HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-01, Page 3TUESDAY, 4'AtSTUARY lrst, 1963i `
►..,. O NO1fi, O.. O''
�KN W' �L+'ltf��1!TEJ� i,UCK ,11i'�''11�I...
drum Ntmoi igos'1t to!it# It !tmpoivi t.:. lIIo,'.`ttleign, : o!' ori
Because '.ofEarly Publicati�n
Of This ' Week's Paper
We Suggest That You
Check Store Posters;.:
For Week -End :Bargains
�,fR D �.WHITE
lt+tl+ >ar>tm� 7firon,ca� laretrb+ e014t # tarteerarlllt restE.
." Bing .was; discussed, and a
Joe Iri meeting :of ,the. Bingo Committee -9: ,
• will , be ':held afters •the holidays.
• ' to •'weeevents.; •Ile ion Presidenty
r O Some :mernbe`rs asked. far some
The • last 4f ' meeting the 'year . ,
o''al entertainment f.oE January and
of Luck,npw' Branfih 309, R y •
Canadia ;Leg ion , w,as . held do a comzniitte e *ill. make .plafrs arid
'n i
them ~• bethe Brandi
Deceinber• k> th' with the :presr- ay>` f ore ra�ch •a
Joe. Kin. in, ;charg . 0nc : a later date •
dent 'g
Stuart Collyer ,presided ,for +t ey
President, • JOe . King. ‘re electe i: Fred +flew . from Malton 'Batu,:
Local.and General
It is. disappointing. 'that. :snore
�peopte .c o not ' take the time tp
inform 'us of their ,visitors: .or
• Lloyd.iH'allr ' Mrs. John ,Ha11,
Mir. and Mrs. William Cummings
and Murray' White spent Christ-
mas in. Detroit ,with Mr:, and Mr$..
Harvey Hail, •
Jrtn: Orr , of 'the Ellis -Don con•
str,uction �coxnpalny'• " 'of London.
spent ..the week -end at the home
of his mother, Mrs, Wm. Orr of
Langs idea•
Mr. land Mrs, ' J•ohrr• C. ; Camp-
..bell ,of Kinvardine, •Mr.. and Mrs,
Wrn Leonard' , of _Point • Clark,
Miss .,A.. .N.elsdn Miss Sadie'
Johnston and .- Dave Johnston
were -dinner ,guests , �of :Mr., and
Mrs. Reuben Wilson ' on Friday
evening; .
Mr. and Mrs. Terry MacMillan
and Mr. and Mrs.° Ray ' Hedden
of St. • Catharines were .Christ
'mas visitors ,with 'the ladies' '.mo
theft, ' Mrs. Gladys Reed,
'Mr, and Mrs, Bill 'Humphrey.
and. f axnilyt :M '. and Mrs:` Russell
Clipperton and • family and Mrs.
Sam Reid' spent .Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs.Milrvert Reid ' and
family of. .Zion.
Mrs, Sam Reid: visited with her
sister. Mrs,' W, R. • Farrier 'of
Whiteehurroh and attended .a din-
ner ' for the 'Farrier faunilies at
~Dunlop , I•nn; on Boxing.: Day.
• John.' MacKinnon of 'Kinloss
•has taken .up residence, at-Pine-
t Pine -crest Manor.; His .'brother, Dan
T ,MacKinnon, .has been .at ,Pine
crest for :the past several ,weeks.,..
:Mr..�and 'rs; . Ron Ro.thwell-, &
Rosemary of Norwood :were
Christmas visitors, with relatives
here and. with •hc `mother,
Ed Thom'. wtfo. • is..a patient in
Wingham •,h•ospita1 with /bronchial..
pneurnonia. °•
.Mr , _and.: iMvs,: ; • •.: H. Agn1ew•.
spent the Christmas holidays. 'in
Detroit. They' were 'acconi anted
by Mrs. Clair Agnew: and Evan
avid 'Mrs, 'Char. les ,Cooke, Who ilso
`visited.with relatives:in 'Detroit': •.
:Ted , Collyer of :New . Toronto,
Miss ' ` Sandra' Edgar. of Guelph;,
Thorn Collyer and .1Vliss Sandra..
'Weiser of Mount Forest . 'were
Christmas .visitors .• With . Mr. •and
Mrs. Stuart; Collyer. A.
Fred Pierce manager. • of the
Luckno�w , ' .District. • Co -Op, 'is'
'Spending the Christmas holidays
.,`;guest; Dave 'Moffat;.• was. intra • . .•:at his '. home ,•in . ,Moncton,
• election of officers for 1963.
"The Charter •vr!'a , .draped in r• day • night preceding Christmas..
_ by 'acclartiation•''1st Vice,'
memory of . Jack .Cooke.
k ow
..� d
`' Ch
�r e
ev. S. Terpstra,
Th �"
. •Listo.wel, Ont., Pastor;
10:30' a;t'n•:' .in ,`Dutch, :• • ...:$'
2:30 p.m. .in English. '.
p.m : Sunclay*Schooii
resbyterian (hurc.h.`.1
ltev.. Roderick McLeod,
Minister' •
SI111TDA i'►.. JANt ARY 6tlt
10:08. a.m.inday
.(re-elected,):; 2 id Vice,
Art Ernewein;'•Executive Corn-
mittee, Gordon. Mantgomeryf
Charles: Robinson, 'Ted .''Collyer,
Bent KirLg, ,Ken Cameron. and
Harold R'itehie, Oilier: officers; will
Mr.and, Mrs. ,Harold' Maize -and
family;. Mr.';ard. Mrs. John Maize
and family. of Dungannon, :Mr.
n Springer .(Ellen
and 1VIrs._.G1e Sp g
Maize) a\'td: fam'ily of Y Pinson'
burg, :Mr+ and Mrs. - Roy 'Burrc,hill
be: filled by- appointment -at .the 'aid fani,i•ly of •"Wi.ngham ',were
. in the Executive. Christmas guests" of Mr; and
fast meeting of, .
Committee. . . ' Mrs. Gordon Maize' and Mr.. and
The spring " meeting of Zone `Mrs .Harvey Maize • `"'
'C.1 'Will. .be� held in ' Lucknow in Sam Sherwood who was :' Abe
A:pri'l,and plans are alead'y be- reaved•. l�as,tr week 'by the:sudden
i'h�d ',Wade for this. death. of his . wife; ..moved on
°It, was also felt' �.b3• the mem- Thursday to.'Pineeres•t Manor to
,)hers:that t'he l3i�anrh•.should have make.his 41ome,
more 'publicvty:. The woi,k of the :,Mi'. and Mrs; Orland Richards
Legion is :for ex -s eiv ice.• ersonnel •
g . .. �. ._ have l`e°ceived.' 'word ,`from their
and their dependents and the :d�auglter. `Jean (Mrs, • Ray 11Mur
public• do not know ,oaf .their work.. ray) that' he tis 'being posted. back
The 'Poppy..fund derived, from , m E'ro andthat
to Canada fro a pe.
the sale 'of poppies in November the family will 'rbe •`a'rr.iving .'late
i`s used to relieve' e distress -among in January Hurh 3iau ton, tt wa,
The Cara ian Logion Sport •
g, a vis=
Trainin etw''.tlp• a ;cl.inic' to,�it.ed •'with his ,broathe •; 'Hafve•y,
p ,, and Mrs Houston over te'Christ-
train;, leaders 'n'. a:r •'ht•anthes, of
,t ::. t romis,ing mos week -era J: J. Houston. ofd
sport'.and t P Newmarket, also visited'.with 'h Ls
young athletes.. This. year one :of parents at H'olyrood.
the boys who �ca� heIped, w'on
gold .and 5 lvcar medal at Mrs. Cliff Congram, Dale and
the Empire,. gamo.; Australia Bryan and Miss. -Ellen McBride
The Ladies •auxiliary and Le- of Port,. Credit spent Christmas.
ion Scho' .1'4hip 'helps students at Mrs. Charles 'Con•gram's• - in
g • LU'cknow, , aril Harold 'Congrra'm s
ri'n Winghahi, . ° '
Mr •'anfl.,,"".Mrs. Milton Rayner'!
entertained the Bank. of Montreal
staff' and families at a pre -Christ-..
ma's. buffet' dinner. .
1100: ami Morning Worship! further;t•her education.' About 40°
. �, ...� w,._� bursaries are Yicrrir�lc*ciannually.
•v r,... ,..+. at a �s t.f cw c r, S•1(i0 to '50'0
� �r�nyii�i�.4 0+' !""'►""�"�•��• •'each TIlE'�l"' are awarded in• On=
ta.'io and recently one student.
LUCKNOVY , fi,.r m Luchnlw
)- Sch
ol r
UN ITEQ CHURCH for ai.t tht'eprojecisceivedr;an aid: w,
volunta4o,i.ted by
all Le -
4 ; jinn 'lrant�t1cr ..e" Ontario
Rev Howard W• :Stta`Pp Command,
�. nisttwr
. th, M'r'; 'an4 . i, F. r1 Thompson,5[1'NbA' t, JA;N11tA)itk `. i- and ,sons, lF�brand Robert "Of
ti. ar
10:00 a,t i,
Stuan. chy
/ Seh iol: W'ndso, r• �'n.d. �t i`.'.
. 1.•0111a
,` •
1VCTt111g tislit i v,;1tOrsat l�t;e p
a.Ivjird of Newmarket; Mrs.
t£ Toronto Won,
01tor%; arid sVltliltzofBt11 g o
r.hompsrn„ :
i' 01f W`1t 1,0'i #41';0 !IW >c'�'/>Ake'1�i" It�IRrlrea;'� re !'0001terios! test.
• BEST wisxas
The 'foundation of a 'business °.•is friendship : and
with each New Year we deri'V,'e unmatched �joy m •
wishing our friends' all the pleasures pf a ,New Year.
filled with ';happiness, good' health: and peace., ,
•fist; has been a pleasure, to. serve ,you. and, we sincerely
appreciate your patronage. �4;•
. Ladies' and Men's Wear '; Fashion • Millinery
Agent for Bruce Dry' Cleaners.
Aitchison and Mrs.
Frank MoQui.11'in while Mrs. ,Riu-
therford played la piano solo and
On ,Monday afternoon,, ' M'iss .Mrs: Jack Forster played: 'accar
Normn,a Forster vcras •guest of • ho71 dian n.t :inbers. Mrs. Lorne Woods.
our' »at' ,a community shower in conducted a .'Contest. and Mrs.
'the , St "Helens Halla •Mrs Wm-. Gaunt' read a • address of good
'Rutherford ,played .Christmas mu-
wishes.....= � s. Ross ' Du�riiin 'and � ' •
sic • es the 'ladies gathered. The Mr's. -Jack Forster assisted tihe
bride -elect `was escorted to her bride in opening her;gifts.:Norma
seat of honour by `'her. sisters/ thanked' the ladies,; and. lunch
Mrs,. Ronald Perrott aria .Mrs, was served''•at the conclusion of
Ross Henderson., 'Mrs, Andrew the afternoon.'
'Gaun't presided''for a :Short' pro- ;
gram. Readings were ''given .by, Mr arid Mrs.., Lorne.Woods
spent C'hristma's . i,n Oshawa • with
Mr.: a.nd' Mrs. Roy Hawley:. �.
1 .
,Randy 'Lowry • of Toronto ' is:' Mr, and . Mrs Ken "'Grewar=
spending Christmas. week.. •with. Nancy'and Bradle f Sudbury,:
Mt. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett . , ' y Q
1VYr, and Mrs Dan Rose and David •
of Newmarket; Mr.' & Mrs: David`:
Gilrnour arid': Jeffray of 'Guelph
were. holiday visirto'rs : with Mr,
�mdD Mrs. Harvey. Webb.. •
Nis Murray:• Gaunt, M,P P is
spending ' the , holiday , 'with . his•
parents, ' Mr. ''''and .:Mrs. ,rew;
Ga�n•t; .. .
• Mr.." Ardh'ie ` Aitchison is a pat -
Visitors with :Mrs: and *Steve
Stothers •over the ,Christmas sear
son 'were Mr, •'W. B. Passmore
•of . Comox, Vancet ryes • Island
Mrs: R. C. Passmore; Ronald,
Robert and Monica of Richmond
Ihill; R. C. iPassmore was absent
on account ,'of illness`; Mrs,, and.
. Whale and , B. a BrockJr,of
Cooksville; ..Mrs,. and an Rose
Mr. and Mrs.John L. MaciKin--
non sand family `' of Kincardine,
:Mr', and Mrs.' L1oy;d Hunter, and;
family; •Mr.. and Mrs. ;J•ini Humor;
rand Wanda, 'Mr. ',and. Mrs,: •B.ill
Button • and family, • Mr. and Mrs:
Bob MroIritoash' and Pamela: spent
Chrristnias': with Mr.., and ,Mrs..
W; :.0. Hunter
Mr: ` and. Mrs: Gordon, Macin lent in • Wingham District Hosni
nrs' andsons, • 'Malcolm; Peter, tal.
.Ross and. Finlay of Buchan, Man... Mr. and Mrs_ Fred ' McQullin
itoba, spent Christmas with Sir. spent Christmas with Mr .anent:
and'. Mrs. Chester . C•ase•more and
Miss . Mae .MadInnis, and with
other relatives and,friends.
Christmas•' guests with Mr. and and 'Marilyn of Hamiltorn .spent
Mrs. ' Wilfred .Drennan were Mr; Christmas writh, :Miss' Beatrice,'
M Bill and. 'Charles McQuilli.n and.
and' : Mrs. • Melvin Stewart and
daughters; Dawn ' and • Ju.d'y of other relatives.. ,;:
'' h' :