HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-11-25, Page 1$4.00 A Year In; Advance $1.00 Extra To U.S.A.,
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2sth., 1144
Nominations will hold. the 'spot- area board to operate the school ember 7th.: This means that, that
light in the% area in the. coming affairs for an entire• . township,xwant-
week, 'Rural . municipalities,, will..: j Huron -West a.n d . Riple. -Huromg to causepani election" "notill snot
nominate this Friday, November 'board's will cease to be and as be able to be used in 'Ashfield this
27 and the• village will hold' their j well, small sections in the town- year and the field is n- Reeve
meeting on Monday, November shipwill all come underthe `Hui- o Donald MacKenzie a veteran of
ng n. Hut-- _ _ n
30th, on Township School board, No' three years as Reeve and eight as
We hear little about any new doubt we twill see a bit of jockey- councillor, is interested in remain -
aspirants for municipal offices. ,. ing for position here with every ing on in office. Deputy -reeve Torn
Reeve George Joynt is. 'complet- area anxious to have a repre- Howard is also completing his
ing • his 8th term as . .Reeve "of sentative on the board. Three can- third term as 'deputy -reeve and
• Lucknow and • has given no in- .didates• are eligible• for the school was a, councillor for a number of
dication that he' wishes to be re- : posts, the other two 'represents- years.. The other three council
lieved of this post. Members of tives coming from the village of members are Gordon - Boyd, Gir.-
council are M. L. Sanderson, Omar " Ripley and nominated on .Monday vin Reed and Howard. Barger. In -
Brooks,. Harvey 'Webster and Bud of this week. ' dications at present would not.
' Hamilton. Public School • Board show that the men would be
gMac- W da T nominal SH. 'MEET wes, ' challenged for . their seats, but
member's. retiring. are Robert Friday's nomination at West Wa-
Kenzie, William Schmid, James wanosh is not expected to see any ' .who knows' what'. might develop
Henderson. All above mentioned change of any. account, Reeve ; by Friday. The school 'board will
are eligible for re-election. Lorne Durum was:; elected : b : eve elect five, trustees to. form . a new
• CHANGE IN HURON Y " Ashfield school ' area. This' • board.
Reeve . Chester Emmerton of councilt year
alter ` ten: years on will
and has, completed his l .School number 1 and Ashfield and
Huron Township has informed• the' •fust year in the Reeveship. Cour-
a ea
Sentinel' that he is definitely giv- cillors elected last 'year were . Hillsmaller sections within; the town-
ing up.. the Reeveship of ' that iard . "Pete" Jefferson Go"rdon` F ship. No doubt all parts of the
township. Chester is •. winding P Smyth, Bob Lyons Jr and Harold t . tipwill t P nt
u owns wan a . rerese -
his . 14th year of municipal ser- Errington..A 'township school 'area ? ative on. this new board.. • •
vice, 'eight years as " Reeve • and board has ' been in operation:. in I KINLOSS QUIET
six on council, . Hi§ municipal ser: ;
West Wawanosh:. for many } ears � ..
vice was : climaxed this year• when' Municipal business in •Kinloss
so the new legislation in lid- re- 1,
he ; was : elected • Bruce County Bard will' not have, any bearing on 4 seems quiet and: ;we have not
Warden. This leaves : the Huron k heardof any changes . of any acc-
field Wide "o
' pen. William R. Low -school organizing in . that township. i oust occurring ' in that township.
ry,who has been • deputy -reeve: • The two retiring : members are Reeve P. A. 'Murray has had a
for , 'three years , and a, councillor. William Webster. and Charles Mac- long record of Municipal. service
for five; years prior is interested Donald. in . the ' • township. Councillors; are
in the• Reeveship. Three council- • LIQUOR AND . SCHOOL . ,Jack Ackert, Edburt Bushell, Will
Tors are John Ferguson, Russell L' is q u o r and school " matters iam Evans and Wallace Conn. .
• Needham and Russell, Stanley. No should be • an interesting topic of '. Five members will also be nomin-
doubt one, or possibly. all of these discussion at the Ashfield nomina- ated to serve on the new town -
men would be interested in the tion meeting this Friday. A liq- . ship school area board that. will
deputy -reeve seat. With . the. new , uor vote is being held • on the reg- control'. school ,operations for the
legislation: covering' one school ular. municipal 'election day Dec- township.
tont() and Kingston, Mrs McPher-
i son .has, spent most of her '. life i
1k 1ti Pe9O1
Kint�� dative 'Narver► Culbert 1s •
Has 96t1i Birthday Wawanosli Road
Mrs. Ellen McPherson has cele- •• '
98th biirthda. at her. f
her rlltteitd+�nt
hinted �'
home in Street'Wing
onather e' in
ham where many friends called
to express their good wishes,
Mrs, McPherson was r born in
Kinloss Township, a daughter of
the late : Mr: and Mrs. George.
Harris. She attended school . at
Holyrood and was organist at the 1
Methodist Church . for'
t several years.
She married William McPber
•son in 'Lucknow in 1907 and the
couple moved to Wingham in • 1910
where they, -built the house on.
Diagonal : Road' now owned by Dr.
• and Mrs. Bernard Corrin.
Except for a few years,: in Tor.-
. .:
Harvey Culbert of :
wasappointed road superintendent
of West WaWanosh Township' at a'
special, ; meeting of • council , last
Thursday night. Five applications
were : received ' for the ' position,
Reeve is a . former and
Councillor of the township.
He succeeds Lorne ' Ivers of Dun-
gannon who has been road super-
intendent for a few months short.
of 20 years. Prior to that, Lorne
drove '.a grader for the township
for , 6 years making a total of 26
years, employment by West Waw -
At the same . Angus
MacDonald of St. Helens was ap-
pointed grader operator. There,
Were four applications . for the,
grader operator job.,
Word . was received here last
week of the death of Mrs. Flli+ott
Sandy which occurred suddenly
in' , Florida . mg last Thursday morn
Mr. and 'Mrs, Sandy of Lucknow
have spent the winters in Florida
for a number of years and had
been at Largo • only _ a - few •' days
after their trip south whsp Mrs.
Sandy's death came fly,
The funeral was ' held :in. Flor-
ida last Saturday;
Fire Damages Kinloss Farm Home
high: roof was burning and . • •
was felt as to the poss-
.. �n Igor :.Thumb
The home.of Mr. and.. Mrs; John of: the
Mowbray of the 4th Concess`on of c ncern
Kinloss in y g
H�p�T� Save
i fi
west Suffered heavily i la of saves tfie .house.
a..fire that'broke out about'.11:00 Most cf the furniture • was rer.
p.m. on', Monday night:, rnoved '.from the house' and pine
ed in: 'the snow. The ' house Rif -
John and ,Marion were in bed fered `' fire damage:.. to ,the east
at the ' time of . the; outbreak and.' side, heavy smoke and.water dam -
upon investigating found . flames age throughout; B. • tY'e use of
in an upstairs bedroom:' The • fire owater was. u
portable pumps', water pump -
originated originated around' 'a chimney. and ed to ` both• fire trucks from ` a
had considerable headway hien creek : across the road ;from the •
first noticed: farm.
Ripley; fire:department :answer- : Furniture' ' of Mr: and Mrs. Ken
ed theIl d hit th L k ,NI b f' L k also
George Webster of West Waw-
anosh is progressing satisfactor-
ily' after having his right thumb'
practically severed in a farm'
accident recently. •
George's .thumb' ' was jammed
between the . plough. 'lever and, the
seat of the tractor and was.liter-
ally "squeezed -off" with only a
bit of skin holding it. It �c�as • sev-
ered between the knuckle and. the
thumb joint.:
ca . an n er a uc ow• ray • o 'Lu now is •
now :department was called in: stored' in the house.:' Considerable: Ropes of saving.the;thumb were
Flame burned into the kitchen work had been done; ' in modern- : at first 'doubtful. :He ..was taken to
,ceiling in and in the '.upstairs - bed, izingthe g
finelarge home ,before Wingham:.Hospital' and .later' on to.
non w re . e
thumb . was attended' later that- i
day. Doctors are now Suite= can. `
,' i:f dent tha• + the thumb will be OK;•;