HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-01, Page 4• r-","1„. PAGE FOUR," THE LUCKNOW SENTZTlitor. LUOKNOW, ONTARIO • • Trtl1ES�DlAX, JANUARY (;CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING► ,RATES. -7— First 'Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c epneat I e tm ._ 1. 2nper-• Ever . Events, minimum'' 7 5 e. In Memoriams, minimum " :$1, 00: '25c ..,- T -TR "�"rnum SOC. 'Notices,, Cards of Thanks. and Coming extra for replies es to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 1 Oc . for rThe each bill rendered, FOR SALE .FOR ,SALES -� 1050 Plymouth,. 49,500 ac tu'a1 miles,„ 2: ,brand new front t,ires,.•2'`.sriow .tires, recent vaiv'e ' job, . brand new snuffler;. Priced to sell. 'Call . jerry IVI'ow - ;bray, .Luicknow; .phone 528-20716. IDE.R-s. .TED TENDERS for 'Township of Hut, ren . Service Truck, F1 -ton chassis. Following'•• specificat}•onutast• apply.;: Not less than .134" wheelbase, Gross vehicle .weight, not less than 10,000 .lbs.; Rear • COMING EVENTS; NEW YEARS EVE DANCE , o ire De artment' will Luekn w tk'' . p ho14 their annual New Years Eve Dance in the Lucknow ° Legion Hall on . Monday, December 3;lst. Music. by 'Carruthers Qrohestra • RECEPTION A. ,reception .will be held on Fr•.da January °.4th .in .the Le- y� ... onour gion Hall, LuGknc Lv.,., in h ,of Mr, .and Mrs. ;Nor.man Stewart (Norma. fFprster). ••Carruther's I. Orchestra. Everyone welcome. on helper 'springs and heavy duty BUILDING POR •SALE ' stains rear •tirenot less than. 7.'50x17 NOTICE `' • Lucknow main. s'tre�et; co, ... two • modern apartments,''. one Aube .type;. 0 -ply lugs, rear .and be: 1 t oil 'spare; :50x17. ` 6 -ply front; 4 :heated, Art Gilmore, phone . speed tandard •1transimission, en- 61-13, en- 1- Dun anon. • • .gine 6 or .8 'cylinders, not :less 6 13 ' g than 260, cubic inch:. directional' signal lamps, Class ! A. three front. cab `,markers, duel electric windshield wipers,: °fresth air heat- er, full .flow oil filter: ' : ' Tenders 'to, 'be received by r Steve Irwin;. 'Road Superintend - Int, not later than 6 t 00 p.m , Sat - p FENCE POSTS urday, .January' 5th, 1963 Anyone ne'edin'g fen'c�e, pasrts ,for.• spring delivery, its requested .to place their order now. John A MacRae, . R 3, ' Luh ph. Ripley. 164=r-14. .SNOW REMOVAL Anyone ,wanting snow removed contact jack +Parrish, phone 528-3711, 'Haro1#" Farrish, phbne 5284326 or Jian Lavis, . phone D 0 - STEVE IRW N, Ripley, Ont. Notie TQ Creditors 'CORN FOR SALE =-- Kiln. dried' "In .the • Estate'' •o EDGAR anc1, cob corn; from • the Ridge=. DOTfiGLiAS:HARTON •.-D•eceased. town -Chatham :Area an :5 -tong & . Al Persons having • claims; truckload''iota., Jim MacEw i,against the :estate :of Edgar Doug- Kinloss, phone' •210, •Bernie. Chas 'Harron, late ; of the 'Village of ' - .:Lucknmw,. in the :County, • Of Bruce, : Gentleman, Deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of ' ' November: 1962, are hereby `no= VVI D. —.tabletop desk . Con- tified to send' :full: particulars d of bh it c1a'' o . the. unidersi 'ned env: aT:. R. L�iuckrrow a ixns,,:,t, g eta t. R I�►intg; > . oli i r for' :Executrix :of phone 5'28 321;4.: • . � •.: �. , 8; cto .t,.be •.. ..., ' -, the' Estate ,on ar before the' 15th 'WANTED :live ;poulitry; ralso ... We wislr. to .:thank relatives, day of January` 1963; 46ter *high ,friends •. and':• lei a r • • h i ghbo rs .fo the. ANTE NOTICE' TI Anyone interested in • the - Spring Project for 1963,'4-11 Home' tGai'den;'' Club .Preservation, con tact • Mrs: ' George Whitby,, by January 4th. iMenvbers . must. be 12 years.' of •age by ' Mach .1st, 1963...• •: TENDERS . ' WOOD TENDERS'• l'NANPED — 30 oords wood for inlough• Sohool,.:.15•..cords . ejm, 16"; 1'S ' cards maple and,.�beech,' 1,6!',. all body. wood. �' Tenders to be received :by th secretary on, or. ''before Jazivary 16th; .1963. . ..MAY,. BOYLE, ' Sec'y.-Treas RD OF THANKS and'•Mrs. John MacCh•arles' wish to ..sincerely : thank . gall. those Who so 'kindly remembered them with cards and, gifts -d at Christmas: CARD .0 112 �s Catherone MacGregor tshes .to w. express her heartfelt 1� .thanks and: appreciation to' all who; s,o ,kindly remembered her in many 'ways while'in. the hos- pital, Thanks ,also tire: those who provided transportation to.Lon= don for. 'Mrs, 'Stuartand: w�hq as- sisted in other' ways, A 1 . wish to sincerely ' th. ank 'a'll who were so kind" �and.:bhiough°t ful.:w,hile I was a 'patient . in'Lon- don and Wingh•am •hospitals. Greta Rice. ;On behalf of my fa.rn�ily. •and myself • •I wish to thank ,our friends and.:neighoours :for, the ,. 'Cards,- an acts of- lin.. Hess giftsd t d. shown to usi, while I was in hospital,` Mrs. DuncanThonburn; . Brian Mowbray; wishes -to - sin- cerely • thank his Free Press.' 'Customers:'who • remembered :hizn with gifts at Christmas 'time,' and •to ''e i• :'+best wishes for and prosperous New • �Mx . and Mrs Harry Wall and family would like to thank all those ' Who weir' soo d : 'o them w, _e g o .t in many ways, -during the Christmas season • Miss Liella:'Finlayson wishes to express her •deepest: thanks and appreciation to •.:all those .wj o were ''so kind and: sympathetic. in many.. ways at ,the time.° of bide t Beat°h' of !her brother.- , a happy' Year. :new .and used duck. and .goose feathers..: Best' prices at yoke. :door., Phone or Write A. Brown, 101 Kincardine. • 'WASTED ` ..to take care •of' 'elderl: .w'oxhan, live in• with; y her ,son, light duties Box': 206, �Luckncw' • or `hone •6!28-3048; P SERVICES date ithe; Estate will ' be ''distrirrbu- ted .am'ongs't: those persons' en titled•thereto, havingregard only -to• the 'claims '-of which the Ex- ecutrix . shall thenhave.notice. na ice kD•ated • at- LListow•el, • Ontario, this .12th' ,day of .'December 1962. R :-W. ANDREW, .Listowel, Ontario; .Solicitor far ;the 'Execu RUBBBR STAMPS, 'of all. kinds, made to.: ydur specifications,' -are: UTOMCT I V E : available at ' The Lucknow • Sen • Mechanida1 aYid body, . repairs; 'mel, phone "35. Wheel : atigmirient, arid balance, Window replacement, Radiator : • repairs, Protect against •• rust. with U,ndaspray _F_ �``IFA`VIIIS"O.N'S' Texaco SerrYce __, - No. 8 Hwy. Phone JA -4.7231 Goderich, Ontario ' CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and Obi* sold,, in any quantity. Custom butchering in Government' licensed' abattoir. . ;Pigs .;.every 'Tuesday. Beef 'from Monday throttg.h• .Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET KET SEPTIC TANKS' CLEANED Septic' ., tanks, .cess pools, etc., pumped:• and. cleaned ..With mod- -ern equipment. All work guar- anteed. Lduis•'Blake, R:2 Brus- sels, phone 442-W-6.; AUCTION SALE' Allan Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lueknow Phone 10-r-19 Ripley HURON COUNTY COUNCIL JANAJARY : SESSION. The Huron County Council. will commence ori Tuesday;.:.Tantaary 15th, 1963, at ` 2:06. p,m. All ' 'comm;uni,cations or notice of any deputations • must•'b.e in the hands ..of the Clerk no later :than 12:00 noon, Friday,. January 1lth, . 1963.. : ' • John 0: Berry, , Clerk Treasurer, •' _'. , _,_. - •� ' ■ g k ■ THE • WEST WAWANOSH ,County Qf. iluroh, •• , ■ ':rainy acts' 'Of:. 'kindness and: 'ex- pressionsof sympathy; cards and floral; tributes; ' received doing the loss of .our 'dear datg°hterr and: ISiSteLL....Esther Chesbro/Special i .1. .. tP :thanks to 'Dont $rs. 'M:.. 'H. 'Corrin and J:.C.. McKim and staff , of Wingharn Hospital: Mr: -and Mrs. Walter. Chesbro and family. Happy-New-Year.o E1Wryone �,:-_ _.. Christmas 'visi:tors• were: Mr. - and* Mrs.: Da'yid Kirkland and 'Annette with ' 'Mr:.' and Mrs:. Gordon Kirkland; Mr. and .Mrs> . Bill. ;Hunter, .Marlene arid Larry With Mr:. • and Mrs, . Geonge. Hun ter, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Aule + and family and • Mr. and' Mrs. Allan McAuley iwith kr: & M. Frank Ritchie; Mr;.and Mrs. D. A. Hackett and 'girls with Mr: and Mrs, Alex. Leaver;. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Haaket•nd Gregg with Mr. ,and Mrs. Jim •Little; Mr, and Mrs• Harvey ` Ritchie • and, afarnily .with. Mr. and, MTs. Jack Mal. ean," Mr, and -Mrs. d,' .f' it Charlie' Anderson: • an ass y vlrith' Mr". "and Mrs., Mel Dickson; . .Mr. and Mrs ' Donald Murray, Mr.. and . ,Mrs, .Fred ,Shhopsha11, 1Vfr. •avid Mrs.: ,Russell. Irvin Mr. ' and Mrs': Bruce Raynard�.an°d fa Emily and. Chris . Raynard ,with. Mr. ,and' .Mrs. Nelson Raynard; Mr, and .Mrs, Alla,n''-Ritchie and. •fancily with 'Mr.. and Mss.' Toro Culbert; Mr. and:Mrs°.Eldon chie and-boys.wi'th Mr. and .Mrs: Earnest Bogie; Mi..and •Mrs. John Hunter . ,and boys. `with .Mr. and Mrs. .Mat Scott;'. ,Mr. and 'Mrs': . Robert: Helm apd'`- farriily. ',,with. Mr, Mrs. 'Ll d ;Wh tock•.'. 1Vi and��M Lloyd y ,,, Mr.. and 'Mrs. A." J. Wilson and Jim,. Mr. and M•rs:":Tom Dickson, • - Mr; and: Mrs. Andrew Ritchie and • family'w�rith Mr, and Mrs Gray- 'don Ritchie;' Mr. and Mrs, Barry McDonagh and .boysiwith. Mr; and Mrs.. Jack , McDonagh Mr.'and • Mrs: Jim %Hunter rand Wanda ,with: • Mr Sam• `Shervoodwishes :to express his heartfelt thanks and appreciatiori to neighbours : and ether friends for :. all their - kin'd-' '.ness: and :sympathy.. at .'the:. tinie. of: . his bereavement.. Special thanks • to Dr.' M. H, . Corrin and 'Robert MacKenzie, .. .• Mir, ;and •Mrs.. W, O Hunter; .Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hackett •and Doug -with Mr,..and Mrs . -Midford :Wall.;. Mr and Mrs: W.: `'J:. Irwin. and Lloyd .With Mr, :and Mrs. Chas.. 'Wilkins. • .The ':.church service was wit -.: Adrawn :last • Sunday `because • of .stormy weather, ,but u ilf be held I . wiah ,. to• express my ' sincere' :next : Sunda 'Y . at 1::45 ' P .m. • thanks and . appreciation to Mrs Ross Cummings, Mrs Harvey, Mole:, .Mrs..Ch.arles „Steward and the. H61yrood friends '•'for the kindness, shown. it the time .of. the: death ,of. ''My niece:: Mrs. Etta Roberts; MRS. 'V N:, PREST DIED. AT PETERBOROUGH ■ ■i ■uauuu■ i■r■ir:■■ira • The death of ,.Mrs, Vincent N. e I .rest l'oocurred at Civic. Hospital, a Peterborough on Sunday; Decem ULa• a ber.23rd':. The late • Mr. Prost. was .1 1'. a fonmer manager of ' 1h e Bank a of' -Montreal in & Lunow, II t While res4•ding here their 'son: s Harry, 'who was.serving. ith.the, i Aw.*Pa c t3.. L_'TO • a •RCAF iii World. War I.;;.was •k l- _ a w led in a 'plane crash at Rivers;` Klan: s ■ Mrs. ,Prest was the: former Cat- rie Briht; 'The: r ■ Y., g exnains ■ rested at :P etersb on oug h before be- ' ing taken to:- Niagara. Falls for ' service. on Wednesday,. Decern iter t26th, at St° Joihnrs church, ■' Stamford, with i€iterrnent' in the ■ Stamford cemetery. ■ iVirs■ Frest is survived • by, ,a ■• daughter," Mrs. William Render- son (Katherine) of•''P'eterborugh- ■ •:•and two sons " Rev.. , John_, Pres•t • of - Regina and Stanley; Pres .o f, r - -1 - rI ►in � ham: Office Phone • 357-3 840 ` ■ 8 ■ GERALD (Jerry) WALTER. nor•' • . J 'Everett Penni ngton, Teeswater,...Phone „30•2-6064 •. •■• Mr. Harry Hackett sand ..George • We• Seil Rural n .. O tarso sen t f P Wednesday: with.Mr. and • 11 MVM;rs. D. A, Hackett: 1VIr: and Mrs Dan .Nicholson, Mr.. and Mrs.', Ken 'Nicholson, Mr, 'and Mrs 'Lorne,Ritchie; Mr.' and. Mrs. •.Don Gillespie and fam:iaies spent Wednesday,' with •• Mr.:aiid . Mrs, Jirrr-Hunter. • :Mr. and Mrs Charles McDon ald, Allen, Gladys • and. •John-1~ry sand ••Mr; and Mrs.: Lorne, Cook & girls ` with - Mr... 'and. Mrs. ,Pete'r'. Cook,: - Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Ross,- Dpug and ' Aud ey R,spent Wednesday •:.. with ' Mr, •and. Mrs. Frank" Rist ahie and Anne. ''Mss. Mary McAuley of Acton- - is. ,: visiting" Mr: andN..Mrs,.- Frank • Ritchie. • 'Mr' and . Mrs. Bill I umtphr. ey, Mr. and. Mrs. Russ. Clipperton; & families and. Mrs.:. Sam-. Reid spent Christmas with. Mr: and ". Mrs. *In:Vert.' Reid: • ■: ■ Mr, and '°Mrs. Everett: Swan ■ and Mr., and Mrs. •Earh'Swan .and ■'f arnil s exit Ch '` y ristrri as ;mit)) t r ■ h M Is d .Mrs :Earl Swan' Sr. d Mr. and Mr ... .. :. .. S Al-' Hackett '100 -acre. FARM ° in West i I ° W�awanosh • 11/2 . storey 1p_ : ■ 1'ILRAY-.�FA RMS :ABAT 'OI R: eIIOL'l'ILQODk" The home of. ctictlee» meats, all :. GO ERNMENT INSPECTED and APPtOVED, Schneider's" Cured Meats WE, . ALSO DO CUSTOM . ..KILLING,. and''hang your meat in •modern, 'co.olers as 'long as ' desired. Pigs on Tuesdays and -.cattle every. day.., No ' alipointment necessary atAYNARD' • ACKER T Phone 528.2132 . Time To 'Order Christmas TURKEYS, ■ 'room house,large' hank • or ■, barn,. ne•w.sisilo 12x3r5,-drive- ■ ■ shed and' henhouse, drilled ■ . Wellj' l a acres workable, 5 ■. ■ acre.; second.'growth maple, :2 :bush; natural gas welt an ■. ■ fa.rn ;; bill price'$010,5080 ' a ■ ■ .: Court Houses Goderich, Ont. Pinecrest Mainor � : Nursing H�me . ak+ •�Mem�ber ASSOCIATED 'NURSING. HOMES , of .Ontario " 24 -Hour Supervision of. , A Registered Nurse Considerate Personal Attention', For Elderly frand, Convalescent Persons. Excellent :Home -Cooked' Meals Box 224, : Phone 528'+"2186 LUCRNOW, ONT. . Dead Stork Rem�vcil- Service We: 'are licensed to .,r.ernove ''your ;dead, or crippled' farm animals for sanitary disposal. Old, lhorses,,.3c per pound . ' GORDON TAYLOR ' phone Collect -528-5950 R.R. 2' Lucknow 24-hour service . Licence No,.,173C62 No. 'H2'-698 i •• President,, Bi,wn ' Smyth, •n p -- Herson• • Ir- ■ •■' win • Belgrave; 'Directors;. 'Paul ■ PAi,1L S. STARR & CO, � Caesar, . R: l� Dungannon: , iSmited . .■ George. . • C, Feagan,Goderich, Ross 'Mc u`: • al Ptiee, R. 3, Autburn� Donald P. ii' Han v r .870. O e • ■ • MUTUAL • FIRE. INSURANCE• CO. Head Office, 'Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTOR$ a. Y, R 1,' Ripley Joh W ■ :• o MatIn,tyre, I 5 Lucknow• Wiggins, R. 3,'.Auburn, MacLennan,, R. A, Goderich; Tllan ■ Member of the Grey'Biruce ■ a , , Real Estate Hoard° ■ • ■ ■ ■ Ask One, Of One' Agents ■ How YoCarr • List• Your - 88 ■ Pronerty -'As A 1V ult ple ■ Listrhg ' go, • ■r�ir�rr��hif��irirw�e;7rw For 'information on' :your: in=` siirance, call your: -nearest direc- tor who is 'also an 'agent;;•. or the ■.secretary,:' Frank.'. F Thompson, ■ D,ungannoh,, phone Dungannon 48.