The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-10-21, Page 11T.
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y Ritchie's. g Lunch was sere, . closed with all repeatinI7 the Lord's
i . held y meeting
is, to
Wesle held •at. Mrs . hymn was : sung and tl*�
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Zion U.C.W. Meeting
Mrs. Howard .. Barger held • the
October 8th meeting at her home.
Roll call was answered by "Some-
thing in which we are Thankful.
for," with 14 members, 2 visitors
and 4 children present.. After the
opening, of the meeting Mrs. Kai-.
ser took .the devotional by pass-
ing out leaflets, Hymn "Wonder-
ful Love" was sung and: Scripture
reading ,Psalm 119 by. Mrs. Kais-,
er, Mrs. Frank Ritchie conducted
chapter two from "God and His
Purpose." Mrs. Wm. G, Hunter,.
will take chapter three. The sec-
ond chapter from the Study. Book
was read by Mrs, Graydon Rit-
chie. 'A Thanksgiving reading'
"Good Wife" by . Mrs. Wm, G.
Hunter was given. Mrs. Eunice
:,Dunsmuir gave a.. 'solo., "Just •a,
Closer. Walk with Thee." Mrs. Ro-
bert 'Helie., gave a reading "On
a Prayer on Growing Old," Thank -
offering envelopes .were handed
in. Reports were . given on shut-
ins, with Mrs. Eunice Dunsmuir
' and Mrs. John Hunter for Novem-
ber. Plans were made for the
bazaar on November '.14th in Luck -
now. Mrs,'` Frank Ritchie gave the •
treasurer's report, stating that
two' prizes were won for ' the 4H
club ,project • in Ltj'cknow and Tees -
water Fairs. Our allocation for
1964 has .not been received. Judges
for aprons were Mrs; Allan • Gib-•
son and Mrs. Mercer (Sybil Bar;-,
ger). ;;Fancy apron Mrs. Eldon
Ritchie, and work apron — Mrs.
Gordon Kirkland. Presbyterial to
be . held in Blyth October 19th..
Anyone wishing to go. at Zion is
to, contact the president. .A Thanks-
giving prayer from the hymnary
was' read in: unison. The Novem-
e by the hostes:,es Mrs. Howard' Prayer in. uniso.,.
Barger, Mrs. .John Gardner and,
Mrs. Marshall 'Gibson
" Presbyterian W,M,S,
The Octobermeeting of the
Lucknow Presbyterian W.M.S. was
.held on October , 7th in the Sun-
day School room of the church,
'It was opened by -Mrs, C. Fin- •
layson repeating a verse on Oc-
tober, followed by a all • repeating
the Aim and Purpose of . the
W.MS., •in unison: A 'hymn, was
sung, and all repeated the 92•
Psalm, which was followed with
prayer by Mrs. C,' Finlayson, Mrs,
W,- Parrish gave' the Bible Study,'
taken • from Romans 8: 14 to 28.
The Prayer Circle was 'given • by
Mrs,. P, Stewart and Mrs. 11.
Nixon. Hymn 371 wasthen sung,
• and the roll call ' taken, by the
members repeating a verse of 1st
Samuel. There were 22 ladies ,pre-
sent,/ The minutes were read by
the' secretary, ' Miss N. Malcolm,
and were approved. Mrs. Clayton
Edwards of Goderich, was • chosen
as guest speaker for the Thank-
offering meeting on October 20th,
It was .decided to invite the la-
dies of St, Helens, Kinlough and
the United . Church societies 'to the'
meeting., A lunch coxnmittee was
named; and Mrs. .KChester and
Mrs. C. Finlayson were; naikned to
help with the .Mission Band:. The
Glad Tidings subscriptions for an-
other year were received by Mrs
K. Chester, in' the absence of . Mrs.
W. Porteous. Prayer was : then
given by Mrs. N. MacKenzie. The
Mission Study on India was taken
by Mrs : N. 'Johnston. She 'stated
that poverty and Hinduism were
the two chief obstacles, toward
converting. India to Christianity. A
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Unit 2 met at, the -home of Mrs.
W. Wharry. Mrs. K. Cameron
opened .the meeting with a thanks-
giving reading, "Gods Gifts . to
Man". Leadership of the unit was
discussed and .Mrs, G, MacDonald
and Mrs. W. Wharry will be in
charge .until the end of the year.
Mrs. K. Cameron expressed thanks
for the successful Rugs and Crafts
display. Our thankoffering will be
held on Monday, November 16th,
the speaker being ' Rev, Anne Gra-
ham of London. We have been 'in-
vited by the U.C,W. of Dungannon
to, attend their Bazaar and Tea
.on November 12th, The roll call,
"What I 'have to be thankful for:"
was answered, by 23 members.
Mrs. K. Murdie took charge of the
program. Mrs. W. Mills read the
100th . Psalm and thoughts ' .on
Thanksgiving. Mrs: J. Hunter read
"A New Song". Mrs,. K. Murdie
capably dealt with the . study book
on the tiny country of Nepal where
Mount • Everest is situated, This
country is on the north east border
of India and is . now an indepen-
dent state. . The church ,is growing
but it : is illegal to be a Christian:
Mrs. J. Hunter, read a Thanks-
givings ' poem and Mrs:. K. Murdie
closed with prayer. '
The . regular monthly meeting
of South'.,Kinloss W.M.S. and the
Fall. Thankoffering meeting, were
combined on October 14 at • the
home of Mrs. • ;Allister Hughes.
Mrs. Ted :Collyer presided ' and the
directors. were Mrs. Fraser Mac-
Kinnon and Mrs. Frank .. MacKen-
zie. . An invitation . was received
from ,Kinlough W.M:S. for ' 'their
meeting October . 27. A letter
from Mrs. • Tom Austin enclosing
a ;gift of $10 for the Society was
read. Glad Tidings subsciptions
were• received by, Mrs. : Annie
MacIntyre.: Bible Study was Psalm
147 and roll call answered by ..a
verse with "Praise".' The . guest
speaker was Mrs. Elmer Kennedy
of Bluevale. She was introduced
by Mrs. W. F. '. MacDonald and
after • herr talk. was thanked, by
Ms. Buckton' and presented with
a remembrance. Mrs: Sandy Mac-
Leod' contributed a solo and 'also
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a Thanksgiving reading • M"s.
Harry Lavis had, charge of the
prayer . .circle. Readings were
given: by Mrs. Currie Colwell and
Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon, Mrs. Frank .
MacKenzie gave the -courtesy re- I.
marks and Mrs. .Rod MacLeod
.the offertory prayer,. Mrs. 11. Camp-
bell closed the meeting with pray-'
er and. 'hostess and directors ,ser-
ved lunch.
UNIT 1 U.C.W. •
Unit. 1 of the 'U.C.W. met 'at Mrs.
Harold Treleaven's- home .on Oot
ober 13 with 12. members in attend-
ance. The roll all was .answered
,with what we are. thankful for. •
Mrs. C. Webster gave the treas-
urers report. An• invitation from I
Dungannon U.C.W. to attend a
tea and bazaar on November 12th k
was extended to our 'group. 'Mrs.
Stuart reported , on ` ' Stewardship.,',
Mrs. R. Robertson took charge
of the program. Following.prayer;
psalm •693 was -read' in unison.
Mrs. Treleaven read the ' scripture
and -Mrs. Robertson led in prayer
followed by the. Lord's Prayer in.
unison. Mrs. Balzer sang a beau-
eau-tiful• solo. Mrs. S. Stothers very I
capably took charge of the Study'
Book .in the /absence of Mrs. Dren-
nan. Mrs:' McDiarmid, Mrs: G.
Stuart and• Mrs. Balzer sang a
very pleasing trio. Mrs. ' T. Hac-
kett gave a reading followed, by
the benediction. Mrs. R. 'Robert-
Son •conducted a Biblical contest.
The' hostess and committee` served'
a very delicious lunch and a social
time : was enjoyed.
The October ' meeting of the
C.W.L. of St. • Augustine was held
in the -rectory on -Tuesday evening
'October 13th with a good attend-
ance. • Reports of the Deanery
lir eeting held in :. Brodhagen on
September 23rd .were given by.
Mrs • G. ''Redmond and, Mrs, ,C. •
Boyle, It was decided' . to send a
donation • to Sundale . Manor. , A!
series of 'card parties will start on ,
November 13 ' and will continue
every second Friday evening until
',December 11. Mrs. Theodore Red-
mond . and Mrs. Raymond ' Boyle.
i are the conveners for' the first•one. 1
The next meeting . will be held on
November. 9th... in the rectory with
Mrs, Gus Redmond and Mrs:. Cyril" ,
Boyle' providing the • lunch. At the r
.close of the meeting lunch . was
served by Mrs. 'Joe Hickey and ?'
Mrs. Gus ' Devereaux.
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Grard.Bend Weekl
ewspaper Folds
Planned ; as a year-round weekly.
newspaper., "The Grand Bend Hol•
iday" announced in last . week's
issue suspension..of : publication of
'„,the . newspaper. It will resume
publication next summer, . how=
e v e r, ' as a °summer; holiday •
'months newspaper only:
Editor -publisher .is Wilma D
Dinni , formerly of The. Clinton
News Record. Assistant is Morley
Chalmers, formerly of The;'. God-
erich SignalStar./
In giving reasons . for the 'sus-
pension of publication, "The Grand
Bend Holiday" publisher • announc-
ed' .the following:' •
• "We' have asked 'Whynot a
year-round HOLIDAY?' • and we
found that about 50 people wanted
to subscribe to the, paper:
"Our first after -season , issue
I 'sold 250 copies on the• news-stands:
'"We, know that people like to
read t he HOLIDAY. ' However,
I every newspaper is ' wholely de-
f .pendent on its• advertisers for its
size and Shape. It must be need-
ed • by . the businessmen in - the
om eally sound
"A paper of the size .and scope
of the ' recent HOLIDAY. . is : not
n t.
I economically feasible: '
"Also, we have had' some. prob-.
lems inproduction .which.. are dif-
ficult to resolve. The expense of
travelling '.36 'miles several times
each ,week. to th . printing plant
in which the HOLIDAY is printed
at Exeter, ' plus • long hours of
`'night: work after the, regular pro-
auction, scheduleis. finished - there,
have . takenei 7 r toll. .
t '
"We are deeply appreciative ciah'
ve ' of
the support given us by those
who want a •HOLIDAY the `.year-
round, and. .we regret that . we
cannot ,fulfill . the promise • trade
to them.
"Subscribers will • have • their
money returned to thein' as. soon
as ,'cheques can ' he written un-
less they wish • to remain sub-
scribers for the time when the
HOLIDAY is again published. In
that case the expiry date on their
subsceription will be advanced."
All men are created equal and
endowed by their creator with an
insatiable urge to :become other-
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