HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-01, Page 7TUESDAY, JANUARY 1st, 1M3
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▪ ' r c �ti0 ..cf You are a member of Waterloo Cattle . 'Breeding' a
■, > Assodliation you are entitled to a voice inchoosing the • . �'
n directors who will, 'guide its 1963 operations and to :
2a.full port of its, 1962 year's ` business
■ �i1_�J_�___t' 1 O■. meetin. n
■ • w�.
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boars; .
BUcks.. .
are used:
BRUCE -GREY, ianua!y2fld,. 1963
1-1 a,m. Paisley: Town Hall
January� scaleN; 5th, ;:1063' • u Bell was 'born in Edinburgh,
Dept..,'of . Agriculture Board Room, Clinton,MI"
First Intelligible `Words. MearsOn
Alexander Bel l's� Tel
;M the inventor of fie °t'ele-
phone, . Alexander Graham. Bell,
were • to visit' Walkerton ''Or. Car-
rgill's dial excihange Itoda,y he.
would •not ,be too greatly surpris•�
ed at ithe new devices whicrh fea-
ture modern telephone service.
From . the mornerit when his
...dream of 'talking over,wires be-•
came a reality ,; •iwith•, the.- first
crude- instrument, he vnsualized•
its application on a , universal
ep.hone Was In 1.876 ,:
the .diaphragrn. At the receiver
end o,f• the circuit were a riag-
net•and another diaphragm so sr --
ranged, , that the varying current
caused the magnet to • exert; a.
'Varying .pull on the diaphragm:; ,
and reproduce the original vi
,bratiens. :
It was 'while'' expeirunenting.
,with this device on' the evening
of March .10; 1$76, that Bell:
-spilled some of • the -acid on phis••
trousers and ` .exclsin ed "Mr:
Watson, come :here! rI'ward your '
Watson, at the receiver in another
room,,beard '.'tihe•.words 'd2artinctly.
ER . •ani•-us:ied in to tell the • .
young inventor of his Stigess,.
• Bell gave: the -first ''pi'.iblic. de -
m on ation
emon.,.-ation of his sucee sful tel
ephone at :the Centennial 'Expos
it:, n . in • Philadelphia on June
25th; 1875.., Only two distinguish-
ed visitors,. the Esrmperor:oof Bra-
zil and Sir William . Thompson; a
later Lord Kelvin; were openly
enthusiastic :Despite .the skepti
cism of the, majority, the interest
Of these• two amen, one a :_mon-
arch and °rthe other 'the, world's
most eminent electrical scientist
.focused .attention on• the . illen.
On:Au ust '10th f that year•
Bell conducted the first• success-'
fu1 one -Way long distance. tele- •' •
,Phone ;test in the world, from .:.
Brantford: .t� Paris, Ontario. The
distaneebetween : the two places
was: •only .'eight :.'Miles . bu,t the'
voice. currents ' had to ;be �rtrans-
mi.tted • •from . Brantford.: to•. Parris:
via .Toronto- where' the batte
supply, •'was located;; thus the
.cir'cuiit . 'actually totalled about •
136' miles:
.with ether. successful:
Nests that •followed :when -Bea--
returned to'Boston, wlas the ov'�-;
erture to telephone serve`' e • dm..
a commercial:` : scale: ". The : idea
.,had ',come of age,
ianuary. 9th 1963
1`0:15 'a.m. G 'innasium,.Sea ••
y . , ...grain Stad;urt>t, • VWate'rloo , r.
,'Visitors Welcome Lunch Provided At All 'Meetings.:
i esinalirnaa:u iaaarkaa:euaaemaeaaraaeidamama■an iruaaaaauaaaarai aa■na.snaa
ton, Mrs,: C•..' Crozier, 1st' weepres., •, Treasurer,convener ... Q•f
Stewardsip;. Flowers, Mrs. J, M.
Reed, Mrs. L. Hasty; M°rs.. Jinn
Drennan; Literature and ,Corii-
munita'tion, -MTS., L. I'vers, Mrs,
Ashfield Presbyterian W,M:S, � Drelri 4n, .Membershi•p,; Mrs: •R.
•" Henry, and Recording secretary;-
The December .Meeting. of the omination 'Vlrs, R. Finnigan,
.,Ashfield :'Presbyterian Churth M, ;W. Petrie ,Mr'
WaM:S; ;was'' held 'at ';the Norrie' of ; ' s. W, Pentland,
Supply & Social Assistants; Mrs.
Mrs.. Dick West who was ton H. ,McWh,ione. , ;VI•s, C.'Finnian
Mts. ' M; Shackleton, Mrs
Stewardship and recruiting, Mrs.
J; 'M:.Reed; Mrs: H.•'Horton, ,Mrs.
R..Parks; .Mrs: A. Elliott; Social
functions, ?Vt s, H. Johnston; Mts.
vener, The. purpose w•a, repeated.
in unison and prayer .of`thank•s-
giving was given by Mrs,' D Farr
ish. Mrs Dick ,West. conducted.
'the .responsive. reading' The Voice
of 'the,' Oriental Christians, Prot n' F Thompson,
, � :Mrs. �B : Stewart,
India •and` Formosa was'. read' by.
•. Mrs. G. Weaver, Mrs. W.._ Petrie,',,.
Mrs: Colin : McGregor; . the Af •i .
M r..s:.• L. Stingel, ge , 14i•s.` . H;::'Erring-.
• can Christians of Nigeria was
ton;:.' Programme, Mrs. H.. Finni-'�
given, by Mrs:: D. .Farrish; . the
gan; • :Vlrs, R: ' Finnigan;' Christian
South -A'merican '.Christians of. and,. Missionary .Education
British. Guiana. was given bY
... •, .....:..- _._ . _ • L, e t. , ;1!I s:: F:� Your-ig; . 1VIrs:
Bill Ross, and the .Ch;rjstian, of.i:-1-1 • in
iH, . CV9h hey; Pianists,. Mrs.. F,
the.. Canadians:;was dead by • Mis.; Pe t.land Mrs.. ' :Finnigan, Re=
,l :, n .„ � ,G. nb �.
Wilfred Faxrish :Tlie clui;tr:nas•,. resentartive to' the manse board
meditation was g ven .by '171s'. P pp, Represen., ative. to
V1r$, O..Po t�
Duncan rrisli: M s :"^5ItC f9
nti , the Official Board, .Mrs,':L. Hasty
,• $tontofe., h .t,an. cele-
to C.h�ristian ' and.
lVl. & VI, Education; Mrs.: E. Riv-
East Asia T:he;':offertor�� p:1Yei`: ett` .Represe:ntative to Board of..
I r
r p.
was given ,:by, Mrs, (tour, M.c-: ; Ste.wards','.. Mrs, ,,G,: Weaver, Re_•.
, Gregor sand ' prayer•'wa :given by res°entative to . fin.anc:e tomnmit- :
i`' 'ad::
o..n-t n
M West. :Vi. ss S e J o
• ..tee, of the •Presbj>'tery, _• Mrs.' '7I;.
•conducted` the''.butiire§s:psrt•,•of ''. ,]tori Auditors, 'Mrs. J: Dr..en
the .Meeting..The different were.- .n' '
71- nan; Mrs., B.`Stewart. A: very irn.-
'tari^es 'and leaders of • the" .,AUJ, ,p'•;-essi+ve•Christmas service. .*.is
• iary, ' g
brarting " the birth cif ' Chr t '.:of ; •
ave' tiheir reports, Mrs. ! .also. held under . the leadership.
of M•r's Ross Henry, At 'theclose
•of,`the.rne'eti,ng•lia ich:'Was served
tiy''the.hostesses Mrs.. K. Dawsori,
;Mrs. C. Finnigan, Mrs. J.. 'Dren
Henry MaoKenrie ' 'offered .her
Name for : the J':anu<i v meet
T�unch •was -..se'rvcd, b.'' the
.hostess' and cotru ittop .n charge.
'The slate'•of officers for •th;e 1963'
term are' as.
Past `President 'M -, E:'11 R;ass;
President, Miss . Sadie • John.ston;
1st• vice Ml's.. D, .R,. Ma,CKenzie;
2nd rvice, Mrs, Jack McCreiglht;
• :3rd 'vic Mrs..': Dick West; •'Secre
tarry ;::;Mrs., Henry McKenzie;,
D.' W.
Treasurer; Mrs. McKenzie; .
Press,'; Sec.', • Mrs. ; Ea .:Hawes;
Crlad Tidings: ;Sec., Mrs,CainMcdrego'r Home'•iielpcts; Mrs:
Earl Howes,Welcore and
fa , Miss 'Sadie Johnion;: Mrs
D, ••McM rchy; Supol
Reuben, Wi/lsonx . •',l; br ar•y ' and
Literature, Mr
...s,• L�. . ..cLean' •
A :,M
Everyday •Sec,, Mrs°• Eeubcji Wil-
il:-s.on;, Life Metnbership, Mrs, Mc-
Kenzie; Pianists, Mips U; . Wylds,
:Mrs, BL1I Jahnston; C.C.LT: lead-
ers; Mrs. Ewan Mclean .and Mrs,
Lc, ,
ade:rs' Mrs.
• Bill •Ross;''E�c' lours
„ P
Henry MadKenzie, grid M.rs. W<at:-
- rear Wylds.
Dungannon U,G. Women' ' •
The officers of the %Tin:ted
• Chilli -0h • Women of :• T3ungtinnon'
far' the 1063' -term •arcs: Pros dr4i1,:•
Mrs K.' IC. Dawson; 14t v:tre pre-
siden•t, Mrs. C. _Blake; Enid circ
president, Mrs., ,H, 1� in.ni.gan'; he,
cording secretary, ':qtr: ,til .; .E04y;
Press publiFi�ty and crirrt;spitnding
.secretary,, Mrs; E l� r•r•ir:irton;
•'f reastarer, ,Mrs, •W• Brown,. Corn-
rrritte-e Chris tiaai Cibi;'cn hip'
,,.Zed Social Action Mr . 'lI- tJiyltri-
SitonaiMrs. J. Daupir,nn, C' ,rritntt�
riity:tiriendshp ait<t V::;t:it;t,1r.s,
Rivett; Mrs. F'. r`;,ung r s 11.
.?innigan,: Ml's. A 41ri°: �t rl'rltl Mr4.
R. Sttrthers . Mr:;.: iv" •fist i�';cirs;,
F, Pentland, Mt
J: '1iir,ve ,
Mrs. V1f, IPentl ind° 'i1 �: •W 4, ran:-
ston, Mrs. I1.
Ander;;on; Finance, ,1: .11
Zion eU.C.W,'' Report
tear for .her ,splendid . work Of the
•pasttwo. years, The ladies had
an 'exchange. of 'Christmas gifts
and .enjoyed .lunch' prepared by
• t•he.• hostess .and ,Mrs. 'Lorne, Cook.
Vesper Service
The.' annual ;Vesper service of
tkie. . Lucknow ; Stepping'Stones,
.group Was
day evening, December
' D'iane.. `Jamieson`- led.',•the 'con-.
gr. egation for' this „ service: Betsy.'
Hendersoin . read the ..scripture
reading,, and '•..Sharyn Mowbray
led in a . -choral ., reading.;';
• Janet Carruthers Don:na , Cor-
rin;an'd.,Katherine:,MacLe•od were
the-.candleilghters. The`rest of
..the .girls . made up: the . choir..:
The '••guest.` Speaker, Mrs.. Jack
Pollock, was :unable to attend :be-
cause of weather conditions: The
iT1s g
Wish sh it° thank their leader,
Miss' d -
�la s acDonald for tak '
y M ., .
ing her place iri th'e service. '
Rev. MacLeod closed the- ser
vice With the- benediction, . The
parents of the ;girls •were :invited
to:bhe,' Sunday Scheel morn • for
'' .. The Christmas`conce-rt,held in
;the parish hhall,', December 18Vh
was. well •;atterided and. the child,
ren : performed very; well. • The
• hand frri•ade quilt was won by Mrs.
The 'Deceinber Meeting: of . the
LBOb Hutchinson of Wilitechut••c
U:C;VV:'was ;,held at. 'the'.horne 9f IMiss•'Kathleen Dalton "won: the
Messrs. Martin Courtney, 'Des=
mond_O'Donnell, Dennis •'Dalton,
Jim Sinnett. are all home after .a
Jack McDonagh in •Luck-.
now with 'nineteen, ladies in at
nice, The"roll call was an-
tienda "Christ
ered: b • :�t.el�ling of a Christ=.
s y., lel
Custom '..: Mrs.. D. :A. Hac-
kt �e tit took .charge''of' the de
tuna period :period with; Mrs;', Frank
Ritchie reading. the scripture.'
Th'e visitors for the •'shut-ins. :re:
p, `'orte�'•d and ',four ladies were ap
pointed to pr€ pare .the 'Christmas
treats fpr the 'shut-ins:. The la.:.
dies de.e:ided to 'Send a • do` ation
to.�' t i rrr e r•o r;arii'•' • and to
.,. mg p g
they' Summer School at Gader-
i•ch, and • one to the University
Hinds". The llui le'study;: was led
b • Mrs, • W. •. �G, Hunter. • Mr:
Y red. ,for ,the election
of ..thy, 1i1,"r3 -o•ffieers: President,
Mrs: .Charley Anderson; Vice
piesidt'nt. Mrs, • Harvey Ritchie;
Treasurer, Mrs, Frank • Ritchie;
Assisttnt. • treasurer, Mrs ..:Eldo'n
Ritchie • Seer et• iry :Mrs. Wesley
Ritchie; secretary:, Mrs.
Ooracti :l<ir.kland; .Assistant, Mrs,
D; .A,` 1.larkett; Program corn=
miittee; Mrs.'' A.11ati. Ritchie Mrs.
Charles' W',krrts Manse cozrirnit-
.tee, Mfg ' Peter 'Copk. •Mrs. Eldon
Ritchie' Social fu'iicttons, ' Mrs.
Jatne= Bunter, Mrs, 'Charles Wil;
k:ins; • ,sewing committee, •Mrs.
Nelson, flaynnrd Mrs, Robert
Iiel.rah, Airdi`0r's, Mrs; Kaiser and
':Mrs: Allan Bai,er;:. Lite'ratiure
•Seerirtary° birs, Allai) 'R'itehie;
Lith lx,3retrs KSeeretary, Mrs.'
Johne, liunia,r; Pianikl,- Mrs. Peter
Cool. ,•+•i•c Gardner,\"r John Gardner,
A" , ,;i. of thanks was given to
the .1)1•1,:;(1:••0, Mrs• J.nrnes -Hiar -
season of navigation: •
•• Mr.•, and Mrs,,;Clifton •Austin
are spending th'holiday- 'season
:, Messrs., Jim • M rtin,. Maurice
Dalton, ;Arnold`-Marsman, Misses
Alice. Dalton, Mary 'Lau' Drennan
all Of •#London ' Miss. ' Patricia
Drennan , of ..Kincardine spent
Christmas' at their homes:. ;
Dr:• Wenzel a d' daughter .Barb
Th g
a'ra of Detroit ' . s en't • Christmas•
here. P .
Christmas :visitors. with Mr. &
Mrs. •Walter,.Clare were Father
LyoldRyan .of Mildrrhay, ,Mr. &
Joe oe Copperauld and d'augh-
ter•',Eliz•a�be'th, Mr...`and Mrs.Dan
Ryan and Kathleen 'of' Detroit,
Mr. Frank' Ryan,•'Ottawa,. Miss
Mary Ryan,' ,Mr, Michael.. Ryan
of, T'�orontQ. •
Mr. 'and Mrs. David Brown "of'
Walkerton • spent .Christmas : at
Mr..' Norman • O''Connor's home,:
Mr's. William ,Drennan has not
been ' enjoying very good health,
Visitors with Mrs; Drennan. and
Mr, and Mrs. He•irryI)r7ennan-and
Were Mr. m
d Mrs, Aaibrey
Collins of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs,
Kenneth;:Col1'ins of Montreal:
Mr, and ' Mrs, Larry. McIntyre '
of Brantford spent• ,Christmas
with' friends\•here.• •
'Happy New Yeea
to 'All!
is ?ourubscri tion.
p cl.enexved?
Scotland, :on March 3, 1847, and
before he died',. in: August .1922,
he , hacl:seen , an in•nense 'corm-
munications.system blossom from
the tiny seed he ' planted ' .only,
40. years YbefOre.. :- •:
Bell's father, Professor Alex-
ander'•Melville"• Bell, had been a
Leacher of elocution and was• the'
inventor of a phonetic alphabet
which he called "Visible Speech."
This consisted Of a: series of sym=:
rbols indicating the positions the
speaking organ takes ; in •nater '
ing ,different •sounds, It was
most. ,useful •i•nteaching the deaf
to •speak. "
Graham 'Bell • followed in his
.father's footsteps.: For reasons" of
health he carne to ;Canada in :1870;
to join his family which' -diad,
settled near 'Brantford, Ontario,
"a:: 'short ` time °before,He regain-
ed -his health and in 1871• took
up his 'father's work instructing.
teachers- of deaf '•ahil°dren in the
use of Visible Speech' at',$oston:
and other, American cities:. -
•It was a,• lucky, conibination of.
a. spare -time; interest '-and his
daily -work With .:the deaf • that
startedthinking on the lines•
that led . to, thetelephone idea..
:He Was interested in telegraphy
and, with;gits knowledge of sound.
;and -,speech,= -began: to• conte -i:
,plane : tih:e;, p.oss'ibility` of speech
being tr`ansmirtteover a' re
by' electricity :wire
During •-a , s.u�mmer holiday at
Brantford,. 'Ontdrio*in `18774; : Bell
outlined to ;his father 'his now
historicc Conception: Ftion
_ c : I% . L. could.
make • a current ;cif electricity
var in iri' e Si-
. y • ,t n . ty precisely ` as.
the air ;varies in :density during
the production of a `s:ound, , I.
should" < Ibe :able'. r`a` • ! t a:ism }•
speeeh. telegraphically.
Haunted' R by the idea, Bell
AN/ piked, ;at it. :unremittingly
'devised in 18.75• phis first crude
telephone, "The. Gallows. Frame.'•
Itwas,''.able to transmit :only
meaningless .. 'sounds'••• Endles.s.
fhours' of work and thought fol-•
• 1�owed''untii in Mareh, 187 , :the
first. intelligible sentence ' • was
.transm•itted.. Over: wire:
Bell. was 'experimenting" with
,a diaphragm. held toyer a: tiny
:cup :of.. dilute, acidSuspended
'from the•-diaphiragm, and dipping
into the acrid':"was,' a thin: .Wire.
'Current flowed' from a battery
into the.'suspended w:i�e, through
the acid, into 'a''second; wire and
along, it to: the 'receiver .m;_an.
other room. As: a "sound 'caused
the: diaphragm ' to -vibrate,: the.
'first wire. was lorwered into the.
acid to a,. depth dependent on
the strength, bf the vibration:. •.•
The 'depth of: inu iersiert of
the wire •determined the amount.
of :current:. .'which, • could .flow
through. the: acid. {Consequently;
;the ,•e1'ectric 'current flow:n
through the' circuit :,varies. •iri'...in-
tensity. with the' vibrations • of
HoOpy To See Hod
Dear Cam
•It . Was.' so geed to See the pie' -
ture o:f •Hope Cemetery as '• it
Iooks` today. Oa•rm:..and. I• have','':..
always ane'' inf. there" 'wh.en 'We.
Went: to .Lucknow; • Dint "al:ways'.
..had 'a hard .; tirri'e with •• weeds . so
thigh.' We. no* can see •:our .:grand=
father and . grandinothea'
their parents' .headstones.. '1.
know sire .Make.. • a ' lot
.;of -people -:happy' -Ito see .the--
metery fixed up' Would like to,
.get:.a couple . of extra .:copies ' of•
the 'paper,: .so Pearl:' and.`,,B•ev...°
lull]•have it,
Carie. arid I were up .to:Wal- •
kerton ,recently 'and •Thad • a Teo. visit With 'aunt. May and
:uncle... Tom' Burns, We were se.
•pleasecl to ,see them :lockinig so
nd 'again let ''us pay,' it ',lids,.
"our hearts good to see. Hope:; •
• Cemetery.. fixed`. up'
' Best Wishes;
.Carman . and Jessie-
Detroit 16, .Mich.
bur greatest,' glory.' .• not in
never ;failing, but in: ;rising each
time .we. fall.—Oliver -Goldsmith.:
Effective The First Friday
In The New Year
1ucknow H
On Fridays At
Until The end. Of .March.
Places Will
6:00 p.m.
,1�Ai1l,Mild{•{AMA°���►uagwtl�sd�►gOa`1►o�l►°I�N�tS�t'���,1�., �.