HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-11-11, Page 104
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PiAgf Tata
by Bill Smiley
Is there any point in prolong- Day. There's something to mist
ing the observance of that middle- the eyed in the jaunty gallantry
aged and melancholy, occasion of the old vets as they try to
known as Remembrance Day? match the swing they marched
• They mean nothing to about with 46 years ago, here a stiff
eighty per cent of the several leg swinging, there a pinned -up
• Million immigrants to Canada sleeve.
since World War II. How would And there's something almost
you feel about Remembrance equally touching in the vets of
Day if you were a former German World War H. 'They• straighten
tank commander, or an Italian their backs, pull in their pots, ig..
canfanrYinan? • nore their kids waving at them
Both the world wars of this from the sidewalk, and for a few
century are ancient history to
• school children, and the old cliches years and become tough • Cana -
the day -- "sacrifice," "laid dian troops, striding toward their
• down their lives," "fought for
freedom" — leave them solemn
but uncomprehending.
brief moments toss away 20 -odd
• And last, but not least, it in-
terferes with business. Merchants
will tell you, with. tears as big as
• tundps in their eyes, that they'll
go broke' if they have to close up
on November 11. Manufacturers
will assure you that the one -day
During the two -minutes' silence
at the Cenotaph, 1 remember:I
remember the two lads, a Cana-
dian and a New Zerdruider, with
whom I shared a tent in Norm-
andy; both shot down within
three days. - •
I remember FranIcie English,
18. He had a baby face.. .abig
internWtion af Production, will grin and a run of bad luck. One
force them to 'the wall. •day he dropped' a 500 -pound bomb,
In view of all this, is there any purelY by accident, in a neigh -
sense in hanging on to this special boring army camp, and the troops
day? Why not cut it down to a were rather hostile to airmen for
one-hour coffee break on Nov.11 a few weeks. Another time he
th? Iffithin fir couple of years, this was sent to England on the beer
could be further reduced to a two run. Flying back across the 'chat -
minute, silence. And 'within a de- ad,* he spotted two German
cade. the whole archaic business figikters about to attack him,
of remembering a 'few million jettisoned his extra- tanks and
dead men could be discarded. prepared to defend himself., The
Is there any meaning in it any, extra tanki, full of beer, went into
more? 1 don't know how youfeel, the drink. The Gentian fighters
but my answer is a resounding, turned out to be two oil specks
reactionary, Yes! It is based not on, his windscreen. And he was
onfacts; facts, but on emotion. nearly lynched when he. arrived
Istis a sucker for Remembrance &. told his story. His luck ran out
_ • . •
: Attention New Curlers :
Instruction For Beginners Will Be Given At The 114
I Mon., November 16, Tues. Nov. 1 7 ti
From 7:30. 9:10 p.m.
Mrs. Jack Farrell was hostess
for" the November meeting of
Purple Grove Women's Institute.
Mrs. George Harkness and Mrs.
Don Gilles were in charge with
Mrs, Francis Boyle as pianist,
Mrs. Edburt Bushell read the
Scripture lesson, When the meta'
hers answered the roll call by re-
lating" a humorous incident, many
amusing stories were related.
The Achievement Day for the 4-11‘
Club "Sleeping Garments," will be
held in Kincardine on Dec.6 while
the one for the Dessert Course
will be in 'reeswater on Dec. 3.
It was decided to hold the next
regular meeting on Dec. 1. Eva
Culbert thanked the Institute for
a . gift. The 'president will lay a
wreath at the Cenotaph on Re-
membrance Day. Mrs. Herb Far-
rell reported that the Historical
Committee •needed funds and it
was decided to hold a party in
the' school in the near future. Mrs.
Cecil Sutton reported that a suc-
cessful Hallowe'en .Party had been
held on Hallowe'en night. Mrs,
Don McCosh reported that. the
Dessert Course was completed
witha good attendance at all 3
meetings. Mrs. Herb Farrell gave
the current events. Mrs. Frank
Dore congratulated Mrs. ,Don Me -
Cosh on her election as Board
member . for Subdivision -16 and
the Branch decided to present her
'with a subscription to the
Countrywoman. The members
were reminded to bring a Christ-
mas card to the December meet-
ing which will be held at the home
of Mrs. Francis Boyle. Mrs. Frank
Dore' gave a synopsis of the pres-
ident of F.W.I.C.'s address from
Federated News. Mrs. Cecil. Sut-
ton presided' for the program.
All sang the Hymn of All Nations.
Songs were sung by Mrs. Alvin
Blackwell, Mrs. -Frank Dore and I
Mrs. Cecil Sutton. Mrs. Morford
one day. Hit by flak, • he bailed
out and his parachute failed to
I. remember die dreary Nov-
ember day six of us carried a
coffin up; a Wok hillside to a
stony cemetery in North Wales.
It contained what they'd been.
I abk to scrape up of Paddy Burns, #
/ Australian age 20, after he flew
into a hill. •
And I remember half a hundred
others: .roaring boys, laughing
boys, turud boys, gay boys, and
boys scared stiff.
And when the Last Post 'plays
their sweet requiem in the still,
autumn air, Fil be there, my
face all crumpled and a lump as
big as a boiled egg .in my throat.
SPraP Remembrance Day? Not
I as long as I can still cry, and
!there's free beer at the Legion
Hall after parade.
• - • •
in • * *•
Ile • ;
This is a 90o4ceptiertunity to get aquainted With the game.
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Phone 147 Kineardine
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MacKay, Mrs. Don McCosh, Mrs. : derson 'on Thursday, November 3
Gordon Patterson and Mrs. Wm. at 7.00. They took notes on how
'Arnold gave brief reports of. the 4 to treat- an injured person for
County Rally held at Arkwright. broken bones. A demonstrati n
Mrs. Francis Boyle conducted a was given on the old and the new
contest which proved stimulating methods of artificial respiration.,
and interesting.. Mrs. .' Arnold., nd also ho p I
reported on the Area 'iConvention'. on • a broltea arni,. The meeting
held recently at Wiarton,Every- was dosed with. Queen. .
one had agreed' it was the best ,
Yet with a good spirit throughout. if you think the world owes you
.Fine addresses were given by a living, hustle out and collect it:
Miss Helen McKercher, Mrs. Leon- ,. • .
ard Trners, Miss Kate Aitken •
and Miss Ruth 'Moyle. Slides of
the north-west shown by Miss
Florence Eadie and demonstra-
tion of Weaving by Miss Ruth
Sandlie added interest to 'the pro- .
gram. Mrs. Jack Farrell present-
ed Mrs. Edburt Bushell with a
Mb anniversary 'gift., Mrs. Ar-
nold had a 'guess and feel' con-
-test Mit. Russell Needham thank-
ed the hostess. lunch was ser-
ved by Mrs. Harvie• Thompson.
Mrs. Don ''Gillies and Mrs. Vic-
tor .Galey.
Colwanash Liarnirsg Lassies
The 3rd trieeti.ng of the. Colwan-.
ash Learning Lassies was held at.
the !some df Nancy Irwin on Oc-
'4aS opened with , the 4 -IF
1M at 7:00: The meet- 'GLADYS'
Pledge Rosalene Phillips read the BEAUTY SALON
of the last meeting. In ,
the bt'ismess partof the meeting - cp 1113
•t was decAed to hold the next
at the home of Pat An- L. ILS C IK CP VW am T.
Zriicc LOTTA c Q
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