HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-09, Page 5WEDNESDAY,. JAN: Bth, i.tl63 LUCKNOW SENT. ,' - INEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO • • PAGE. FIV,r . „, ( Mr..and Mrs, .Ross, • AMBERLEY ' I";k.°'a„ u.. w... �._ Shiekls, .Miss. tµr ! Many k;l len Shiells . and Mr, arid ;snd� Mrs, Stewart ;Sims � a and SOtt. Oharles of Toronto spent , Mrs, .. John Bell of Kincardine aee .:guests ;of' Mr, .and Mrs. . •fit days' with. Mrs, Laura: Fw•, .r ''Naim and Mus Helen, McNain hes.ter C arnlaael.l and. faariily..of Mr., atn4. 4Wal'.tei ' meLeart l iondcn for, •Christmas day. and family enjoyed Christmas • Mr. anal" Mrs. John Blue en • 'wl•tir relatives •in Kinc•arc .ne te.rtwained rt,,.•atives on Christmas y ,' : Vies, Rrrn, Blue and Eugene Blue - J (.•,.r'oi'l. • . • rnd Mrs, .William Kemp. t )n ente-"t r,ned reiatives •on. r in�a day. Lynn cin Campbell ,of London spoilt' b�rG ' C ristrrm:as ; horr axs, w t'li: rr,;:ativ es 'at Amberley, SY . mpa.hy is..eo:tended to. Mrs'. 1)elbert Wilton: in the passing :of her' fabler, ,Mr. W. Campbell -'of Port ,Ea«;ri:• . Dcsp:te inc•?errieni weather con- ditions a good ..crowd attended. Pine River 'United ' Church:..on.. Sunday,,-.'Deee fiber .23rd .for the Christmas• service, Musical . num=• bers : were given by 'Bethel and. Pine River joint,choir, ' • . Mr; David Campbell, ,fourth �ancessron,,,spent Ghristrrias• with Mr, '• and Mrs. ..Ewen . Campbel'l •and..Mr. and Mrs Chester camp' bell of London.. Mrs, Grant ..Rice and family of London` .visited over, the past 'wet:k With Mr;• and Mrs. Arthur • Courtney, , Members' of the +Ferguson fain. Hies, enjoye:d Christmas day •at Reeds • •Corn. ers hall.' Mr, and ,Mrs. .Stewart S,11611s entertained relatives . on • Christ- mas,. ' a'Vhr, and Mrs..; Leonard :Court- ney ••and 'family and Mr, and Vies. Murray Walden and family; ,pent Christmas.„: With ,....'Misses .Norine and. Jean. McDonald of •R..ip;ley,, . • Mr. and krt. Elmer :Mc.X.enzie and family 'and. Mr: and „Mrs,: Pe'rr:n .Lowry ,-and family' were • Christrnas.g•uests of'Mr. and Mrs,' •Ede r: ,Lowry. `• .Q,uee. •Elx•ab. , '. ? n � eth s: ,message' .on' xn a distance were Mr. and nommis. t ll THE HUMP ON •I E.,;CAMEL'S. BACK ' may e.kit serves looks strange i ,t es s a'p'rac� Nal purpose. On the.desert, the camel must go wf hout food • and water for long periods of time: Buthe'ts ableto store nourishment in his hump sufficient to.:tide himself'over the lean days that mit fie ahead. There are apt to be; lean days for every. one. Life insurance can help tide you '.Over many of these for it provides cash it times of..greatest. need A Sun Lite Insurance 'program, for .example,. can = safeguard your widows codependence,,; -"your ct ildrens education, yoyi home • end your- retirement. years let me tell inahan R.R. t Lucknovti Photrse Wlniham SUN' LIFE -ASSURANCE. COMPANY Ghr ictmas'da-y •wa:s:an'zn f,pi ration ,;r;1 :n exp:c~se•d the 'n^•ae tl..:.t'we".should "Follow a: Star,' ,n the New Year.• Re•rn ares-• cent of her, father. King 'George VI;•. fist' Christrnas.• message;, as he: paid -•- The:Ne ' Year ;s;at' hand, We' ca•n :not 'tell what it wi:1': bring: If .it brings • peace, - ,how thankful• we' shalj be. :Lri. conclusion he' quoted'from Miss Lpu:we Haskins poem .•=-• sad '.to'. a; main who st:ood', at : the, >~ tc _of 1 ie. year: Give me light that I ms:y. tread•safe'ly into 'the unknown. 'And he , repFied': ' Go but into': ,he darkness .lard: pu:t. • thine han.d..ntn';the Hand ,of God; that 'shall be .,to thee;.better than ' ght, • and safer ;than a ;known ►w;ay", ? ew Years ,guest . •w�ibh :Mr. & \lira; Archie.-Courtey and . Mrs.: Carman •McLe.od, Eric; }:Garry and Randy and ;Mrs. Nellie bf Kincardine. ' •Mr, and Mrs, :•,John Blue enter:. • LUXURY SERVICE ECONOMY kftin, NOTIL fn the heart of downtown Toronto ..fac ing AIIan Gardens. Close, to finest shopping and .J entertainment centers, paler hospitals"and, subway. Beautifully :,appointed rooms and 'suites. Dining Room., Television. Children FREE. •Moderately $6.50 Single Priced from Occuponcy .$b. 'Double. $8 Occupancy rrederick firnnelt:, Gen. Mgr, v LOCATE) .AT •Telephone: X68-4823 .. • CEtJTRAl.I. , • 306Jo ry k St Cauda Y • tained a•.' number of guests at dinner on Friday evening of last week. Mr. Clifford. Emmerto:n is in. Kincardine ,hosp,ital following .a operation for appendicitis, '" Mr, and Mr -s; Mervyn • Eckmier spent Christmas day with rela- tives in . St. Thomas, •• Mr, and Mrs,. Ross Shiells .and Msfry Ellen $hiells entertained relatives on •New Years day or or ea ea al ow is us is ' Now la" The Time To Install; NAS.1....: ALUMINUM . IA WINDOWS and DOORS I:. Make your homecomfortable and more attractive 'b•Y !' 0 installing NASH aluminum combipatfon doors. , anda. As windows. _ 10..` • Mr: and• Mrs Art Cou;tmey • T made of heavy - gunge ■r. : hese units are � y �; uge � extruded ■ �..:. joined their family at,FNew Years .• - , . • , , • ■ r. nalumiinum. .al .dinner at lithe. home ..of • Mr:• asr,d w Mrs, . Robert Harris on ° Sunday Qt. last'Week.' Mr.. and 'Mrs. Walter 'Brown. are.enjoying their !vacation. 'in California, "Picking. oranges'' a thrill.. says ,Mrs, Brown. They also attended 'the Rose Bow. l game. and Rose.JParade on New Years day. Rev. J. C. Hutton of.,Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. .Donald Hutton' and :sons of Owen. Sound, visited on Monday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. 'NorvalNesbitt. • • Friends of .Mr. George' ion crief are ,g.ladto know that ,he is progressing favorably:'at Victoria. Hospital, London. Mrs ' and Mrs. -Hat -Vey- Steele .of : Detroit spent New Years at their cottage at Paint Clark. Mr, and Mrs.. Ceeil Humphrey and •Mr, and• Mrs DDonald. Court ney atende-d the Ontario Cheese. .Producers': Convention in -Toron to: wncrh was held' at the .Royal York Hotel on January 3rd • and 4th.• • PURPLE. GROVE • • C.ut. Feel Bills. .1.111 To 30%. • :..j: u /: w• • WE INSTALL AND SERVICE ,WHAT WE SELL • M • , TEWART'S Aluminum.- NSales 101 -Victoria ' St., .Goderich Phone collect .JA 4-8821 ■i onnemi neMeau■■u ■aura■nitai m■eeeenumennaaaoietana■ MEMORIALS Unsurpassed in Beauty and Value MORaIS ' GRANITE And . MARBLE WORKS Representative •Ross: Maclennan :Phone. Kincardine. GIRL GUI -DE NEV,: On, January 4th, • three ,patrol ,leaders,;two seconders, captain and lieutenant' of :the. fist Luck no* . guides.met at 6:30, in the Mr: and: Mrs, Claude, Dore and town, hall for a Court . of Honour. 'Mr: ,and':Mrs, Burton .Collins• at- ,prior to, :the regular.• meeting. At tended the 'wedding of their seven q'clock, the company form-_ niece,. Miss Betty Schrnidt_to;.Mi ed_.,palti-ols- for- °roll- `eaa11,: colrecti:on i'Vraurice Donnelly ih Forrn esa..ct"ri . of duel, and inspection .:oy Saturd•aY.. . • . il." While •in 'horseshoe formation; 1Vl s' Margaret Roberts:ori Spent . Ga+pt.ain •1±1ade sever a1 presenta* g sPe t F th . first t•. Years; R,elrgion and Life Emb�erris •18th, fo'rtheir . •:final 19;62 . meet Goldie Huston ... " •. �: I were a' ar�ded' Thee went to ; t e of 'Brow,. •`Christmas' visitors w��th �Vir� 8c" .rig •A -full at 4endanc.,.. Br w. ing with three -,of the •seniax:.. guides.. , Carntpfire was highlighter ;by a narrative of her` visit • to ''Our ;Chalet" :by Mrs .McKim Sr Taps closed the meet.n�g and the can-. airy ',patrol . tidied ,up. I,E::NEWS • 2nd'• • PACK BROWNIES '•.The .Lucknow 2nd:,•Pack Brow few. da s with Mr: and •1VIrs:`,. ions. pi: a rrs _me in.manY dies met on Tuesday;, December. Y Mrs: W liter:. •Forster " •were" 'Mr Janet • Carru�+hers and' Sharon n! es toured " the`' to.vn • . n+ging i a and `Mrs......Ray r Girdersandboys. of ''Gode.ricla, .Mr.: and Mrs. Bob• Smart of Niagara .Falls,. Mrs; John Colwell, Mrs. Annetta Bushell, Mr: and :Mrs; Currie Colwell .& family, Mr. and Mrs: Donald. Mc Cosh," Mary. Anne and •Dick:: tMow•bray. • H'ostess Badges were 1 carols to, several ,also presented .to these ::two girls:• the e'.r1s. returned. to Brow.in Li:' da Boyle; Nancy -Corrin and. O lshor e whereTaiy;. Ovvl L'ri•da re eived the makinChrist '. . Of C'h.rr t- • Year ser.:,7ice Stars • • ,roar :vv-.reaths• Sandw:cneS, „cnak- A game 'which :tested khe: les • and chocolatemilk. were ser-•. guid'e's -sense ' of . smell. was :cal/ ''vel before the Brownies re•tu s -, ducted. Nancy 'Corrin and Dor: home. hamThe next e b na Ritchie.won thr • gaxe; u� 'VIr. and Mrs.. ore ,ry • S-611. fatrii y, Mrs ,Frank Dore 'anA-fa 'cognizing 8- out of :TO household roily Mr' an•d Mrs Gerald Rihody smells: • .and family M•r Stuart Dore; Mr AGuides• studying...the Astrono-',..Cal;.,•``Can I have ,a c•iga elle?"' g Geos' a•Thonri icon Mr 'arid'Mrs mer'.5 badge met .With' Mrs -Mc Kit 't•ty: •."I thought. you'd quit. ' 'Kim Sr,' awhile Iiieutenant' tau'aht ;riinokrna."` n o guidesstill in the first phase" M, Cecil Dore 'visited at Ch t-. Harvie Thompso and•.!family &. at; t she tenderfoot Cal. I m. Mr, eci o Christ-, k • • mas' "with'Mr. arid Mrs.- Claude and„Captain.ieviewed,home nurs-::I've quit•,ouying. ,Dore. Mr. and Mrs.r. : Andrew Patte=• son,•and •Mrs. :Sade• Stanley Were visitors With Mr and. Mrs. - B.ur- ton Collins: •. • :Plisses Ethel,, Ada and .Lett'ie •Gawley, Mr and • Mrs.; Don• Chad - bo u r,n e ; : had-bourne;:Mr. arra Mrs:' Cliff:Chad- bourne spent Christmas with Mr: and • Mrs. 'Vic•t'or. G•awley: •Mr. and ':Mrs, Gordon' Mac;Don ald and Vary 'Helen were Christ- ': rnas guests of Mr ,andMrs; !red Gilch-ris.t, ' Mr: Frank Emerson; 1V1 ss ger:- Aldine er=A'ldin.e Emerson, Mr.'.Josaph ,Em- erson, Mr. a•nd Mrs: Ross 'Shields and Dr. James Errierson of Char- ing -Cross- spent 'Christmas . with Mr , a . me Eim r.sa arid Bob. • ' Miss Ann'ett'a'4Forst•er' had an operation on'her note• in Tororl'to. hospital, :Mr:. rand Mrs, Gordon Patter- son ViSited Mr. . and ..Mrs. 'Arthur I3atterson, Agincourt:'. , Mrs, Walter grster was , a guest; of Mr; arid,-. l's, Sid Wes- ton, ' Wi l lowd,ale,... ---"`a • Mr. 'and Mrs; Donald M'cCoh visited - -Mr, ,and • Mrs. :Howard Thompson, Mrs. Helen Swann is holiday - ng in London. "• . .Mr. and. Mrs. -Gordon MacDon- ald spent Wednesday in Toronto. Miss tonna McLeod, •Mr, and Mrs, .. Donald Steele were . •holi- slayers with Mr'.: and`Mr.s.- Wilmer MLe.gd. ,Moonie i Dore' 'spent Sunday. ',with John Collins f`or his 12th birthday. Mr. Wes Nansens .funereal was on Friday. Sandra,' John' and, Mar gie rCoIW r , : pcn't Saturday with Mr.. and Mrs. Ariclrcw .pattnern TODAY'S . MOST MODERN FARM SERVICE ii rr ,Pushbutton.... OBILE FEED your service — At your farm Give usa call at Lucknow• 528-3719 and • let : us furnish you with a supply of FulyyTon. feeds right at your farm Save money and always • have bet- ter, fresher feed." We come' right to your, .door and use your grain." Dave calls in by Friday noon at la#est in order to have service before ; Saturday noon. •We . do not operate our ' Feed Servh.e , ori 'Saturday afternoon. JDHNSiONE'S Mobile Feed Service Go J . proprietc» Lutknoww./Ontario n�dl7n..tone'.... 4•,„ .. • • • • ..'f ►t • • e- • id, at. m: