HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-11-11, Page 7t. .WEDNESDAY. NOV, I1', 11 " THE t:U CKNOW :SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, :ONTARIO N thought was capably, given by �"' She need a ChatshCHURCH NEWS with ►hotos of cliff mission-' south Kinloss • 1t,rs. Evan. Keith was hostess to South Kinloss W.M.S.at her bonne on Wednesday, November 4th. and Mrs. Herb Buckton and Mrs. Douglas Graham were di- rectors. Mrs. Ted Collyer presided. and Mrs, Lloyd, MacDougall read .s. minutes. and correspotdence. A nominating Committee . was ap- pointed to bring a slate of offie ers for'. next year. , Bible , study was . Hebrews 12 from. the letter which was God's final message to Judianism before the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem. Roll call was a verse with. "Righteousness." Mrs, Ross MacMillangave a reading stress! ingpreparedness . not only, .for winter but also for .the future life, Mrs. Herb . Buckton read a timely article by the Editor of the Glad. Tidings. on Remembrance Day and. various war cemeteries and mem- orials, Prayer was given by Mrs. • A., Hughes, Mrs, Sandy MacLeod'. and Dean MacLeod. . .. . Mrs.. Douglas Graham had the study on ' India, and with ' a map of that land 'showing , the location of our various . Mission . Fields, aries and told • from where each went and their terms of service in India. Mrs. Collyer thanked her for all the research she had made in preparing the study. Brian Keith contributed a piano. soloand hostess . and directors served a delicious lunch. Next meeting will be at the Manse. //aa UNIT '2, U.C.W, I ' Unit 2 ;held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. •G. Elliot. Mrs. .G. MacDonald open- ed the :meeting . with ' a reading. Hymn 681 was sung. Mrs. . K. Cam- eron read the 91st psalm. 'The Lord's. Prayer was .repeated . in unison. Mrs, G. MacDonald: wel- comed. everyone. The minutes were read. and adopted, Arrange= ments were made to attend the Regional. Rally in Bervie on Nov- ember 3rd at 8 p.m. Reports were given. The roll .call, ;a verse with the . word "Peace", was answered by 19 memebrs and 2 visitors, Mrs. J. Hall took the chair for the program. Hymn 502 was `•sung, followed by prayer. Mrs. L. Mc- Leod read several share season al readings. The devotional ESSO SERVICE • FOR TOP QUALITY .ATLAS . BATTERIES DUNLOP 'TIRES (Most Sizes. In Stock): At REASONABLE. PRICES! Repairs to All, mattes of. Cars and Tractors.. 2 Licensed Mechanics Wheel Alignment and Balancing MOTORCADE DEALER Mrs, I. Strapp Mrs. S. Irwin read psalm 100 followed ,by' pray- er. The wonderful hymn '.It is well with my . soul" was sung. Mrs," J. Hall read "How do I Know." Thi meeting closed with the mIsspah benediction. UNIT l Alec Unit 1 of Luckknow U.C.W.... at .Mrs. Ewart Taylors for the November meeting with an atten- dance of 15 members and :vis-- itors The president opened the meeting° witha hymn followed by prayer.. Treasurers report was given by Mrs. C. Webster. Thank offering meeting is in the church on November 16. Mrs, W. B. And- erson read a chapter from the study.. book, Mrs. Drennen report- ed on community friendship,; re- s porting on calls madeto sick and shut ins. Mrs. Geo. 'Stuart re- ported on . Stewardship. Mrs. Col- lins took the chair lair the . pro- gram. Mrs.: W. Humphrey read the scripture followed by medi- tation and prayer by Mrs. 'McKim. Mrs. . Ross Sheills gave a very in- teresting talk on the Life Story. of Dr, Mary Verghese. . U.C.W. Unit 3' The general meeting of Luck now . U.C.W. unit 3 was held in the church with the president,.' Miss Ada Webster, in the chair.. Mrs.. Eldon Hendersonwas sec- retary in the absence of Mrs. Lewis; After the scripture . read- ing and prayer, devotions closed with poem . and prayer. The 'roll call Was answered by quotation from the Bible with the ' word peace. Mrs. George Brooks gave the treasurer's report. Mrs.. J. Walker reported' on community friendship. There ' were 17 . mem- hers present. Mrs. Cumming pre- sided for , the program.: Mrs.. Clara Richards 'took the . Study Book and , spoke on' "God the Creator." Mrs: Harvey Houston spoke on her: trip to Wolfeville,: Nova Scotia and showed • slides. Lunch. wasserved by. committee.' UNIT 4 .. U:C.W.. The home. of Mrs. Roi,ert. Camp- bell, was 'the setting for the NQv-. ember' meeting of Unit 4. Convenors for the evening were Mrs M. Greer, Mrs. II. ,Webster and Mrs. J. Gardner. .The pro- T040ORE .,EGG Per Hen Per Year! In 1962, the average Canadian poultryman got less than 230 eggs per 'year per hen, housed, This is an estimate 'of .,the Dominion 'Bureau of Statistics: . To make layers pay really well, 'however, you should be getting at least 240 eggs per year per hen housed ' Purina Laying Chows can help . your hens meet, this production mark. Purina Laying Chilies contain the balance of ingredients that will help laying.. hens , achieve maximum production. All, ingredients' are mixed with our own 'exclusive "MIcro-Mix process. This ..process is your guarantee that . every layeer will get, its proper share of all nutrients eve day. y. Purina has helped thousands' of Canadian flock owners to be ' a, better - than -average poultryman .` to average 240 eggs per : year per hen housed. Whyurself that Purina feeding not join ;them' Prove to yo CAN cost ,You less. FOR . FAST, EFFICIENT'. FEED SERVICE CALL mas .Hackett an Lt1CKNOW PHONE' :528=8530' Canadians who want bigger profits totno►rrow, feed Purina Chores Today. �lItU_1�r_..R.e_..Wil;r.`r:11*Ai I.tr®■iii'"r_tr■®■i:W ..r"■ II: HO, m, ■m: ii.■r.rta■r*■to a■,:1..s■otic ti riot srow ' SEER HEATING MEANS BETTER LIVING NOW! COMPLETE CINIFORT CONTROL 24 HOURS A DAT 111$ home comfort $EBYICE (All For The Low Cost Of The Oil. Alone) • TREE BURNER AIH • .E *MOOR FURNACE CONDMORING: EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE MID-SEaASON:. • AUTOMATIC CHECK. FUEL OIL DEUVEMr Let your Cities Service ,dealer give your oil heating equipment a complete, unhurried and personalized conditioning—NOW! When cold weather strikes again, just flip the thermostat dial and your home w41 be filled with the luxurious comfort, of Cities Service : Premium ,Od. heat. No. last-minute calls for service no possible delay and inconvenience. P.S. Protsct your budeat! En- quire about our • lose cost 'r•••• plmcament parts Insurance contract—PHONE TODAY!. C1TIESQSERVLCE FOR SERVICE and SATISFACTION CALL A. "BUD"- HAMIL'EON Your. Lucknow " and District .Agent FOR ALL.CITIES CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS --Phone Collect 2427 Office OPEN • AILY 7;31 a.m. to ..7:11= Located of , Ludanow .:on Highway 86 gramme began with :slides, shown by the guest 'speaker Mr. 4'.. Ram atarsingh. These . were 'very col- ourful ' and , interesting. pictures of Mr. Ratinatarsingh. s home: country of Trinidad: Each slide .was accom- panied by, -an informative descrip- tion, . and. all ,members felt they learned a little: about the back- ground, ackground, climate, industries and people as well as .,the magnificent scenery of.: theislands of Trini- dad and 'Tobago. After a: brief Worship program, in the form' of a Remembrance Day Service, the meeting 'concluded with refresh- ments served by the the Comm- ittee in charge.: Mrs. L. Menary followed brined , itation with Mrs., J. Arnold: The • study. .from: "The Word` and .the' Way" was, given by. Mrs. M. Berg- er. Mrs(. Wm. Andrew gave the chapter, from t h:'e study book. ; The first study from "God and His Purpose" was ,taken byMrs. .1. t Plaster. The .sec. report was read and the roll call answeredby a Bible parable.. There, were : 18 adults and 4 children present. The annual- •circuit meeting is . to be held at the manse. ,later in Nov ember., Hymn 252.. was sung .and Mrs Arnold" closed 'the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served 'by .'Mrs : C Cooke and Mrs.. J. .Irwin. BLAKE! U.C.W':.. NEW 'ARENA MANAGER Leonard Wissler , Of Teeswater .. The November meeting of, Bla- has been named ice. maker and kes U.C.W.." was held Wednesday manager of the Teeswater arena 'afternoon at the tome; of .Mrs- R. ata salary of $60 per week. Tees Phillips. The 'president " opened water . 'recently nistalledarttfic- the meetingwith the call to wor- hal ice 'in • their :.ancon r h the ship P. yet.. Hymn 669 :was . money being, .raised by cotomun ,sung. ' The scripture lesson Was. ' icy, donations and those of (oras taken • by Mrs:" .KL Cranston and ..�er residents: ' sea■••••■•■•■r■■i■ir■gr ■r■■■■■ moi•.. •■tt■a■r■oon• ■ FOR CONTINUED: HEATING: COM ■ ■ si ▪ • ■ w • ■ ,•. • • • ■ • • . • rsi TOP QUALITY 'ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT • . ■ 101' 1 Plumbing and Heating ;HOME HEAT SERVICE • (No thwb.IuY l,10 y toPa» AT No Cone. TO YOGI ■ x Phone .528.3012 . l�uckt :.. ESSO OII f: ► h1ER . SALES s►n ,, . � .. t d SLRV`fCE ■ ,r i1OME I1EAT ►LrtVECE roe■aa.rle�r+raiirabtraah■r:tisieien.+aael eeliwrlUpUl ua at • i fii