HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-11-11, Page 11•
WEDNESDAY, Nov... 11, .
On Wednesday Nov,. 4 at 2:30
the LLCM, held their fall . Thank.
offering meeting in: the • school
room of the church which was
bedecked with baskets of mums.
The President' Mrs, Millan: Moore
welcomed, . members from Calvin
Brick, Wingham, Bulevale and
�} 1
the Presbyterian. W.M.S. Mrs..
and Psalm 1 l to worship
Moore gave
the ca03 ' was read respon-
sively.. Prayer was given by :Mrs. •
Ezra Scholtz. Mrs, Claude Coffin
and . 'Mrs. Dan Tiffin sang "Lift
Up Thine. Eyes" accompanied
on the piano by Mrs. Garnet Far-
ar-rier ; Mrs. Moore introduced her
brother Rev. Robert Watt of Trin-
ity Church Toronto. He, showed
slides of the Holy Land, today,
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FOR hydra
Rev. ..and Mrs.. Watthad been
Y 'Holy They- left
sent b their congregation on this
tour of the
Land visit-
airport July 2,.and
Rome, ,Cairo, Museum, Egyp-
fan Embassy. Cairo has two parts
old and new city, Egypt it tak-
ing giant steps ,forward, The plc-
ture .of the Mohamidaii 'mosque
showed first their prepartion for
entering by taking off their shoes
and; then several pictures. of the
mosque, ,.Pictures of Palestine
showed the camels •with . their i
heavy loads, goat herds and, shep-
herds leading their flocks. An amp,
.phitheatre is still, in use as are/
roads made . by the . Romans still'
in good condition. Mount Nebo
was. shown and Rev. Watt recited
the 1st verse of the ,Burial of .Mos -
ea. Jordan river pictures reveal-
ed the ground -is barren on the
shores 'except for green, `cedar
trees. Orange trees laden with
fruit' were shown. Elisha's well,
and parts of the Wall of Jericho
were shown, The Dead Sea, had a
temperature .of .108 degrees. The
Mount of Temptation' was also
shown. Everything in this . part.
is carried on . the head. Great
water . reserveurs built ' by man,
I were shown as were ' the caves
were scrolls . were, found and .in''
these caves John the Baptist may
have been in his day, When Rev.
Watt showed the Hills of :Bethle-
hem' he recited — 0 Little Town`
of Bethlehem. To enter the church
of. the Nativity: one has to bend''
to enter the doorand a star. . marks
the Saviour's . birth.
Mount Olive, 2,725 feet high is
just : outside ; `Jerusalem. The gate
of. Damascus, and . a church now
marks the .spot .of Mary and Mar ` i
tha's home were all. shown. Laz-
arus tomb ...,
b � is ..�. lighted � by : � tapirs.
The old and new garden of Geth-
semane revealedold olive . trees.
The church: in thegarden is still
used as ; a place of worship. The
golden gates through which Jesus
was led on Palin Sunday made.
it real to us as did the spot where
Abraham prepared : to offer his
son, and' , the : street up .. which
Jesus carried the Cross. ° Other
places shown were Place of the
Crucifiction, Garden of; .Joseph . of
Aramathea, Jesus tomb, the Ref-.
ugee Camp - showing thea Arabs
with theirbig slice .of bread which
to them. means LIFE; There are
1,300,000here sand : if tuorned loose
they'd die. The medical unit is
supplied by M&M fund. A large
university is built. to hold. ;the
scrolls. Nazareth the birthplace
of Jesus' is' 70% Christian. Other
pictures ' were the market .street,
Mary's 'Well, Downstair part of
the carpenter shop, Mount of 'Ta-
bor 1900 feet,. ' 'Sea'. Of Galilee,
church . by shore of Galilee where
Rev. Watt preached. Many Morn-
ings they rose tosee the sunrise:.
on the Sea of Galilee. There 'bad
.1 been no rain here .from Easter
to ' July. Athens, 4 Greece, Mass
Hill. where Paul preached; Cana-
dian Embassy and ruins` of Cor-
inth. were all: shown. Mrs. George
Mitchell on behalf. of all 'thanked'
Rev; Watt for 'comingand show-
ing. his beautiful clear slides and.
giving. the commentary so that
all felt they too, had been to the
Holy .Land. The meeting:.was.• clos-
ed • with prayer by Rev. George
Mitchell' and all 'enjoyed the soc-
ial time when lunch was served to
around 70 attenders.
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votions were conducted by Mrs.
Ralph ' Elliott, Bethel and Mrs. D.
Thorburn, Pine .River, with Mrs
George . Ball,. Ripley, ` singing -. a
solo "I • Heard`. the Voice of Jesus
Say". i.
Mrs: Wm Graham, Ripley, pre-
sided at the organ for• the evening i
and . Mrs. Walter Farrell, Clarke,
was appointed secretary.
Mrs.' Wm. M. Arnold, Bervie;
welcomed the. ladies. Mrs. W.
Krug, Chesley, presented some
of the literature available for
U.C.W. work. Mrs. Wm. J. Arnold
reported briefly on Stewardship
and recruiting., The offering was
dedicated. by Mrs. Robert Osborne, i
Mrs. Wilfred Grant ' Pa>cIey„
Presbyterial President;' brought
from Bruce President,_
trodtMed the guest speak-
er, Mrs. Maitland. Beamsirille
Convenor of Audio Visual Aids for
Hamilton Conference.
Mrs. Maitland spoke :: on non
projected visualaids and
strated how to use some of . these
at our meetings and for teaching
Mrs. Frank.. Cfunrning, Clarke,
expressed pleasure. and apprecia
tion of the, program and thanked
all those who m any : way cue-
uted to .it, Mrs Lavery, Kincar-
dine closed the meeting with pray-
/.l The . second regional rally j of ,
U.C.W. was held in Bervie United
c Church, Nov., 3 with a .good atten .,
dance. ' Four such rallies are held.
in Bruce . Presbyterial,
Mrs. Oliver McCharles, Ripley,
presided 'over .the meeting. De -
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