HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-11-11, Page 6•
, ,
, L:3or oucI a Itttlen ti ,
football. Right now, Jinni* inks of nothing bit
.Buttime flies and soon he'll be thinking
of college and his future. Thanks to a Sun Life
N 'Educational Endowment policy which, his father
1. took out soon after his son was born, " a college.,
education ' and a ,place on the football . team
should .both be realities. `
Pert . associated with , Sun Life of
Camaaia, the Con:pain t with the policy,
tikes right. for year and your family.
11/14 not call nae today?
An enterprise which from • a operative specifically for that pur-1
humble beginning 17 years ago. ;: pose. With its completion,, Bruce
has become recognized as a' pat Co-operative Medical Services con- i
tern for other similar organza-. times to set .the standard for sim-
tions, Bruce Co-operative Medical. Bar co-operativeenterprises ac-
Services established a "first" . for ross ` the province.
the province when it fot:nrtally Besides being recognized as one
marked the Wig' of its new of the soundest and , most efficient
office building on Queen. Street •Iy operated services of its kind
north in Paisley recently i, in, ; Ontario, BCMS . is one of the
Officials- and staff of the co- largest_ With ' over 3600 contracted
operative were hosts to over 200 members, it now serves approx-.
guests who took the opportunity imately 14,000 persons through its
of . the ""open hc,se" to inspect non-profit medical care plans.
the . building and its facilities. Prior to the open house, `an in -
Bruce, Co-operative Medical Ser -formal I
uncheoa" was held at the'
vices was established July 1 , 1947. j
Custom Butcheriflg .,
Nov, 1,144
�� Mondays
$ZOO in by 4:00
Cutting. and Wrapping, 2c pound
We Do Curing and `Jm0i[Ittg. +....
Beef, Pork 'and Lamb.
Half or Quarter .. For Better • Service,
Sold Whole Call: Ripley 100.
And' Lower Prices.. ----
Chas. Hoo sfila Prop. •
Ray, Dalton last week. Greer farm. Margaret Montgom-
Mrs. Mark Dalton returned ery, 'Janet Cooke and Joanne
- :home . on Sunday .. after • being
a Thompson. tried On Wednesday,
passed their
patient . in Goderich hospital• for fire testedneSday, Novem,
the past week. ' bei. ,4th, the pack met in th«-'
Mrs. John Austin is.: a patient basement of the Town Hall w ilii
in Victoria Hospital, London.. Linda Goyette as .Toadstool Fairy.
Inspection was for ' , Shiny pins.
-- In work period the , Brownies.
iblbs Sandra Jh
Paisley Inn„ with local and pro-
vincial dignitaries present.,
Guests were welcomed to the:
village by Reeve Elgin Cummipg,
and. greetings and congratulations
were voiced by
Bruce County'
Warden Chester . Emmerton and.R
.County Clerk W. S. 'Forrester, and
Ernest Biernes, ' president •of Bruce
Federation of Agriculture
Manager • L' one B. Evans thank-�1
ed tlse� guests for their presence`
at the luncheon and open
,Following the delightful lunch-
e(dn: the.. Party' took' PPartopen house ceremonies.
planted ther uon
BROWNIE NEw • tried and. passed
stone, Christine Stott and bara Stanley .
Oar -
tit: 1.11CKNOW. PACK, , their dishwashing test. A game
(By Joanne Thompson) was played. and the meeting was
The ist. Lucknow Pack met • closed with chimes a n d `the
Wednesday, October 28th' at the squeeze.
Town Hall. to go on a hike to
in the;
Lorne B_ Evans, then manager of DUNGANNON
:the Paisley Co-operative, store,
- took on mainagenent of the ;mid- • Dungannon_' W-
jeal services. as a 'part-time effort,* .• gee Stewart, convened.
.operating from • the store. Late. canadian industry meeting
the office.was moved to the form-: 'o :Dungannon WI held at the
yr Tricker residence ...on • Queen home of Mrs. Dauphin., The guest
Street south, then to rooms . over speaker Mr. George Turtaa .of
whatis now: Remus Men's Wear, .mocks• was introduced by:Mrs_
and. latterly occupied offlces' oa Stewart and gave a very interest-
the second floor of the :McKinnon ing taut on his hobby, working
Building at the south fiend af. the -with wood., $e explained in detail
Teeswater bridge, at cure time the. the art of viand carving and; ."dim
woollen`. milt:` F m
played. '.many comped Pte,
In the last few years, with con- ''trays;: animals and . pictures.start expansion, the business out Nmteen members .named a Can -
grew its rented acc"smodatian, and adian tree for the roll call. Three
the management and ' directors, 'visitors were present.
optimistic for the future of the i Mrs. C. Crozier presided . and
organization, at. --proved the .build -..f plans were completed for the
ing . plan_ • Birthday . Party to be held at Hur-
The new office is the'fast in ` onr,C,linton. An ` invitation has
Ontario erected by . a medical co- ' been extended from SI Helen's
RR 2 Lucknow •
.Phone Winghar ' 357.4 987
W.I. for : all 'members and ladies
of the community to attend the
Armistice Day Service Novem1
ber 8th. at 2:30 atthe cenataph in
A lunch counter will be conven-
ed by ' :W1_ members . at the sale
to be held on November 7th• at the
farm of Mr. A_ J. Sherwood.
Mrs. H. McWhinney spoke 'on
`The mighty. oak and the clinging J,
vine. Her remarks ' were well
given_ = Luneb; was convened ' by
Mrs_ Popp and committee.
Mrs. - Jane (Jennie ' Douglas)
McDonald,. 76, wife of John FI..,
McDonald, died after an illness. :
of'. three days at Alexandra Mar
-1 and General Hospital, on'
,Sunday-,' October. 25th. She was
"born in. entad, a daughter of the
late Mr. • and Mrs. Roderick Doug- I
las. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald 'farm-
ed 'for . over 20 years on the four-
th concession. of Huron Township.
In 1946 /they moved to' Goderich:
1 Mrs_ McDonaldwas a Member
of Victoria Street United Church
there. Mr. and. ' Mrs.. McDonald
would have been 5 years marr-
red, next spring:
I . • Surviving besides her husband
are two sons, Douglas of Toronto;,
Grant of . London; one .daughter,
Mrs. John, (Mary) ` Fisher , Luck- '
now; . three sisters, ,Mrs•. Dan
(Tia).. Thompson, Oshawa; : Mrs:
Hilton. (Cassie) McKee, Mans -1
field, Ont.; Miss Rhoda Douglas„ '
London; ; one /brother, Donald P
Douglas, Gramm,: Alta.; and one
grandchild ,'Donald Fisher, .Luck-'
now_ i
The body rested at the Stiles ,
funeral home, whet-ea service
i was held Wednesday afternoon
, with Rev. C. A. Dukelow office .'
' ating_ Burial was in ' Maitland;'.
' cemetery. Pallbearers were Bert
' Breckenbridge, Ripley, •.Gordon
Jamieson and Willard Legg, 'God-
I Brantford,o .
erich and nephews hews BruceMcKee,.
y Thompson,
onto, and John D. Thompson, Rip-.
By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute 1
"Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit"
Baked4. Pears With` Marshmallows
Quick Oven Dessert
6 Canada Choice Canned . . zstsp. cinnamon
Pear'. Halves 1 lemon, .sliced paper .. thin
1 tablespoon sugar 6 marshma•
llows ?
Place drained pear halves in a baking:dish with :1 cup of ;
their . juice. .Mix sugar and cinnamon together . and sprinkle
over . pears- Place a paper -thin slice ; of- lemon. on each pear
half and a, marshmallow on top of the lemon slice. Place in . ,
a moderately hot oven (400 degrees F). for .. about 5 minutes
or until marshmallows are delicately browned and pears are
heated through: Serve immediately, pouring the juice left in
the baking .pan over the pears
For attractive recipe folder, write • to the Ontario. Tender
Fruit Institute, 241 Food Terminal . Building, The Queensway,
Toronto 18.
(no. Late For Last Week)
Mr. • and Mrs_ Earl Drennan
have, shoved to the residence . pre-
vocly occupied . by Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Valad on Highway 21.
Mr. and Mrs John Van Osch
have' moved to the Wallace, home
at Kingsbridge.. We .hope.' "both
nonples enjoy-'ther new homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Reynolds,
I Sudbury, visited, Mr. and Mrs.
'Wg1t Disney" 6:30 $endey
"Tis Ftintstones" 6:30
"The Donne ' Reed Show"
6:30 Wednesday
"The Famous Adventures of ,
Mt. Magda". 6:30 .Thursday •
Fdrmer"s DQughter"
6:30- Friday : '.
"Voyage to the Bottom ofPet
Ste" 6:30. Saturday