Finnigan. Joining them', or
Christrnas day . at. the Finnigan,
shame .were Misses ;Robina Sproul;
Clara Sproul ,and Nettie Sproul • P s•
Mrs. Ida Whyard & Mrs: Win/li-
Widcom,be of. Windsor, who
visited 'Christmas week with ,her
Sister, Mrs, Finnigan
St.Mary's C.W.L.. •
• Tn the absence, of Fr. Malak,'
Mrs. J. L. .MacMillan opened
the League rriee�ting wiith; prayer
at her °home ; M ..ay, „January
7th. Season's : Gree rigs fromihe
Diocesan • Council and Bishop -
:John, C. • Cody' were react. Mrs.
Henry. DeBruyn :gave an enlight-
ening talk on:'the : Ladies- Retreat
she had:' .attended at Brescia
Hall, London. ,Hiss. George '.Tuck -
'et ,offered to' pack the' various
articles dq'hated by memlbers, . to
be sent. ,to S'undale 'Manor; Chat
han!, • Used cards and cancell •
stamps are !to `be collected + y
. . and_. Mrs.
O'Donnell.A.gift of.. money Was
presented by ,the •League • mean-
•bers to Sharon O'Donnell in••ap-
;preciation .•for. Sharon services• with
the 'church organ• : and.`Choir. The
annual ,Red. ''Cross • sewing was
distributed :among the ten ladies,
,present. A dainty...lunch and a
short Social' period ?brought the
meeting to . a close.. The Febru=
ary, meeting`n�wal�i 'beheld Mon-
day .
onday,. February f5th :+at :2'' p.m. at'
the 'home of Mrs Donald Mac -
Have buyers' • "coming." to you!'
irse Sentinel: "Want. Ads."
Died Suddenly
The sudden: and untimely:
death of'a life-long resident of
the . Teeswater.. .area; Kenneth
"Maw.' Thompson, occurred sat his
home on- the. ,1Ltih ,Con. .Culross
Twp., . on -Thursday,' • December
27th, .1962. The late Mac.Thomp-
son, in ::his .40th year, 'will 'be
greatly :Missed in the community
where :he " took•an 'active part in
Salem Church, jr. Farmers aactivi-
ties arid an: ardent curler of the
Teeswater.: Club •
Phe "eldest song of • . Duncan
Thompson , and Many .Hethering-
ton.. be ;; Was ,educated- at West,
ford school and 'a graduate of
Teeswater . Conti-nua.tion • School.
Following two years, of serv�ic
with the R.C.N., +he took up farm-
ing:, on' the' home :'farm
In 1949, he married Betty
Thompson of Bervie, daughter, of
Mrs. Wesley Thrornpson,. Kincar-
dine and••tlhe late Wesley-Thornip-
son, Left.to.mourn his loss are
his wife' and four young .child-,
ren, Christine, Mary Lou; Alan
and 'Jackie.
One brother Lloyd of Freelton,
three sisters: (Olive) Mrs. Ernest
Hanna,' Kinloss ;• (Jean) Mrs. iDon-
ald Willits, Mount Albert; (He1-•-
en) Mrs. Steve Wolschuk, Win-
nipeg. •
The funeral, held from the
W. G. Church funeral' home,
Teeswater,. Saturday .afternoon,
December 29th, was largely at-
terided.` ~Services conducted by
Rev. John ;Hicks, • Pallbearers
were close friends of the deceas-
ed: Kevin McGlynn, Jack Hod-
gins, Kelvin Lamont, Jim a'
Orval Wilson and Alvin Thacker,
Flow�erbearers were. Win. Galia-
rher, and Ronald Lamont. Temp-
ovary' :entombment was in Tees-
waster Mausoleum, '
---Teeswater News
When success turns your, ,head.
you're facing the wrong thec-
•81G ,
. VALUEI Co-optFertiliser gives•you a•higher
percentage of water-soluble phosphate, a higher:
lime content; lower. moisture content, uniform
particle� e and; lessseed zurnif character.;
'sties. Its another Coop top quality
BIG SAVINGS! 'Set your owsi savings t:Your early
delivery discount, u ..to Feb. 2nd is $2 ,per tors •`
and from Feb. 4th •to Mar. and it is =1.50 per ton.
As a Co-op :member your benefitfrom all pur-
cries made through your, store. The . greater
the volume, the better,your Co-op can operate,
'and;.tile savings realized thereby *gibe, greater
to individual members. Support your Co-op, it's
a truly democratic, business institution -where '
every member has equal rights. •
You're Customer sad, Owner at your
A Banty hen; owned by Mr
.and Mrs. Elden. Lowry, decided
that .•-spring . was ; "just ..around
the corner" and brought out a
:brood .of five chickens during
'the zero weather.' Four of the•
flock ar'e .still surviving.
Sunday, 'School. at Pine River
United Church has closed for
the- winter Months: Average at7,
+tendanee .during ' the' surnme:r
'months and. to ,December : was 94.
Largest attendance was 1�24--
New Year dinner guests with
Mr, and; Mrs,,,#Elden -Lown..y: were!
. .
Mrs, Jahn Carruthers, of 'Ripley,
Mr: Robert J. Lowry,: Mr •`and
Mrs. •Elmer. 11ICKenzie •� a_ nd tarn:,
ill of • Lucknow and :.Mr,. .•_ and
Mrs.Perrin Lowry and sons
Mr. and, .M-rs. • Verner B'r •
Janet and Mrs, Skegs, were :at;
their ••cottage at Point Clark /or a
few .days '
Mrs. John Reid who: has been
ill over • the past week is much
improved in health.
Dr., and Mrs. M•urr y-McLen-
d inner. g
nan and family of Wingham were•
' .nests
o'f .IVIr and
Eldon. Bradley and family on
Sirnd13';" u-ern-ber-=30th; .
• Mrs, ()faience
Dunlo' wha patient ent in: Victoria hospital
al. is •
London is improving and expects:
to return home , shortly,
Rev,_ Ji athei p X'ee
e�- �.fEw,
Loyols College r)f Montreal. vis-
ted his brother, Mr, Jon and
Mrs. O'Keefe .and family duri
the holid•ays:
Mr.' and Mrs, Joe Dwr
family of St. a� Yon and
C,� th�r•it7�_!y, 1Q.r";•,
Mrs • .'Pergus ' Dwyer,, r'ryl� .a arid l
7otyc+ r
visited vlr, and Mri. .I;(in a:Irl
F'rayn•a recently.,
Holiday visitors with. Mr. and
Mrs; +Fred Vassella were Misses
Betty Lou And Maureen .of
trait,, Mr. Nelson Dillon : of
• Mrs,, Kraemerand: daughter,
Margaret 'of Hesson visited :Mr:
and Mrs '• Eugene Frayne last
Mrs. ,Wm Drennan 'is .a patient
in Wingh•am; 'Hospital; • we :vIsh
her a 'speedy recovery..
Curl -Master Broom's 'Aril,e�'d
of Montreal have; given ' the
Stevens_ Hepner Comp . aY. orf Port
Elgin . the' exclusive rights to..
manufactia'r this curling braoin:
in., all, .countries but United Stat-
es, They are now.,:being, made
in .'Montreal.. n. The 'Port El;g:n•'
plant is•preparing to eommnenre
manufac'furing • these .brooms:: by
aitid�win es,' , Lt 'will mean the
hiring of an additional 20 Work-
ers,, increasing the Steven -Hers
ner..:pay.roll tb 135,
• + •
The Huron County Holsten
club:niet recently; in Clinton and
Inti plans for 1983 activities::
Harold Gaunt' was ' appointed to•
.represent the club on the Huron -
County Federation of AgPicubttiri, -
The• president, Wellington Brock
of Otantan 'the' first vice f' Ap
dent, Vernonon :Hunter. of Luckno v:
and the. secretary Hume Clutt,or
Goderich a were named de,e-
gates tb the , Western Count;e•..
Committee at Lambeth it Febru,
,n•r.y, .
There is the . stofy' o1 the cl•,
Man Willi) needed $3 desdesperately,desperately,but he :'had' only. a $2'. bill. So fit+i'
'bnt to A pawn -bre ktrf and pawl -
td it 'for $1;58, Then/he sold 11a'
pawn ticket to a friend for $1 5°
.Ind ht had the $3' he n� �ded.