HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-10-28, Page 41PAGI TWQ
M. and °Mrs D. A. Hackett
':and Joan, visited in Sarnia: on
�Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ferguson
Visited: Saturday evening with: Mr.
and. Mrs, ' Nelson Raynard.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack McLean and
`family .spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Ritchie. '.
Mr. and . Mrs: Bill Hunter and
were in London, last Fri
day -
There will be no Sunday School.
next Sunday as it .js communion
at. Zion at 11:09 a.m.
Mr.. and Mrs. Henry Gardner
and Lane visited in Waterloo • with
Mr.. and Mrs. Bob Ritchie..
Fly To California •
Mr, and. Mrs. John. Ross flew:
to *Anaheim California where:
• .they are visiting Mr. and : Mrs.
John. Marchuk and •family.. Mrs:
Marchuk is the former Edna Ross.
Mr. and Mrs.'Elmer. Benedict
were , recent week -end visitors at
. 9allaceburg;
The.; High'' School students did
not report for classes Wednesday
as the teachers, were attendingnding a
convention' at Clinton.
Miss Donna. Haldenby, .Toronto,
spent: the week -end ' with Mr .and
James Haldenby' and:faimily.
The, ' students,. former ,students,
patents and'friends attended : Com-
mencement at the ' L.D.H.S: Fri-
day evening Miss Sharon Stan-
ley was. Junior., champion' .tor the
girls' .:-and received her. award.
This is: the second .year in'. a row.
that : Sharon, . has won this champ
ionship, Congratulations
Miss . Beverley - Wall, London.
was' home for the. week -end. She
attended • Commencement . at' the
L.D.H.S. Friday evening and spent'
the night ' with Miss' Phyllis Brad-.
ley, Goderich, . ..
Mrs.Frank, . Brown and Reg,
visited Tuesday evening . with Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra Stanley and fam-
Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Green. spent
the week -end ' with 'Mrs: Gillam,
. Mr and ' Mrs Mac. Lane• and'
Stewart, Kinlough, 'spent '°'Sunda
evening with Mrs. Frank' Brown.
and Reg:
• Mr.. and Mrs.. Al '.Irwin,' ..Luck-
now, visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs: , Midford Wall and' Donnie.
Mr. and Mrs:. 'James Hilden -
Mr. T. A. Girven of Saska-
toon has visited with los bro-
ther-in-law Fred Anderson .' of
1,ucknw and other relatives
in. this area the past two
weeks.. He is a brother, of
the late Mrs.Fred Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Girven flew
from, Saskatoon for their On-
tario visit.. Mrs. Girven,; who
is . 89, stayed in'Simcoe with,
her sister while ' Mr.' Girven,
who is 85, visited . here.. Mr..
Girven left the Dungannon ar-
ea as' a young man: When he
first went to Saskatoon • there
were only 800 people living
there.. . ,.
Courtesy is. one item everyone
Think : twice before you speak
if you intend to say what
you think.
• After a lengthy '. illness, Miss
Frances Edna Scott , passed away
h 'Victoria Hospital.; London on
October, 11th, 1964..
Born May2 1892,she was
on , a
the daughter ..of John .Scott and
Ann Smeltzer of •concession . 2,
Huron .township., In 1927 , after:''the
death' of 'her, . father, she, with her
mother moved to . Ripley where she,
resided. until ...the ' time. of y her
:death. .
She was a :;faithful; member. of
St.. Luke's Anglican' Church, Lur-:`
gan and : later of St ,Pauls . An-
glican Church, , Ripley, serving as
organist :for. Many years.
• Left to:.'mourn ,her loss. are tvo
sisters (Eliiabeth) ' Mrs. Frank.
Fair;. (Mary) ' Mrs; . John, A. Mac-
Donald; three. brothers, Frank and
Joe of Ripley, and John of, Huron
township: •
,The funeral' . service was con'
ducted. on Tuesday, . October 13,
from • the McLennan Funeral Home.
by '' Rev. '•John :King of Ripley An-
glican. .church. ' Interment was , la
the Ripley cemetery. The 'pallbear-
ers were Arthur Smeltzer, *Herbert
Emmerton; :: John , McDonald • .arid
'three nephews,. Bill,: Bob. and Jack
bywere guests Saturday at the.
Tizisky '`— Benetean wedding .. in
Detriot. /
REGULAR $199.00
On Sale at $169
22' . CUBIC .FOOT 780 ib. CAPACITY
SpeciaI ; at $245.
Scout Paper Collection, October :29
Wawanosh lady is
Laid ToRest
Mrs. William Webster of West
WaWanosh Township passed away
at Wingham Hospital on. Satur-
day, October 17th after an illness
of many/ months. She was 73
years .of •age. ..•
Mrs. •Webster • was the; . former'
Edna Jane -Taylor, daughter of
the late Henry Taylor -and :Eliz-
abeth Leitch of Bullet Township
where she was born on February
6th, 1891., The place of her birth
is now known as Kinburn,. located
near Londesboro; At the time. of
her birth . it was called Constance.
Mrs. Webster's father was • a na-
tive of Tipperary, . Ireland.
Mr. and Mrs. Webster were Mar-
ried at {inburn on September 3rd,,
1913, and just' one, Year ago ob-
served their • 50th wedding anni
versary: Following their marriage
they took. up residence on , the
Webster family farm on the. 10th
concession .of West Wawanosh . at
Fordyce and with the ... exception
of brief period in Northern On-
tario, have' lived there since. Mr.
Webster, was. born. on .the farm
taken up . from the " crown by his
grandfather George, Webster.
Mrs... Webster and her• husband'
had. always been: ' active: in corn -
natality life around St ; Helens.
They were members of St. Helens
United , Church. Mr. Webster .•has.
served on the ' School Area Board
for 16 'years'. and is still 'a mem-
ber. ;
' •Besides her husband, Mrs Web-
ster is survived' by •:a son, George
of West Wawariosh; two daugh-
ters, Mrs.. Cliff ' '(Jean) Hender-
son of Brucefield .and- ' Mrs. Stu-
art (Lois) Chainney of „East Wa-
wanosh. Ten grandchildren also
Mrs. Webster :leaves.. four. bro-
thers and three::: sisters, George;
William and . Laurence ' :Taylor of
Victoria, B.C.; }Harvey '. ; of Kin -
burn,. Mrs.: Earl (Helen) Lawson.
of : Clinton, ..Mrs. Verne (Annie)
Dale of Kinburn, Florence Taylor
of Victorian
She .was predeceased •b two
sisters, .Mrs. Bert:. (Maud) . Ferris
of Alberta and Ws, William.'(Min-
nie) MacMillan of.London
The funeral service was held at
the MacKenzie 1VMemorial Chapel
in `Lucknow . on Monday, October
19 at 2:30 'p.m. Mr. II. Moore
,was in charge .of the service and'
interment' was in" Greenhill- Ceme
tery.,. Pallbearers were . all nep'h-.
ews. of Mrs. Webster, James 'Mit-
ch ell, William Mitchell,'Hugh Mc-
Crostie, Murray Dale, '.. Laurence
Taylor, Reginald Lawson. Flower
bearers were Michael' Cumimins,,
Harold Gaunt, William. Rintoul,
Norman MacDonald, Albert Phil-
lips, Earl Jamieson,' Lloyd -Hum-
phrey,'...R. o y: Robinson; Ernest
Snowden, Ross Taylor. ;
As a tribute to. the Webster
family; the pupils . and teacher
Mrs. George Kennedy of Fordyce
school attended the funeral in' a,
group.. The West /Wawanosh School `AMBERLEY
Area Board and the.secretary:. al-' • ' . ••.
Fair weather prevailed for most
:of last Week and, people tookad-
vantage of every ' sunny day to
finish taking up the gardens, plant
ii g • bulbs and other- work, as
weather ' at this time' of year is
unpredictable 'as was experienced
in October 25, 1962, •when a. heavy
fall • of . snow; .interrupted hydro
service and caused slippery road
conditions. •
• A few 'cottagers retuned at the
week -end " to Amberley beach to
close their "summer . homes for an-
other year and so we look for-
ward to fall and winter activities.
with ban uets, bazaars, meetings
and sports which should wile a=
way, the ,winter months.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNay of
Amberley visited at the week -end
with friends 'in. London, St• Cathy
urines and other ,points,
Mr, and Mrs, James Campbell
of Kincardine were Sunday guests
'of Mr,:' and Mrs. Art Courtney.
A. reception was held 4 on• Satur-
day evening at Reids Corners I•lall
for, Mr.and Mrs, Allan McKenzie
Iof Kineardine, .
Install your:Aluminum windows and doors now befor•
Federal Tax increase to XI % December 31st, 19G4,
t► Phone,. 528.3733 Lucknow
•, .
Bywearing a. PoRemembrance Day you . help the
.ng. Poppy- on •
• Legion to ' help, disabled 'veterans` and dependents. Your con-
* 'tribution -means help when its needed Most. Give generously. ••
• Thank you. •
• • '
.••r••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••,•i••••••+••4
of a daughter in Wingham ' Hos-
pital last week. '
Mrs. Ray Dalton returned home
from .' hospital on Saturday,; •
Mr. ad Mrs. Bruce Hansford
and. Ray, Galt, Mr. Dan. 'Dallton,
Waterloo , spent the week -end with
Mr. and . Mrs. Ray 'Dalton ''arid.
family. • -
Several. from 'here 'attended the
reception for Mr. ' and Mrs. Art
Gilmore in Lucknow Saturday
evening. ;
Mr. and';Mrs. , Joe : Van. Osch re-
turned home last .Week from their
wedding trip to the : States.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon McBurney,
,Hugh and ,Ronald, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Barbour ' and family: of 13rown='
Mr. ;Barry .Tiffin of Waterloo
returned on Sunday accompanied
by. Mr. . Paul Geiger who had
spent the weekend with: Mr. and
Mrs. ' Carl McClenaghan.
On Friday evening ,a euchre
party was held at Currie's school.
.There were 17 tables .of card play-
ers. Hugh gent was Ross : King
and 2nd ; high Mr.' L' awerence Tay-
lor. High lady was Mrs. Clarence
Ritchie 2nd high lady, Mrs. • Well-
Ings. Lunch was`.. served and the
prizes for the winners ' in ' euchre
were : presented •.after ' which Mr.
ands Mrs. Alexc. Leaver, .who : re-
cently moved' :.to Wingham from
this section were ` called to the
front and Mr. 'Gershom Johnston
read an address. The gift of a
chair 'was presented on behalf. of
all present, by Mr._Jim Currie
and Mr. Roy Pattison. Mr. and
Mrs. Leaver; both replied :'thank-
ing their friends for the .gift given
them as a . remembrance ' of . the
happy. times they had enjoyed to-:
gether in the community, `
so : attended in a group to : pay
their•, final respects '
. '
On behalf of the community.
we would like' to express our sin
cere sympathy to . Mr." and -'Mrs.
Donald Simpson on the tragic
death of their little son Elliott.
Misses Shannon . Simiett, Eileen
Vassella, Detroit spent the' week-
end here. Mrs Nora Sinnett re-
turned to Detroit with ' them.
Mr'. Michael. Foley, Mrs, them,
Courtney are .patients in Victoria
Hospital, London.
Miss Blanehe Bilodeau Hamil-
ton 'Spent the week end . with Mr.
and Mrs O. . ..Heffernan and fam-
ily. Mr.'Raymond Heffernan
returned to Hamilton with her.
Sunday visitors. with Mrs. Alii;.
iinahan \were Mr'. and Mrs. t7en-
nis Leddy, Kitchener, Mr. and.
Mrs. Itay Leddy and Elizabeth,
Lucknow Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Leddy, Mr, and; Mrs. Norman'
'teddy,- Goderich.
Mr, Toni Schefter, Wingham
spent Sunday with ,Mr. and Mrs,
John Howard and family.
Congrattilations' to Mr, .. and,
Mrs, Henry Drennan on the birth
A plowing .bee was held for Mur-
ray Walden last week.'
Flowers placed in Pine 'River •
United Church' by Mrs, Merton
Fraser and .daughter Gayle were'...>.tl,,,,,r,
in memory 'of :Merton Fraser and
other members of the Fraser fam:.
The Explorers meeting was held
in the Sunday School room of Pine
.River United Church on 'Wednes- : •
day' of last 'weekwith an: . attend-
ance &ten members. The meeting
opened 'by repeating, . the Explor-
ers Purpose and was followed,with'
the roll call, "What I' like'. best
about autumn." After the .collect-
ion. was .' taken .by. Gertrude ; Lee.
Walden, '/'Bible -uiz was conduct-
ed .and.: a game of musical: chairs
was played. Margaret die. Court-
ney played for the closing hymn,'
Sincere sympathy is . extended
to Mr. and'• Mrs, Donald Simpson.
and family :of . Lochalsh in the loss
of their little son' following. an ac-
cident at their; home " on Saturday.
The : greatest ability. ;is depen-
dability. ,•
local and General
Week -end visitors with Mr'. and
.Mrs. -Art Breckles were Mr. and
Mrs.. Artli it Bailey of . ' Black
Stock Ontario, Mr. and •Mrs. Van
Camp and Mrs. Glennie of : Lis-
towel, Mr:: and Mrs. Edward
Powell, . of -Milliken, Ontario.
Mr. and 'Mrs.', Claire Thueli and
infant son of Rexdale :were week-
end visitors with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Jim MacTavish.
Rev,. Howard W. Strapp.
Mi p ister •
110:00 ea Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning °'` Worship.
"Reformation Sunday"
Presbyterian Churc
1000 S
unday ,School ` ,
11.00 a.m. The Ministert.'
Rev.. Roderick MacLeod
• Church; S,who01 10.00 a►.m.
ltoly Cptnmbniori 11.35 a.M.
First, Communion foto the newly
confirmed .
Rev. J: ff. l(ing,
�r�.way.ill,r«ii:,w�,i•,�i'iaiiw•iii►•'r ,.