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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-11-25, Page 11
• . Et* t U120 SIIIIthiS tit= lilvwxtto Vary %tit W. and' Eiltraborsona flanatf- erZunt 'ataati4 aft 24.cvla Winner Ethr Traptl) aural, owiTiit c*Fs aist weitft. 1pidevimmrs WL.C1,11. 3taz$ ligh,gto grtewhei3 the ittrvi. t T.4.' 401E Panitiv rtr Twit* the tenarnm4: ,83S, rte, thtil, Oier *rtinaitunther vs 4e.wae GaikitiA 3Wtsanegihe latrE aeartit .Sturrito lar are lari..-1Nen Pan* Jodi RBraurtash siptmt the mitt Mr. =A . lien Erzt 4at4 Vie are Str/31 11.307 XI% Merl- atareihild 4V.1161- 1-41M ttitglittltir Sar- etrierafft 14ox ake tau* tut, Arm& • • and Vim arail and likes 11.14wil SW** an - „t (Pima') Patikers 2 at the TWillinv 114egtot lit Arit4-4ntsh Mils. Sik imiturber Iv7 awl tn, int;hPack .andl It -and latt**.. Aititges stilinst •Nat6k-ana3 Nkfictiifineilicizes •dhe Ileamhzglah awia. •andi 3ths Mess arming= ma; 11Y!$11Y!$st...stailikis vett Swith mfr. ania s: IB117Eahti IC aol • cwriithip sartme ciff Ithe, CV CV Mai the tfuniduz,, $i41 tram •alt ItthetgalT twfriltig• Get= Blintiguti Graigett Sur de •#Tais' C z_za,Oerfani ighSce• 413:1 -4101Micith* %him C,CIW*.klitrat Fithir14+31m, 4hg With an the atrulIfes. el* . littemetti .&- za El= 41Fr1ittets, Th* ltles Etaitt Cappeni tit gpmrstr Bow - art 4ittincatin T.„eze •clatiinkg, ahanefi * lathe The geteri. •1104iit, Sam C damfiuntisti ,doeJIflmil was ans warath i)141 !birth= thitihtli Wth litelett Wtertit ofTerniTiirT the wart 'Imam Was SW. atom geaie *te negfinq Oat' ;hg. Ogiar $2110 WaA* att the •trIttehtt 4hi.V.Lhr .473 04tritantf!, 011 .ac, prlittitthis 1711445"W 4ZIS tiiretatieti 'SOP - C farrittiftr' $1131111101104: LIPODKalk 91111ThRIO Mid a( Maar_ *eft war 21000*' enin fs sots kr 40nrk. , :iiknotom. 30is,; . mowr. and WA. am* Ealts ane Viatikacqg• Air tithe Ohs liar lake slina*s, OffiLE- ttOINE., ASCE MOM tb04 ficliffk ISM FanakreEitills andi miroestiail 11t, Luna *as' write*ft Jainsank lasase•awl Ws.. omegemeek W.411S. 311m. W.. AL: Stewart was hex F!tkarot, A3ff die Wan at, the efinrefiL Wes 10.105. mud the aleti ritsifirip les, Stem,- art rem! them Eikeztkirealirmw,.. Strilbs Metik wat tinier ten; the newt ' attrtihela *Omen, lithe milEaces weett tbs aegratzratiert• same as nem yaw. Mfrs) !Mitt MerAlreter mu& =trim seeemildi thy Ws. F. ,Janerytkr &ewe gatt am* saw- ger all tie ;lanai] rinteifiTe name, amsaditanuisine. maafilirdistmiasi •garttF anal antin "MS. lam ..D.unts mut Veigs %chew. 3itint, 311.0111rstier miff die- • 4htt gnat all tace arena Balliegiel 1132 tlik Gm/NW” "Iffie nova*, aliIhflfrn& Finstrr, mi3 %aft the lantirs Eftrasem x-14*, wAtestw• ci *T. 3fiTL nak•utum•e cadbarit apta friany air episitiziatufk- Mem ZTtY1/4", ita Ninow late* NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC • Consimika Panikeis Ilategei Es •tieszincestfirg amentaaturent iimmate- •An** Mk= Steitt vire3fil Eth�Ificillowisag eardSes tfite ft=ips tzif tfirS: EST 7 014 . EST: 7 EST 7 OM* 09234 EST 7 • EST 7 • : • .EST7 •139f/41 •01P254• • 10224 Mr 7 092114 , • EST 7 '10054 NO TIRO ,11,1111011 AN OMER DIMMENEIRS AE AFFECTED • • • maminmoilm iOtrnazio,"; dinil take 4311nroliir vaeav ittnaw prtriihIse.8 IEHEE .1;iiartf4 S.;iitreitirater 11th mit matittp JEW 111 alf)LtriMuni .zer*- ttrizs thiktiks are aathiail ibianDELEt*, to 1i4 or. d MID rtitaillEMS flair liegibilne Tapia ar mean& .• ' • Mins tintaSsea •JEST 175,.aor Effir 7/1}Yane madt5xmoilwail as til yAtame pwriltureffi ettlinsur Omits mil FM IUD AirEV,JatItttfeta: , • , • ' a &1a* hie�i 111he nerdfl dr telfSe tlialE glietamitifinEn". ttaiiattliartranite• tte) dire tOltni- vast .a:siita tin taw ipirlifinctiiikm off &P1 EnntiOssun3Thisait' ornt Own.. a.cartm041 atss taiml tiaaill101131ll 4Iff • "Irtime'fiffitoil, Of al stritaitir nonanell ctanuiatF, eir dins- ; •otniitig iingtelffitnit thtrot littem ajliarEtitieftt:1411::4“:44• iwttttEiriliK• L'i•&zsd1 dlmttiqz'tit* tanniirg.grearmo*„ EintopEwr:,!tiouinv iin .32:111it' ittEM tiOD,W#MErfkatiFlonl.Thtwnk*tig*giniNfigtatiier, iieratiftr oi,Tinfonn thirtiritttes tanit 'taw eta ojr arAtftriirigtOmatits luna. lint =OFeii Th•em- Ttaktikillitte*.itt Ore putnearttl. tonal dirtartfilo,, azalea:pH =Via tierrytatmeientin,to.iiiirtisilfte ''.3; •iiiallit 4riskprilN ton ,Ifillidk5-7 lilithixteg traillE.6- &ilk oiltittiadi fiv,- ttommu* attriyikyttitt itto minim, dint ftt is , matt in= #tv lbw. dr tg.raistatmt. •. •. .. BarnirrilF -lc our kitolvenatttipp dr' actotpttirt6' ItTtetturm (tie td• vottatiett Li* ratcp046.04. x. conttpin6c ratirmszn watt ille ,gutituttfihg yliUL. ,•. . • c.40,1%14m#4, 010.0MS Maas • zzon Or =ACM AVE. WM' VIAL. •„, ' • ' ": • 1114*stoitEngamilifinaktw#tvatiEtzp---_ • •see dm. ET itur Cainikast. fix* awake& lisesSor eneyear- WiltEPOINES •NF TOM TO cHOSSE EMSSIGentasir• MEM gibe won gftuce arramee a .pirimille Aramaic ampaiirnis•mik. mm...1tdinsttor ant !Minn. • gni eff Etadinow,„egetattStuntior waft Xtr.: are 3ithsL littreTs (Ube= 411til. Moe•egerefttqg dew • iwzeitis tining.;aff nititagew Culbert'• Eireini" ushr shit agenti,M etdiettls "sti•tem teassew Ikuma EGOtaiictit":tL.Site gads fin•liar awn hurle• ' Abe car ffinti stnearae stow:with lie= 31/kra. Chinn Indfaaw tvtarand5 the %me off Mir.. and 345:si. IL,Cnine ana Ennatamr• after a 33 we• ak •Snag int St_ JImatatis ffipit dint. She•itax4 Vent * slwaisik Wttn •MIL •mail vaigium •Um ahur heir rental*, ar0 thew *retatipieithreti filar tie*e. • • •3E% aft, •Diegaii. -ittaigittt fanue. spent Moth* with Niitthit wank,•W. NIF1- scan was spending ate> clkic • Siditer Bs& neninnet bonne radar . BEhagzint ana• ,;°,- •Mt. an& Mirk 131a dzate., ViCemar., en* andi •MIS. (Utile Monne •stlesat $Fincia7, WWI Rh,00andl • Ilks, 07irannig frannik.00 0 • , gibs. ViV., (Caesar was =OW kw' antdaahnie in) Nichigrtana faipp*-411 311n2dirsy ranraiike tit finged3 *site s,1113 saw andi•alks. eintil 'Witte, 'NE andi Barbara ainEauliE Make *Inaba dile .aunimmar* cal • mit andi wcss aidizot mitlatetkik • straigthiam. rn3zWm :diet- rat. • • tL u& tiadh oath' their fraist evautim i*rim It •s6spint tut IFttdim etv.enang a4 tabibs • vlipx Iadiets 3Its Zink 'Taming- tat snanice Nts, Hi* awhiS high' tliar14,1roui.- Iv.. sextant 427,..4 toadt Ertans aner fiur tfti patties tin, he &EU th. iNateitDA: • and3 iraz ciiithaet • ame stavtittSimiip,LA wtifil ale 314-a Silitie%-oiltE q'ate •Ititv • • - 3th.aitNati, artte thinatiz, *Brat suntatz, Ire Si pipet watt Atm Culbert* st aka ate, VT leattlit fin!. itnimitnas 0,1,,ttnig want* tie air iggrenianadl• tift: tit •ycisar Unto& tan&•arstinas Stnekinw ti4r, dittinong•nu* the nre • ADM - FREEZE • .toWl. tie • • E