HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-01, Page 16• '4 • :l ti .h,_ .• PM E SiXTF�F�$'• THE LIJOKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNO` ,, • ONTARIO THAT effective 'on .Faraday„ "Tani uary 4th, business places • in Lucknow will' close :on Friday. evening: at ..8:00 p.fi, during January,, February and March.. THAT'1VIr, :and Mrs, :Kirk,.' • Allan did Eleanor of Milmei ton motored to Toronto recently .to t attend a 'recital given by senior pupils of Dr. Boris. Ber- lin, at the Royai. Conservatory. Allan ‘played 'a. ipiano•solo, `'Toc- cata, ,iby A. Khachatur tan'.. • THAT Bob Steely of Detroit 'sends .Christmas greetings and comments that . he 'got quite a. kick out -,,of the stories of :the big . ,fish .caught • at 'Purves'' . Lake.. Bob' added, . "I used to:, fish there••man3 a •time and the" largest,thing 1. ever caught was bass and. ,black snakes that is a long time' ago." • THAI; it friends in this commu: :.�. norr-stap4 to pity are a ,little late in re- ceiving Christmas greetings •from Mrs. W. T. ,Corbett •of• Toronto, ,it •is. because.' cif. �i11- ness...M.rs. Corbett is now con: valescing at : her home after five weeks rn:'St. Michaels Hos ',pital, Toronto,' where she lin- :del-went major surgery: + ±l+ # apt t asfatuvco est +locavei if +# lav ��. fid t • 1 -,Sentinel:.......,;,,,,,,,,p#4,-,1,= 1 THAT dyril Brown at the Luck - • now Fruit.Mai'ket had his plate' glass window smashed over the . Chsistmas.,h�oliday. ( �n F THAT* W.:L,.: MacKenzie as locat- ed at 332 'Plant -Ave., Tampa; Florida,He went south Eby. bus, Tampaandwas feeling fine He left London. on Monday,: December, 17th Arid on Wednesday, from his ;destine - wrote destine. -wrote a letter to his, daugh ter, Mrs: Jessie All;in.: • THAT Phyllis. ClIyton' of Huron Township, .played • the role of Santa and..Marilyn : Cameron of Ashfield was one 'of. the -snow- , men ,in the Chrristthas pageant Eby the -student nurses at Strat- ford trat-ford •Gener,a1 Hospital. TIXAT Mips.. g.Bert Ward shad the .lucky'.;ticket in 'the Christmas.. draw -held! by the Wirngharn IkOspital Auxiliary- and won, a valuable;", Ch'ristmas. ,hanipet• with an 18 pound turkey anfl all "the goodies".. necessary for • a 'real •Christmas' spread, • TUESDAY; JAS :i• JANUARY .14,, 3 • Our thanks to• all our patrons an r the .lo:'al and trust t y have traends. fo y. �y ,� . • ed us i' the past -May • t�ndelw. • everyone enjoy . good health .and prosperity during` the coming New.Y ear. • Ladies' and Men's Lucow ti; ; a>rvic t est mai! ento aeva a a pi aiviivteowametti, - rothers Die or•iy;• ort Time Apart . • DUNCAN A"FINLAYSON. • De!at came • to: Duncan A1'ex- ander F 1 ' ' .son of L;ucknow on The cfuneral' service .was held on :Monday : rnorning;. December:; 24th., at the MacKenzie ,Memorial Chapel Lwcknow, = conducted. by Rev. R..40dwe11 of Chesley. iriter+ment vias in . Lochalsh Cernetery, the ,pallbearers being'. Frank. 'MacLen.rian, .Gordon Firi err "ay, la son Noble Johnston- David • Friday, ., Decem!ber 21st at, St/ ; HospitalMaeDanald, Duncan' :Mathesoneson of' Mivha 1' oronto T y • e s _' ': ' Sarnia ',arid E}onald Finlayson• of • fbut where he . hadbeen. , :r.•iei .y,, u , • seriously ill. {' Toronto. 1VIr�y Fin1ail. survived •.by Less alvei, six 'weeks ago.' on' y so. is' his si t r �Liella: He was' retie November'.118th,; --, his brother, e p ceased..4, Dr Finlayson; an�d...a Dr.. R, Finlayson gassed away ,brobher, and' sister. ;who: died 'as •at St: Miichael's; The cause• of children .from "dup blieria. de�abh • vi as •+Ii same in {bath. cos :THAT' at a • mee:tin�g of: the' 'Unit, ed Church Women' of White- dhurch'. United. Mrs W: ' R -;Farrier was ,presented with, ,a 'Life Membership 'cern ticate and pin, by her• • family Mrs.. Farrier recently •observed her 83rd: birthday,. ••' THAT the H -C •. of LucknoW aUn o f Goderich a.nd district; '� , `/ ited Chu�rc'h:,had •a•ybus �,riip ;to;' For years..an integral •,part.; of Toronto On , W dnesday: to at:1.the:.communit he ublicly: sere-'• yP. tend a: thrilling Detroit'-Tpronto ed •as editor, he continuously • :game in : the Maple Leaf' ',Gard -:'shunned, any ; personal. 'publicity. p His love was neviispaper..work. and` ithoroughriess in' all his Work was'•`a .:Cardinal 'Principle Of, being: �An• ;:exponent ..of personal journalism, the eonvicitions; he.. Rays Tribute To W. 'H: Robertson ; L�ndon Wedding. Of . LLTOIvoco I raciest A • T e • marriage of., Wer cieU -- GOIt»QN '�1ion and•Miss •.Sheilla Ann' Gor- • don was. solemnized in Dundas Centre United Church, London, on Saturday, December B. L. Hodder .officiated, The bride 'is the 'daughter of'' Mr:. and Mrs, G. C, Gordon of London and the..grooM is the son; of Mrs.° Wili,iarn Alton of Wink;.. ham, 'formerly of Ashfield, and Pie late .Mr; Alton:, •The bride, rwtio 'was giver i•n marriage ..by ' hex, father, was, lovely in a igowri `' of floor-.3erugth •peau de sore • with gracefully" molded bell-shaped• skirt : anct' chapel train wtioh c ascaded .frons, a tiny' ,bow at • the waist, :Dile bodice was.'highl.ighted by asha`l- low scoop' neckline, without slee yes, but with a matching C''ha'nitily lace jacket. Het"' French pure silk: illusion veil was caught 'by: a. matching wedding.' •band head: piece -touched., with appl: clues :of the same •race. She carried •• an arm bouquet' ' of Johanna Hi'l. roses.' The three . bridal attendants. weire: -.gowned. alike ' in ei terald_- green. velvet dresses' and. carried arm,: bouquets', of white earna� tion,. They were Miss Lynn nos-" sites of Stratford, maid ,of honor, Mrs. Douglas Murray. 'of Kitch- ener, ,bridesmaid and Miss Marg-. aret Gibson, '1ister of. the bride, j,unlorbridesmaid, Groornsm'an was Douglas Mur ray. of Kitchener and. the .Ushers were •Rae ...Whgtoctsis. and David Gordon. The bride's • mother chose. a Sheath 'dress of` ,rose •beige peau 'de so'e with "irnatehing lace•bod- 'ice dile the, `kioa±m's smother' wore a sheath: dress •'of aq;uai.ar ine jacquard -brocade with; corn; lative accessories. theForin: thOn'eirtari�140.Q, .t• t•e .b�ri< °trrideip tto Ivor°- . g ';wore •a powder blue woo suit with >w+hitt accessories. The ` will. reside .at • 91 High .Street' ondon., (Goder,ich .Signal -Star) Few journalists achieve the re-: cord of, being editor of a ,'com- rnur ,ity' newspapertor .a cen- tury; Yet Chat :was . the accomp- lishment of W.::I : Robertson, Sot - mer ::editor 'of '.The Signal -Star who retired'in 1,951.1 and' whose death' occurred ::Friday, • Decent=, ber •14th in his 90th year $e was newspaperman of the ‘grand old: tradition and hiswri.tings brought' a shrewd :percept'ion of. the funda- mental 'value of public ,affairs as - they pertained to the welfare ens. The Leafs. won' 5 :to 4 Allan .•' Reed •.;' drove' the: Abu's. There ' were . 'e' thirty six young people mea a• the ,trip ac=' coinpan ed 'by Rev.. and Mrs. •upbringing, and his own. shreWc :study: of. public -affairs. An a•b:e journalist,' good citizen and ''.ho; !Friends from a distance attend-. ' H. W, Stra�pp• :expressed were his ind•.i.. g .. • ' : es, and • ne�•bh�r.:hac1 �ibeen aware � p individual ' rough ,gentle3riartr he ,:left � an ani- in. . he . funeral 7w re Miss :Anna . ' � of � t+he serious nature sof his ill- g t � - THAT. 1�.• ,•A. N!•a�cDonald, Loch-. convi+rtions;• brim' of his Scottish-', Print 'an this clstriet� 'for ';' ood�'.i:n y M of Chicago, 'arid.; • • town1 Presb y terian . Reform: .. nese : untul r•�el�atively . •a' short 'M'ar . ac.Kenzre alsh, .was in on Friday .' Y � ;Temiperanee . tnore.' ways than .one. ,_,.:_:,��,-,� ° .. :. her: �brotlier, .Hector -MacKenzie of: With ... ,• time ;before their, passing: w th !his. son Finlay. ,•XVIacUon= e. ' : ; KennethSlat* " Cr74,vi►ibtv�YGrlir irlb. ,CvrYp iiG* ,C►iAlit 1 rr�i?t 444'YiCwrt; !�s.'7 ,G4 '" fiir i' if b . I?uncari ,had. been :has rtalized Zndranapohs, Mrs. a old: of.�Chatlram. , A•, ,as,e w. , ' �'�' of. Lansing; Mioh:,. d'Vfrs. 'George, :' . . for only tiwo weeks, -and �tnany I . rs popularly •known will `,be 89 • New Year • friends wvere not aware that • he •Blue and daughter Aetna Mae of, • in F•ebrivary: He sufered, •a frac- ;67 St: Clair "Shores, 'Mich., . Murray, MacKendrick of Detroit and A native of ' bhe .4..och�alsh cam around fairly'well.• �He is prot�•d •turned hip' last.•Jan;uary, .but•gets tq was in phos tel, He was • - p'r '`r r 1�`•/ •'' TIM'll !OR•. A, munity ' Where .he was born. onfriends from Che91e ... ;. p of the',faotjthat he still: has November 28rd, 1891, Duncan practically all of ,his..own''tee:ih: was a son 'oaf John Frnlajyson arid,THAT' the following are the : committees �on. which'' Murray Gaunt MJP.1P.,. Huron -Bruce;' • Christina MacKenzie: •e ::spent 'TAT those in 'this community his lifetime on the farm at Loch- ' . who 'remember: Mrs.. Margaret° ' . Algeo' of New York "City, :will regret to 'learn that the non agenarian' 'lady"' ,is• In rapidly, failing. health; Mrs. Algea caii . .• pot. now see to 'read and her memory".is failing, to a degree that she 'was .unable .,to recog nize her: daughter or •.-`others. Who were' with,her' for what it alsh until he and his 'sister, Mrs's'; Lielha.•, . Finlayson, • m1oved to 'Lueknow . three- years, ago, • in • July'. of "1959..: The tribute ,that sums up 'all ` his attributes was this one paid to. him; "there are none . finer it'han Duncan :Fin-- laysizn.' fie was ;'a nnember of the a Free Church at,tLoohalsh and for many is ..considered Would be her last years had efficiently arid''faith- ' . Christmas, .,party at the hest fully served.' as financial ; Seem- Horne' where she has 'been for. .,tary :of ;:the congregation. ' some tin -ie. • 40444, 04,011801Ort,cttt ,1+aerwaa1,0+r,a + r►ibrAgpakx,0144 r; ni•il ii • EW YEAR GREETINGS SINCERE BEST'- WISHES .TO YOU AND YO.1RS For Health, • Happiness an Success Throughout , The INTaykr. Year, it's, been a ;pleasure ' to serve yott "'THANKS!", _. . serves: Agricult'ure;, conserve tion, -lands and. forests,;. eduea- ,'tion, garne .and fish, health & ' welfare,.. labour:, regal •,bills,• mining,. `private standing orders. THAT the'Lucknow District High .School ' . Students • "head• 'a very •successful. pre -Christmas dance,• of Frietay et ening, to •rnitsic- by • • 'Emmer.ton's Orc'hestra•. • Parents • of Students • of Grades (11, • 12 and 13'•' were .guests•'"and •.;mem-. bers of the staff were also pre - :sent, It was suinityied tap as "a very niee _dance." THAT a short-lived sto on. Sufi hristmas visitor` motoristsad trine:. Snow •squalls and strong winds which' swirled' •snow over roadside•; banks cut wisiibility" to almost nil at times, By Monday; morn )ing the itorrn 'had • abated and Motoring. conditio,ns:-:F:we're gen- erally '.good""'over : the;liday. TH�1,T Mr:1 and Nirs, Herb. Mc ullrrr have been, spending, the holiday' season at Galt and HOokwood rwi,th their sons, M'r. •and .Mrs, Sam • McQuillin and • Mr: and Mrs, Carmen. McQui1'- lin, prior .to starting outfor a hpliday in the south. During their, absence Jim Thomipson,, a 'neighbour on the 2nd Corr, will drive Herbs mail route, Mr, and -.Mrs,• Allan MVlacjntyre are' staying ' at the farm. M. . and • Mrs: McQuiliin .plan tis; .'leave on 'Wednesday: and will ,begone until Tate March, There first'stop in :li lorida Will be at JiYn Nixon's trailer carr. A. "BUD"HAIILTON feES SERGE .AGENT w in • '"Bud" Hamilton Cliff .raWwford • #0146409'I:Ir$ZaoboPanabtir+aatatliirioOea • 041 • Another 'year.. has rolled by during which we. • have. been Pleased, to •ser°ve' .you and make new friends. To ,one :aril, all we exUerci 'heartfelt good 'wishes •dor' A NAPPY NEW YEAR. � .. ..: BENNETrS SE 1 a i,�avt»eai�iiv+���r�mr�r►aauxeare snxneaa•rpk�n�n�aarta►w ' reabiti1ws►oi+aapaa�!•olaia►,�����fr��rrti4afMI0��� ti !. .moi a A Happy; Healthful, and Prosperous New Year.' to everyone in this • commu'nity.. - "' TO have ..been of service to you has n a pleasure. Many thanks'',`for your pat,lotiage. JOHNSTONE MI1ETFEED. Mili & SEED CLEANING -PLANT ii. 00040x, 0; o0t a; Molar omiti0s 11476, 14sti,siaiSismi li ti itOhel'r,7