HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-10-28, Page 3e ,., • .• - ,••,-45;;Aw04;,•.,;445"...,..; .. , -4.44.----4-7;;. •-=;;;;;;;7-,-,..•`-'-',74F.4041,Frit4V,44,1;;41,,,,,,,;44:47:44;.44W.;:**.tfrat;.."'"X'4,41".Filler* ' - . . $4.00 A Year In Adverse., $1,00 Extra To U.S.A. 1 4"A*401r,,,,z, lt.4.4firai4Ocr LUCKNOW* ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, OcToBeR 21, 1%4 roungsterit.Death Numbs Community hree- -Old Elliott ictim Of Kintail Farm • s • • Three-year-old Elliott Finlayson Simpson, son. of Mr. and Mrs. • Donald Simpson of Ashfield Town- ship • was crushed to death in. a • freak accident about five o'clock • last Saturday afternoon. The en- • tire community was stunned and • saddened by the death ' of the • youngster, who was one of a 'fiun- • . ily of ten children, the third .youn•- , gest and the seventh son. Donald is _ _clerk -treasurer, of.Ashfield • TownSiliP- . • The Simpson family live on the Lochalsh sideroad • but . Donald was at the "other place" at Kin - tail when the accident happened. He had taken five of the children' with him when he went to Kintail •to the farm located' across from • MacD'Onald's store •and directly across from where „the Simpson _family. Used to. live . at Kintail. Donald was ploughing and the • younpters were playing at the, time of the accident, Apparently Elliott went into a :log building •used as- a ,henhouse,. tieing some explorhig on his own. It is. be- lieved that while climbing up on a rack of nests to check for eggs, that the rack toppled, crushing the •youngster. underneath, The rack was about five feet by eight feet and was of wooden construction. It was not extremely heavy, but the 'force of the fall pinned the youngster. The, rack had horizontal shelving and ver- ticle dividers and it is • believed, that Elliott was using these as steps when the.accident happened. The plight of the young bro- ther was found practically at •once by the other 'children who were .plying /outside: They SUM7 moiled• Donald and the child was removed to. MacDonald's' ac- ross the . road where mouth to •mouth rettic.itation was attenipt- •ed. The boy was attended by Mar- garet MacDonald a nurse, who was, home. for the week -end. Dr. M. H. Orrin of Lucknow was summoned but Elliott was. dead upon his arrival. Coroner Dr. NI • C. Jack,son of Goderich stated that an inquest will not be held. MOTHER 2PAsSEs SUNDAY Pals, Bruce Mac Kenzie. .... WS. John II: McDonald of God • erich, Mother of ,Mrs. Jack 14613- is Bursary, Ili er of town, passed away on Sun She had been .hasPila only - and Mrs . TomMacKenzie of Kin. day in Ale..xandra Marine Hospital, • B. MacKmele, eon. or Mr. S011 S . . . few days. Mrs, MacDonald is stir -1102$ frev,inship, has been awarded .• • Ail vived by her husband, her, "ugh" ; an Atkinson' Bursary in the amount rik ter Mrs. -Jack Fisher (Mary) and ! et $450, To. qualify for this steward, ccluelit two °on°, Douglas 'ti T°1713114) and 1 a student .eirt Obtain hi gaol'''. Grant of London. Funeral services.tin studie$, • - Young Elliott is survived by his mother and father, Donald. and Edith (Elliott) Simpson; two sis- ters, Betty Ann and Helen, the • oldest and youngest of the fam- ily; seven brothers, Sandy JIM, Donald Bill Paul and Steven; • his grandmother, Mrs•. Margaret Elliott of Kincardine. • He would have been four years old next January 22nd. The body rested at •the -John- stone Funeral Home,,: Lucknow, where a community,touched by the tragedy, called to pay their respects. The funeral service was held from the AsIdield Presby- terian Church, on Monday at 2:00 p.m. conducted by the minister, Rev. Neil McCombie. Burial was in Kintail Cemetery. • Pallbe..arers were a brother San- (IY Simpson, cousins Bobby and John Simpson and Gary MacKen zie. ,Flower bearers were Jan, Margie, Mary Louise, Fiera and Arthur Simpson, Jack Hayes, Den- nis Drennan, Karen Elliott, Terry Elliott,' Robe.rt MacDonald, Kenny Farrish and David Farrah. Tolds Do Well At Industrial Arts Walkerton Fair Needs More Space The Todd family of, St. Helens At the Octobermeeting of the made a fine showing at the Walk L.D.H.S. ,Board, transportation erten Christmas Fair last week for pupils .attending Wingham • Reserve champion of commer District High School was set, at dal classes was an Angus 'shown 47.50 a day for the sehoolterm by Thomas Todd and ping to of tteo/ hundred days. . Canada Packers at 37c a pound. The Principal advised arrange - The animal weighed /47 lbsfor ments are .being made to have a total of $276,39. Commencement on October 23rd The - Reserve ehantoun in 441 when it is hoped Mr. P. W. :Hoag, classes was an, Angus steer shown former Principal of the School, will by Hugh Todd weighing 824 lbs.- accept an invitation to. ,address and was purchased by Canada the Graduating Class ., Packers at 41c per pound, for- The High School .Teacher's ann- a total of $337.84, Hugh stepped ual conference, will be held in into the same honours as won by Central Huron Secondary School, his brother Wayne in, 1962 and Clinton,' on Wednesday, October 1963. In addition, Hugh wins $.10 21st. from the Grey -Bruce -Huron An- The Property 'Committee is to gus Association and $i0 from ,the leek into the matter of providing Ontario Angus Breeders' Associa- additionar space in the Industrial tion.• '• Arts Classroom, which is over• - Hugh won the award for Grand crowdedskfor most classes, and ROBERT RAE PASSES Robert Andrew Rae a resident of the village of Lucknow for many years, died Sunday at Vic. teria Hospital, London, at the age of S. For many. years, Mr. Rae was it partner in the hardware business of Rae and Porteous: :..The funeral service was • ducted from the jOhnstone Fun- , • eral Home, Lucknow, on Wednes- day, October 28th with burial in .Greenhi.11 Cernetery. •• were held today (Wednesday) Bruce graduated from want* from •Stiles funeral home, god-, 'District tom school and ja prop. lentiy in hie first Year at Western •lat Western with Language prefer, 4UmversitY, Lends" Ife la fa Arta Hold Payment On Faulty Desks • At the October meeting of the Lucknow Public School Board, it was reported that'some of the tops! on the desks received in Septeinber require adjusting So that they will close properly. The firm is to be writtenin tion; . in the meantime the invoice cover- ing purchase of this furniture is to be held until the matter is at1 tended to. It was decided to remove the; shed and bicycle cover at the, rear of the building as they are • no longer used. RICHARDS MOVE TO TOWN., HENDERSONS'IPA NEW HOME m•oMvred.• ,andon MrsoctoberTOriandist: RitochanIstheir • home in Lucknow former Jean Lyons home. Mr. a Mrs. Henderson have ineved to Richard's farm, boundary west* which they purchased some time, ago. Lloyd is still stationed at ilea- tralia whe.re they, have retdded since returning from ' Germruty last July,, He will spend week end at arm me.a •APPLES AND PAPERS KEEP Sundry Accounts amounting to SCOUTS AND , CUBS BUSY to $201,.32 are t.o be paid from the* General Account. . Scouts and Cube held Apple. Equipment required 'for Pbysi. i Day in Lucknow last Saturday cal Education is to be ordered' when they netted a profit of shout by the Principal. . $100: Prizes were given for high PROGRESS, WE WONDER! . A recent switch in znail de • livery in West,e.rn Ontario has most .communities, including Lucknow, receiving. mail once in• early morning and mail is despatched once,„ in early evening. This may be pro- • gress for the rank and file, but certainly not for the peo- ple in the news business. . • _ _ We took • Photo at the • RO LLY GRANT night demmenailted litastto theFrideany. Roe • Allan Grant of Goderich, a forrner Ashfield Township resi- , dent, died • at. Goderich Hospital 1 on Sunday. He was 87. years ef age, • • • The funeral was.held from the Johnstone Ftmeral Horne in. Luck - now on Tuesday • with . .burial Lochalsh. Cemetery. • • • • Champion 'Showman at the fair. the possibility of arranging for a Hallowe'en Pa This honaur brought him a silver finishing room,. tray donated by Swifts. Sundry Accounts .apProved paid ' • This' Year's .offerilittig of prize from the General Account amount- •In Arena Satu-rday • beef Was 88 head ter culling. ed to $1,582.71, With a balance. 01 The average price was 25.63c for $20a.09 reported as at September steers and '22.55c o r heifers, 30th. Invoices totaling $307.61, are champions not included. The di- to - be paid from the Book Account. vision of cattle 'was 57 in the Repre.sentatives of Frank Cowan 4-11 class and 31 in the commer- Insurance Co. attended the meet- cial. ing to review insurance carried. JS .and decorated baskets. Win - ners %vete :best decorrited Isasket; •-• Scouts - Erie Taylor, Ain 'Hender- son;: Cubs ;Greg Hinder, Steve Hackett and „John lilfacKentie tied; . high salesman Scouts Andy Anderson, Jun ' MacDonald; Cubs, John Johnstone, Steve.Hackett The • boys will be busy again this: Thursday .*lien :they bold a paper drive. in Luckoow and. Dungannon, • • , BROTHER PASSES Mrs. Russell Robertson receiv- ed word , last 'Thursday, October gravers in London that •even- • 22nd, of the sudden death that ing. The "cut." was -not in morning , of her brother Gordon Tuesday morning's mail and- fJohnston who resided at Kingston - so' for us, it is lost for this The funeral ser -vice was held in week's. paper.- Under the old Kingston on Saturday,. :October system, there would have been 24th. a good chance that we would Besides his wife and • family have received it Tuesday af- !Mr. Johnston survived by two ternoon, but under the, new sisters!Mrs. Robertson of Luck - system, the next delivery is now and Mrs Jean Haigh of 'Wednesday morning, too , late • Hamilton. Rev, H. Striseip for 'this week. The film is drove Mrs. Robertson to Hamilton mailed and returned. by first and she motored on hut] there to claSs, mail. n ' • Kingston for the funeral,. ) D This Saturday 'night, 'October -1 P. Ho(ig. Is. Coinnienceinent Speaket/ • • • • 314; is the night nr ghnsts and 1 AUditatioini: irflowi For ,Antititillient. goblins and such,. and L.ucknow Lions Chib have cooked up a Hal- • , lowe'en 1Party for the children iii 1 on"Welceine borne"- was . written now. Mr. Hoag hecame principat the Lucknow Arena. • • the faces of 'the:many who at- in 1947. d • • ' . • 4,4? ••• an served until retirement A parade of Spooki; led by tended the' annual commencement .1 in 1960, During thi.'s tittle he mov- . . tile Lticknow District High School 'exercises of Luderiow District High ed from the " 1 • Lions Raise $600 In Rummage Sale, Tour Douglas Point Monday Night 'Lucknow District Lions Club Lions ex ress d th k • . to the will have about $600 for welfare. officials at Douglas Point for the / • work as . a result of the annual tour. Guests Clarence Bell, George, • • rummage sale held last week -end: Newbold and Cliff Crawford were This was reported to the club at welcomed. An invitation was re -1 • their regular meeting on Monday ceived to a. joint 25th anniversary • i ' • o d to the Band whiaz leader Elwin Hall says has its •share of devils in the ranks will leave th Publi , e c School at 7:30 and parade to the arena. _ _ • . . • , . • • , • • . new School in • the school auditorium -when the , new high sched, Was last Friday //night. 'The welcome constructed. was: directed at P. W. 'Hoag who addressed the graduates and au- •dience in • the sehool - where- he Cash prizes will be given for once served as • . , , , , . 'e • costumes for pre-school up to grade eight.' There will be a nut b n . ea or •the kids. It's a night for the whole family, make sure you're there wh with thein. ch took the fotin of a bus triP Of the .Harriston and Palmerston . to -the Douglas . Point Nucleari • s and a 4Oth anniversary of . Po:wer Station. north of Kincar . dine. the Sudbury Lions: • The bus load of 31 left Luk- Edna and Rae Watson, now of., now shortly after 7 p.m. on Mon- London where Rae is a member' day and arrived there about all of the London Cenral Lions, were • haur. later. The club . were -shown in Vited up to participate in the a film on theoperation of. the I Rummage Sale where" they al : - Plant which reviewed the construe. ways have been so valuable. A tion to • date. Chief guide Ivan letter of thanks was sere to them Lloyd and ' three of his ' guiding for their help. Members were re- • group •toured the Club through 'minded of " a Rummage store • the entire site. Returning to the clean-up on, Tuesday and of the • • theatre, the bond -of -the -m o ntIb Hallowe'en party Saturday. Mere: draw was made with Ernest Lion was made that Crest Hard- `"Preck" Button taking home the ware and Ashton's Ladies' and • $100. Jack IlleDonagh won thecon- Men's Wear had donated adver- ventioti draw. Using space in support ' of the Bob Pinlay, president of the rummage. sale. • ATTEND F,UNERAL OF ',KENNETH AGNEW AT MILTON Kenneth Agnew of Milton .pass ed away • on • Thursday, October 22nd. Ile is survived by his wife the formet Margaret Irwin of Lucknow, daughter of the late Mr. and' Mrs. .tames Irwin of the 2nd . eeneeSsion Of .Kinloss. One son Douglas and two grandchild- ren, Nancy and Richard Agnew of Willowdale, • also survive. The funeral was Monday a t Milton. Mrs. W. P. MeDonald, Mrs. Pord Cunningham and Mrs. ,f10.01G.t.hRiseecod mattntennindedty'...the funeral Mr, Hoeg was introduced by Mrs. • Jack Hewitt of the teaching staff who worked with him while he was principal here. He was thanked by Miss Eleanor Plum - steel, also a teacher now, who was on the staff when Mr, Hoag • was in Lucknow. - Mr. Hoag, in his familiar way to .any who had attended school under him, threw some very pointed a n d thought-provoking ideas nt the graduate and under- graduate stud.Ints. • Ills humour, interspersed with 'quotations of amour people from the world of Literature and History, made their -points very •well. Mr, tkag, a graduate .of McMaster ttniversity, joined the staff of Lucknow Das- triet High School fl 1944. In the same year he feunded the Luck. now District 14.igh School Band. a Still visible Monument to hiS tomer% for the yotitb of Luck - The attendance at the com- mencement by many who have long since'lost'association with Lucknow District High School was a tribute to this man who served.so ' for the years he was' in Lucknow. The name • "Mr. Hoag" will '.always'' be as - :sedated with man who served his profession' in the highest, man- ner and the fruits of , his work. here' have been carried to ..the four corners of the earth by the students who were part of his life. Mr Hoag. met many *friends following the program and renew- - ed former acquaintances. He is presently living at Strathroy:, his sister and her husband making their home with him. • Peggy Button, head girl • at the school,. presented Mr. Hoag with a gift following his remarks. • The cerninencernent startM with the .academic procession /0 the, front of the auditerium., Grade, 12 and g.-ade 13 graduates Wok their ,itac,t,S ' seage. . The preeea. • (ton on Page 15) •